Mohenjo- Daro in the Bronze Age. By: Bridget, Emma, Natalia and Petar
Con ten ts
Page 3. Research Questions Page 4. Introduction
Page 5. Where is Mohenjo Daro Located? Page 6. What was their social structure? Page 7. What were the specializations in Mohenjo Daro? Page 8. Builders in Mohenjo Daro Page 9. Farmers in Mohenjo Daro Page 10. Trading in Mohenjo Daro Page 11. Craft Workers in Mohenjo Daro Page 12. Clothing in Mohenjo Daro Page 13. Was their main natural system vital to their survival? Page 14. What was the most used innovation in Mohenjo Daro and why? Page 15. What tools/materials did the Mohenjo Daro people use and which specialization used which? Page 16. How did they use the Indus River to their advantage? Page 17. What innovations in Mohenjo Daro were stimulated because of the Indus river?
Research Questions Main Research Question: How did nat ural syst em s affect t he specializat ions and t herefore t he innovat ions of t he civilizat ion of Mohenjo-Daro and st im ulat e hum an syst em s?
Research Questions: Br idget - What tools/materials did the Mohenjo Daro people use and which specialization used which? - What was the most used innovation in Mohenjo Daro?
Em m a - What was their social structure? - How did they use the Indus River to their advantage?
Nat alia - What were the specializations in Mohenjo-Daro? - Was the Indus Valleys main natural system vital to survival and why? Pet ar - What clothing did they wear? - What innovations in Mohenjo Daro were stimulated because of the Indus river? -Where is Mohenjo Daro Located ?
I ntroduction Mohenjo-Daro is a city that existed in the Bronze Age. It was fully settled in 3000 BCE and ended in 1300 BCE. Through those 1700 years the people in Mohenjo Daro built their civilization, created the first well, pipe systems, canals and the ox and cart to transport the things they traded. They ended because the Indus river changed courses and, because the Indus River was so vital to their lifestyle, this affected them very much.
Figure 3 : t heindusvalleycivilizat
W here is M ohenjo- D aro located?
Figure 4 :
Figure 5 :
Mohenjo~Daro is located in the south-west of India. Its longitude is : 27.324 and the latitude of Mohenjo-Daro is: 68.135. The closest city to get to if you are in Mohenjo Daro is Larkana. It was found about 3000 BCE. An d it w as abban don ed in t h e 1300 BCE.People say t h at M oh en jo Dar o w as on e of t h e f ir st civilizat ion s in t h e w or ld.Bu t it w as act u ally t h e secon d oldest civilizat ion yet t o be f ou n d.Th e f ir st on e w as t h e M esopot am ian Civilizat ion , an d t h en cam e t h e In du s valley civilizat ion .
What was their social structure? Some scholars believe that there was a prosperous and powerful ruling class in the Indus cities who imposed their domination on the rest. All men of the cities and the nearby areas did not enjoy social and economic equality. Those who lived in the upper portion of the cities near the forts formed a ruling class. The ruling class dominated over the workers and peasants from these forts. As copper was scarce, common men could hardly afford to possess copper weapons.
Figure 6:
What were the Specializations in Mohenjo-Daro? Mohenjo-Daro had 4 main specializations. These included Traders, Farmers, Builders, and Craft Workers. Each had their own job to take care of the city. Traders provided goods that the city could not get themselves. Farmers provided food. Builders provided shelter and Craft Workers provided goods for the traders to trade to make a living. The children of the Indus Valley would usually did the job that there parents did.
Figure 7:
Builders in Mohenjo-Daro Builders in Mohenjo-Daro were very important. With out them there would be no shelter. Builders used mud, clay and water from the Indus river to make bricks. These ingredients were put in to a wooden mold and left to dry out in the hot sun. Sometimes the builders would use a kiln which was better because it produced more heat at a quicker pace. The bricks that they made were so strong that they lasted for over 2000 years.
Figure 8:
Farmers in Mohenjo-Daro Farmers were very important in Mohenjo-Daro. At first many of the farmers were hunters and gatherers but became farmers in 3000 BC, when they first settled in Mohenjo-Daro. They were important to the city because, without the farmers, there would be no food to eat and trade. They would grow dates, grapes, melons, and rice. In the winter they planted wheat, barley, peas, lentils, linseed, and mustard. In the summer they planted millet, sesame, and cotton. They used wooden plows pulled by oxen to cultivate big fields. They made good use of the water from the rivers. They sowed seeds after the rivers had flooded the fields because the floods made the soil rich. They may have also been the first farmers to take water from underground wells. The livestock that they kept were cows, sheep, pigs, chickens and possibly donkeys and camels. The farmers also used wells instead of carrying water out to the fields.
