Holy Rosary Church Iglesia del Santo Rosario
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Sexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario September 30, 2018 Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil/Sábado de Vigilia 5:30pm Sunday/Domingo 7:15am, 8:45am,10:30am 12:10pm and 1:45pm Spanish/Español 5:30pm Life Teen/Jóvenes
Weekday/Diarias Lauds & Rosary/Laudes y Rosario Mass/Misa Vespers/Vísperas Mass/Misa
7:30am 8:00am 5:15pm 5:30pm
Holy Days/Días Santos Vigil/Vigilia Mass/Misa
5:30pm 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:30pm 7:30pm Spanish/Español
Reconciliation Reconciliación Friday/Viernes 7:00–8:00pm in the church or chapel Saturday/Sábado 4:00–5:00pm in the church By appointment Haga una cita
Eucharistic Adoration Adoración del Santísimo Weekday/Durante la Semana 8:30am–5pm First Friday/Primer Viernes 24 hours/24 horas
Mass at Holy Rosary
Parish Office Phone: (925) 757-4020 Fax: (925) 757-6828 Español: (925) 757-4084 1313 A Street Antioch, CA 94509
Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:30am–6:00pm (closed 12pm–1:30pm) Saturday - Sunday office closed
[email protected]
Website www.holyrosaryantioch.org
Holy Rosary Mission Statement/Declaración de la Misión del Santo Rosario To be disciples and to make disciples. Ser discípulos de Jesús y hacer discípulos.
Our vision is To become a center of formation for discipleship and evangelization. Llegar a ser un centro de formación para el discipulado y la evangelización. Parish Administration Fr. Ramiro Flores, Pastor Fr. Jimmy Macalinao, Parochial Vicar Jackie Hooke, Pastoral Associate Deacon Jerry Grigg Deacon Charles Silvernale, O.P.
757-4020 757-4020 757-4020 757-4020 757-4020
Parish Office Oficina Parroquial
Barbara Daniels, Office Manager Elena Zermeño, Secretary Jorge Aragon, Finance/Business Manager
[email protected] www.holyrosaryantioch.org
Finance Council / Consejo Economico Fr. Ramiro Flores
Liza Lucio
Jorge Aragon
Romy Myszka
Francis Barnes
Lori Ogorchock
Domingo Delgadillo
Joe Stiglich
Holy Cross Cemetery Holy Angels Funeral & Cremation Services
Religious Education (Catechism / CCD)
Yolanda García, Director of Religious Education Rita Cross, Secretary
Holy Rosary School
925-757-0658 East 18th Street, Antioch
We recommend using Catholic Funeral & Cemetery Services at Holy Cross Cemetery. Their staff will contact the parish office to assist you with your arrangements.
Cover photography by Juan Tinnirello
Fely Fajardo, Principal
Youth Ministry Karen Flores, Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Music Ministry
Tim McCain, Director of Music Ministry & Liturgy Beatriz Figueroa, Renovación Carolina Bruno, Unidos en Cristo Jose Cadena, Voces de Cristo Nicholas Hernandez, Santo Rosario
Hermanas Dominicas
595-3752 437-4074
[email protected] (deadline for admission into next week's bulletin is noon Monday)
Additional images courtesy of https://www.google.com/search
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Sor Olivia Gutiérrez Sor Ángeles Gómez
Sacramentos/Quinceaneras Alejandrina Martinez, Director Hispanic Ministry
Bulletin Editor
Please stop by the church office or visit our website to register. Registration enables you to enroll in sacramental and Religious Education programs and receive regular parish mailings.
You must be a registered Parishioner at Holy Rosary to be baptized . To register for baptism, please call the church office at least two months in advance for the baptism schedules.
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Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick If you have a serious or ongoing illness or if you are scheduled for surgery, contact the church office immediately at 757-4020.
Weddings Weddings should be scheduled at least six months in advance. Preparation information is available at the church office. Please call us at 757-4020 for details.
