2014 2015 2014-2015
Forest Park Campus Plan of Action Soar, Search and Achieve Bill Bradshaw, Principal 1644 North Eastman Road Longview, TX 75601 (903) 446-2510, Fax: (903) 446-2501
Board of Trustees
Background The Forest Park Plan of Action is prepared in accordance with requirements of Chapter 11, Subchapter F, of the Texas Education Code, specifically §11.251 and §11.252. These requirements are also contained in LISD policies BQ (Legal) and BQA (Legal). Each school district shall have a district improvement plan that is developed, evaluated, and revised annually, in accordance with district policy, by the Superintendent with the assistance of the district-level committee. The purpose of the district improvement plan is to guide district and campus staff in the improvement of student performance for all student groups in order to attain state standards in respect to academic excellence indicators. The Campus Plan of Action is required by statute to include the following components: • Comprehensive needs assessment • Measurable campus performance objectives • Strategies for improvement of student performance • Strategies for providing secondary students with information on higher education preparation and opportunities • Description of resources needed to implement identified strategies • Description of staff responsible accomplishing of each strategy • Timelines for implementation of each strategy • Formative evaluation criteria In developing the 2014-2015 Campus Plan of Action, the Forest Park Campus Improvement Team met in committee to review the Needs Assessment and proposed Performance Objectives and Targets, and the full Campus Improvement Team recommended approval on___________. The Board of Trustees provided final approval on October 20, 2014. Accordingly, monitoring of the strategies included in the Campus Plan of Action is accomplished through ongoing monitoring. Further, each Campus Improvement Plan aligns directly with the District Plan of Action. This plan has been collaboratively developed by the Campus Improvement Team which represents all Campus stakeholders. All performance goals identified in No Child Left Behind legislation including Special Education and Bilingual Performance Based Analysis System (PBMAS) identified indicators and the Highly Qualified Plan have been adopted by the district and are reflected in this Plan of Action. The following funding sources support the objectives and strategies implemented to address identified student needs: Titles I, IIA, IID, III, IV, V, Special Education, State Compensatory Education, Career and Technology Education, Optional Extended Year, ARI Grant, District Foundation Grants.
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Forest Park Middle School Mission The mission of Forest Park Middle School is to focus on individual students through global experiences, teaching communities, full inclusion, advanced classes, meaningful student/teacher relationships, engaging academic work and rigorous learning experiences resulting in high levels of achievement for all students. To achieve this focus, we will create an environment of risk takers who will learn from both positive and negative experiences. We will provide rigorous and engaging lesson through real world applications. All staff will demonstrate and understand cultural diversity while holding fast to high expectations for all learners. We will develop the whole student through a nurturing environment and partnerships with parent and community members, who are committed to support and enrich students as they grow academically and socially.
Vision The vision of Forest Park Middle School is to provide every student with excellent instruction that will equip them to become successful and productive individuals in a global society.
Nondiscrimination Notice Forest Park Middle School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and section 504 of the rehabilitation Act of 1973; as amended. DMAC Solutions ™
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Forest Park Middle School Site Base
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Bradshaw, William
Conrad, Art
Dalme, Brenda
Dorsey, Dewana
Fluellen, Lisha
Assistant Principal
Frey, Megan
Gatson, Kiffany
Hart, Heather
Rosborough, Latausha
Curriculum Specialist
Tatum, Troy
Director of Student Services
Virgen, Rachel
Weaver, Kamala
West, Lindsey
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Resource Allocations
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IDEA Special Education
Title I
Title I-FTE
Title III Bilingual/ESL
Campus Library
Computer Lab
Leveled books
Literacy Library
Math Materials
Physical Fitness Equipment
Region VII
TEKS Resources System
Local Funds
State Compensatory
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No Child Left Behind Performance Goals (These goals have not been updated by the U.S. Department of Education as of the 2014/2015 school year.)
Goal 1.
By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
Goal 2.
All limited English proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.
Goal 3.
By 2005-2006, all students will be taught by highly qualified teachers.
Goal 4.
All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning.
Goal 5.
All students will graduate from high school.
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Campus Composition
Systems Safeguards
Forest Park 2014
Longview Independent School District Comprehensive Needs Assessment Summary 2014‐2015 District Goal 1. Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population. Reading Science Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Development Increase the number of students who meet Phase‐In 2 and Level 3 Increase the number of students who meet Phase–in 2 Targeted interventions and Enrichments Increase the number of labs and field based experiences Develop Reading labs with strategic targeted instruction Target all student groups Target ESL and Special ED Writing Social Studies Writing across the curriculum Vocabulary Development Target AA, ESL and Special ED Increase the number of students who meet standard on Index 1 and Level 3 . ELL Math Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Development Increase the number of students who meet passing standard on Increase the number of students who meet standard on Phase In ‐2 Index 1 and Level 3 in all tested subjects Math Labs that will target students who did not meet standard Exit more students from the ESL program Systematic approaches to problem solving Target all student groups Special ed. Vocabulary Development Increase the number of students who meet standard on Index 1 in all tested subjects
Forest Park 2014
Exit more students from Special Education
Priorities 1. Provide a campus wide systematic vocabulary instructional approach 2. Develop Intensive Math, Reading and Writing Labs for Interventions 3. Implement Writing across the curriculum. 4. Develop Enrichment sessions to increase Level 3 Performance 5. Improve the attendance rate to 97% District Goal 2. Establish an integrated system of community relations and communications that provides opportunities to establish and strengthen district relationships and partnerships with parents and the community. Weaknesses Strengths Not enough parental involvement in educational process Resources provided to allow parents the capability to access information related to school activities as well as students’ academic and behavior performance. Priorities 1. More parental involvement in the academic process of students education 2. Continue with community partnerships District Goal 3. Hire, retain, cultivate, and promote high quality personnel. Strengths Weaknesses Provide job embedded training to support classroom instruction Teacher Retention Provide time during PLC to collaborate with co‐workers on instruction and other academic concerns Provide enough staff development to support new and novice teachers and well as continue to develop veterans teachers
Forest Park 2014
Priorities 1. Provide a climate and culture of high expectations for staff and students. 2. Provide staff development that will focus on research based classroom instructional strategies. 3. Provide staff development on how to work with at‐risk students. District Goal 4. Design a comprehensive instructional technology program that promotes 21st century teaching and learning, including digital literacy and Internet safety instruction. Strengths Weaknesses Multiple online programs Outdated wireless labs which make some programs difficult to access. District wide access to internet access for teachers and student personal electronic devices Priorities 1. Provide more campus based technology staff development to integrate more technological applications with classroom instruction
Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Goal 2.
Goal 3.
