Walk for Green Jobs and Justice
Monday, May 8 Day Planner If you can only come for a couple hours on this day:
Walk Kick-off 8-9am: Morris Chapel, 2710 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA
Route: 11 miles 8am: Start at Morris Chapel, 2710 N 12th St, Philadelphia, PA 10am: Action at PECO substation, 2634 W Westmoreland St, Philadelphia, PA 12:30-2pm: Lunch at Parkside Centennial CDC exact location to be determined 6pm: Arrive at Darby Free Library, 1001 Main St, Darby, PA
Evening Event 6:30pm: Potluck and Presentation at Lansdowne Friends School, 110 N Lansdowne Ave, Lansdowne, PA Approximate route, exact roads might change:
Please plan your own transport as much as possible. There will be limited seats on a shuttle van at the end of each day to return to the day’s start location.
Getting to Morris Chapel: Take Broad Street Line to North Philadelphia. 2 blocks to Morris Chapel.
Leaving Darby Free Library: 1/2 block to Darby Transportation Center. Served by Trolley Route 11 and Route 13 (limited trips) or Buses 113, 114, 115. -OR- 1 mile to Darby Station, Wilmington/Newark Regional Rail Line.
Walk contact number: 215-874-7071
[email protected]