This Week at Holy Rosary Sat. 9/29
4:00pm Church
San Lorenzo Ruiz Mass & reception 5:30pm Church Sun. 9/30 Tues. 10/2
Confirmation Class
3:00pm Parish Center
Life Teen
7:00pm Life House
Bible Study
8:30am Basement
Sr. Confirmation Class
6:30pm Sto Niño House
Our Lady of the Rosary Novena 6:30pm Chapel RCIA
7:00pm Parish Center
Charismatic Prayer Group 7:30pm Chapel Wed. 10/3
Legion of Mary
9:00am Sto Niño House
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 6:00pm Chapel Our Lady of the Rosary Novena 6:30pm Chapel Thurs. 10/4
Charismatic Choir
7:00pm Church
Small Group Ministry
9:00am Parish Center
St Vincent de Paul
10:00am Parish Center
Our Lady of the Rosary Novena 6:30pm Chapel Fri. 10/5
Bible Study
7:00pm Life House
Stations of the Cross
5:00pm Church
First Friday Mass
5:30pm Church
Divine Mercy Prayer Group 6:00pm Basement Our Lady of the Rosary Novena 6:30pm Chapel
Sat. 10/6
7:00pm Church
7:30pm Parish Center
1:00pm Church
Blessing of the Animals
1:00pm Lawn area
4:00pm Church
Our Lady of the Rosary Novena 6:30pm Chapel Sun. 10/7
Confirmation Class
3:00pm Parish Center
Our Lady of the Rosary Novena 6:30pm Chapel Life Teen
7:00pm Life House
Readings for the Week Monday: Tuesday:
Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50 Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; Lk 9:57-62 Thursday: Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Lk 10:1-12 Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lk 10:13-16 Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24 Sunday: Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16 [2-12]
Ministry Corner Hi all: I am writing this just a few hours after the end of Harvest Faire. It has been a wonderful weekend and it is the epitome of ministry at its finest. So many people stepped forward to help us prepare for this annual celebration. We can thank so many people and if I started listing them I would accidentally skip someone and I would feel terrible. Preparation for the Faire started last January. We met once a week and worked together as a team. Our goal was to have one of the best Harvest Faires ever. Once we started meeting, we learned that the Health Department was going to impose their regulations on us. This turned everything upside down. A few of us became certified as food handlers. It seems like every day we were discussing options for hand washing, how many mesh nets we needed, and whether our existing canopies would work this year or not. After every discussion our committee worked long and hard to get everything purchased at nominal prices. (Our sponsors paid for all the netting and other donors covered the cost of the canopies). These were, no doubt, small things when you match them against year long ministries, BUT even a small act is greater than no act at all. They were able to put up the stage, empty the container of supplies, put up the Kiddieland Tent, do security, put up canopies and figure out how to attach the mesh to it. And the set-up went on and on. We had those who shopped for supplies, planned the menus, and set up their own booths.The weekend of the Faire the chairpersons were there for three days and keep the food and drinks going. Then there were the members of the bank, the entertainers, and the clean-up crew. Everyone dug in and did what they do best. This is ministry! Parishioners coming forward to help their parish community, utilizing their God-given strengths. I know everyone is tired, some are exhausted, but it’s a happy tired! They know they worked for God...what could be better than that? Saint Mother Teresa said “Do all things with great love.” I firmly believe that those who worked so hard for Harvest Faire live those words. There isn’t one unsung hero this week, but many. All those who did anything to help the Faire are my unsung heroes. How can I ever pick one or two when SO many had an impact on the Faire? Have a great week.