Goal 4.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population. Objective 1.
Provide rigorous, complex, and meaningful learning that promotes readiness for post PK-12 experiences, including a curriculum that is focused on the state standards and research based, effective instructional practices in all classrooms.
Objective 2.
Increase student participation, completion, and performance in AP, Honors, and/or Dual Credit/Dual Degree courses, as well as on ACT, and SAT exams.
Objective 3.
Reduce the achievement gap on STAAR between phase-in performance standards and recommended performance standards.
Objective 4.
Improve the achievement of students served by programs such as English Language Learners, Special Education, 504, Dyslexia, and Gifted and Talented at all levels.
Objective 5.
Inncrease attendance rates at all campuses will reach or exceed 97%.
Establish an integrated system of community relations and communications that provides opportunities to establish and strengthen district relationships and partnerships with parents and the community. Objective 1.
Expand comprehensive programs and partnership opportunities between parents, community, and schools that foster classroom innovation.
Objective 2.
Create a system to communicate foundational and future-ready skills for each learner.
Objective 3.
Create a system for establishing and maintaining reciprocal community partnerships to increase authentic field based learning experiences.
Hire, retain, cultivate, and promote high quality personnel. Objective 1.
Hire highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals for all academic core courses in compliance with federal and state guidelines specific to No Child Left Behind.
Objective 2.
All Staff will receive high quality, effective, relevant, and sustained professional development aligned with District goals and performance objectives.
Design a comprehensive instructional technology program that promotes 21st century teaching and learning, including digital literacy and Internet safety instruction. Objective 1.
Fully integrate appropriate technology tools to facilitate best practices for teaching and learning in the classroom.
Objective 2.
Increase the capacity of district staff to integrate the use of technology tools and resources through a differentiated staff development program that addresses 21st century skills.
Objective 3.
Provide an infrastructure capable of supporting district instructional needs of staff and students and district technology goals and objectives aligned to the TEA's Long Range Plan for Technology.
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 1.
Provide rigorous, complex, and meaningful learning that promotes readiness for post PK-12 experiences, including a curriculum that is focused on the state standards and research based, effective instructional practices in all classrooms.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Use teacher made Common Assessments Assistant Principal(s), for administration in all core curriculum Classroom Teacher(s), departments. Analyze data using DMAC TEKS- Instructional Specialist Score data management tool; Progress monitor student's performance, effectiveness of interventions and progress toward mastery. (Title I SW: 1,8) (Target Group: H, AA, ECD, SPED, AtRisk, Dys, 6th, 7th , 8th)
(O)Computer Lab, (O)Journals, (O)Scantrons, (O)TEKS Resources System
Summative - Increase students' performance on Common Assessment, District Benchmarks and STAAR
(S)Local Funds
Summative - Compete in UIL Academics
3. Implement a balanced IB Program, including Assistant Principal(s), Principal, August-June the teaching of Spanish. (Target Group: All) Teacher(s), UIL Coordinator
(S)Local Funds
Summative - Increase the number of students on the IB Track
4. Implement with integrity the LISD TEKS Classroom Teacher(s) Resource System aligned curriculum in all Science, Math, Reading/ELA, and Social Studies classrooms including the selection of aligned resources integrating technology tools. (Title I SW: 2,4) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
August -June
(O)TEKS Resources System
Summative - Evidence of student opportunity in all student groups to meet and exceed the state's proficiency or advanced standards
5. Establish a climate and culture of school success by creating a positive working and learning environment that increases students ability to take responsibility for their learning, behavior and academic choices. (Title I SW: 5) (Title I TA: 2) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 4)
2. Provide a rigorous UIL program for all students (Title I SW: 10) (Target Group: All)
DMAC Solutions ™
Assistant Principal(s), Dean of SeptemberStudent Services, Instructional February Specialist, Principal, Teacher(s), UIL Coordinator
Assistant Principal(s), Classroom Teacher(s), Counselor(s), Instructional Assistants, Principal, School Nurse, SRO Officer, Support Team
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Summative - Reduction in campus discipline referrals to Office; Reduction in Campus Disciplinary Offenses requiring removal from the classroom; Reduction in lost instruction time and opportunity.
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 1.
Provide rigorous, complex, and meaningful learning that promotes readiness for post PK-12 experiences, including a curriculum that is focused on the state standards and research based, effective instructional practices in all classrooms.
Activity/Strategy 6. Develop and implement Classroom and Campus Wide Discipline Management Plans with clear expectations for behavior in order to facilitate the development of a Safe, Orderly, Healthy, Drug Free and Nurturing School Environment. (Title I SW: 2) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 4)
Person(s) Responsible Assistant Principal(s), Classroom Teacher(s), Counselor(s), Instructional Assistants, Instructional Specialist, Principal, SRO Officer, Support Team, Teacher(s)
Timeline August-June
7. Teachers will use Marzano Academic Assistant Principal(s), Dean of October-June Vocabulary Six Step Process to provide quality Student Services, Instructional vocabulary instruction that will develop Specialist, Principal, Teacher(s) students' vocabulary across all content areas. (Title I SW: 1,4) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) 8. All subject area teachers will provide at least Teacher(s) one response to text on every assessment as well as students writing a weekly summary on skills taught for the week. (Title I SW: 3) (Title I TA: 3) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
9. Departments and grade levels will meet in Assistant Principal(s), Professional Learning Communities to plan and Instructional Specialist, dialogue about curriculum, discuss alignment, Principal, Teacher(s) analyze data, discuss students' work and effectiveness of interventions. (Title I SW: 1,4) (Title I TA: 6) (Target Group: H, AA, ESL, SPED)
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Evaluation Summative - Clear expectations for student behavior are widely communicated and observed by all staff and students; Students are self-directed and empowered to make responsible choices for their behavior and academic learning; Increased opportunity for learning due to decreased discipline referrals.
(O)Journals, (O)Literacy Library Summative - Implementation of the Vocabulary program which is evident through word walls and students work.
Summative - Improvement in students scores on response to text
(O)TEKS Resources System
Summative - Increased focus on high impace strategies observed through daily walk throughs and student performance
Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 1.
Provide rigorous, complex, and meaningful learning that promotes readiness for post PK-12 experiences, including a curriculum that is focused on the state standards and research based, effective instructional practices in all classrooms.
Activity/Strategy 10. The ELA department will submit at least 2 writing samples each six weeks to analyze student performance to inform instruction.