Fig.9 Wikipedia
Trading in Mohenjo-Daro Trading was a very important specialization in Mohenjo-Daro. They traded things such as goods, sculptures and seals. They traded with people from the Indus River. Traders brought materials workers needed and took finished goods to trade in other cities. Traders carried goods on their back or put them inside a wooden cart pulled by an oxen. Sometimes they went on a ship and went to trade with other lands.
Trading goods included all sorts of stuff such as stones, pearls, gems, silver, gold and etc to make jewelry and seashells.
People traded in Mohenjo-Daro to get more advanced technology to help develop Mohenjo-Daro
Figure 10 tsn.ual
Craft Workers Craft workers in the Indus Valley made sure that no one would freeze in the winter. They wove cotton in to cloths and in to cotton bags. Craft workers also made fishing nets, baskets, pots and beautiful figurines. They also provided goods for the traders to trade. They made stone seals for the traders that were used for trading transactions, for the Priests to sign papers and laws. Craft workers had to live off skill alone.
Figure 11:
CLOTHING IN MOHENJO ~ DARO The way that the men wore back in the olden days were the ?Loin Cloth?. Loin Cloth is basically cloth made out of animal fur.The men used to wear skirt-like clothing made out of ?Loin Cloth?. Although the women used to wear these short shirts and big skirts during summer. Also the men and women used to wear clothes with different colors. While the women used to have lipsticks and gold bangles or necklaces.
Figure 12:
Was there main natural system vital to the Indus Valleys survival? Mohenjo-Daro's main natural system was vital to Indus Peoples survival as it was the only source of water. Kenoyer (an archaeologist) suggests that the Indus river might have changed course so that the people in Mohenjo-Daro would have less water and recourses to farm and live from. This would have caused them to die out. Even because of this it is still a mystery of how the entire Indus civilization was wiped out.
Figure 13:
What was the most used innovation in Mohenjo- Daro and why? The great bath was the most used innovation in Mohenjo-Daro because there were pipes connected to it. It was used for religious ceremonies. Mohenjo-Daro was separated into two parts. The lower city and and the citadel. On the citadel was the great bath. It is 12 meters long and 7 meters wide with a maximum depth of 2.4 meters. Some people could not even be able to enter the great bath because they were either poor or not wealthy. Near the great bath they had a bathroom area were they could purify people before they enter the great bath. The great bath was not purposely made to have a bath but in some cases sometimes they would have a bath. Next to the great bath there was a shed for storing grain. This was mostly used by the farmers and traders.
What tools/materials did the Mohenjo-Daro people use and which specialization used which? The people of the Valley discovered new techniques of building with metals that were mined or imported, and from this successfully produced lead, copper, tin and bronze. From these metals, they constructed some tools (mostly made of flint ? a type of rock) that helped them build other things. Clay was used in the process of toolmaking and became the substance that many pieces of cookware, pottery and sculptures. Some tools that were made with the metals are hammers, knives, needles, axes, razors, saws and others used for agriculture. Even though there was a lot of tools in mohenjo-daro people tried not to encounter war.
How did they use the Indus River to their advantage? The people of Mohenjo Daro used the Indus River to their advantage by making pipes that went from the river to their houses, using canals to irrigate water to their farms and to go to other places by boat to trade. The Indus river was also important because when it would flood, it would make the soil better for the farmers to plant food.
Fig 16:
Wh at in n ovat ion s in M oh en jo Dar o w er e st im u lat ed becau se of t h e In du s r iver ? As how far I researched , there were not many of the stimulated objects for the Indus River, But one of the most useful innovation for the Indus River were the "Pipes". And what those pipes did was that they controlled the Indus River 's water and brings it for the Mohenjo Daro people to drink it.This was one of the first stimulated processes that Mohenjo Daro has ever had.
Figure 17:
Ter m in ology Bangles - Bracelet Terracotta - Clay Stone Seals - Used for sign things or trade Indus River - River that flows along Mohenjo-Daro Kiln - Like an oven and used to heat things to a high temperature Mohenjo-Daro Canal
Hill of the dead
Used to direct and control water
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