COLLECTION FOR OCTOBER 27-28, 2018: Regular: Rainy Day Fund: Other:
In Pew: $5,286.80 $230.00 $225.00
E-Giving: $1,444.13 $50.00 $145.00
Total: $6,730.93 $280.00 $370.00
Thank you for your generosity. Your regular financial support of our parish community is essential to our continued viability and vitality.
November: The Month of All Souls As November begins, we invite and welcome you to place photos of your deceased loved ones, no matter when they died, on the window sills in the worship space. These would remain there throughout the month as we continue to call to mind those who have gone before us in the faith. 2018 Disasters Emergency Collection The frequency of traumatic weather events has necessitated an annual appeal for financial assistance in meeting needs generated by the effects of these storms, most recently in the southern United States. This collection will be taken up at St. Vincent’s on the weekend of November 10-11. If you are contributing by check, please make it payable to St. Vincent’s with the notation “Disaster Collection” on the memo line. The parish will send one check in to Catholic Charities.
Celtic Spirituality. Sr. Jane Comerford will present part two in the series on Celtic Spirituality at 9:45AM in Meeting Room 1 next Sunday: -November 11th: “The Wheel of the Year- the Celtic way of prayer”. You will be introduced to how the Celts prayed and how they followed and celebrated a liturgical calendar Sister Jane Comerford, CSJ is a seasoned spiritual director and retreat facilitator who currently works at the Genesis Retreat and Conference Center in Massachusetts. She has been a student of Celtic Spirituality since 1992 and has led many pilgrimages in Ireland exploring the heart and soul of Celtic spirituality. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and love of Celtic spirituality. Thank you for your generous support of our Undie Sunday collection! We collected almost 800 pieces of underwear and socks for our local shelters. Thanks especially to those who delivered our donations to the shelters! Parish Pilgrimage to Marian Shrines and The Way of St. James November 6-19, 2019 The parish pilgrimage tour has six people registered. We can take up to thirty five. A deposit of $300 will hold your spot. Please contact Elizabeth if you would like to learn more or check the website:
Welcome to All (but especially visitors, pilgrims and those seeking a spiritual home) We hope you will find St. Vincent’s hospitable, prayerful and inclusive. If you would like to know more about this parish pleae check our website: If you would like to register or speak with a member of the parish staff please call 518-489-5408 or email:
[email protected] We look forward to hearing from you!
Bible Study: Empty Nest, Time for Letting Go When children or other loved ones move out of the house, we may feel loneliness, a lack of purpose and even grief. Reflections from scripture comfort and challenge any of us with an empty nest. Dates for this program are November 6, 13 and 20. Sessions will be on Tuesdays at 2:00 & 7:00PM in the Parish Hall. The cost is $6 for each. For more information, contact Barbara Bailey at
[email protected]
The 31st in ordinary time~ November 4 2018 Homeless Action Committee: On November 19 th following the 11 am Mass, parishioners are invited to join with our youth to learn more about homelessness, how to prevent it and how we can work to ensure the dignity of all people to have safe, clean ‘home’ of their own. Janet Douglas representing the Homeless Action Committee ( HAC ) will speak about the work of HAC to provide support and outreach services to people who live on the streets of Albany. The HAC Outreach Van program, has assisted hundreds of people by providing them with compassionate human contact, a listening ear, food, clothing, blankets, referrals and transportation to area resources. Following the talk our youth will prepare snack bags to be distributed by the HAC Van volunteers. New York State Mentoring Program Albany City School District Volunteer mentors, serving one hour per week, are needed to help students achieve their full potential. Each volunteer will be paired with the same student weekly under the guidance of a program coordinator. The one-to-one mentoring sessions will also include group discussions and team building activities. Over the years, countless studies have shown the long term benefits of mentoring. Pleased check parking lot vestibule bulletin board for specifics. For further information contact Brad DiPietro, NYS Mentoring Program 518-956-4616;
