Program Day 1 September 05, 2018 Meeting Room 1 Registrations Opening Ceremony Keynote Forum Introduction Title: The Church and Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs): conduits to delayed HIV testing of pregnant women in rural Nigeria Anthony Wovisike Umetor, University of South Africa (UNISA) RSA Afewerki Weldezghi Tesfay, Huazghong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical College, Wuhan, China Title: Direct evidence of viral infection and mitochondrial alterations in the brain of fetuses at high risk for schizophrenia Dr. Segundo Mesa Castillo, Psychiatric Hospital of Havana, CA 10800, Cuba Networking & Refreshment Break Title: “Challenges in the management of Syphilis” Murugan. S, Professor and HOD, India Group Photo Session Introduction Title: Immunohistochemical, histological and ultrastructural evaluation of protection provided by VCUSM21P vaccine Chandrika Murugaiah, Health Sciences, University Malaysia ,Malaysia Title: ‘Just’: An indicator of minimized value of the sexual act Mandy Hill, University of Texas, United States Lunch Break Title: The Purpose of Temperature of Fever K. M. Yacob (Chief Physician). Marma Health Centre, Kochi , Kerala, India
Title: Characteristics, risk behaviors and HIV prevalence of female sex workers by clients seeking patterns in Iran Samira Hosseini Hooshyar, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran Coffee Break Title: Hepatitis C Virus testing and treatment among persons receiving Buprenorphine in an office -based program for opioid use disorders in Nigeria Dr. Adeyemi A Abati, Department of Infectious Diseases and HIV/AIDS, Lagos University teaching Hospital Lagos State Nigeria Panel Discussion Day 2 September 06, 2018 Meeting Room 1 Keynote Forum Title: Biomarkers and incidence of cardiometabolic syndrome in HIV-infected Ethiopians: a multicenter, prospective cohort study Minyahil Alebachew Woldu, Muhimbili University Health & Allied Sciences, Tanzania Title: Variable host cell viral affinity due to distinct and multiple number of HIV variants remains challenges in management and control of HIV/AIDS A H Bandivdekar National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai 400 012 INDIA Title: Human Papillomavirus Vaccination for Men: What is New about this Issue in South America? Marcos Roberto Tovani Palone, MSc, PhD (in degree), Ribeirão Preto Medical School, Brazil. Networking & Refreshment Work Title: Human testicular organoid system as a novel tool to study Zika virus pathogenesis Saguna Verma (Presenter), Daniel P. Strange, Nima Pourhabibi Zarandi, Goral Trivedi, Colin E. Bishop, Hooman Sadri-Ardekani Title: Aetiology and clinical features associated with blood culture Positivity among Neonates with Clinical Sepsis admitted at Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital, Tanzania Evaline Maziku, University of Dodoma, Tanzania Session Introduction Title: Brain and microbial flora The role of gut microbiota in the gut-brain axis Dr Aziz koleilat , Makassed University General Hospital, Lebanon Tiitle: HIV infection in Libya and Root of transmission Ayman Al Turki , university of sheffile, Libya
Lunch Break Title: OkDok TOKUYO- Electrostatic Therapy Device Randy H. Villarez - Ph.d Holistic Oncologist, Philippines Title: OkDok Doktor PPARS – Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor Randy H. Villarez - Ph.d Holistic Oncologist, Philippines Video Presentation Title: Prevanlence of human immunodeficiency Virus Infection among Pregnant women: are we winning the war? Ibama, A.S. Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. Posters Title: HIV/AIDS Ajeet Maharia, India Title: A prospective observational study Evaluating the knowledge and attitude on HIV/AIDS of public high schools students in urban and rural areas Nadine Kathlene Cinco-Almodovar, Jennie Wong, Violeta Valderrama, Hospital ng Maynila Medical Center, Philippines Network & Refreshment Break
Panel Discussion Awards & Closing Ceremony