16 Poplar Avenue Staten Island, New York 10309
St. Joseph Joseph--St. Thomas St. John Neumann Parish www.sjstsjn.org
6123 Amboy Road Staten Island, New York 10309
October 29, 2017 REV. ROBERT W. DILLON, Pastor REV. EVANGELIO R. SUAYBAGUIO, Parochial Vicar REV. NEIL A. KELLY, Parochial Vicar REV. RIZALINO P. GARCIA, Parochial Vicar DEACON E. GARY VILLANUEVA, M.D. MRS. MARY ELLEN CILENTO, Principal MRS. ELIZABETH A. BRIM, Director of Religious Education MRS. NANCY GALLO, Coordinator of Religious Education MR. GREGORY M. HAUCK, Coordinator of Religious Education DR. CHARLES P. TALLEY, Director of Music MR. FRANK DeCANDIDO, Sports Council President MASSES Saturday Evening: St. Joseph: 5:00 P.M. St. Thomas: 6:00 P.M. Sunday: St. Joseph: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 12:00 Noon St. Thomas: 9:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. Italian Mass 11:00 A.M., 1:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M. HOLY DAYS:
Due to the variable nature of Holy Days, the schedule of Masses for these special celebrations will be printed in the bulletin prior to the feasts Weekdays: St. Joseph: Monday—Saturday 9:00 A.M. St. Thomas: Monday—Friday 7:00 A.M., 8:00 A.M. Saturday 8:00 A.M. DEVOTIONS:
Miraculous Medal: Mondays after the 7:00 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. Masses at St. Thomas Church and after the 9:00 A.M. Mass at St. Joseph Church Our Lady of the Community (Virgin of the Barangay): 1st Saturday of the month—Rosary 6:00 P.M., Mass at 7:15 P.M. at St. Thomas Church.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH OFFICE HOURS:
Sunday—Saturday 9:00 A.M.—8:00 P.M. St. Thomas is Accessible. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM
Baptism is administered on all Sundays of the month at 2:30 P.M.. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the sacrament SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE
The Sacrament of Matrimony is an image of God’s love and commitment to us. Couples should make arrangements with a priest at least six months prior to the ceremony. The date of the ceremony should be finalized with the church prior to making any other arrangements ANOINTING OF THE SICK
The Sacrament of the Sick comforts and strengthens the seriously ill and the elderly. It is a help for the living. We should not wait until there is a danger of death. In case of emergency call the Rectory. COMMUNION OF THE SICK
Regular administration of the Sacraments should be arranged for shut-ins by calling the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
Saturdays: 4:00—4:45 P.M. at St. Joseph 5:00—5:45 P.M. at St. Thomas On the last weekend of each month, the priests will be available for confessions before, during and after al the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Confessions can always be scheduled individually by calling the parish office.
PARISH OFFICE 718 356-0294 ● PARISH OFFICE FAX 718 948-3885 ● SCHOOL 718-356-3344 ● RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 718 984-1156
St. Joseph’s Church Saturday, October 28, 2017 5:00pm(Vigil) Frank & John LaDonna Sunday, October 29, 2017 8:00am Lydia Oppedisano 10:00am Avidano & Tedeschi Family 12Noon Dorothy Galeota WEEKDAYS
Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am
People of the Parish Rosemarie Whyte-1st Anniversary
James Vastola, Jr. All Souls James O’Berg
Saturday, November 4, 2017 9:00am Flora Luparello 5:00pm(Vigil) Michael Esposito Sunday, November 5, 2017 8:00am The Grosso & Matoni Family 10:00am Bambina, Crociata & Caleca Family 12Noon Irene M. & Henry E. Lucas St. Thomas Church Saturday, October 28, 2017 6:00pm(Vigil) Jason Delfino Sunday, October 29, 2017 9:00am The Bohn Family 10:00am Antonia Falco 11:00am Anthony Scandaglia 1:00pm Elena C. Spinelli 6:00pm John Franca –1st Anniversary Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday:
WEEKDAYS 7:00am Winifred Van Pelt 8:00am Anne Palazzo 7:00am Rosa Miceli 8:00am Angel Martinez 7:30pm Albert Grady 7:00am Agnes Geary 8:00am Robert M. Brisk 7:30pm
Jean Marino & Catherine Correale
7:00am 8:00am 7:00am 8:00am
All Souls All Souls Rosa Miceli Cynthia Diaz
Saturday, November 4, 2017 8:00am Concetta D’Onorio DeMeo 6:00pm(Vigil) Michael J. Vozza
Sunday, November 5, 2017 9:00am George Vitanis 10:00am Sibilia & Pietro Dellegrazie 11:00am Thomas Ambrosole 1:00pm Angelo Cardinale 6:00pm Audrey Muraca MEMORIALS Our Bread and Wine this week is offered : At St. Thomas Church In Loving Memory of Jason Delfino requested by Pat Delfino. At St. Joseph’s Church In Loving Memory of Lydia Oppedisano requested by The Oppedisano Family. MARRIAGE BANNS 1st Banns 2nd Banns 2nd Banns 3rd Banns
Andrew Capizzo & Amanda Mantuano
Philip Trombetta & Briana Manza Alessandro Valenti & Francesca Candela
Dennis Smith & Jessica DeLise
ALL SAINTS DAY ALL SAINTS DAY - Wednesday, November 1, 2017
All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation there is an obligation to attend Mass. There will be (1) Vigil Mass: Tuesday, October 31st in St. Thomas at 7:30pm. Our Feast day Masses are as follows: St. Joseph’s 9:00am
St. Thomas 7am, 8am & 7:30pm
ALL SOULS DAY – Thursday, November 2
All Souls Day is a special day when the Church remembers all of our departed brothers and sisters. Our Mass schedule is as follows: Our Mass schedule is as follows: St. Thomas: 7am,8am St. Joseph: 9am Resurrection Cemetery - 11am-Field Mass All Souls Day Mass Intention envelopes for remembrance of our beloved deceased throughout the month of November are available in the Church vestibule and in the Parish Office.