Person(s) Responsible
Assistant Principal(s), SeptemberDepartment Heads, Instructional August Specialist, Principal, Teacher(s)
Evaluation Summative - Increased focus on high impact strategies for improving teaching and learning and student performance
Note: FP will implement Readers Writers Workshop in lieu of Writing Academy. Training will be provided during the summer so that teachers can adequately implement the process. (Title I SW: 2,4) (Target Group: H, AA, ECD, ESL, SPED, 6th, 7th , 8th) 11. Ensure Science Teachers are providing 40% of instructional time in hands-on labs (Title I SW: 3) (Title I TA: 1) (Target Group: H, AA, ECD, ESL, SPED, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Assistant Principal(s), Dean of Student Services, Department Heads, Instructional Specialist, Principal
(S)Local Funds
12. Ensure that all Social Studies teachers are Assistant Principal(s), Dean of September-June teaching the three process standards identified Student Services, Instructional using Lead4Ward. (Title I SW: 3) (Target Specialist, Principal, Teacher(s) Group: H, AA, ECD, ESL, LEP, SPED, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Formative - Lab Write-ups in journals Lesson Plans Walkthrough Summative - Increase students' performance on Common Assessment, District Benchmarks and STAAR
13. Provide adequate clerical supplies in an Assistant Principal(s), Principal, Aug-June effort to operate an efficient main office. (Title I UIL Coordinator SW: 1) (Target Group: All)
(S)Local Funds
Orderly operation of main office
14. Provide adequate teacher supplies in an Assistant Principal(s), Aug-June effort to operate an efficient classroom. (Title I Instructional Specialist, Principal SW: 1) (Target Group: All)
(S)Local Funds
Effective use of materials
15. Implement a school wide Instructional Accountability Model that is tailored after Judson ISD Systems of Instructional Accountability--Phase I of the implementation process (Title I SW: 2,4,5) (Target Group: All)
(O)Journals, (O)Literacy Library, Summative - Improvement in (O)Scantrons students academic performance on state assessment
DMAC Solutions ™
Assistant Principal(s), Content Nov-June Area Instructional Coaches, Core Subject Teachers, Dean of Student Services, Department Heads, Instructional Specialist, Principal
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 1.
Provide rigorous, complex, and meaningful learning that promotes readiness for post PK-12 experiences, including a curriculum that is focused on the state standards and research based, effective instructional practices in all classrooms.
Activity/Strategy 16. All core content teachers will analyze data and participate in DATA talks after every unit assessment with the leadership team emphasizing strengths, weaknesses, patterns and instructional changes. (Title I SW: 2,8) (Target Group: All)
Person(s) Responsible Assistant Principal(s), Core Subject Teachers, Dean of Student Services, Instructional Specialist, Principal
17. Campus will implement the new daily Classroom Teacher(s) lesson plan template and include on the board daily TEKS, Daily objective and ELPS. Daily lesson plans will be posted in a central location. (Title I SW: 2) (Target Group: All)
DMAC Solutions ™
Formative - Conversations during data talks Phase In Template Deep Dive Analysis Questionaire
Formative - Walk throughs Lesson plans
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 2.
Increase student participation, completion, and performance in AP, Honors, and/or Dual Credit/Dual Degree courses, as well as on ACT, and SAT exams.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Provide students opportunities to participate Dean of Student Services, in National Jr. Honor Society and Eagle Principal, SRO Officer, Leaders (Title I TA: 2,4) (Target Group: All, Teacher(s) 7th , 8th) 2. Meet with the Feeder campus principal to make informed decisions regarding student placement. (Target Group: 6th)
September- June (S)Local Funds
August- June
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Evaluation Summative - Increase involvement
Informed decisions regarding placement and scheduling
Instructional Specialist, Principal May
5. Increase the number of Pre-AP classes Assistant Principal(s), offered to allow more student participation Counselor(s), Instructional (Title I SW: 3) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) Specialist, Principal
DMAC Solutions ™
Assistant Principal(s), June Instructional Specialist, Principal
3. Implement a balanced IB program including Assistant Principal(s), the teaching of Spanish (Title I SW: 2,3,9) Instructional Specialist, (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) Principal, Teacher(s) 4. Provide incentives for students who complete the three year IB Program (Title I SW: 2,3,9) (Target Group: All, 8th)
Summative - Increase the number of students who successfully complete the program (S)Local Funds
Summative - Increase the number of students who successfully complete the program Summative - Increase of students who participate and are successful in AP and Algebra classes
Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 3.
Reduce the achievement gap on STAAR between phase-in performance standards and recommended performance standards.
Activity/Strategy 1. Improve the performance of At-Risk Students by effectively using the RTI Process to identify learning styles, determine needed program and resource support, decide placement, adjust targeted classroom instructional delivery based on performance, and monitor the impact of attendance and discipline on student performance and learning; Provide teachers training on the use of RTI procedures. (Title I SW: 9) (Target Group: AtRisk, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Person(s) Responsible Assistant Principal(s), Classroom Teacher(s), Counselor(s), Instructional Specialist, Principal, RtI Team
September-June (S)Local Funds
Summative - Evaluations of effect of student performance results, support, and effectiveness of interventions provided.
2. Utilize journals daily to reinforce and Classroom Teacher(s) enhance developing students’ vocabulary, strategies and for nonfiction writing in all core subjects. (Title I SW: 2,8,9) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
(S)Local Funds
Summative - Increase understanding in all subjects
3. Allow students to participate in educational Instructional Specialist, field trips to extend and enrich knowledge of Teacher(s), UIL Coordinator skills taught in all subjects. (Title I SW: 2,9,10) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
October, January, (S)Local Funds May
Summative - Extended knowledge of skills taught in class
4. Create Math and Reading labs to target students who did not perform satisfactory on STAAR. (Title I SW: 2,3,9) (Title I TA: 1,5) (Target Group: H, AA, ECD, ESL, SPED, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Summative - STAAR performance
Assistant Principal(s), Instructional Specialist, Teacher(s)
5. Provide and utilize ZAP(Zeros aren’t Assistant Principal(s), September-May Permitted)time which is an additional Classroom Teacher(s), instruction time of 30 minutes prior to the start Instructional Specialist, Principal of the school day. This time will be allotted to students needing to make up work or need extra help in a core subject and for enrichment. (Title I SW: 1,2,9) (Target Group: All)
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(O)Computer Lab
Summative - Schedule Sign-in logs
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 3.
Reduce the achievement gap on STAAR between phase-in performance standards and recommended performance standards.
Person(s) Responsible
6. All students on campus will participate in Assistant Principal(s), Principal, September-June computer based learning each week for 30-45 Teacher(s) minutes in ELA and Math. Based on need, students will use Classworks Reading, Math, Science, Think Through Math, or iStation Reading. (Title I SW: 3,10) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
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Resources (O)Computer Lab
Evaluation Summative - Increased academic scores on local assessments and state mandated testing.
Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 4.
Improve the achievement of students served by programs such as English Language Learners, Special Education, 504, Dyslexia, and Gifted and Talented at all levels.
Activity/Strategy 1. Ensure that Special Education and LEP Programs and services are administered effectively and in compliance with state and federal guidelines and requirements, including ensuring that teachers effectively implement and monitor RTI Tiered Interventions. (Title I SW: 9) (Target Group: ESL, SPED, AtRisk, Dys, 6th, 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 4)
Person(s) Responsible
Assistant Principal(s), August-May Counselor(s), Dyslexia Teacher, ESL Teacher, Instructional Specialist, Principal, Special Ed Teachers, Support Team, Teacher(s)
2. SIOP Implementation calendar developed Assistant Principal(s), with training to ensure fidelity of implementation Instructional Specialist in classrooms Target after STAAR (Title I SW: 3,9) (Target Group: ESL, LEP, 6th, 7th , 8th)
3. All ELA teachers will become ESL certified District Bilingual Department, (Title I SW: 3,4) (Target Group: ESL, LEP, 6th, Principal, Teacher(s) 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 2,4)
DMAC Solutions ™
Evaluation Summative - Increased student performance in academic areas and improved student behavior impacting performance results in all key measures.
(F)Title III Bilingual/ESL
Summative - Increased student performance Increased number of students exiting ESL Increase SIOP implementation
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(F)Title III Bilingual/ESL
Summative - number of certified ESL teachers
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 1.
Meet or exceed Texas Education Agency standards on STAAR, close the achievement gap, prepare students for higher education and workforce readiness, and provide meaningful opportunities for the district's diverse student population.
Objective 5.
Inncrease attendance rates at all campuses will reach or exceed 97%.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Monitor student attendance, tardiness and dropouts on a daily basis. (Title I SW: 2) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Principal, Registrar, Support Team
Summative - Improve students attendance
2. Conduct Home visits to check on students with excessive absences (Title I SW: 2) (Target Group: All)
Assistant Principal(s), Dean of Student Services, Principal
Summative - Improvement of attendance rate to 97% or above
Summative - Improve student's attendance
3. Make daily calls to parents to inquire about Registrar, Support Team, students' absences (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th Teacher(s) , 8th)
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Forest Park Middle School Goal 2.
Establish an integrated system of community relations and communications that provides opportunities to establish and strengthen district relationships and partnerships with parents and the community.
Objective 1.
Expand comprehensive programs and partnership opportunities between parents, community, and schools that foster classroom innovation.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Provide increased opportunities for parents Assistant Principal(s), and community members to be involved in Counselor(s), Instructional support of their children in the educational Specialist, Principal programs of the school through membership in organizations, parent education and training, mentoring opportunities, adopt a school initiatives, and the Pastor/Community Involvement Initiative in order to inform, educate, and increase parental involvement. (Title I SW: 6) (Title I TA: 7) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 1,2,4)
2. Provide parent information about Skyward Parent/Family access to keep informed about student grades, access language programs, and a variety of other needs. (Title I SW: 6) (Title I TA: 7) (Target Group: All)
August- June
Assistant Principal(s), Classroom Teacher(s), Counselor(s), Instructional Specialist, Principal
3. Partner with Chick-fil-a, Mobberly Counselor(s), Principal, Support August -June Baptist,Denny's,Judge James Mathis, WalTeam Mart, Erskine and McMahon Law Firm to provide incentives for students who are on the A & B honor roll, perfect attendance, citizenship and academic achievements. (Title I SW: 10) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) 4. Organize a Mentoring Program with Partners in Prevention to provide identified students with a mentor (Title I SW: 6,10) (Target Group: All)
Club Sponsors, Counselor(s), Principal, Support Team
5. Utilize students planner to promote a sense Assistant Principal(s), of responsibility and reinforce skills taught in all Instructional Specialist, subjects and as a form of communication Teacher(s) between school and home. (Title I SW: 6) (Target Group: All)
DMAC Solutions ™
Summative - PTA Membership and participation records; AdoptA-School sponsors, such as, Chick-fil a.
(O)Computer Lab
Summative - Parent survey
(S)Local Funds
Summative - Program implemented successfully
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Summative - Increase the number of students who are mentored through the program (S)Local Funds
Summative - Students coming to class organized and prepared for class
Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 2.
Establish an integrated system of community relations and communications that provides opportunities to establish and strengthen district relationships and partnerships with parents and the community.
Objective 2.
Create a system to communicate foundational and future-ready skills for each learner.
Activity/Strategy 1. Invite volunteers to talk about career choices with the students and to serve as positive role models (Title I SW: 10) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Person(s) Responsible Assistant Principal(s), Counselor(s), Principal, Teacher(s)
2. Students will research career opportunities. Counselor(s), Support Team, (Title I SW: 10) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , Teacher(s) 8th)
DMAC Solutions ™
Summative - Increase student knowledge of jobs in our community
Summative - Increased awareness of career opportunities
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Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 2.
Establish an integrated system of community relations and communications that provides opportunities to establish and strengthen district relationships and partnerships with parents and the community.
Objective 3.
Create a system for establishing and maintaining reciprocal community partnerships to increase authentic field based learning experiences.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Begin a partnership with Universities in the Assistant Principal(s), area to create a college vision for all 8th Grade Counselor(s), Instructional students. (Target Group: All, 7th , 8th) Specialist
October, February, May
2. Partnership with the Local Girl Scout Organization, Forever Friends, ETCADA and Partners in Prevention to assist with the preparation of leading students toward a successful life. (Title I SW: 10) (Target Group: F, 6th, 7th , 8th)
September- May
DMAC Solutions ™
Club Sponsors, Counselor(s), Teacher(s)
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Resources (S)Local Funds
Evaluation Summative - Increased students knowledge about various colleges and universities. Summative - Program implemented successfully
Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 3.
Hire, retain, cultivate, and promote high quality personnel.
Objective 1.
