28 Sumter Avenue Summerville, SC 29483 Phone: (843) 873-0631 Fax: (843) 873-1431 www.sjbsummerville.org
Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, D.Min. Pastor
Fr. Jacob Joseph, CMI
JANUARY 14, 2018
Parochial Vicar
Deacons Rev. Mr. Jim Walter Rev. Mr. Paul Antor Rev. Mr. Harve Becker
Parish Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:30AM - 3:30 PM
9:30AM - 1:00PM
Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 5:30PM
Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30AM Monday through Friday Please see Parish Calendar on last page.
Saturday 4:00 – 5:00PM Summerville Catholic School 226 Black Oak Blvd., Summerville, SC 29485 843-873-9310 www.summervillecatholic.org
“Like” us on Facebook at: facebook.com/ StJohnBelovedSC
MISSION STATEMENT Our mission, as rooted in our baptismal call, is to live and share the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the fullness of our Catholic Church.
General Information PARISH INFORMATION
Church Phone: (843) 873-0631 Fax: (843) 873-1431
WEBSITE: www.sjbsummerville.org ** AFTER HOURS ** Please call the office number for staff referrals.
Rev. Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, Pastor
[email protected] Fr. Jacob Joseph, Parochial Vicar
[email protected] Rev. Mr. Jim Walter, Deacon
[email protected] Rev. Mr. Paul Antor, Deacon
[email protected] Rev. Mr. Harve Becker, Deacon
[email protected] Sr. Carol Gnau, SSND, Pastoral Associate
[email protected] Mrs. Jan Antor, Pastoral Minister
[email protected] Mr. Bryan Burnett, Pastoral Minister
[email protected] Mrs. Dianna Mahoney, Pastoral Admin.
[email protected] Ms. Rhoda Hiott, Secretary
[email protected] Mrs. Stephanie Sharib, Media Coordinator
[email protected]
Mr. Chad Pressley, Facilities Manager
[email protected]
10 10 10 10 17 20 10 11 10 10
Active members of our parish are identified by their generosity of time, talent and treasure. Stewardship is determined by: 1) Being properly registered and active for at least three months; 2) Faithful participation at Sunday liturgies; 3) Regular and identifiable support of the parish; These criteria are used to verify parishioner status for: sponsorship; participation in sacramental, educational, pastoral and social ministries, activities and enrichment programs; and use of facilities and services. Catholic School families requesting parish verification please visit the Catholic Schools page of our website for detailed requirements.
Daily Scripture Readings Available on our web site, on the parish information page, www.sjbsummerville.org and also at usccb.org.
SVdP ~ The direct Helpline Number for St. Vincent de Paul Society is 843-224-4592. Baptism ~ The next parental prep session will be held at 6:30 pm, Wednesday, Februrary 14th in the Church Commons. After attending this session, Baptisms may be scheduled during a daily or weekend Mass (outside of Advent & Lent), as well as at 11 am or 7 pm on Saturday, or 1pm on Sunday. Please register for the session by contacting the parish office. Godparents and grandparents are also welcome. Marriage ~ Engaged couples should contact Deacon Jim Walter at
[email protected] to set an appointment to begin the process of preparation at least six months prior to the date of marriage. Miraculous Medal Novena ~ Mondays at 9:45am. Rosary ~ in the Chapel at 9:45 on Friday. Anointing of the Sick and Pastoral Visitation ~ To arrange for a priest, deacon or lay minister to visit a loved one who is sick, homebound, or hospitalized, please contact the parish office. Because of HIPAA policies, a hospital cannot notify the church, so a family member must take the initiative. Anointing is also offered following Mass. An immediate response is not always possible, so don’t wait until a crisis occurs! Children's Liturgy of the Word ~ celebrated during the 9:30 & 11:30 Mass each Sunday for youngsters in Kindergarten through Grade 4. Nursery ~ A Nursery is offered for children 1-3 years old in Madden Hall during the 9:30 & 11:30 Masses. Early Childhood Faith Formation ~ for children 35 years of age in Madden Hall during the 9:30 Mass. Meals on Wheels ~ Delivers between 11:15am— 12:30pm. Call Leslie at 843-873-8224 to volunteer. Centering Prayer Group ~ Meets first Saturday of each month 10am –Noon, in Madden Hall. Please contact Ken at 843-486-2617,
[email protected] or Helen at 843-871-2684,
[email protected] for information. Lucis Via ~ Young Adults Ages 18-30 at LucisVia.com or
[email protected]. Tri-County Catholic Fellowship ~ Age 50+ contact
[email protected] or 843-509-0913. Our Advertisers ~ Please patronize the businesses who support our parish by advertising on the bulletin cover. Mention that you saw their ad at SJB. Knights of Columbus Council #6629 ~ Please contact George Mezzinger 843) 296-6050 for information.
