Develop teaching and learning within Science;
Be accountable and responsible for results of students at KS3, for experience of students in KS3 and for ensuring students meet the high expectations we expect students to aspire to;
Identify the development and training needs in Science. Devise and implement a coherent strategy and programme for staff development in line with school and departmental goals and the Learning and Teaching policy. Working closely with colleagues i/c KS4 sciences;
Support, guide and motivate teachers of the subject and other adults e.g. classroom assistants, administrative and technical staff promoting a positive staff culture, good practice and continuing professional development;
Develop opportunities to share ideas and strategies that impact on classroom learning;
Take a lead role in planning collaboratively with the other specialist subjects;
Liaise with partner schools to provide support for staff and curriculum opportunities for students;
Prepare and deliver INSET;
Organise conferences on teaching and learning;
Analyse the performance of KS3 students and use this data to support and challenge teaching staff in raising achievement for all learners;
Ensure sufficient tracking of the fundamental core knowledge and skills throughout KS3, and that these are addressed before students begin the GCSE courses;
Develop resources to support SEN students and students with lower prior attainment;
Ensure the department offers students a chance to explore and enhance their knowledge and interest in science, and environment that both supports and inspires; Reporting to:
Director of Science
Liaise with:
SLT, (S)PALs; Director of Standards – KS3), SENCO and Aspire coordinators
Take a leading role in the development of policy and practice to support the continued improvement of effective teaching and learning in the Science department and across the school;
Analyse and interpret relevant data, research and other documentation to inform future practice, expectations and teaching methods;
Contribute to monitor the progress made in implementing subject plans and achieving targets, evaluate the effect on teaching and learning, and use this analysis to guide further improvement at KS3.
Use department meetings and INSET to provide guidance, training and support on the choice of appropriate teaching and learning methods to meet the needs of the subject;
Develop participation in the sciences beyond the classroom both locally and nationally through activities to enhance teaching and learning, student motivation and an awareness of science in the real world;
Prepare resources for staff that promote, for example, active learning, peer and selfassessment;
Prepare resources for staff that ensure appropriate differentiation both for sets and groups within sets.
Monitor standards through learning walks and book scrutiny in line with department and school monitoring policy;
Support the team in achieving constructive working relationships with students;
Carry out classroom observations in line with school policy. Support the further professional development of all staff, including newly qualified teachers and initial teacher training students;
Work with the SENCO and other staff with special educational needs expertise, to ensure the individual education plans are used to set subject specific targets and match work to students’ needs.
Work with the Director of Science to identify resource needs;
Manage the organisation and maintenance of teaching resources including ICT with specific responsibility for ensuring the Learning Zone has current and relevant resources for KS3 Science;
Create an effective and stimulating environment for teaching and learning;
Ensure there is a safe working and learning environment in which risks are properly assessed and take account of any safety regulations which apply;
Work closely with colleagues to ensure safe practice in completion of practical work, and ensuring lessons meet consistently good standard.
Promote an ethos and culture within the department that are in line with achieving the aims of the school;
In addition to these specific responsibilities the post-holder may be required to undertake any additional responsibility that might reasonably be deemed to be part of the job.
September 2018