28 Sumter Avenue Summerville, SC 29483 Phone: (843) 873-0631 Fax: (843) 873-1431 www.sjbsummerville.org
Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, D.Min. Pastor
JULY 8, 2018
Fr. Jacob Joseph, CMI Parochial Vicar
Deacons Rev. Mr. Jim Walter Rev. Mr. Paul Antor Rev. Mr. Harve Becker
Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:30AM - 3:30 PM
9:30AM - 1:00PM
Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30PM
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30AM Monday through Friday Please see Parish Calendar on last page.
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00PM Summerville Catholic School 226 Black Oak Blvd., Summerville, SC 29485 843-873-9310 www.summervillecatholic.org
“Like” us on Facebook at: facebook.com/ StJohnBelovedSC
MISSION STATEMENT Our mission, as rooted in our baptismal call, is to live and share the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the fullness of our Catholic Church.
General Information PARISH INFORMATION
Church Phone: (843) 873-0631 Fax: (843) 873-1431
WEBSITE: www.sjbsummerville.org ** AFTER HOURS ** Please call the office number for staff referrals.
sjbsummerville.formed.org Access Code: 9ZN4RH
PARISH STAFF Rev. Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, Pastor
[email protected] Fr. Jacob Joseph, Parochial Vicar
[email protected] Rev. Mr. Jim Walter, Deacon
[email protected] Rev. Mr. Paul Antor, Deacon
[email protected] Rev. Mr. Harve Becker, Deacon
[email protected] Mrs. Dianna Mahoney, Pastoral Admin.
[email protected] Mrs. Jan Antor, Pastoral Minister
[email protected] Mr. Bryan Burnett, Pastoral Minister
[email protected] Mr. Rodney Ward, Music Minister
[email protected] Mrs. Stephanie Sharib, Media Coord.
[email protected] Ms. Rhoda Hiott, Parish Secretary
[email protected] Mr. Chad Pressley, Facilities Manager
[email protected]
210 210 210 210 210 211 220 221 210 210 210 223
Active members of our parish are identified by their generosity of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is determined by: 1) Being properly registered and active for at least three months; 2) Faithful participation at Sunday liturgies; 3) Regular and identifiable support of the parish; These criteria are used to verify parishioner status for: sponsorship; participation in sacramental, educational, pastoral and social ministries, activities and enrichment programs; and use of facilities and services. Catholic School families requesting parish verification please visit the Catholic Schools page of our website for detailed requirements.
http://sjbsummerville.org/catholic-schools Daily Scripture Readings Available on our web site, on the parish information page, www.sjbsummerville.org and also at usccb.org.
SVdP ~ The direct Helpline Number for St. Vincent de Paul Society is 843-224-4592. Baptism ~ The next parental prep session will be held at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, July 11th in the Church Commons. After attending this session, Baptisms may be scheduled during a daily or weekend Mass (outside of Advent & Lent), as well as at 11 am or 7 pm on Saturday, or 1pm on Sunday. Please register for the session by contacting the parish office. Godparents and grandparents are also welcome. Marriage ~ Engaged couples should contact Deacon Jim Walter at
[email protected] to set an appointment to begin the process of preparation at least six months prior to the date of marriage. Miraculous Medal Novena ~ Mondays at 9:45am. Rosary ~ in the Chapel at 9:45 on Friday. Anointing of the Sick and Pastoral Visitation ~ Please contact the parish office. HIPAA policy will not allow a hospital to notify the church, so a family member must take the initiative. Anointing is also offered following Mass. An immediate response is not always possible, so please don’t wait until a crisis occurs! Children's Liturgy of the Word ~ celebrated during the 9:30 & 11:30 Mass each Sunday for youngsters in Kindergarten through Grade 4. Nursery ~ A Nursery is offered for children 1-3 years old in Madden Hall during the 9:30 & 11:30 Masses. Early Childhood Faith Formation ~ for children 35 years of age in Madden Hall during the 9:30 Mass. Meals on Wheels ~ Delivers between 11:15am— 12:30pm. Call Leslie at 843-873-8224 to volunteer. Centering Prayer Group ~ First Saturday of each month 10am –Noon, in Madden Hall. Contact Ken Martinelli at 843-486-2617,
[email protected] . Lucis Via ~ Young Adults Ages 18-30 at LucisVia.com or
[email protected]. Tri-County Catholic Fellowship ~ Age 50+ contact
[email protected] or 843-509-0913. Knights of Columbus Council #6629 ~ Please contact George Mezzinger 843) 296-6050 for information. Ancient Order of Hibernians, Summerville ~ aohsummerville.wordpress.com Our Advertisers ~ Please patronize the businesses who support our parish by advertising on the bulletin cover. Mention that you saw their ad at SJB.
