A Raw Deal with Melody Williams
(3 John 2) Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers.
Have a wonderful day Love, Melody
any of us recoil at the thought of eating raw but raw foods expert Melody Williams is convinced that we don’t have to. Melody was introduced to raw eating by a friend several years ago. So dramatic was the increase in her energy level that she has been hooked ever since. Her journey began with a 60-day raw foods challenge and has evolved to a complete lifestyle adaptation. Her passion to help the rest of us live healthier, happier pain free and disease free lives has led to the release of her first book, Raw Inspirations. Raw Inspirations is a beautiful gift book of delicious recipes and easy-to-prepare dishes made of live fruits vegetables, herbs and nuts. The raw chili recipe (on the next page) is taken from page 4 of her book. Raw Inspirations is available on her web site for $10 at www.melodysrawinspirations.com. “We do not have to be sick, and it is not God’s fault when we do fall ill,” says Melody. “It is pointless to pray to God for healing when we will not eat the natural foods He created for us to keep us healthy but keep putting bad foods into our bodies,” she says. “This would be like praying for a job but refusing to complete an application. “Rather, we can pray for knowledge on how to properly fuel our bodies,” Melody says. “We need to be proactive when it comes to our health. “When we get sick we run to the doctors who give us drugs instead of telling us to get off the PF&J (Processed Foods and Junk) and change the way we eat,” she says. “Drugs will not heal our bodies and there is no diet that will do what eating healthy does for us,” Melody adds. “It is no secret that processed foods harm our bodies. Skip the PF&J and add the RF&J (Raw foods and Juicing).”
I Can’t Believe It’s Raw Chili Texas says it has the best chili, hands down. But that was until raw chili came around! I love all the wonderful advantages of raw food, and one of my favorites is the reduced clean up time in the kitchen. That’s right! No more scrubbing and soaking pots and pans; you’ll just rinse, wipe and put away. Now, some people say that a disadvantage of eating raw is that these healthy organic foods can be expensive. However, think of it as an investment in your health. The healthier you are, the less likely your need to go to the doctor, which will be far more expensive than eating raw.
Kick off your raw foods transition with a 21-day detox program provided on Melody’s website. www.melodysrawinspirations.com
42 www.outspokenmagazine.org
1 Portabella mushroom ½ red bell pepper 2 roma tomatoes 1 avocado 2 veggie sausages* SUMMER 2013
3 cloves of garlic 1 tsp of sea salt 1 tbsp of chili powder 1 tsp of cumin 1 tsp of chili chipotle powder ½ jalapeno pepper (remove seeds) 1 tbsp of olive oil Juice of one lemon
Directions: Chop all ingredients, place in bowl and stir then serve. *I use Smart Sausages Mexican Chipotle, available at Kroger, Whole Foods and the DeKalb Farmers Market.
To contact Melody for a raw foods consultation or to purchase her book, Email: goraw@melodysrawinspirations.com Health & Wellness (Physical, Spiritual, Financial) — For many adult survivors of child abuse, most of the bad things have stopped happening; but they don’t know how to make the good begin to happen. Adults may need as much nurturing as children at times. Since many of us were not taught basic life management skills, we offer training and tips on how to regain control of your life by looking after your body, soul and spirit.