October 7, 2018
CLERGY Robert Barras NORMAL PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.—5 p.m. Friday: 8 a.m.—4 p.m. Sunday Receptionist: 9:20—10:50 a.m. REGULAR SCHEDULE Tuesday - Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. Sunday Vigil: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:15 a.m.*; 11:00 a.m.*, & 5:30 p.m. * The nursery is available RECONCILIATION Saturday 3 p.m. or by appointment
BAPTISM To begin the process of having your child baptized, please call the office. FUNERALS Please contact the parish office if there is a death in the family. The parish will cooperate with funeral arrangements. A priest will assist the family with funeral preparations. COMMUNION FOR THE SICK & SHUT-INS: To make arrangements for home or hospital visits, contact the Parish Office. MARRIAGE It is necessary for couples to contact the parish when the engagement is made. You should be a registered active member of the parish. Allow six to nine months for preparation for the sacrament. Extra time must be allotted if either of the parties has been married before.
In the Gospel, the Pharisees set out to trap Jesus on the question of marriage and divorce. What would many modern Christians find challenging in Jesus' response to the Pharisees?
15500 El Camino Real | Houston, Texas 77062 | 281 -486-0337 | www.stbchurch.org
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Welcome To St. B’s
Sisters and brothers in Christ, welcome to this house of worship! May our praise and prayers be pleasing to God, and may we be eager recipients of his Word.
Sunday Sept. 23, 2018 Children’s Faith Direct* Total Collection Budget Over (under) budget
$ 15,732.62 222.98 10,383.09 $ 26,338.69 29,231.00 $ (2,892.31)
Thank you for your continued commitment to St. Bernadette Parish. We pray for your continued generous support of God’s work here at St. Bernadette. *Faith Direct is a weekly average based on a monthly total DSF 2018 Summary as of Sept. 24, 2018 Goal $ 184,800.00 Pledged by Parishioners $ 154,675.97 Paid to date $ 136,341.22 Over (under) goal $ (48,458.78)
Sunday, October 28 After 11 a.m. Mass FREE Activities for individuals of all ages!
Readings for the Week
Gal 1:6-12/Ps 111:1b2, 7-8, 9 and 10c [5]/ Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24/Ps 139:1b -3, 13-14ab, 14c-15 [24b]/Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14/Ps 117:1bc, 2/Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Gal 3:1-5/Lk 1:69-70, 71-72, 73-75 [69]/Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Gal 3:7-14/Ps 111:1b2, 3-4, 5-6 [5]/Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29/Ps 105:23, 4-5, 6-7 [8a]/Lk 11:27-28 Next Sunday: Wis 7:7-11/Ps 90:1213, 14-15, 16-17 [14]/ Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17 -30 or 10:17-27
BBQ Lunch Tickets will be on sale after Mass on Oct. 13/14 and Oct.
BBQ Meal —$13. Sliced beef, links, chicken breast, potato salad, Cole slaw, beans, bread, ice cream, cobbler and drink. Cash and checks accepted. Please bring exact change. Jumbo Hot Dog —$5. Jumbo hot dog, chips, cookie, and drink. Cash and checks accepted. Please bring exact change. Kids Hotdog — $1. Small hot dog only. Cash and checks accepted. Please bring exact change.
NOTE: If you don’t want to purchase a meal ticket, you are welcome to bring a lunch. Either way, please join us as a parish community! Volunteers and booth leaders are needed: Sign up now at www.stbchurch.org/volunteer or call Suzanne at 281-486-0337 x110.
Welcome to St. B’s – We’re glad you are here!
We had a fantastic Breakfast with the Pastor, last Sunday. If you missed our welcome orientation, please know that we are more than happy to meet with you at another time, take you on a walking tour of the grounds, and answer any questions that you may have. Please call Suzanne at 281-486-0337 x110.