10 Commandments of Church Etiquette It seems there is an increasing disrespect for God and the Community occurring during the liturgy. The basic idea of how we should behave in Church is summed up by the Second Council of Lyons, A.D. 1274: It is fitting that He Whose abode has been established in peace should be worshipped in peace and with due reverence. Churches, then, should be entered humbly and devoutly; behavior inside should be calm, pleasing to God, bringing peace to the beholders. Those who assemble in church should extol with an act of special reverence that Name which is above every Name, than which no other under Heaven has been given to people, in which believers must be saved, the Name. Each should fulfill in himself that which is written for all, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, especially during the sacred Mysteries of the Mass. In churches the sacred solemnities should involve the whole heart and mind; one’s entire attention should be given to prayer. Below are some guidelines that we ask you consider when attending Mass: 1. Please do your best to arrive at church on time, or even better, before the service starts. If you arrive after the liturgy has begun, please stop and assess what is going on before looking for a seat. If there is silence, like before the penitential rite or prayer, then pause where you are and wait for the congregation’s next movement, like standing or being seated. Please take a worship program when you enter and mark the first hymn in your hymnal. 2. Put your cell phone on silent or turn it off. It is not acceptable to answer your phone during Mass. If there is an emergency, please step out of the church to take the call. 3. When you first enter the Church, please be observant of how others are behaving. We prefer that you enter quietly and remain reverently silent out of respect for God. Those who arrive early often use that time to read the texts for the day found in the hymnals. Certainly you should greet the people around you, but save the long conversations for the gathering area. 4. You should not leave the Church during prayers, the reading of the Scripture, the Homily or the Consecration. We ask that you remain in church until the closing hymn has been sung. There will be times when a person needs to leave unexpectedly. When this occurs, please do so as discreetly as possible, with the least amount of disruption to the service and the least amount of distraction to your fellow parishioners. 5. You should fast for one hour before receiving Communion, and should refrain from receiving the Eucharist if you are in a state of mortal sin. If circumstance prevents you from receiving Communion, you are invited to approach the altar for a blessing. Indicate this to the Minister of the Eucharist by touching your index finger to your lips. 6. Please do not leave following communion. Would you eat a meal in a person’s home and walk out of the house after eating the last bite without giving thanks for what you have received? Be considerate of God and the Church by staying until the end of Mass. 7. Children should be respectful during Mass. If seated in the Church, please be mindful of those around you. If a child becomes too disruptive please go to the Commons or outside as quietly as possible. Once the child has calmed down, you may return to the Church. It is never appropriate to allow a child to run down or play in the aisles. In addition, toys that make noise are not permitted in church. Children should be taken to the restroom before church begins so as not to disrupt the liturgy. Should a young child need a snack, please be sure that all trash is removed. Chewing gum is never permitted in Church. 8. Dress appropriately. While the Church does not impose a dress code, how we dress is a sign of how important we consider coming to Mass. Men should not wear a hat or cap inside the church building. No one should wear sunglasses in the church unless for health reasons. 9. Please try to have your offering prepared before you get to church and ready to put in the basket at the appropriate time. How much to give is left to your discretion, as we are not bound by the Old Testament laws of tithing, but are bound, as a precept of the Church, to support the Church. We ask that you please use your offertory envelopes or indicate your parishioner number in the memo of your checks. 10. When in doubt, ASK! Our greeters, Mass Coordinators, Ushers and Sacristans are happy to help!