What is Ordinary Time?
n the Monday after the first Sunday in January, the longest season of the liturgical year—Ordinary Time—begins. Depending on the year, it encompasses either 33 or 34 weeks, broken into two distinct portions of the calendar, the first ending on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, and the second beginning on the Monday after Pentecost and running until evening prayer I of the First Sunday of Advent. Ordinary Time is called "ordinary" not because it is common but simply because the weeks of Ordinary Time are numbered. The Latin word ordinalis, which refers to numbers in a series, stems from the Latin word ordo, from which we get the English word order. The numbered weeks of Ordinary Time in fact represent the ordered life of the Church—the period in which we live our lives neither in feasting (as in the Christmas and Easter seasons) or in more severe penance (as in Advent and Lent), but in watchfulness and expectation of the Second Coming of Christ. It's appropriate, therefore, that the Gospel for the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (which is actually the first Sunday celebrated in Ordinary Time) always features either John the Baptist's acknowledgment of Christ as the Lamb of God or Christ's first miracle—the transformation of water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Ordinary Time is the part of the year in which Christ, the Lamb of God, walks among us and transforms our lives. There's nothing "ordinary" about that! Ordinary Time refers to all of those parts of the Catholic Church's liturgical year that aren't included in the major seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
Christian Unity Week Join the Pilgrimage to these Summerville area Churches during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 15th - 21st. All services will be followed by a meal. January 15th at Noon Central Baptist Church 123 Richland Drive
January 18th at Noon Wesley United Methodist Church 125 Pressley Avenue
January 16th at Noon Crossroads Community Church 505 Gahagan Road
January 19th at Noon Bethel AME Church 407 S. Main Street
January 17th at Noon St. John the Beloved 28 Sumter Avenue
January 21st at 6:00pm St. Paul’s Anglican Church 316 W. Carolina Ave
Hibernian Breakfast Join the Hibernians as they offer a free breakfast to the Parishioners of SJB after all Masses on January 21st in Madden Hall. All Are Welcome!
PARISH DIRECTORIES HAVE ARRIVED! Stop in to the Hibernian Breakfast on January 21st to pick yours up! Parish App & Online Giving Keep up to date with our MyParish App! We have several hundred parishioners that have downloaded the MyParish App on their smartphones. The MyParish App allows us to quickly advise parishioners of events, changes, and alerts in the parish. Online Giving also has an App available. This app will allow users not only to give a one time “Quick Give” for those occasions where you may have forgotten your envelopes, but users can create an account to schedule recurring gifts, create pledges, manage their banking information and track their giving history. Both Apps are available for download from your cellular providers App Store by searching and downloading “MyParish” and “Online Giving” or by visiting OLGApp.com (Organization ID# 1315) or www.myparishapp.com/appstore.
St. Vincent de Paul
There’s Still Time - Join us for ALPHA
Next week’s special collection will benefit St. Vincent de Paul. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society's work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served. The Society recognizes that it must assume, also, a role of advocacy for those who are defenseless or voiceless. Some 12 million persons are helped annually by Vincentians in the United States.