Blessings, Jackie
Annual Blessing of the Animals This year you’ll have two opportunities to bring your pets for a blessing! Please join us on Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 1:00 pm SHARP or Saturday, November 3, 2018 at 1:00 pm SHARP for our Annual Blessing of the Animals Most Holy Rosary Lawn Area For more information, please call the rectory office at 925-757-4020
Mass Intentions SATURDAY 8:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Please Pray For Joe & Gloria Alanis The Augustine Family John Cage Socorro Castillo Gloria Crabaugh The Crowl Family Brian Farinha Rigoberto Felix Willie Ilas Daniel Labre Nicole Lopez
September 29 Micaela Moran† Carlos Lemery, Sr.†
September 30
7:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 1:45 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Sterling and Katie Daniels Maria Ernestina Freitas† President Donald Trump Familia Hurtado† Hermelinda Aranda† Fr. Helmut Richter (healing)
October 1
8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Craig Slatten† Clarence Lepak†
Mobile Mall News & Dates
October 2
8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
THURSDAY 8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Ruben Charette† Martha Elva Treviño†
October 3 All souls of Purgatory Vince & Rose Malfitano (anniversary)
October 4
SATURDAY 8:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m.
Russell Maynard† Olivia Warren
Collection Report
October 6 Martha Fernandez and Ruth Fero† Marie Hund†
Collections from September 23, 2018
Collection Report Collections from September 16, 2018 1st Collection EFT Sept 10 to Sep 16 Total 1st Collection
19,942.55 216.60 20,159.15
Bldgs & Grnds
Capital Campaign Campaign Bank Dep September 17 EFT Sept 10 to Sep 16 Total Campaign
268.00 268.00
2nd Collection (Cathedral debt)
Saturday, September 29, 8:00-noon Carmen Dragon Elementary 4721 Vista Grande Drive, Antioch For more information about this ministry, please call Dee Vergara at 753-1291 or the church office at 757-4020.
Joseph Pham† Eugenio & Assunta Giambona†
October 5
8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Gilberto Ortiz Herminio Rodriguez Joshua Esteban Rodriguez A. Manuel Sanchez Billy and Gloria Silva David Smith Connie Soliz Griselda Solis Germaine Trumm Jesus Ivan Vargas Colin Worster
1st Collection EFT Sept 17 to Sep 23 Total 1st Collection
12,232.00 308.60 12,540.60
Capital Campaign Campaign Bank Dep September 24 EFT Sept 17 to Sep 23 Total Campaign 2nd Collection (Cathedral debt)
$ 3,199.00
Today’s Second collection is for: St. Vincent de Paul Next week’s Special collection is for: Religious Education
$ 1,256.00
St. Vincent de Paul collections Sept. 30th is the 5th Sunday of the month so we will be having the second collection for St. Vincent de Paul the same as always. There are envelopes in the pews and all of the second collection will be going to St. Vincent de Paul. This collection is important as it will be used to purchase the turkeys that we give out at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thank you for your contributions! Please call the office to setup your EFT or send an email to:
[email protected] Thank you!
Holy Rosary’s
Harvest Faire Thank you to those who sponsored Harvest Faire Booths: Bob & Elaine McDonald In Memory of Mary Jane Silvernale In Memory of Marie Hund Charley’s Angels Faith Sharing Group Lori Ogorchock, City Council Woman In Memory of Dennis Hooke Lori Ogorchock, Realtor PTG Knights of Columbus Antioch Florist Friends of Holy Rosary. (3 families) Paul Nelson Sons of Italy Gabriel Project Del Chiaro Family
A New Bible Study Class
Psalms And The New Testament This class will survey fascinating features of the Book of Psalms; the Psalms are part of every liturgy of the Catholic Church. It is the Bible’s prayerbook, and the Church’s prayerbook. Jesus probably had the Psalms memorized. Additionally, we will trace many themes from the Psalms and Old Testament, and see how they develop and blossom in powerful, better ways in the New Testament. The classes will meet twice each week (much like Fr. Bart’s courses), on Tuesday mornings at 8:30 a.m., and Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.* Each week, the Tuesday and Thursday classes will cover the same material, so if you miss Tuesday’s class, you can come to the class on Thursday evening. The meetings will take place in the Parish Center. Classes begin Tuesday September 4 and Thursday September 6, respectively. Richard Murray, formerly a Camaldolese monk, then an innercity schoolteacher in New York City, will facilitate the course. He is finishing his first book now. All parishioners, and everyone from the wider community, are welcome.