Thank You, for your Cooperation!
Infirm Priests Next week’s special collection will benefit Infirm Priests. Money from the Infirm Priests Collection provides for the long-term funding needed by the welfare fund, to enhance the monthly benefits to our retired priests in perpetuity and to assist in the special health care needs of the infirm and retired priests of our diocese.
Doors to Freedom The St. John the Beloved Women’s Club will be participating in a Deanery wide project this summer called Doors to Freedom. This organization was established to provide a safe place for survivors of sex trafficking to experience a transformed life. Their desire is to lovingly support each individual as she overcomes her traumatic past and receives total restoration: body, soul, and spirit. They are committed to providing a place, free of charge, for these women to call home. Through counseling, life skills training, vocational training and continuing education, she will find new life, restored hope and a beautiful future. The Women’s Club is asking the entire parish to become involved in this endeavor by donating the following requested items during the months of July, August, and September. A box will be placed in the Common for the collection with a poster listing the requested items. Please consider helping us in making a difference in the lives of these young women.
Expo Markers – assortment of colors – skinny tip Whiteboard erasers Mini Whiteboards Sticky notes – fun colors and large size for writing responses Poster size sticky notes Fine tipped sharpies (office use) – colors preferred Binder dividers (8 tabs) with labels Umbrellas for residents Face masks Thermometer plastic covers Flashlight (2) Bug spray Oversize blankets (Outside) Lounge Chairs Thank you for your support!
Sr. Carol’s Retirement As we are sure you will agree, Sr. Carol’s retirement at St. John the Beloved has left us all a little saddened. She has provided impeccable care to our parish over the years, all we can say is
THANK YOU! At this time, we have chosen to delegate Sr. Carol’s responsibilities amongst our existing staff at St. John as follows: RCIA/Inquiry - will be handled as a joint effort between Fr. Jacob and Bryan Burnett. Senior Luncheon - will be coordinated by Jan Antor. Funerals - will be facilitated by Fr. Jacob, Rhoda Hiott and Rodney Ward. Program Contact - is Rhoda Hiott for scheduling, Dianna Mahoney for new program approval and coordination. Scripture Studies - will be organized by Jan Antor. Pastoral Visitation - will be arranged by Bryan Burnett Other Pastoral Needs will be addressed jointly by Fr. Jacob and Bryan Burnett. All of the above contacts can be reached by contacting the parish office at 843-873-0631 or by utilizing their individual email addresses listed in the front cover of the bulletin.
Ministry of Caring Recently we welcomed Srs. Leena and Theresa who represented the Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy as part of the annual Diocesan Mission Coop Appeal. Several of you asked how you might contact the sisters directly. Locally, they minister in West Ashley at the CarterMay Home, 1660 Ingram Road, Charleston 29407. They offer loving ministry of caring to several elderly men and women, as well as to resident retired priests. Their congregation official website is: hospitallersistersofmercygroup.org/cmswp On their behalf, they offer sincere thanks and fervent prayers for your generosity.
RCIA Classes to Begin this Fall Are you, or is someone you know, interested in becoming Catholic? Fall classes are forming for those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic Church. Through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), adults who have never been baptized or who have been baptized in another Christian tradition have the opportunity to study Catholicism in a group setting. Catholic adults who have never been confirmed are also invited to this series of classes. The first session will be held Sunday morning, October 7th from 10:30am-12:00pm in Madden Hall. There is no need to pre-register, and “significant others” are welcome to attend with the participants. For more information, call Bryan Burnett or Father Jacob at the Parish Office at 843-873-0631. Hope to see you there!
