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Many ways to say said
Many ways to say said
Many ways to say said. 1. **Be sure to use the present tense form when writing about literature. 1. accused 2. acknowledged 3. added 4. addressed 5. a...
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Many ways to say said 1
**Be sure to use the present tense form when writing about literature.
1. accused 2. acknowledged 3. added 4. addressed 5. admitted 6. admonished 7. advised 8. advocated 9. affirmed 10. agreed 11. alleged 12. allowed 13. alluded 14. announced 15. answered 16. apologized 17. appealed 18. appeased 19. approved 20. argued 21. articulated 22. asked 23. asserted 24. assumed 25. assured 26. attested 27. avowed 28. babbled 29. baited 30. bantered 31. bargained 32. barked 33. bawled 34. began 35. begged 36. believed 37. belittled 38. bellowed 39. blubbered 40. blurted 41. blustered 42. boasted 43. boomed 44. bragged 45. breathed 46. broke in 47. brought forth 48. condescended 49. contested 50. continued 51. contradicted 52. contributed 53. cooed 54. counseled 55. countered 56. coughed 57. crabbed 58. cackled 59. cajoled 60. calculated 61. called 62. caroled 63. cautioned 64. challenged 65. craved 66. cracked 67. cried 68. criticized 69. croaked 70. cautioned 71. crooned 72. cross-examined 73. chanted 74. cursed 75. charged 76. chatted 77. chattered 78. cheered 79. chided 80. chipped in 81. chirped 82. choked 83. chortled 84. cited 85. claimed 86. coaxed 87. comforted 88.commanded 89. commented 90. communicated 91. complained 92. conceded 93. concluded 94. concurred 95. confessed 96. confided 97. confirmed 98. consented 99. consoled 100. droned 101. debated 102. decided 103. declared 104. decreed 105. delivered 106. defended 107. demanded 108. demurred 109. denied 110. denounced 111. described 112. determined 113. dictated 114. directed 115. disclaimed 116. discussed 117. disclosed 118. disrupted 119. divulged 120. echoed 121. elaborated 122. emphasized 123. enjoined 124. enjoyed 125. enumerated 126. equivocated 127. estimated 128. enunciated 129. exaggerated 130. exhorted 131. expiated 132. explained 133. exploded 134. exposed 135. expressed 136. faltered 137. foretold 138. gasped 139. giggled 140. groaned 141. interrupted 142. laughed 143. muttered 144. pleaded 145. proclaimed 146. questioned 147. replied 148. sang 149. screeched 1 From the Diary of a Children’s Book writer
150. sputtered 151. stated 152. summoned 153. teased 154. trilled 155. wavered
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