50/50 CLUB “A Winner Every Month – It could be you!”
“Share & Share Alike”
Donation to enter: $5.00 – Next Drawing – October 31st
OUR REMEMBRANCE VIGIL CANDLES will burn for 1 year in St. Thomas Church for: IN LOVING MEMORY OF ALFONZO G. OLIVA requested by Frances Oliva IN LOVING MEMORY OF ANTONIA DICKS “FOREVER IN OUR HEARTS” YOUR LOVING SISTER JOSEPHINE requested by Josephine Ciarovino IN LOVING MEMORY OF RAFFAELE AMBROSIO “ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS” YOUR LOVING FAMILY requested by Rosalia Ambrosio IN LOVING MEMORY OF MARIE & ROSARIO PESSOLANO WE MISS YOU ROE & TIFFANY SIENICKI requested by Rosemarie Sienicki IN LOVING MEMORY OF JOHN & ANGELINA GALLO requested by Gloria G. Taranto IN LOVING MEMORY OF EDWARD T. TARANTO requested by Gloria G. Taranto & Michele Ciechalski IN LOVING MEMORY OF MAE SMIRCICH requested by Maria Smircich IN LOVING MEMORY OF ROSEMARIE FLANNERY requested by Thomas Flannery For more information about Remembrance Candles, please call the Parish Office.
requested byPeter & Kristen Sireci For more information about Sacred Heart Remembrance Candles please call the Parish Office.
MEMORIAL GARDEN PAVING STONE has been memorialized: IN MEMORY OF JOHN JOSEPH McDONNELL requested by: Francesco & Tara Belluscio & Family For more information about Memorial Pavers please call the Parish Office.
Immediately following the 6:00pm Mass at St. Thomas Church there will be a meeting for expectant parents and parents of newborn babies. Parents are expected to be at Mass as well as the meeting. We urge parents to attend before the baby is born. We also urge Godparents to participate by attending this meeting. This is a requirement for all parents prior to the Baptism of their child.
RCIA The RCIA Program (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is available for any adult (non-Christian, Protestant or Catholic) who wishes to receive the sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, or who simply wishes to inquire about becoming Catholic. The process can begin at any time during the year. If you are interested in entering our program, please contact Bill and Mary Beth Bonner through the Parish Office .
SCHEDULED PARISH MEETINGS HOLY NAME SOCIETY/MEN’S CLUB Tuesday, November 14 – 8pm Msgr. Finn Hall – St. Thomas Room All men 18 yrs. of age and older are invited. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Wednesday, November 15- 7:00pm Msgr. Finn Hall - Infant of Prague Room ST. THOMAS ADULT CHOIR Rehearsal every Wednesday at 8pm in St. Thomas Church JUNIOR CHOIR Every Tuesday -4:00 –5:00pm - St. Thomas Church
BIBLE STUDY Every Thursday– 7:30pm – Msgr. Finn Hall ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Thursday, November 30, 2017 – 7:15pm Msgr. Finn Hall Our Christmas Holiday Film: “The Bells of St. Mary’s” Father O’Malley & Sister Benedict visit our parish. Joe Delaney—Program Coordinator Father Neil Kelly – Program Director and Presenter
SICK & HOMEBOUND If someone is homebound or in the hospital, please notify us. Arrangements can be easily made for the Sacrament of Anointing. Holy Communion is brought to the sick by the priests and Eucharistic Ministers weekly or monthly as requested. Please let us know your needs by calling the parish office.