SJB Faith Formation Program Registration for Faith Formation for the 2018-2019 year is taking place now. Our mission is to help parent, guardians and grandparents - the first teachers of the Faith - be the best of witnesses of Christ, by providing support for families and instruction for their children in the Catholic Faith, so that the whole family can grow in relationship to God and form the next generation of Jesus’ disciples. To register ages 1 year old to 12 th grade please go to the following link to register: To register, please visit, sjbsummerville.org/faith-formation-registration to register. Or contact Jan Antor at:
[email protected] ADULTS, please watch the bulletin for upcoming formation opportunities!
SJB Youth on Twitter Follow the St. John the Beloved Youth Group on twitter @SJByouth for all the latest news, updates, and inspiration
Himnarios Bilingües Para su conveniencia, se ofrece himnarios bilingües al lado de la puerta de comunes.
Important Electronic Resources Vacation Bible School
Keep up to date with our MyParish App! June 12-16th We have several hundred parishioners We are Collecting Gear for VBS! GrabApp a donation rethat have downloaded the MyParish quest form from the easel in the Commons on their smartphones. The MyParish Area and return the item(s) June 4th . Please attach App allows us toneeded quicklybyadvise parishioners of the gear to the item. We are also looking events, changes, and alerts in the parish. for several miscellaneous items; clean outhas your area and Online Giving also an craft App available. help the kidsThis for app VBS.will Items needed include: allow users not only to give gems Give” for those a one Adhesive time “Quick Ribbon occasions where you may have Twine forgotten your envelopes, but users can create an Pipe cleaners account to schedule recurring Pom pom ballsgifts, create pledges, manage their banking Yarn information and track their giving history. Scraps of cloth BothIts Apps available for register, download from notare too late to visit:your cellular providers App Store by searching and www.vbspro.events/p/scs downloading “MyParish” and “Online Giving” or by Or contact Jessica Hobbs at 502-689-5011 or visiting OLGApp.com (Organization ID# 1315) or
[email protected]. www.myparishapp.com/appstore. Also, don’t forget to take advantage of FORMED, the revolutionary digital platform that gives you access to religious based video- study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and much more. You can create a FORMED Account by visiting sjbsummerville.formed.org and using Access Code: 9ZN4RH
St. Vincent de Paul If you or someone you know is in need of food or financial assistance for rent or utility bills, please contact: 843-224-4592.
Charleston Homeschool Conference Saturday, July 28, 8:30 am – 2:30 pm Stella Maris Catholic Church, Sullivan’s Island “Inspiring the Heart for the Home” A time to be inspired and receive
support! Building a Catholic culture, bonding families, and teaching children the love of learning through homeschooling. The beauty of home education is that it gives a family more time together-time to solidify relationships, to communicate values, and to focus on each child’s individual needs in a consistent and unhurried atmosphere. COST: $25 single entry fee, $35 for couples (includes lunch) $30/$40 at the door. To register. please contact
[email protected] .
Administration Ministry Referrals Office Assistance Parish Staff
Community Building
Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation Children’s Liturgy* Nursery* RCIA/RCIC Student Faith Formation* Safety/VIRTUS* Vacation Bible School* Youth Ministry*
Liturgical Ministries Eucharistic Ministers* Gift Bearers Greeters Lectors Servers (for adults*) Ushers
Prayer & Worship
Cursillo Couple to Couple Family Counseling Hospitality Teams Liturgical Receptions Men’s Prayer Group MOPs New Members Welcome Parish Events Team Photography Senior Exercise Group Senior Luncheon Women’s Club Young Adults
Music Ministries Adult Choir Cantor/Song Leader Children’s Choir Hand Bell Choir Instrumentalists Resurrection Choir
Altar Guild Centering Prayer Liturgical Arts Miraculous Medal Novena
Discipleship Al-Anon Bereavement Catholic Scouting Ecumenism Facilities Management Habitat for Humanity Health Ministry & Parish Nurses Kairos K of C Meals on Wheels Ministry of Care Outreach for the Hungry Prison Ministry Respect Life Special Needs SVdP
Scripture Reflection
he First Reading from the prophet Ezekiel tells of how Ezekiel was called by God. The Lord speaks to him and says, “Hard of face and obstinate of heart are they to whom I am sending you.” God knew He was not giving Ezekiel an easy task, but that is part of what being called by the Lord sometimes involves. Being called is something to which we often make reference, as each of us is called in Baptism. St. Paul once wrote that we are “called to belong to Jesus Christ.” The United States Bishops issued a document a few years ago titled ”Disciples Called to Witness.” That is what we are all to do as baptized Catholics. The Bishops say, “To create a culture of witness, we must live explicit lives of discipleship. Being a disciple is a challenge. Fortunately, one does not become a disciple of Christ on his or her own initiative. The work of the Holy Spirit within the Christian community forms the person as a disciple of Christ.” God does not forsake us when we are called, just as He did not abandon Ezekiel. He is with us through the Holy Spirit to strengthen us and assist us. We must allow the Lord to help us. At the same time, we must strive to be disciples of the Lord. We are called to spread the light of the Gospel in everything we do.