We began another Alpha Program on Wednesday. January 10, at 7:00 pm, but don’t worry you can still join us! Alpha has over 30 million attendees worldwide and just this past fall there were 3,000 Alpha classes being held in America. Pope Francis has been quoted as saying, "its a good way for Jesus to meet them". What a great way to start 2018 and work into the Lenten season! We serve a full meal, dessert, a 30 minute video and an hour of group discussion. Come and see the new evangelization taking hold in America. Together, let us answer the question, Why Am I here?" For more information, please contact Carol Hagan 843-991-6297 or Rhoda Hiott, Parish secretary at:
If you or someone you know is in need of food or financial assistance for rent or utility bills, please contact: St. Vincent de Paul at 843-224-4592.
Marriage Series January 16th– February 13th with Deacon Jim and Joanne Walters Tuesdays 6:15-7:30 Childcare is Available The Virtues. We invite spouses to consider the importance of those key habits that help them grow and mature as persons: The Cardinal Virtues Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. These virtues are necessary in marriage. They guide spouses in making wise decisions, and in treating each other fairly. They help husband and wife find the strength to face difficult moments, and to use self-control to manage their emotions and desires. On the other hand, imagine what a couple’s life would be like if the spouses lacked prudence, were unfair, lacked courage, and self-control. The marriage would not last. With this program, we want to remind couples of those good habits that lead to personal maturity and to a great marriage. Also... DO YOU KNOW THE SECRET TO A SUCCESSFUL LIFE? Take your spouse on a date and learn the qualities that make you a loving spouse, a responsible parent and a successful person. Start your romantic date with your spouse by viewing a short video, at the parish, and then go off to your private date. To register for this series, please contact Jan Antor:
[email protected] or 636-248-6460.
[email protected] or 843-873-0631.
It’s Not too Late to Join Us! Threshold Bible Study The Gospel of Mark Part Two Join us Thursdays at 10:00am or at 7:00pm we will begin studying "Jesus, the Suffering Servant." This six week study or the second half of Mark's gospel explores the implications of being disciples of Jesus. Exploring the recollections of Peter, readers will learn how to follow Jesus faithfully, based on both the successes and failures of his original disciples. As participants in this study, you will realize that Jesus can only be fully understood on the cross as he gives his life for the redemption of all people and that you cannot follow Jesus until you accept the necessity of the cross in your life. Costs for books is $13.00 payable the first day of class.
An Introduction to St. Paul Beginning Monday, January 15th at 7:00pm, and continuing for 10 weeks, Fr. Jacob will lead a study of the life and “Gospel” of St. Paul. We read and listen to the words of St. Paul on most of the Sundays of the year. Many times it is difficult to understand the meanings of his teachings. This is because the transformation of Saul to Paul was so mysterious and powerful. His experience of the Risen Lord changed his life forever! Join Fr. Jacob as he helps you in your journey to know the Lord by understanding the letters of Paul. For information, please contact the parish office at : 843-873-0631 or
[email protected].
Powerful Tools for Caregivers A class for Family Caregivers This class is an educational program designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves while caring for a relative or friend who has a chronic illness. You will benefit from this class whether you are helping a parent, spouse, or friend who lives at home, in a nursing home, or across the country. This class series meets once a week at the ARK in Summerville on Tuesdays, beginning on January 3rd at 5:30pm, for six weeks and will be led by certified class leaders. Class size is limited, and registration is required. For more information, please contact 843-832-2357.
Reading Buddies Volunteers Needed Reading buddies is a program in which two or more individuals read together. Reading to young students can help them develop a love of reading and a greater motivation to read. Young students also read to their older buddies each week, as this allows younger readers to feel a sense of accomplishment while they build fluency. For more information, please contact Dan & MaryAnn Heagerty at 843 873 6041 or
[email protected].