St. Bernadette Catholic Church Email:
[email protected]
Web: www.stbchurch.org
FAITH FORMATION GENERAL NEWS If you are at all interested in what being a Catechist or Core Team member is all about, we have opportunities for you! You can shadow a Catechist, jump right into a class or small group, help in the “office,” and more!!! Here is our contact information: Aurora Summa -
[email protected] Pre-K Courtney Fossati—
[email protected] K-5th grade Marianne Bartos—
[email protected] 6th- 8th grade Haley Heiberger –
[email protected] 9th- 12th grade If you want to help with any of our youth activities, please check out how to sign up for a Virtus class – go to www.stbchurch.org at the bottom click on VIRTUS. The youth and leaders need you! If you are not receiving Parent News via email/Flocknote, contact your Faith Formation Director.
JR. HIGH FAITH FORMATION See “General News” for more information EDGE will start in the PLC today, October 7, 4:00 – 5:15 p.m. Come a little early for snacks. We will be talking about Saints this week.Praise and Worship at 5:15 p.m. Sunday. Join us for some lively singing before the Sunday, 5:30 p.m. Mass. Are you getting the weekly Parent News emails? If not, be sure to email me to get on the mailing list.
[email protected] *Website* www.stbchurch.org => Faith Formation => JrHigh
VIRTUS classes: If you are interested in volunteering in any
capacity at our parish please sign up for a free “Protecting God’s Children” 3 hour in person workshop. Pre-register at http:// www.virtusonline.org . When pre-registering for the class,YOU MUST USE YOUR NAME and DATE OF BIRTH as it appears on your DL, ID, or passport. Save the date for one of these October workshop dates: Monday, Oct. 15 from 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 20 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. For more details about the VIRTUS workshops and steps on how to register go to: http://www.stbchurch.org/formation/VIRTUS Please be here on time in the Parish Life Center with a current Driver’s license (any state), or state-issued identification card, or passport (any country). Thank you for volunteering and helping us create a safe environment for God’s children!
Bay Area Young Adult Ministries
[email protected] Facebook: facebook.com/groups/ BAYAMHouston For more information on Catholic young adult events visit www.archgh.org/yacm
October 7, 2018
ADULT FAITH FORMATION Parables of the Kingdom
Sunday Morning Scripture Study
The Sunday Morning Scripture Study Group will be undertaking a new exciting study… Parables of the
Have you ever wondered what Jesus was really trying to communicate to his disciples with those parable style stories in the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke? Well now is your chance to find out, because this study will entail a detailed look into Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition. The Sunday Morning Group will be starting this new study on October 14, 2018. The Sunday Morning Scripture Study Group meets from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Titus Brandsma Building on the Second Floor in Room 203.
If you would like additional information please feel free to contact Rich Tarantino at
[email protected]. Come Join Us!!!
Confirmation Reception Help is needed. Many hands make light work. We will have a 30-minute information meeting in the Marius room in the PLC building at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, October 14 and again at 11a.m. on Monday, October 15 for all who would like to help with the Confirmation Reception that will be held on November 6, 2018. Families who will have youth that are on track to be Confirmed next year (November 2019) are encouraged to assist with this year’s reception. Any questions please contact Deacon Kevin Woodvine email:
[email protected] or by calling the office extension 104
St. Bernadette Catholic Church Email:
[email protected]
Web: www.stbchurch.org
Sat. Sun. Sun. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.