* Indicates a requirement for Safe Haven and/or Background Screening
A Prophet Without Honor Outreach Ministry Sunday, July 15th: Cooking team 4: Eileen Beckett’s team, making chili. Meet in Madden Hall at 8:30am. Monday, July 16th: Serving team 4: Dominic Masocco’s team. Meet in Madden Hall at 10:00AM. Serving chili. If you are interested in helping in this rewarding ministry, please contact MaryAnn Schoch at: 843-469-6519 or
[email protected].
Ministry of Care - Hospital Ministry 7/8 7/15 7/22 7/29
Helen Bellestas Carol Hagan Maria Hernandez Danielle Glover
8/5 8/12 8/19 8/26
Dana Sandlin Bill Stasiek David Oberstar Dan Brady
If you are interested in helping in this rewarding ministry, please contact Deacon Harve at: (843) 2002646 or
[email protected].
Presiders: Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, Fr. Jacob Joseph
Due to publication deadlines, financial reporting will not be available this week. This week’s special collection will benefit St. Vincent de Paul Next week’s special appeal will benefit Infirm Priests
Consuelo Mitchell +
7:30am 9:30am
SJB Parishioners Robert J. Wing, Sr + and Michael J. Wing +
Ernest Galati +
Sandi Cellucci +
Jim Daugherty +
Laurent Dolbec + Barbara Weiss +
Wednesday 9:00am
Sincere thanks for your generous support. Please remember St. John the Beloved in your estate planning. Each gift matters !
Susan Gothridge (healing)
Daniel Gentile +
SJB Parishioners
Liturgical Ministries Schedule
Liturgical Calendar
15th Sunday of Ordinary Time
16th Sunday of Ordinary Time
17th Sunday of Ordinary Time
18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Sunday July 8
Monday 9
CLW 9:30am & 11:30am
Quentin Wells +
Wednesday 11
Thursday 12
Friday 13
Saturday 14
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
Confessions 4:00pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Men’s Prayer Group 7:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Ordinary XV 5:30pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
An Introduction to St. Paul 7:00pm
Rosary 9:45am
Ordinary XIV 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 .
Greg Orihel +
Al-Anon 9:30am Miraculous Medal Novena 9:45am
High School Bible Study 5:30pm
Young Adult Meeting 7:00pm
Altar Guild Church Cleaning 10:00am
Baptism Class 6:30pm SVdP 7:00pm July 15
Ordinary XV 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 Outreach Cooking 8:30am CLW 9:30am & 11:30am .
21 Men’s Fellowship 7:30am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Men’s Prayer Group 7:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 9:30am
Confessions 4:00pm
Al-Anon 9:30am
Men’s Fellowship 7:00pm
Rosary 9:45am
Ordinary XVI 5:30pm
Miraculous Medal Novena 9:45am Outreach Serving 10:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet An Introduction to 9:30am St. Paul 7:00pm High School Bible Study 5:30pm Young Adult Meeting 7:00pm
Altar Guild Church Cleaning 10:00am