Mepkin Abbey Lecture Friday, February 2, 2018 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Paul Wilkes, author of Beyond the Walls, will give a lecture on his latest book, Your Second to Last Chapter. Cost is $10, payable at the door. For more information, go to the Mepkin Abbey Website www.mepkinabbey.org
SJB Concert Series Vacation Bible School January 14, 2018, 4PM June 12-16th Ft. Dorchester High School Patriot Singers
We are Collecting Gear for VBS! Grab a donation request form from the easel in the Commons Area and return the item(s) needed by June 4th. Please attach the gear to the item. We are also looking for several miscellaneous items; clean out your craft area and help the kids for VBS. Items needed include: Adhesive gems Ribbon SJB is delighted forTwine the return of The Fort Dorches Pipe cleaners ter High School Patriot Singers, Pom pom balls under the direction of Stephen Gunter. Gunter and students will pre Yarn sent a programof rich andofvaried Scraps cloth choral works highlighting of these talented student Its the notstrengths too late to register, visit:performers. As always, concerts are free, but donations www.vbspro.events/p/scs are appreciated. Or contact Jessica Hobbs at 502-689-5011 or
[email protected].
Children’s Offertory Envelopes Offertory envelopes for children are available in the Church Commons. This is a great opportunity to teach children the stewardship of giving.
World Wide Marriage Encounter Samuel answered, "Speak, for your servant is listening." Let us practice listening better to God and our spouse by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) weekend. The next weekends is February 2-4, in Clemmons, NC. Early sign up is recommended. For more information visit our website at: https://SCMarriageMatters.org or call 803-810-9602
Himnarios Bilingües Para su conveniencia, se ofrece himnarios bilingües al lado de la puerta de comunes.
CONGRATULATIONS To the Newest Member of our Christian Family
WE EXTEND SINCERE SYMPATHY to the friends and families of: HUGH DUFFY Husband of Diane Duffy
May he rest in the peace of Christ In communion with the choirs of Angels and Saints!
daughter of Cody and Chloe ~and~
EMMALINE SAGE SITTINGER daughter of Brock and Sarah
May they and their families grow in wisdom and grace all their days!
Administration Ministry Referrals Office Assistance Parish Staff
Community Building
Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation Children’s Liturgy* Nursery* RCIA/RCIC Student Faith Formation* Safety/VIRTUS* Vacation Bible School* Youth Ministry*
Liturgical Ministries Eucharistic Ministers* Gift Bearers Greeters Lectors Servers (for adults*) Ushers
Cursillo Couple to Couple Family Counseling Hospitality Teams Liturgical Receptions Men’s Prayer Group MOPs New Members Welcome Parish Events Team Photography Senior Exercise Group Senior Luncheon Women’s Club Young Adults
Music Ministries Adult Choir Cantor/Song Leader Children’s Choir Hand Bell Choir Instrumentalists Resurrection Choir
Prayer & Worship Altar Guild Centering Prayer Liturgical Arts Miraculous Medal Novena
Discipleship Al-Anon Bereavement Catholic Scouting Ecumenism Facilities Management Habitat for Humanity Health Ministry & Parish Nurses Kairos K of C Meals on Wheels Ministry of Care Outreach for the Hungry Prison Ministry Respect Life Special Needs SVdP
* Indicates a requirement for Safe Haven and/or Background Screening
Outreach Ministry Sunday, January 21st: : Cook team 1: The Peterson’s’ team, making Macaroni Casserole. Meet in Madden Hall kitchen at 8:30am. Bring a bag of cooked elbow macaroni.
Monday, January 22nd: Serving team 2: The Bode’s team. Meet in Madden Hall at 10:00AM. Serving Macaroni Casserole.
If you are interested in helping in this rewarding ministry, please contact MaryAnn Schoch at: 843-469-6519 or
[email protected].
Ministry of Care - Hospital Ministry 1/14 1/21 1/28 2/4
Dana Sandlin Bill Stasiek David Oberstar Dan Brady
2/11 2/18 2/25 3/4
Christine Halsey James Hughes Rob McAnnar Harve Becker
If you are interested in helping in this rewarding ministry, please contact Deacon Harve at: (843) 2002646 or
[email protected].
