Walk for Green Jobs and Justice
Monday, May 22 Day Planner If you can only come for a couple hours on this day:
The Final Mile: City Hall to PECO 12pm: City Hall, 1401 JFK Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 1-2pm: PECO: 2301 Market St, Philadelphia, PA
Route: 6 miles 8am: Start at Wayne Junction, 2129 Windram Ave, Philadelphia, PA 10:30-11:15am: Stop at OIC/YouthBuild, 1231 N. Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 12-12:30pm: Arrive at City Hall, Philadelphia, PA 12:30-1pm: Walk down Market St towards PECO 1-2pm: Action at PECO, 2301 Market St, Philadelphia, PA Approximate route, exact roads might change:
Please plan your own transport as much as possible.
Getting to Wayne Junction: Served by many Regional Rail Lines.
-OR- Broad St Line to Erie Station, Buses 23 or 53 to Wayne Junction.
Walk contact number: 925-818-2272
[email protected]