Hire highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals for all academic core courses in compliance with federal and state guidelines specific to No Child Left Behind.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Ensure that priority is given to the Assistant Principal(s), Personnel June & July recruitment, selection and development of Director, Principal highly qualified teachers with experience in core curriculum areas. Teachers and instructional paraprofessionals must be provided on-going training opportunities in high-yield, effective strategies for ensuring that students achieve at high levels. (Title I SW: 5) (Target Group: AA, ECD, ESL, SPED) (NCLB: 3) 2. Redesign staffing to increase FPMS's Principal capacity to provide high impact support to students and staff with the addition of a Student Services Coordinator and an Instructional Specialist for the purpose of mentoring inexperienced/ineffective teachers, designing and developing appropriate campus-based lesson content and assessments; monitoring and intervening for targeted students and student groups, coordinating local services and programs, and school/parent partnerships. (Title I SW: 2,3,10) (Target Group: All)
3. Use the TxBess Mentoring program to provide ongoing assistance for new and newly hired teachers. (Title I SW: 4,5) (Target Group: All)
Sept - May
Assistant Principal(s), Instructional Specialist, Personnel Director, Principal
Evaluation Summative - The school climate and culture of Forest Park Middle School will be staffed with personnel who hold teaching, learning, and student achievement as their highest priority; Staff and leadership
(S)Local Funds
Summative - Increased use of effective methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the core academic and student support programs of the school while providing timely intervention and home school connections for at-risk student
Summative - Teacher Retention of highly qualified teachers
4. Provide Special Education teachers to work Principal and instructionally support identified students. (Title I SW: 3,5) (Target Group: SPED) (NCLB: 4)
(F)IDEA Special Education
Summative - Increase students' performance on Common Assessment, District Benchmarks and STAAR
5. Provide an ESL teacher for ELL students. (Target Group: LEP)
(F)Title III Bilingual/ESL
Summative - Increase proficiency with the English Language and increase performance on TELPAS
DMAC Solutions ™
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Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 3.
Hire, retain, cultivate, and promote high quality personnel.
Objective 1.
Hire highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals for all academic core courses in compliance with federal and state guidelines specific to No Child Left Behind.
Activity/Strategy 6. Provide Instructional Assistants so that teachers will have quality time to work with atrisk students and to effectively implement inclusion practices (Title I SW: 1,2,9) (Target Group: SPED, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Person(s) Responsible
(F)IDEA Special Education
Summative - Improved instructional activities in class
7. Provide a Dyslexia teacher for Read 180 Principal Lab to support students with Dyslexia and or identified Dyslexia tendencies. (Target Group: Dys)
(S)Local Funds
Summative - Increased student performance on STAAR
DMAC Solutions ™
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Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 3.
Hire, retain, cultivate, and promote high quality personnel.
Objective 2.
All Staff will receive high quality, effective, relevant, and sustained professional development aligned with District goals and performance objectives.
Activity/Strategy 1. Require all staff members to become DataDriven and make data-informed decisions in improving instruction and analyzing student achievement on TEKS by consistently using procedures and data management tools to disaggregate and organize student data from Curriculum-based Common Assessments and District benchmarks to inform instruction and intervene for students in need of academic support. (Title I SW: 8) (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th)
Person(s) Responsible
DMAC Solutions ™
Assistant Principal(s), August-May Instructional Specialist, Principal
2. Leadership team will attend Professional Assistant Principal(s), development conferences to improve campus Counselor(s), Instructional culture, ensure implementation of campus and Specialist, Principal district teaching methods and strategies, and increase leadership capacity. The leadership team will participate in training session from Lead4ward Leading Learning Series, Systems with Judson ISD and Lesson Plan Training with Dr. Johnson. We will continue with Systems with Judson ISD. (Title I SW: 4) (Target Group: All) 3. Teachers will attend professional development sessions as well as have job embedded professional development in order to provide targeted interventions for students such as Margaret Kilgo, STAAR Accommodations, and district provided staff development. (Title I SW: 4) (Target Group: AA, ECD, ESL, SPED, 6th, 7th , 8th)
December and June
Assistant Principal(s), October Department Heads, Instructional Specialist, Principal
Evaluation Summative - Increase students' performance on Common Assessment, District Benchmarks and STAAR
(O)Region VII, (S)Local Funds
Summative - Walk Throughs Lesson Plans Collaboration Meetings and Grade Level Meeting Logs Effective Implementation of Accountability Systems
(O)Region VII, (S)Local Funds
Summative - Increased intervention strategies Increased academic scores
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Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 4.
Design a comprehensive instructional technology program that promotes 21st century teaching and learning, including digital literacy and Internet safety instruction.
Objective 1.
Fully integrate appropriate technology tools to facilitate best practices for teaching and learning in the classroom.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Utilize Instructional Technology Specialist to Assistant Principal(s), Campus August-March model technology skills for curriculum projects Instructional Technologist, using various applications. Classroom Teacher(s), Instructional Specialist, Principal (Title I SW: 3,4) (Target Group: All)
(O)Computer Lab
Summative - Implemented successfully
2. Utilize Classwork trainer and district Assistant Principal(s), Campus Set. Dec. Mar representative to provide training with the Instructional Technologist, Classwork computer based program. (Title I Instructional Specialist, Principal SW: 2,10) (Target Group: AA, ECD, ESL, LEP, SPED, AtRisk, 6th, 7th , 8th, 504)
(O)Computer Lab
Summative - Implemented successfully
3. Ensure that all professional staff complete Technology Proficiency 11. (Title I SW: 4) (Target Group: All)
DMAC Solutions ™
Assistant Principal(s), Campus Instructional Technologist, Principal
September-March (O)Computer Lab
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Summative - Number of staff completing Proficiency 11
Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 4.
Design a comprehensive instructional technology program that promotes 21st century teaching and learning, including digital literacy and Internet safety instruction.
Objective 2.
Increase the capacity of district staff to integrate the use of technology tools and resources through a differentiated staff development program that addresses 21st century skills.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Utilize Instructional Technology Specialist to Assistant Principal(s), Campus provide staff development on specific tools that Instructional Technologist, can be used with the current system of Principal technology. (Title I SW: 2,4) (Target Group: All)
Summative - Implemented Successfully
2. Access to the Internet provides both staff Campus Instructional and students with a plethora of excellent Technologist, Director of resources to support instruction (Title I SW: 2) Technology (Target Group: All)
Summative - Observations Walk throughs
DMAC Solutions ™
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Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
Forest Park Middle School Goal 4.
Design a comprehensive instructional technology program that promotes 21st century teaching and learning, including digital literacy and Internet safety instruction.
Objective 3.
Provide an infrastructure capable of supporting district instructional needs of staff and students and district technology goals and objectives aligned to the TEA's Long Range Plan for Technology.
Person(s) Responsible
1. Provide parents access to online Campus Instructional registration. (Title I SW: 6) (Target Group: All) Technologist, Principal
June, July & August
(O)Computer Lab
Summative - Number of parents that use the online registration system.