5pm: 8:15am: 11am: 5:30pm: No Mass 8:30am: 8:30am: 7pm: Thurs. 8:30am: Fri. 8:30am: Sat. 8:30am:
All Parishioners Eric Concepcion + Dennis Kotlar + The Vu - Ho Family
Eric Concepcion + Pat Young + Alberto Rodriguez + Edda Maraldo + Joe Salvato, Jr. + Mariano & Lucia Spezzapria +
October 7, 2018
Come enjoy an amazing faith filled weekend with wonderful men of God! Men's Acts Retreat Do Not Be Afraid and Just Believe, Mk. 5:36 October 18-21, 2018 It's a gift to yourself and a gift that helps build our spiritual community here at St. Bernadette. For more information, contact Chris Roberts,
[email protected]
Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesdays
Thomas Lawrence, 10/07/2010; Scotty McPhearson, 10/08/2011; Pauline Brown, 10/09/1999; Carolyn Becnel, 10/09/2001; Jose De Vera, 10/09/2002; Elisa Alvarez, 10/09/2003; Betty Bernay, 10/09/2007; Marie Broom, 10/09/2008; Annette McAnally, 10/10/1991; Fred Whelan, 10/10/2005; Cesar D'Agostino Sr., 10/11/1989; Orande Bianchi, 10/11/1989; Martha Rainey, 10/11/2001; Reggie Torrefranca, 10/12/2000; Margaret Keller, 10/12/2008; John E. Hammond, 10/12/2011; Lucille Tummins, 10/12/2011; Hilda Penn, 10/13/1994; Gerre Childress, 10/13/2006 on the anniversaries of their entrance into Heaven.
Tamale scholarship supporters
The Tamale Scholarship Fundraiser Sale-will be held on Saturday, October 13 after the 5:00 p.m. Mass and Sunday, October 14 after all the morning Masses. Tamales at $10 a dozen will be available on a” first come, first serve basis”. Checks may be made to St. Bernadette Church. If you need additional information, contact Carmen at 281-486-5186 or email her at
[email protected] We appreciate your continued support of the youth of our parish. The funds generated are awarded to eligible 2018 senior students from St. Bernadette and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our twinning parish.
Altar Server Training: Interested in
being an Altar Server? Altar Server training will be held in the Church at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 14. Children in fourth grade and older are invited to attend. A parent needs to attend with the child. Please contact Jeanette in the parish office at 281486-0337 x102 by noon the Friday before the training date to register for the training. The group size for each session will be limited.
Did you know that we have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday afternoon in the church from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Perhaps one Wednesday afternoon you would like to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. No need to sign up ahead of time, just show up – He will be there waiting for you!
Christian Meditation – SILENT PRAYER
IF you are stressed and would like to learn to let go of your busy mind; IF you can’t seem to focus or if the worries of the world have you bogged down; IF you want to discover the real presence of the living God within yourself; Join us as we go away to the quiet place in our heart to be attentive to the silent presence of the One who dwells there. Location: St. Bernadette’s Church Brandsma Building, Room 214 B213 (in the Brandsma Building, upstairs)
Schedule: Weekly on Tuesdays Weekly on Wednesdays
9:15 to 10:00 a.m. 4:00 to 4:45 p.m.
If you have questions or desire further information, contact Chris Twardowski at 281-486-0337 X317 or
[email protected] with the subject “Silent Prayer.”
St. Bernadette Catholic Church Houston, Texas
CHRISTIAN ACTION Your Christian Action Food Pantry has the following needs: Non-Food Items: Toilet Paper; Children’s individually wrapped toothbrushes; Adult individually wrapped toothbrushes; Ladies (new) deodorant (stick form only no aerosol); Shaving cream; Men’s razors Food Items: Tuna fish; Spam;Vienna Sausage; Hamburger Helper; Macaroni and Cheese; Snack Foods for student’s lunchboxes Clothing Items: Girl’s 5T leggings (best price at Walmart); Girl’s 5T long sleeve t-shirts; Girl’s 4T Leggings; Girl’s 4T long sleeve tshirts Boy’s 5T jeans; Boy’s 5T long sleeve t-shirts Men’s S/M/L/XL solid color zipper hoodies Women’s S/M/L/XL solid color zipper hoodies Big Boy Shoes (sizes) 1,1 ½,2,2 ½,3,3 ½, Mens Shoes (sizes) 8,8 ½,9,9 ½,10,10 ½,11,11 ½
October 7, 2018
Thanksgiving Food Boxes
The weekend of October 20 after each Mass your Christian Action Ministry will have a table in the Narthex. At the table will be an example of the THANKSGIVING FOOD BOXES that we are distributing to people in need. Our goal is to fill 100 food boxes for hungry families. You will be able to take a paper cut-out turkey (s) which has a food item printed on it. You make take as many “turkeys” as your own budget allows. Purchase the item(s) and bring them back to the Mass you attend the following week. Place the items in the boxes marked, Thanksgiving Food Box. We need all items no later than November 11. Thank you for sharing in feeding the hungry a great meal during the upcoming holiday.
