Unplanned Pregnancy Counselling Training Presented by SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters)
Aimed at counsellors, psychologists, doctors, nurses, chaplains, social workers and others with qualifications and/or experience in counselling, this three-day course will provide participants with the fundamental knowledge, skills and attitudes required to provide effective and sensitive unplanned pregnancy counselling. Participants will gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding around areas such as: •
Issues relating to unplanned pregnancy
Appropriate psychosocial assessment
Assisting the woman in pregnancy decision-making
The process and implications of all unplanned pregnancy options using current evidence-based data
Identification of the partner’s involvement, family, social and support systems
Assistance in the reduction of unresolved and/or abnormal grief reactions
The unique and specialised components of unplanned pregnancy counselling, such as a woman’s age, life-stage, religious and/or cultural contexts
Support and clarification of a woman’s individual choice
Referral to an appropriate range of service providers and agencies
Identification of the crisis nature of unplanned pregnancy counselling
The course combines face-to-face trainer-led theory sessions with practical learning activities and is based on experiential, group-based, cooperative learning and adult learning principles. Participants will be able to add to their own level of expertise, with the topics, issues and material used designed to be applicable to what they may find perplexing, challenging or difficult in their work at present.
9am - 4pm each day
Venue : SHQ Lecture room
70 Roe St Northbridge, WA
Cost :
Funded by the Department of Women and Newborn Health Service.
$110. Morning and afternoon tea are provided.
Registration Details Unplanned Pregnancy Counselling Training - Presented by SHQ 9:00am to 4:00pm each day, 14th, 15th and 16th March 2017 Venue: SHQ Lecture room, 70 Roe Street Northbridge WA Funded by the Department of Women and Newborn Health Service Cost: $110 registration fee (GST free) Name: _________________________Preferred name for ID badge: _________________________ **E-mail for confirmation & pre-reading: _______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________Suburb:________________________ Post code:__________ Home Ph: _______________Mobile: ______________Fax: ______________ To reserve your place, please fax, email or post this form with *payment of $110 registration fee (GST free) per applicant to: Carol Millar, SHQ, PO Box 141 Northbridge WA 6865 Ph: 9227 3693 or Fax to 9227 6871 or
[email protected] Payment Method (please tick): Cheque/ Money Order (please make cheque payable to the Family Planning Association of WA (inc.) Credit Card please circle card Type : VISA / MASTERCARD Name of Card Holder: _______________________________________ Card Number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ /__ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry Date: __ / __ *The Registration fee is non refundable however if an applicant needs to cancel their place on the course they can nominate a suitable person to attend in their place. I (please circle) agree/do not agree to SHQ using any photos taken of myself during this course/workshop for the purposes of positive promotion (eg; website, annual report). Signature
If the course participant is not paying, please write the payer details below: Name Organisation
Position Phone
Address This registration form becomes a Tax Invoice on paymen t. Please keep a copy for your records ABN 15 275 099 026 SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters) | PO Box 141, Northbridge WA 6865 | Ph: 9228 3693 | F: 08 9227 6871