Ethel Ducey, Frank DeJulio, Carol Kopczynski, Ed Kopczynski, Peter Cruciata, John Anthony Benedetto, Christina Greco, Joseph Roesch, Stacy Wolski, Brian Orlick, Joseph Piazza, Thomas Ambrosole, Harriet Cummings, Anthony Bambina, Mary Metzger, Louis Amatrudo, Vincent Ippolito, Dominic Aiello, Frank Vitarelli, Peter Fiorella, Lucy George, Joseph George, James Brady, Danielle Cameron, Edward Joyce, Maria Ruggeri, Maria Gambino, Matthew Taylor, Christina Rodriguez, Albert DeJohn, Dominick Battinelli, Dolores Blake, Dr. Danielle Cavallo, Carol Cincotta, John William Criscuoli, Steven Daquieno, Steve Imbemba, Father John Steven Kostek, Joan La Chance, Lillian Maniscalco, Robert Muscaro, Diana Mazzelli, Steven Mazzelli, Josephine Pellegrino, Rose Pergola, Carmen Pulizotto, Joseph A. Pulizotto, Joseph John Pulizotto, Nydia Roman, Vincent Sorrentino , Leanne Surace, Janet Viso, John Sammit, Maribel Sansone, Vita Stabile, Josephine Marchiano, Thomas Healey, Sr., Catherina Bonomo. In your sympathy, please pray for: Fe A. Lim
RECITATION OF THE ROSARY Daily recitation of the Rosary takes place 7:40am in St. Thomas Church and 8:30am at St. Joseph’s Church. CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING Monday at 8:00 P.M. at the receiving room of St. Joseph- St. Thomas Parish Center (Blue House). ST. JOHN NEUMANN PRAYER GROUP 7:30pm Thursday– St. Thomas Chapel
Our 8-week support group for beginners will meet every Tuesday at 7:30pm. The Holiday Session is open to all. The session will be Tuesday, November 21st at 7:30pm in the Infant of Prague Room in Msgr. Finn Hall. For more information call Pat Monahan at 718-317-7544. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY
The Bereavement ministry invites all bereaved persons that have completed our 8-week Support Group to our monthly on-going group meetings. We meet on the first Thursday of each month. Please call Pat Monahan at 718-317-7544 if interested in attending.
VIRGIN OF THE BARANGAY MASS Saturday, December 2 – St. Thomas Church Rosary at 6pm – Mass in the English language at 7:15PM ROSARY & HEALING MASS Tuesday, October 31st 7:30pm Rosary 8pm – Healing Mass — St. Joseph Church All are welcome.
This Friday, November 3rd Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be at St. Thomas Church. Exposition will be from 5:00pm-6:00pm. You are encouraged come for an hour of prayer and adoration.
Benefit Dance
EDEN II SCHOOL For Children & Adults with Autism Music by: Paddy Noonan Band
Don't forget to turn those clocks back!!!
Spring ahead and fall behind ! Keep this simple rhyme in mind . Saturday, November 11, 2016 7:00 pm – Midnight Food – Beer – Setups – B.Y.O.B. Donation: $40 Per Person
Make Checks Payable to …Friends of EDEN II To benefit St Joseph St. Thomas Parish
For Reservations Call: Ann Clark 356-5557
Mary Lennon Kathleen Gorman Peggy Taylor 980-5866 356-6142 698-3197
Next weekend The Seton Foundation for learning
will be selling chances at all of our Masses. Please be as gener ous as possible.
Msgr. Finn Hall St. Thomas Church Hall SATURDAY, November 11, 2017 DEEP STACK 7:30pm check-in 8:00pm start $250 Buy-in 15000 Chips Pre-register for 1000 Bonus Chips Food, Drinks and 50/50 No Re-buys, Ad-0ns or Dealer Tip To Register or for more information Call, text or e-mail John O’Connor At 917-923-7397 e-mail
[email protected]
St. Joseph-St. Thomas/St. John Neumann Sports Corner – w/e October 28-October 29, 2017 Bowling (Adults and Kids) * Basketball * Soccer * Tennis (Adults and Kids) * Golf (Adults and Kids) * Cheerleading * Track and Field * Volleyball (Adults and Kids) * Flag Football * Girls Softball
___________________________________________________________________________________ Fall 2017 Sports Registration Please continue to check the SI Play signup website for the opening of the Fall 2017 Registrations for the status for each sport:
https://sjstsports.siplay.com/site/ Parents will need to set up an online account and then sign up their child for currently open sports.