Thank you to those who sponsored
Fall Renewal Retreat
Harvest Faire Canopies:
Friday, Oct. 19 - Sunday, Oct. 21
Deacon Charley Nora & Patrick von Ubin Gust/ Lucido family Kiki Gonzalez Boy Scouts of America In Memory of Gina Rubin Del Chiaro Family Anonymous (2) Friends of Holy Rosary Wilkerson family
Spend the weekend renewing your relationship with Jesus. Holy Rosary Parish Center Friday 5:30 - 9:00 pm; Saturday 7:30 am – 9:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am – 5:00 pm Must attend all sessions Last week to register – after Mass or at rectory office No fee to attend, but donations accepted and appreciated. For other information, please call Brenda 925-779-9718
Please support the retreat by offering a donation or volunteering to help.
America Needs Fatima 2018 Public Square Rosary Crusade Join the 2018 Public Square Rosary Crusade on the lawn area of Holy Rosary on Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 12:00 Noon Information Herminio & Rosa Ríos (925) 756-2747
Donations Requested: Bottled water (small bottles); Ground coffee Fruit, nuts, granola bars, yogurt, sun butter Peanut butter Bagels, muffins, croissants; Store-bought desserts Chips Gift Cards – Costco; Cash All donations may be dropped off at the rectory. Volunteers Needed: Set-up, take down, assist logistics coordinator Adoration in Chapel
Holy Holy Rosary’s Rosary’s 2018 2018
Harvest Faire
Photos by Juan Tinnirello
Comunidad Hispana Esta Semana en el Santo Rosario Dom. 9/30
3:00 pm
Lun. 10/1
Grupo Carismático
6:30 pm
Mart. 10/2
Voces de Cristo
7:00 pm
Sótano B
Miérc. 10/3
Liturgia Infantil
4:30 pm
Juev. 10/4
divina Misericordia
Sótano B
Grupo de Mujeres
6:30 pm
Sótano B
Estudio Carismático de la Biblia 7:30 pm centro parroquial Vier. 10/5 Sáb. 10/6
Grupo Juvenil
5:00 pm
Teen House
Groupo Jovenes
6:00 pm
Teen House
9:00 am
Servidores del Altar
2:30 pm
Lecturas de la Semana Lunes: Martes:
Job 1:6-22; Sal 17 (16):1bcd-3, 6-7; Lc 9:46-50 Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Sal 88 (87):2-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Miércoles: Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Sal 88 (87):10bc-15; Lc 9:57-62 Jueves: Job 19:21-27; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Lc 10:1-12 Viernes: Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Sal 139 (138):1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lc 10:13-16 Sábado: Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Sal 119 (118):66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lc 10:17-24 Domingo: Gn 2:18-24; Sal 128 (127):1-6; Heb 2:9-11; Mc 10:2-16 [2-12]
Comunidad Hispana
Bautizos y Quinceañeras: (925) 757-4084 Alejandrina Martínez: Bienvenida (925) 726-5990 Martha y Fernando Avalos (925) 778-4278 Isabel Gallard Catequesis Infantil (925) 757-9515 Yolanda Garcia COROS: -Santo Domingo (Niños) -Adultos Renovación (925) 595-3752 con Betty y Marco Figueroa
-Santo Rosario (925) 458-9534 Nicolás Hernández -Voces de Cristo (510) 304-2556 José Cadena Danza Azteca (925) 382-3767 Alfredo López Formación Cristiana Domingo 1ro y 3ro de c/d mes de 9:00am a 11:30am en el Centro Parroquial (925) 757-7333 Hermanas Dominicas Grupo de Adolescentes: Viernes 5:30pm a 7:00pm (925) 757-7333 Sor. Marcela Grupo de Jóvenes: Viernes 7:00pm a 9:30pm en la casita de los jóvenes (Life Teen) (925) 727-6812 Miguel Venegas, Jr. Grupo de Oración: Miércoles 7:30pm en la Capilla (925) 778-4278 Isabel Gallard (925) 732-2703 Oralia Gutiérrez