Time and Talent Christian Action Respect Life Project
Your Christian Action Ministry is collecting newly purchased Similac (with and without iron) throughout the month of October. The formula is being gathered for Casa Juan Diego. Many new babies in the Houston area will benefit from the nourishment we provide. Thank you for considering a donation.
Time to Link your Kroger Card!
It is now time to RE-LINK your Kroger Plus Card to the St. Bernadette Christian Action Ministry. Re-enrollment is required by Kroger each year at this time. Below are listed the simple steps to follow: Step 1. Go to www.krogercommunityrewards.com and sign in or create an account. (Make sure to record your user name and id.) Step 2. Click on the orange button “ENROLL NOW”. If you have bhttps://download.newsletternewsletter.com/ ArtLineLibrary/c/ch/child_18010c.jpgeen previously enrolled, click the icon that says, “RE-ENROLL”. Step 3. Search for organization number 80652 then click the bubble next to St. Bernadette Christian Action. Step 4. Click the button that says, “ENROLL NOW”. If you do not have a computer, Kroger customer service can help you enroll by telephone. Please call Kroger customer service at 1-866-221-4141. If you have any questions you may stop by the Christian Action office or call Jane at 281-486-7664.Thank you for taking the time to register for this important way to aid the hungry in our community.
Telephone Callers: We ar e in need of sever al people to make reminder phone calls to volunteers for upcoming volunteers shifts. Calls are made 1 time a week and can take 10-20 minutes. The volunteers you are calling help on a rotating basis and appreciate the call. Calls can be made from the parish or from your home. If you can assist, please call Suzanne at 281-486-0337 x110. Help with a mailing: We ar e looking for many volunteers who can help fold, stuff, and seal mail for the Finance Council. This will be a big project. We will be working on the project the weeks of October 8 & 15. If you can assist, please call Suzanne at 281-486-0337 x110. Tour Guides: Ar e you a people per son? Would you enjoy meeting new members after Mass and giving them a brief tour of the grounds? Looking for volunteers to extend this form of hospitality to our new parishioners. Volunteers would help as their schedule permits. Please call Suzanne at 281-486-0337 x110 if you would like more information. Picnic Booth Leaders: We ar e looking for people to coordinate a booth at the Parish Picnic on Sunday, Oct. 28. Leaders are needed for various games, food booths, and learning activity areas (new). As a coordinator you will be ensuring the booth runs smoothly. You will still have time to enjoy the Picnic. VIRTUS training required. Supplies and volunteers provided. For information, contact Suzanne at 281-486-0337 x110.
27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Knights of Columbus Garage Sale Saturday October 27
Who is on the pastoral council? St. Bernadette has many events that will be happening this fall including the ACTS retreat, church picnic, and Confirmation—to name a few. A very important event is the change on the Pastoral Council. Members are asked to commit to two-year terms and in the fall individuals interested in the council are invited to attend information meetings, discernment, and phone interviews to determine if they would like to volunteer for this service to the church. Chris Rafalik has been on the council for the past three years and will be one of the members leaving this year. When asked, Chris will confirm that the past three years have been an amazing time to learn about our church and what it does. Chris was worried that he wouldn’t have the time needed for the Pastoral Council. To quote Chris “I heard God's call and felt the need to answer. As is often the case, when you make time for God, everything else seems to fall in place.” The council has had the benefit of Chris’ insight as a busy parent. We will be sad to see him leave, but happy to have worked so closely with Chris. Chris is a science teacher at CCISD, and both he and his wife have been CCE teachers at St. Bernadette, leading their three children through the system, first in Elementary and now in Edge. He also taught Lifeteen before they had children. He is a Eucharistic minister and backup usher and he serves on the ACTS team. Chris has several passions outside church and his family, he loves to travel and just this past summer did a 5500-mile trip through California, he has now been to 44 states. Chris’s commitment and patience may be attributed to his training to become a first degree blackbelt, which he earned in 2017 and is testing for the second degree this year. If you are interested in being on the pastoral council or have any suggestions or questions, please send us an email at
[email protected] or ask Chris at the Knights of Columbus breakfast in October.