2. Design at least two project based learning Assistant Principal(s), opportunities that apply technology-enhanced Instructional Specialist, instructional strategies that address foundation Principal, Teacher(s) and technology applications TEKS (Target Group: All)
(O)Computer Lab
Formative - Completed Projects
3. Students will demonstrate technology Teacher(s) literacy based on state technology applications TEKS standards. (Target Group: All, 6th, 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 4)
(O)Computer Lab
Summative - Implementation successfully
DMAC Solutions ™
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Jan 27, 2015 3:04 PM
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan After your data analysis yields a summary of findings that results in a set of problem statements, the next step is to engage in the needs assessment process to identify root causes. The 5 steps of the root causes assessment include:
Step 1: Clarify and prioritize problem statements Step 2: Establish the purpose of assessing root causes and establish the team Step 3: Gather data Step 4: Data analysis Step 5: Root cause analysis The needs assessment process is intended to safeguard against planning or implementing strategies before the root cause of a problem is understood. The number of students scoring Advanced Level III must be increased.
Root Cause 1:
is occurring because of Root Cause #2
Root Cause 2:
PS 3:
is occurring because of Root Cause #3
Root Cause 3:
PS 4:
is occurring because of Root Cause #4
Root Cause 4:
PS 5:
is occurring because of Root Cause #5
Root Cause 5:
PS 6:
is occurring because of Root Cause #6
Root Cause 6:
PS 7:
is occurring because of Root Cause #7
Root Cause 7:
PS 8:
is occurring because of Root Cause #8
Root Cause 8:
PS 9:
is occurring because of Root Cause #9
Root Cause 9:
PS 10:
is occurring because of Root Cause 10: Root Cause #10
PS 2:
Problem Statements (PS):
Problem statements are carried over from Section V of the Campus Data Analysis tab OR Section VI of the District Data Analysis Summary tab.
Lack of rigorous instruction in the content areas.
is occurring because of Root Cause #1
PS 1: Sufficient progress is not being made with diverse student groups, including ELLs, SPED, and ECD.
Limited Vocabulary and background knowledge.
Identified and Prioritized Root Causes: It is important to prioritize your Root Causes so that your improvement plan is targeted and focused. Although a Campus IP/Districy IP is critical to overall success, the targeted improvement plan is intended to address the specific reasons for low performance in the state accountability, PBM, or RF system. improvement plan, identify what focus areas will have the greatest impact on the reason(s) for low performance in an index, system safeguard, or PBM indicator and ensure those are your prioritized Root Causes. If the district or campus would like to identify more than 10 Root Causes contact the support specialist assigned to the review.
*** Important Notice! Improvement Required (IR) districts/campuses must complete the following Attestation Statement to fulfill TEC §39.106 requirements.***
Attestation Statement:
By checking the box, I attest that an on-site needs assessment has been conducted according to TEC §39.106 (b) and recommendations were made by the intervention team when considered appropriate. In addition, these findings ha are available upon request.
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan Lack of rigorous instruction in the content areas.
Root Cause 1: ?
Not Applicable
Index Number:
15% of the students will score Advanced Level III across all content areas in all grade levels
Annual Goal:
Index 1: Student Achievement Index 2: Student Progress
? Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
Implement structured, focused, system wide, vertical PLCs to plan rigorous instructional stra
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness ?
CSF 1-Improve Academic Performance/ESEA TP: Strengthen the School’s Instruction CSF 2-Quality Data to Drive Instruction/ESEA TP: Use of Data to Inform Instruction Critical Success Factors (CSFs)/ ESEA Turnaround Principles (TPs)/ Major Systems
CSF 3-Leadership Effectiveness/ESEA TP: Provide Strong Leadership How will addressing this Root Cause impact the index/indicator/CSF?
CSF 4-Increased Learning Time/ESEA TP: Redesigned School Calendar CSF 5-Family/Community Engagement/ESEA TP: Ongoing Family and Community Engagement
Systemic planning in structured, focused, vertical PLCs will equip teachers with effective rigo strategies that engage students in critical thinking activities. As students increase their ability analyze, they will master more of the content and be able to think of different solutions to dif situations. Teachers will share effective strategies, analyze data for strong and weak areas strategies, and develop innovative ways to present content to their classes to continuously e academic conversations. By working vertically, teachers will ensure that each teacher will co supportive, and process standards that are critical for his/her grade level and subject. Expec be higher, causing them to achieve at higher levels.
CSF 6-School Climate/ESEA TP: Improve School Environment CSF 7-Teacher Quality/ESEA TP: Ensure Effective Teachers
Interventions by Quarter Q1 (Aug, Sept, Oct)
Q2 (Nov, Dec, Jan)
3% of the students will score Advanced Level 3 in all subject areas across all grade levels.
Q1 Goal:
Q2 Goal:
If this is your first submission (October 31st) of the 2014-2015 targeted improvement plan, the quarter 1 (Q1) goal section is not required to be completed.
Leading the Learning Series - Creating the Focus - Using the Heatmaps to identify Focus SE s for every content area. Identified the Highly tested Process standards. Identified Fine Arts Teachers and developed content areas that they would support.
Leading the Learning Series - Planning Instruction Using the Focus SEs - Highly tested process skills - determined that they would be taught/used at least 3 times per week in Social studies and Science vertically grades 6-8.
Leading the Learning Series - Organizing Intervention . Students in Met Phase- 2 - Advanced Academic Performance were placed in Pre-AP ELA, Math, and 8th grade science increasing the number of students participating in these classes by 50%.
What data will be collected to monitor interventions? Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; sign1) in sheets for PD at Region 7; PLC structure sheet, agendas, and minutes
Evaluating programs - Gath / Teacher Surveys).
Leading the Learning Series - Encouraging Success Targeting students for interventions. In PLCs review tutorial schedules. Review interventions being used and adjust according to students' needs.
Leading the Learning Series - Pacing. Analyze pacing of content in PLCs and adjust to meet needs of students through acceleration and enrichment. Develop tutorial schedules where necessary.
Evaluate PLC processes u adjustments for 2015-2016
Leading the Learning Series - Thinking Ahead. Analyze common assessments in PLCs to determine if rigor matches STAAR questions.
Implement Vocabulary - Use Lead4Ward {Eguide} in implementing Academic vocabulary and other resources. Include Vocabulary Dialogue and sharing in PLCs. ( Every teacher will be required to model and share research based instructional strategies and show 4) evidence of implementation.
Share data/student work in PLCs from students who are progressing at or toward Advanced Level III. Continue enrichment tutorials to work with Quintile Levels IV and V to reach Advanced Level III. Review student work; model high 4) level student work with higher achieving students.
Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; Learning walks video and 1) reflections; Tekscore data; class rosters for math, reading, and writing intervention classes
Leading Learning Series - M Analyze student achieveme interventions. Decide if the replaced. 1)
What data will be collected to monitor interventions?