Scripture Reflection “Speak, for your servant is listening.” With those few words Samuel humbles himself and declares his loyalty and obedience to God. There are perhaps for many of us challenges in those words. Initially Samuel responds “Here I am,” but thinks it was Eli who called him. The idea of being a servant and the willingness to serve are what may be trials for us in terms of how we live. Samuel does not recognize the voice of the Lord. That, too, may be a problem for us. First we need to be listening. Are we, or are we merely going through the motions? Responding to God with “Here I am” is a magnificent way to react to God. It is not that God does not know where we are, but saying that can serve as a reminder to us that we are stewards, servants to Him, and it implies we are prepared to hear what He wants us to do. “Here I am” is said numerous times by those in the Old Testament including Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Isaiah, and by Ananias in the New Testament. When Jesus says, “Come follow me,” as He does to us, do we hear Him, and even more important do we respond and do we follow? In order to do that properly we have to be prepared to serve Him and others. Thus, like Samuel, we need to listen, and then we need to serve. At a recent papal audience, Pope Francis said, “Love and charity are service, helping others, serving others. When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love!”
Show and Tell
Presiders: Msgr. Chet Moczydlowski, Fr. Jacob Joseph, Fr. John Dux
Weekly Total
$ 11,859.05
$ 5,452.75
$ 17,311.80
TOTAL TITHE: $1,073 This week’s special collection will benefit Property Improvement Next week’s special appeal will benefit St. Vincent de Paul 1/7
Beth Byrd +
Tony Funk +
Clarence Daigle +
Philip Shortino +
Roscoe Mullis +
Wednesday 9:00am
Special Collection Bishop’s Annual Appeal* $ 591 BAA only reflects cash, checks processed by the Diocese. Sincere thanks for your generous support. Please remember St. John the Beloved in your estate planning. Each gift matters !
Daniel Gentile +
Joseph Rigoroso +
7:30am 9:30am
Heather Woy + Lynn Peverly +
Irene Cuzzone +
Gregory Troeder +
Nicholas Gidula + Rachel Hendricks +
Liturgical Ministries Schedule
Liturgical Calendar
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
6th Sunday of Ordinary Time
January 14
Ordinary II 7:30, 9:30,11:30
MASS 9:00am Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am Al-Anon 9:30am Miraculous Medal Novena 9:45am
Cub Scout Bake Sale CLW 9:30am & 11:30am RCIA 10:30am Concert Series 4:00pm High School & Middle School Faith Formation 5:30pm
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
MASS 9:00am Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am Faith Formation 4:30-5:45pm & 6:15-7:30pm Marriage Series 6:15PM
Handbell Choir 6:00pm An Intro to St. Paul 7:00pm
Men’s Fellowship 7:00pm
Ordinary III 7:30, 9:30,11:30
MASS 9:00am Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am Al-Anon 9:30am Miraculous Medal Novena 9:45am Outreach Serving 10:00am Handbell Choir 6:00pm
Free Hibernian Breakfast CLW 9:30am & 11:30am RCIA 10:30am Confirmation Prep Day of Reflection 11:30am High School & Middle School Faith Formation 5:30pm
An Introduction to St. Paul 7:00pm
Friday 19 MASS 9:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am
Girl Scout meeting 9:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am
Scripture Study 10:00am & 7:00pm
Women's Retreat Group 9:30am
Outreach Cooking 9:00am First Reconciliation 10:00am Confessions 4:00pm
Christian Unity Week Service and Luncheon 12:00pm
Rosary 9:45am Altar Guild 10:00am
ALPHA 7:00pm
24 MASS 9:00am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am Faith Formation 4:30-5:45pm & 6:15-7:30pm @ SCS Marriage Series 6:15PM
20 Men’s Fellowship 7:30am
MASS 9:00am
Ordinary III 5:30pm
Youth Band 6:00pm
Choir Practice 7:00pm
MASS 9:00am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00am
Women's Book Club 7:00pm January 21
MASS 9:00am Men’s Prayer Group 7:00am
MASS 9:00am
MASS 9:00am
Confessions 4:00pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am
Ordinary IV 5:30pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet 930am
Scripture Study 10:00am & 7:00pm
Rosary 9:45am
ALPHA 7:00pm
Mass Coordinator Meeting 7:00pm
Altar Guild 10:00am
Choir Practice 7:00pm SVdP 7:00pm
Youth Band 6:00pm