It's time for the annual Knights of Columbus Garage Sale fundraiser. This fundraiser provides funds for scholarships and support for Christian Action and other local charities. Date:
Saturday October 27, 2018 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Location: Rear of the Church Parking Lot SE Corner behind the school Donations will be accepted from October 9-October 25. Donations are tax deductible. You can arrange for a pickup of your donations by calling: Rob Zabinski- 281-908-6789 Woodie Shay - 713-859-6802 (sorry, we are unable to accept large appliances or clothing) Thank you for supporting your St. Bernadette Knights.
St. Bernadette Pastoral Council will begin infor mational sessions in early October regarding serving on the Pastoral Council. Information Sessions will be held in the PLC - Marius Room on the following dates: Thurs, Oct 11, 7 p.m., Marius Room Sun, Oct 14, 1 p.m., Marius Room Tues, Oct 16, 7 p.m., Marius Room You are invited to join one of the 45 minute informational sessions to learn more about serving on the Pastoral Council. Discover how your talents can be used as a representative of the faithful, and the whole community—its beliefs, its hopes, its joys, its needs, its sorrows, it concerns, its gifts and its pursuit of the mission of the Church. The council will share thoughts about their talents, insights and experiences of love and service while uniting the parish community. Over the last decade, the Pastoral Council has embraced as its mission: A Deeper Communion with Jesus, Lived in the World. It gather s together faith-filled men and women of the parish for prayer, study, reflection and discernment of critical pastoral issues facing the parish and offers recommendations to the pastor. In this service the Pastoral Council offers an important gift to the entire parish and to the pastor and parish leadership. We look forward to meeting you at the informational sessions and answering any questions regarding service on St. Bernadette Pastoral Council.
St. Bernadette Catholic Church Email:
[email protected]
Web: www.stbchurch.org
October 7, 2018
Christ and the Church on sexuality become more challenging or more objectionable. Jesus recognizes this in today's Gospel. His invitation is not to compromise with our broken reality. It is a return to beauty, to the fullness of life as it was meant to be. We can affirm our trust in God. We can view life with gratitude. We can experience healing of our lost innocence. This is possible today We no longer live in Eden. As we age in -- now! -- by grace. Indeed, "the The Pharisees question Jesus on the kingdom of God belongs to such as lawfulness of divorce! Hardly the sort of our fallen world, our childlike trust is wounded and betrayed. We become these." thorny moral conversation one typically hardened to the beauties of life. We're has in front of children. Yet here we are. quick to find a way around difficult Jesus' response goes further back then moments. the Mosaic law. "From the beginning, God made them male and female ... the In brief, things become complicated as we lose our innocence. The teachings of
"Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." This verse is part of a beautiful reflection on childlike faith. We're reminded of the innocence of children, how eager they are to experience life and how quick they are to trust. Rarely do we hear it with the story that immediately proceeds it.
two shall become one flesh ... what God has joined together, no human being must separate." Jesus cites a particular set of passages from Genesis 1 and 2, before the Fall in Genesis 3. Adam and Eve possessed original innocence. How eager they were to encounter one another and to explore the garden! How immediate their initial trust in God.
Parish Events Calendar www.stbchurch.org