ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 3800 Big Bethel Rd. ~ Tabb, VA 23693 757-766-3800 ~ 757-766-1125 (FAX) Fr. Bob Spencer Pastor ext.304
[email protected] Ms. Lori Yankoski Office Manager ext. 301 Director of Music
[email protected] Mrs. Claudia Sowell Administrative Assistant ext. 305
[email protected] Mrs. Debra Gausmann Director of Religious Education ext.303
[email protected] Mrs. Marybeth Young Religious Education PK4-5th ext. 302
[email protected]
LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekday - Tues, Wed, Thurs - 12 Noon Saturday - 5:30PM Sunday - 8:30 & 11:00AM Parish Office Hours M-Th 8:30am-4pm RECONCILIATION 1st & 3rd Sat of each month 4:00-4:30PM - Daily Mass Chapel
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Community Vision Statement: “We worship, learn, and serve in community following Jesus Christ who is our source and summit.”
THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME November 18, 2018 Weekly Offering for Nov 11, 2018 Regular Offering needed weekly: $10,904.00 Offertory 5:30 PM 8:30AM 11:00 AM mail in Total
Tithe $2,350.00 $3,420.00 $7,727.00 $1,954.00 $15,451.00
Total $2,720.00 $3,624.00 $8,069.00 $1,954.00 $16,367.00
YTD Budgeted Need YTD Budget collected Overage/(Shortage)
$218,080.00 $193,271.58 ($24,808.42)
Military Archdiocese
Mass Intentions Sat. Nov 17 5:30 PM +Sarnecki family, by Pat Goetz Sun. Nov18 8:30 AM +Chief Pat Minnetti, by the Pinello family 11:00 AM Parishioners Sat. Nov 24 5:30 PM +John Eric Jean, by Goetz family Sun. Nov 25 8:30AM Parishioners 11:00 AM Parishioners
BREVIARY: Nov 18, Thir ty Third Sunday in Or dinary Time, pg. 538, week I, pg. 11.
Welcome to our Parish Family through Baptism: Cooper Kervella son of Louis and Kinsley Kervella Knox Kervella, son of Louis and Kinsley Kervella Logan Gilberto Marchena, son of Ivan and Kristina Mendez Robert Thomas Sparkman III, son of Bryan and Stephanie Sparkman REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH Jordan Wolff, Rita Kehoe, Hilda Soares, JoAnne Messick, Deanie Rockey, Jim Rockey, Kathy Hardenbrook, Natalie O’Brien, Pierrette Tipton, Bob Bennett, Rosemarie Tinari, Brenda Mattox, Jack Campbell, Carmen Grella, Joe Schulz, Doug Starrett, Arlene Kopek, Catherine Dress, Elaine Zando, Margaretta McMahon, Betty Brilsky, Sam Pinello, Dolores Foster, Rob Yankoski, Tom Clasen, and Ray Mineck REMEMBER THE SICK FAMILY MEMBERS OF OUR PARISHIONERS Cheryl Kelly, Betty Murphy, Martina Batan, Connie Kenneally, Robert Rulli, Ken MacNeel, Joseph Hudson, Frank Young, Paul Schnepp, Ed O’Donnell, Angelique Binney, Bill & Marianne LaMarsh, Anna Grzybowski, Senan Halpin, Alice Caldwell, Bonnie Walter, Elissa Reynolds, Barbara Cotters, Robert Letchworth, Gloria Lizak, Richard Lowack, Dolores Lowack, Jay Cote and Maria Perez
Many thanks to Frank Martino for building the hand rails for the altar!!
CALENDAR OF MEETINGS AND EVENTS: Sunday, November 18 Haiti Sponsorship RCIA Inquiry Religious Education– PK4-5th grade Confirmation JYG & SYG Monday, November 19 Adult Faith Formation-Catholicism Wednesday, November 21 Women’s Bible Study Parish office is closed Thursday, November 22 Happy Thanksgiving!! Office is closed Saturday, November 24 Haiti Sponsorship Sunday, November 25 Haiti Sponsorship
after both Masses 9:40 am/ Day Chapel 9:45 am 1:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm/Alcove 9:30 am/Annex No Daily Mass
No Mass after 5:30 Mass after all Masses
Please send all bulletin announcements to Claudia by Tuesday noon at:
[email protected]
PORT - if you are interested in making your Thanksgiving extra special this year, consider working at the PORT homeless shelter with your fellow St. Kateri parishioners at Temple Baptist Church the evening of November 24 or the morning of November 25. To volunteer, contact Eileen Leininger at 868-0416 or
[email protected] Our Haiti Student Sponsorship begins this weekend and continues through Nov. 25. The cost for sponsorship is $100 for a primary student and $200 for secondary, and includes all school expenses and a daily hot meal. Sponsorships are available after all weekend masses. If you would like to sponsor a child, please contact Judy Townsend at 757-876-2417 or
[email protected] Every step is a step for Haiti’s future! Join us in our annual “Run/Walk with the Son for Haiti 5K” on Sat., Dec. 1, 2018. This family fun race through Running Man will help us raise money for the education of the children of St. Michel, our sister parish in Haiti. Silent auction/raffle, good food and live entertainment. Register now! The PreK-5th RE program is participating in the Salvation Army Fill-A-Stocking campaign. Empty stockings with instructions on what to fill them with were distributed in classes this weekend. The stockings must be returned to church by Sunday Dec., 2. There will be a collection box located by the RE bulletin board.
Adult Faith Formation: Our new study, “The Gospel of St. Luke” will be on Monday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the alcove, meeting Dec 3-Feb 25. The new church year begins on Dec 2 and we move to Cycle 3 of the Gospel Readings, The Gospel of Luke. Material cost is $15, sign up on the Adult Faith Formation Table. Dave Ramsey “Financial Peace University” wor kshop is coming to St. Kater i fr om J an 3March 7. He offers guidelines to getting out of debt, cash flow planning, buying decisions, insurance, retirement & college planning, real estate & mortgages, monthly budgeting and more. Dave Ramsey teaches us how to manage our money from a Christian perspective. Sign up on the AFF table. Cost is $99 payable on Jan 3 or online for $129. Contact Debbie Gausmann in the office for more information.
Let us live and love in our marriage as we await the coming of Jesus. Take time for your marriage by attending the Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on Mar 1-3, 2019 in Hickory, NC and Mar 22-24, 2019 in Herndon, VA. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact us at applications@r enewmar r or 757-6901369.
The American Red Cross is cur r ently facing a sever e blood shor tage! Please donate blood. Call 1-800-RED Cross to schedule an appointment or go to Our next blood drive is January 11.
Bishop A. Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our diocese to notify civil authorities, call the Attorney General’s Clergy Abuse Hotline at 1-833-454-9064, and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Jennifer Sloan at 1-877-887-9603. ___________________________________________________________________________________
We wish you a very Blessed Thanksgiving!! Father Bob and the Staff of St. Kateri
ST KATERI TEKAKWITHA CATHOLIC COMMUNITY MISSION STATEMENT In following J esus Chr ist who is our sour ce and summit, the mission of the St. Kateri Tekakwitha community is to worship, learn and serve through full, active and conscious participation in the Mass which empowers our ministry and activity. Active and engaging formation programs for all ages. Recognizing and serving Christ in individuals according to their needs. Actively pursuing service opportunities to expand our reach and impact and through promoting a welcoming community that meets the needs of a dynamic people of God..