Contacts: Below is a listing of contact for each of the sports: Sport Contact Email Sports Council President Frank DeCandido
[email protected] Soccer Anthony Mauriello
[email protected] Tennis (Kids and Adults) Sue Campagna
[email protected] Bowling (Kids and Adults) Frank DeCandido
[email protected] Track and Field/Cross Country Bob Smith
[email protected] Swimming Eva Cusick/ Christine Singer
[email protected] Basketball Jamie Landau/
[email protected] Jeff Walter
[email protected] Cheerleading Stacy Benvenuto
[email protected] Golf, Volleyball, Lacrosse, and Flag Football Programs Looking for Director The Golf, Volleyball, Lacrosse, and Flag Football Programs are looking for a Director for the Spring 2017 season. If you have a background in these sports and want to get involved with the sports program for the Parish please contact Frank DeCandido at 718317-0946.
Sports Alumni Dinner – Save the Date – Honoring Tim Bradley The Sports Alumni Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at the Old Bermuda Inn – 7-10pm. This year’s honoree will be Basketball Coach and Mentor Tim Bradley. Please save the date and information will follow. St. Joseph-St. Thomas St. John Neumann Cross-Country
In the 3rd meet of the season, Lola Dinneen won the 7/8th grade 1.5-mile race followed closely by Paige Jerrahian (4 th), Victoria Dziubela (6th) and Mary Moore (13th). In the 5/6 race, Giavonna DeCicco was 23rd, Mikaela Dukes-D’Adamo ran the 1-mile race in 9:14 in her second race of the season and Lilly Wilson set her personal best (PB) time of 9:21. In the ¾ grade ½ mile race, Gianna Cracchiolo was 9th followed by Isabella DeGiacomo (15th), Angelina Lombardo, who ran her PB in 3:39, Hailley Williams (22 nd), Sierra Russell in a PB of 3:46, Mia Jolie LaRosa in a PB of 3:52, Maria Lucca LaRosa (29 th), Grace Velasquez (33rd) and Gianna Gamba (36th). In the 1st-2nd grade race, MacKenzie Bennett was 5th in a PB of 1:48, Gabriella Cracchiolo (14 th), Emma Borg in a PB of 2:13, Giulianna Larosa in a PB of 2:25 and Lauryn Sullivan in her first career race ran a 2:36.0. In the co-ed K/Pk race, Kaitlyn Lombardo was 3rd in a PB of 1:23 followed by Adriana Perrette (4 th) in a PB of 1:27 and Hailey Burnside (17 th). In the boys’ races, Max Borowiec was 12th in the 1.5-mile race with a PB of 10:37, Joseph Wilson (22 nd); Joseph DeZago (25th), and Nicholas Grimaldi (30th) in a PB of 12:06. In the 1 mile 5/6 grade race, Colin Bennett (6 th) in a PB of 6:51, Johnathan Williams (24 th), Robert LaCroce (27th) in a PB of 8:33 & John Simpson (38 th) in a PB of 9:34. In the ¾, Jake Hauprich (28 th) had a PB of 3:29, Vincent LaBella(37th), Michael O’Rourke (38th), Thomas Moore (44th) & Alec Cisak (45th). In the 2nd race, Anthony Siddiolo was 10th in a PB of 1:56. In the 1st grade race, Jackson Joyce was 19th in a PB of 2:51. In the Pk/K race, Jacob LaRosa set a PB of 1:43 and finished 15 th.
St. Joseph-St. Thomas St. John Neumann Cross-Country Alumni
Jaynie Tercovich (Totteville) was 2nd in the PSAL Grand Prix 4 race and led her team to a 3 rd place finish in the Suffolk Officials Invitational meet finishing 18th. In the Brown Northeast Invitational in Rhode Island, Sierra Dinneen (Notre Dame) set a PB and finished 15th and let her team to a 2nd place finish in the Championship race of the meet. In the Manhattan HS Invitational, Erika Jerrahian (Villa) set a PB of 18:59 finishing 95 th, Caraline O’Donnell (Hill) was 126th in her 4,000 Varsity race, and Sea runners Kayla Lafferty was 82nd in her Varsity race, Corey Pisapia was 84th in his Varsity race & Lucas Laffety was 112th in his race. Please email Frank DeCandido at
[email protected] if you would like to put anything into a future Sports Corner. Also, see http://www.sjstparish.org/sports/ for contact information on all sports programs for St. Joseph-St. Thomas/St. John Neumann.
CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Joseph-St. Thomas Church #022020 6097 Amboy Road Staten Island, NY 10309 TELEPHONE 718 356-0294 718-415-8507 CONTACT PERSON Phyllis Catania EMAIL:
[email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows XP TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 4:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 29, 2017 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 7 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: This is our final bulletin! Thank you!! !