Leading the Learning Series - Engaged Review Assess using the district Developed simulations all tested subject areas. Use data to impact instruction.
Leading the Learning Series - Analyzing Assessments. Provide Campus Simulation Assessment. Conduct Data Talks. 2)
15% of the students will sco all subject areas across all
Q4 Goal:
Interventions: Leading the Learning Series - Adapting Intervention Implement Instructional Modeling in the PLCs. Implement Job Embedded Staff Development - Learning Walks Video reflections of Teachers. 1) Using Recent Curriculum unit assessment data - additional students may be identified for math, reading, and writing intervention classes. Implement these classes.
Q4 (May, June, July)
15% of the students will score Advanced Level 3 in all subject areas across all grade levels.
Q3 Goal:
Interventions: Implement the STAAR4Ward Leading the Learning Series. Identified Instructional Team - attended STAAR 3DI. Established the PLCs including creating the structure.
Q3 (Feb, Mar, Apr)
9% of the students will score Advanced Level 3 in all subject areas across all grade levels.
What data will be collected to monitor interventions? Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; DMAC instructional 1) reports; lesson plans
Analyze STAAR data - esp made by ECD, African Am students. 4)
What data was collected to monitor Student data from common 1) simulation
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan heatmaps; list of highly tested process standards (curriculum notebook); list of Fine 2) Arts teachers and areas they will be assisting lesson plans; curriculum notebook
Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; Campus simulation data in DMAC; data talk records
Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; PLC agendas and 3) minutes; edited pacing guides;edited tutorial schedules
class rosters for Pre-AP ELA, math and 8th 4) science
Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; E-Guide for vocabulary; 4) PLC agendas and minutes;
Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; PLC agendas and minutes; lesson plans
Sign-in sheets for Staar4Ward webinars; TEKSCORE data; 3) questions from common assessments; PLC agendas and minutes PLC agendas and minutes; tutorial schedules; lesson plans 4)
Parent, student, teacher su 2) PLC surveys; edited PLC p 3) 2015 Accountability Summ 4)
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan End of Quarter Reporting Q1 Report If this is your first submission (October 31st) of the 2014-2015 targeted improvement plan, the quarter 1 (Q1) report section is not required to be completed.
Are you on track to meet the annual goal?
Q2 Report
Are you on track to meet the annual goal?
Q4 Report
Q3 Report
Are you on track to meet Select the annual goal?
Are you on track to meet the annual goal?
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
End of Year Reporting
Did you meet your annual goal?
Data Analysis Process
Quarterly Planning Process
Data Quality
(Specific) Interventions
Appropriate Strategy
Ongoing Monitoring of Interventions
Identification of Need/Root Cause Chosen
CSFs and/or ESEA Turnaround Principles Planning
Annual Goals
If YES, to what do you attribute your success?
Select If NO, to what do you attribute your lack of success?
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan Limited Vocabulary and background knowledge.
Root Cause 2: ?
Not Applicable
Index Number:
20% of the overall student population will advance at least 1 Phase-in level from the Phase i
Annual Goal:
Index 1: Student Achievement Index 2: Student Progress
? Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
Create a system for structured interventions and focused enrichement to meet the needs of
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness CSF 1-Improve Academic Performance/ESEA TP: Strengthen the School’s Instruction
CSF 2-Quality Data to Drive Instruction/ESEA TP: Use of Data to Inform Instruction Critical Success Factors (CSFs)/ ESEA Turnaround Principles (TPs)/ Major Systems
CSF 3-Leadership Effectiveness/ESEA TP: Provide Strong Leadership How will addressing this Root Cause impact the index/indicator/CSF?
CSF 4-Increased Learning Time/ESEA TP: Redesigned School Calendar CSF 5-Family/Community Engagement/ESEA TP: Ongoing Family and Community Engagement
Identify the students who could benefit from targeted instruction to improve the overall passi increase the number of students scoring at Phase-in Level II on more than one assesment. I research based instructional strategies. Provide a form of teacher accountability. Create a s between teachers and grade levels. Build a culture or climate for high expectations.>
CSF 6-School Climate/ESEA TP: Improve School Environment CSF 7-Teacher Quality/ESEA TP: Ensure Effective Teachers
Interventions by Quarter Q1 (Aug, Sept, Oct)
Q2 (Nov, Dec, Jan)
4% of the students will advance at least 1 Phase-in level from the Phase in Template
Q1 Goal:
Q2 Goal: Interventions: Implement reading and math intervention classes. Students will be identified using the p p and Focus SEs Quintile reports. Heatmaps were identified and used for planning and interventions. Implement Community and parent involvement activities. Schedules in the park. Teacher Start of School Community Walk. Parent meetings to discuss STAAR reports and Skyward student access. Partners in Prevention and PTA.
If this is your first submission (October 31st) of the 2014-2015 targeted improvement plan, the quarter 1 (Q1) goal section is not required to be completed.
Re-address staffing patterns- 6th grade SPED teacher meets with 8th grade SPED classes to ensure that all SPED students are support in ELA and Math. Teachers were moved according to campus and grade level strengths.
Provide Professional development in very specific areas - ELA teachers were certified in ESL. Plan to provide SIOP training to those teachers who are new and who may not have been trained. Differentiated instruction training. Learning in the fast lane - book study was conducted campus wide. Content areas teachers had specific concentrated staff developement during the summer. One Teacher per grade level was trained in GT. Two administrators were trained at AIE conference. ESL teacher received specialized writing training. Teachers will attend Marget Kilgo training (All Content)
What data will be collected to monitor interventions? Class rosters; Quintile reports; Heatmaps; 1) Focus SEs
Q3 (Feb, Mar, Apr)
10% of the students will advance at least 1 Phase-in level from the Phase-in Template
Q3 Goal: Interventions: Review STAAR Data and heatmaps and plan for instructional interventions. 1)
Implement Flexible Friday schedules for grade 8 students which will increase science and social studies instructional time. 2)
Continue Fexible Friday Schedule revamp as needed.
Evaluate writing and DEW
Contine Vocabulary framework as defined in previous quarter.
Evaluate vocabulary frame
What data will be collected to monitor interventions?
What data was collected to monitor
STAAR data; heatmaps; lesson plans
Heatmaps; Focus SEs; class rosters 1)
What data will be collected to monitor interventions?
Evaluate Flexible Friday Sc
Continue Writing and DEW day as defined in previous Quarter
Implement a structured vocabulary framework which includes vocabulary identification, intensive vocabulary instruction and targeted instructional methods such as word walls.