Hermanas Dominicas en Casita Hispana de jueves a domingo (925) 757-7333 Lectores (925) 548-5821/(925) 642-1532 Carlos and Ana Gladys Campos Liturgia Infantil Miércoles a las 4:30-6:30pm en la Iglesia (925) 305-6892 Roxana Ibarra Matrimonios Unidos en el Espíritu Santo en el Sótano viernes 2do y 4to del mes 7:30pm (925) 848-6067 Ángeles y Jesús Tapia Mejor Mujer Jueves 6:30pm a 8:30pm en el Sótano (510) 798-8955 Magaly Monroy Ministros de la Eucaristía (925) 783-3572 Rosy Gaytán Monaguillos: Sábados 3:00pm (925) 529-7806 Nancy Sánchez Monitores (925) 754-8624 Carmen Landeros Oración Carismática: Lunes 7:30pm en la Iglesia (925) 756-2747 Herminio y Rosa Ríos Religiosidad Popular (925) 642-3625 Sandra Lopez RICA Martes 7:30pm a 9:30pm en el Centro Parroquial (925) 848-7411 Jesús Tapia
Holy Rosary Ministry List
For more information, visit www.HolyRosaryCatholicSchool.org or call Bryan Hourigan 925-878-6592
If you’d like to get involved in one of these ministries, please contact the person listed here. African Catholic Community Remy Ibe 301-7528 Altar Servers Allison Norris 706-2188 Baptisms/Baptism Classes Deacon Charles Silvernale 757-4020 Barbara Daniels 757-4020 Catholic Daughters of America Sophie Zimmerman 628-9891 CCD/Religious Education Yolanda Garcia 757-9515 Charismatic Prayer Group (English) Dana King 238-6154 Charismatic Prayer Group (Spanish) Herminio Rios 756-2747 Children’s Sunday Liturgy Barbara Daniels 757-4020 Confirmation Program Karen Flores 757-9515 Cub Scouts #458 Demelza Innes 457-6655 Cursillo Larry Hopwood 813-1364 CYO Tim/Diane Chavez 516-1400 Detention/Jail Ministry Mike Filograsso 628-1623 Divine Mercy Andre LoGrasso 754-3665 Dominican Laity Michael Norris 706-2188 Eucharistic Ministers Betty Scott 757-1171 Evenings for the Engaged Robert/Lynn Velasquez 706-7636 Filipino American Club Ernie Sabio 783-1326 First Saturday Prayer Group Ed Pangelinan 779-1893 Gabriel Project Kathy Sturgeon 458-4683 Greeters Lisa Yano 626-3502 Health Faire (Lyon’s Club Sponsored) Aileen Hayes 813-8014 Hispanic Ministries Alejandrina Martinez 757-4084 Dominican Sisters 757-7333 International Medical Mission Aileen Hayes 813-8014 Knights of Columbus Marc Lucio 338-6590 Knights of Columbus 4th° Bob Liles 754-4247 Lectors Sammie Garcia 354-5601 Safi Wright 925-7143 Legion of Mary Susan Nelson 754-7349 Liturgy Committee Liza Lucio 207-8872 Mobile Mall Dee Vergara 753-1291 Barbara Jackson 706-2802 Music Ministry Tim McCain (602) 989-9553 Our Lady of Fatima Fatima Salgueiro 240-1787 Leslie Daniels 437-3760 Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Cell Andrea Vitalie 778-7575 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Maryse Delgadillo 584-0428 Parking Lot Security Team Marc Lucio 338-6590 RCIA/Adult Faith Formation Deacon Charles Silvernale 757-4020 Small Faith Sharing Groups Brenda Steffen 779-9718 St. Anne’s Altar Society Helen Worley 757-0558 St. Vincent de Paul Bob Liles 754-4247 Sons of Italy Edna Esposito 978-3961 Theatre Group Tim Hooke 757-1270 Ushers of Holy Rosary Francis Barnes 642-9365 Welcome Committee/Outreach Bob McDonald 779-1123 YLI Rosemary Alexander 305-9344 Youth & Young Adults Karen Flores 757-9515