[email protected] Estate Planning When doing estate planning, consider including St. Vincent’s in your will so our good work can continue after you have gone home to God! Offertory Envelopes: Would you like to begin receiving offertory envelopes? Give the Parish Office a call at 518-489-5408 to register for your set of envelopes! You may also sign up for e-giving on the website at:
The Creation Care Team Presents: Faith Based Environmentalism Love God? Love the Earth? So do a lot of people! Putting those two loves together should not be a challenge, and yet it can be for people who put their own convenience or desires ahead of caring for God’s creation as we are called to do. Change will happen when we are morally compelled to do so. Being examples of that change is our next step as faith-filled people. There is strength in community, however, and when more and more people follow the path of stewardship, it becomes easier for others to find. No matter where you are in your life, there are people just like you who incorporate our world’s health into their everyday existence. Would you like to meet them? St.Vincent’s Creation Care Team, a branch of the Social Justice committee believe caring for the Earth and those in need are from the same tree. In the scant two years of existence we have organized community earth-based activities for our church, measured our church’s carbon footprint (how much carbon our buildings’ energy systems put into the atmosphere), helped sign up our church for community solar electricity (reducing our carbon footprint by about 40%), reached out to other people to form a wider network, and more. All are welcome. Contact Barbara DiTommaso at
[email protected] There is a capital district interfaith environmental group. It just started this year and is called the Capital Region Interfaith Creation Care Coalition. We are bringing together people of all beliefs who share a commitment to helping our community deal with climate change and other important green issues of our time. Jump in at the ground level and spread the word to other faith communities you know. Contact David Cullen at
[email protected] World-wide there are many organizations with a faithgrounded reason to support environmental legislation, events, and help everyday people improve their lives. Here are just a few to check out: Catholic Climate Covenant: Care for creation. Care for the poor. GreenFaith: Interfaith Partners for the environment. Interfaith Power and Light: A religious response to global warming. National Religious Partnership for the Environment: Bringing green faith groups together. Creation Justice Ministries: Taking legislative action for the environment.
Church of Saint Vincent De Paul 900 MADISON AVENUE ALBANY, NEW YORK 12208 WEBSITE PHONE (518) 489-5408 FAX (518) 489-5474 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Sunday
5:00 P.M. Vigil 8:30 & 11:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. (September-May)
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 12:30-2:30 PM ~ (518) 694-3153
PASTORAL TEAM: Parish Life Director
Elizabeth Simcoe
[email protected]
Sacramental Ministers Reverend Leo P. O'Brien
[email protected] 518-640-9582 Reverend Michael Farano Faith Formation
Ellen Kueterman
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Tahlia Hadley
[email protected]
[email protected]
Food Pantry & Peace & Justice
Angela Warner
[email protected]
Liturgical Ministries
Meg McCarthy
[email protected]
Music & Liturgy
Marie Bernadett
[email protected]
(518) 482-5346
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM– 3:00 PM
PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE FOR: Pastoral Care - Visits to homebound parishioners, hospital patients or nursing home residents. ♦ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - Membership in the Roman Catholic Church. ♦ Infant Baptism - Celebrated monthly (except during Lent) ♦ Reconciliation - By appointment or 4:45PM Saturdays ♦ Matrimony - At least 6 months prior to your hoped for date. ♦ Bereavement Ministry - is available through the parish office. Please call and ask for Sr. Eleanor Guerin. ♦
Senior Ministry and Sr. Eleanor Guerin, RSM Pastoral Outreach
[email protected] Bookkeeper
Veronica Schmidt-Henzler
[email protected]
Rich Nagengast
[email protected]
Parish Secretary
Rebecca Cribbs Rice
[email protected]
Carlos Baez
Eileen Jaklitsch
[email protected]
Gluten Free Hosts & Personal P.A. Receivers are available. Readings for the Week of November 4, 2018
Sunday: Dt 6:2-6; Ps 18:2-3, 3-4, 47, 51; Heb 7:23-28; Mk 12:28b-34 Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde, 2, 3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-27, 28-30ab; Lk 14:15-24 Wed: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a & 9; Lk 16:9-15 Next Week: 1 Kgs 17:10-16; Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10; Heb 9:24-28; Mk 12:38-44 or 12:41-44
Paul Larrabee Katrina Consiglio
THE COLLEGE OF ST. ROSE: Office of Spiritual Life: 454-5250
Website: Director of Campus Ministry
Joan Horgan
[email protected]
The 31st in ordinary time~ November 4 2018 Liturgical Ministers for November 10-11: Baker: Jo Mowrey Writer: Robert Ward Writer for Nov. 18: Beth McCarthy
11/5 11/6 11/7 11/10 11/11
Yoga 6:00PM (C) No Choir Seniors Trip Mass 5:00PM (C) (Blessing of Veterans) Mass 8:30AM (C) (Blessing of Veterans) No K-5 Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation 9:45-10:45AM (MTG 1) RCIA 9:45-10:45AM (L) Mass 11:00AM (C) (Blessing of Veterans) Mass 6:30PM(C) (C) Church, (G) Grotto, (PC) Parish Center, (PH) Parish Hall, (L) Lounge, (MTG 1) Meeting Room 1, (MTG 2) Meeting Room 2
Saturday, November 10 5:00PM
Joseph & Lilian Eriole req. by Joanne Eriole Martin K. Lee req. by Joan Lee
Sunday, November 11 8:30AM William Houlton 11:00AM Rosalie Novak req. by Rose Capurso Charles Peterpaul req. by The Peterpaul Family
Parish Registration: We hope you will find St. Vincent’s hospitable, prayerful and inclusive. To register as a St. Vincent’s Parishioner please fill out this form and drop it in the collection basket or mail to the church! A member of the parish staff will reach out for more information. Name ____________________________________ Address ___________________________________
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Presider/Homilist: Acolyte: Readers: Eucharistic Ministers:
Fr. Leo O’Brien Marcia Ringelmann Sr. Joan Byrne, Cory Taliaferro Margaret Ludington, Jim O’Hare, Dan O’Connell, 2 Needed Liturgical Coordinator: Barbara Bailey
Sunday, 8:30 am
Presider/Homilist: Acolyte: Altar Servers: Readers: Eucharistic Ministers:
Fr. Michael Farano Joanne Martin Charlie Smith, Rita Nolan Mary Jean Keegan, Mark Keegan Kate Paul, Joseph DiCarlo, James Keller, Fran Dempsey, Maryanne Tuite, Marggie Skinner Liturgical Coordinator: Mary Oill CLW– School Age: Colleen Flynn Thapalia Ministers of Hospitality: Deborah Jo Ross, Mary Brummagyn Coffee Hour: Jeanne Monteau, Terri Bronner Counters: John Delehanty, Mary Ricard, 1 Needed
Sunday, 11:00 am
Presider/Homilist: Acolyte: Altar Servers: Readers: Eucharistic Ministers:
Fr. Michael Farano TBD Victoria Penman, Naomi Simcoe Kathy Sheppard, Joan Marso Rose Capurso, Jeanne Qualters, Elizabeth Martinez, Ron Jones, Erin Knoerl, Angela Warner, Ruth Smith, Beth Lacey, Ellen Naughter, Twiggy Collen Liturgical Coordinator: Jim Bennett CLW– Small Children: Maureen Athens CLW– School Age: Erin Blair Ministers of Hospitality: Owusu AnAne, Ray Pitlyk, 2 Needed Coffee Hour: Judy Joyce, Patty Gorman Counters: Anne Conway, 2 Needed Veronica Ministry: Bill Dollard
Email _____________________________________ Phone Number ______________________________ Check One: __ New Parishioner __ Change of Address __ Update of information
MINISTRY ASSIGNMENTS Hospital Visitation: Week of November 4, 2018 SPH - Lisa Nolan, Leslie Phelan AMCH - Kathy McCoy, Eleanor Guerin
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