Please Join Us For A Reception With
Harford County Councilman
Joe Woods Monday, October 15, 2018 6:30 PM — 8:30 PM Acappella Italian Restaurant
2402 Pleasantville Rd, Fallston, MD 21047
Tickets — $35 Per Person Gold — $500 | Silver — $250 | Bronze — $100
To RSVP or for questions: Email:
[email protected] Phone: 443-267-7935
RSVP Online:
Harford County Council
Please cut along dashed line and mail back with your check today!
I’m joining Joe at Acappella’s
__________________________________________________________________________________ First Name Last Name
q $35 — I would like to purchase ____ ticket(s)
__________________________________________________________________________________ Address City State Zip
at $35 each for a total contribution of $_______.
Special Sponsorships: q Gold: $500 — (Special Recognition and 8 Tickets) q Silver: $250 — (Special Recognition and 4 Tickets) q Bronze: $100 — (Special Recognition and 2 Tickets) q I cannot attend, but here is my contribution of: q $25 q $50 q $100 q $250 q $500 q Other: $____________ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO AND MAIL TO:
Team Joe Woods P.O. Box 743 Fallston, MD 21047
__________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Email State law requires us to collect the following information: __________________________________________________________________________________ Employer Occupation
Here is my contribution by credit card: (Information must match above) Amount: $ __________ q Visa q Master Card q Amex q Discover __________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number __________________________________________________ ______ / _________ Name on card Exp. Date __________________________________________________ ________________ Signature Sec. Code PERSONAL OR CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS ACCEPTED Individuals, corporations, associations and partnerships can contribute no more than $6,000 to one campaign finance entity during the 4-year election cycle (January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018). Maryland PACs may contribute up to $6,000 during the 4-year election cycle. Federal PACs may contribute up to $6,000 during the 4-year election cycle. There is no aggregate limit. Contributions are not tax deductible.
Authority: Team Joe Woods. Lisa Malizia, Treasurer.