Interventions: Evaluate student progress 1)
Writing in the core content classes. One Required Writing piece is required every 6 weeks in ELA classes for 6th and 8th grade, 7th grade is required to have 2. Continue to implement Drop Everything and Write (DEW) day (1 X per semester). Every subject area will 3) be required to have one response to text question on every assessment that is given. It would follow the EOC English 1 writing in response to text and rubric.
20% of the students will ad level from the Phase-in Tem
Q4 Goal:
Interventions: Analyze campus assessment data including Heatmaps and focus SEs. Revamp intervention classes. 1)
Q4 (May, June, July)
10% of the students will advance at least 1 Phase-in level from the Phase-in Template
STAAR data from Pearson 1)
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan Parent notices; news releases; sign-in sheets 2)
Master schedule 2)
Master schedule 3)
Writing artifacts; common assessments; lesson plans 3)
sheets for various PDs; 4)
Master schedule 2) Writing artifacts; common assessments; lesson plans 3)
Vocabulary framework 4)
Flexible Friday evaluation 2) Writing and DEW evaluatio 3)
Vocabulary Framework, lesson plans 4)
Vocabulary Framework eva 4)
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Needs Assessment Summary and Improvement Plan End of Quarter Reporting Q1 Report If this is your first submission (October 31st) of the 2014-2015 targeted improvement plan, the quarter 1 (Q1) report section is not required to be completed. Are you on track to meet the annual goal?
Q2 Report
Are you on track to meet the annual goal?
Q3 Report
Q4 Report
Are you on track to meet Select the annual goal?
Are you on track to meet the annual goal?
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
Describe the data or evidence used to determine if the goal will or won't be met.
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
What, if any, adjustments must be made in order to meet the annual goal?
End of Year Reporting
Did you meet your annual Select goal?
Data Analysis Process
Quarterly Planning Process
Data Quality
(Specific) Interventions
Appropriate Strategy
Ongoing Monitoring of Interventions
Identification of Need/Root Cause Chosen
CSFs and/or ESEA Turnaround Principles Planning
Annual Goals
If YES, to what do you attribute your success? If NO, to what do you attribute your lack of success?
Root Cause 3: ?
Not Applicable Index 1: Student Achievement Index Number:
Annual Goal:
Index 2: Student Progress ? Index 3: Closing Achievement Gaps
Index 4: Postsecondary Readiness CSF 1-Improve Academic Performance/ESEA TP: Strengthen the School’s Instruction
CSF 2-Quality Data to Drive Instruction/ESEA TP: Use of Data to Inform Instruction Critical Success Factors (CSFs)/ ESEA Turnaround Principles (TPs)/ Major Systems
CSF 3-Leadership Effectiveness/ESEA TP: Provide Strong Leadership CSF 4-Increased Learning Time/ESEA TP: Redesigned School Calendar CSF 5-Family/Community Engagement/ESEA TP: Ongoing Family and Community Engagement CSF 6-School Climate/ESEA TP: Improve School Environment CSF 7-Teacher Quality/ESEA TP: Ensure Effective Teachers
How will addressing this Root Cause impact the index/indicator/CSF?
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Accountability Monitoring State Targeted Reconstitution Plan (Supplement to the targeted Improvement Plan) Initial Determination Date October 31, 2014 (1st Draft):
Staffing Decision Date (2nd Draft):
FINAL Reconstitution Plan Date:
Support Specialist Only: Support Specialist Name:
Final Approval Date:
Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations
All teachers will be required to keep evidence of planning, student work, data used, etc. according to CSFs in a notebook to document their data sources. Core teachers will identify data sources to document each CSF. Elective teachers will document their support for the content areas, including writing,vocabulary, etc. The CIT will be looking for progress being made by students on the Simulation, time spent in planning and implementation of lesson plans, and correlation of instruction and assessement to the TEKS of that course.
Campus Redesign that Addresses Staff Changes/Retention
? Actions Planned or Taken Hold a general faculty meeting to share the procedures for documentation for planning, and implementation. Model the process as needed. A speific targeted plan (TINA) will be developed using EVAAS data for teachers who are below level 3.
Resources and Persons Responsible
Leadership team that oversees PLCs will ensure that each core subject area is implementing the model.
October - staff meeting; deliver documentation sheets for each of the 7 Critical Success Factors
Prinicipal will ensure TINAs are October - May - Teachers developed based on EVAAS. will collect data and documentation on planning and student progress
Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations
Page 37 of 44
? Actions Planned or Taken
? Timelines
Resources and Persons Responsible
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Accountability Monitoring State Targeted Reconstitution Plan (Supplement to the targeted Improvement Plan) Training on lesson planning and relevancy of activities to the TEKS and the development of daily objectives with relevant activites that leads to rigorous instruction has been provided to core teachers. A focused TEKS study in the PLCs will be implemented. Lesson plans will be monitiored by the leadership team. Teachers will be required to post daily lesson plans in a common location in the classroom, to the right of the door making the plan readily available to any person conducting a walkthrough. Teachers who do not implement the model will be placed on a TINA.
Campus Redesign that Addresses Curriculum and Instructional Changes
New lesson plan format will be provided to the teachers. New walkthrough format following the lesson plan design will be developed. Post walk-through conferences will be implemented, and coaching will occur as needed.
Leadership team that oversee PLC's will ensure that each core subject area is implementing the model.
October-Training and implementation November-TEKS study in PLCs
Teachers responsible for displaying daily lesson plans.
October - May Leadership Team members will conduct walk throughs weekly to determine if the lesson plan model is being implemented and producing increased student growth.
Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations
Page 38 of 44
? Actions Planned or Taken
Resources and Persons Responsible
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Accountability Monitoring State Targeted Reconstitution Plan (Supplement to the targeted Improvement Plan) A. Specialized math, reading, and writing labs were created and taught by highly qualified staff. Students were initially placed based on previous year's STAAR results. Student rosters will be fluid based on common assessements. Lesson plans will be developed using targeted skills data from DMAC and the spiral of skills missed from scaffolded TEKS.
Campus Redesign that Addresses Structural and Managerial Innovations
A. Teachers were reassigned to the most appropriate placement for the needs of the student.
Leadership Team Teachers-phase in templates
August-classes created, students identified October-May grades/students monitored.
B. All Pre-AP teachers were required to attend GT Common Assessment data training to teach Pre-AP and the phase-in templates Performance will be evaluated using the number of classes. Students' grades will be monitored. students who met or exceeded growth and the number will be monitored every sixof students who increased in their phase-in level. weeks, and conferences will be held with teachers whose B. Students at the higher levels at the phase-in were data reflect failing students. identified and placed in Pre-AP courses, increasing the number of students served by one third. Performance will be evaluated using the number of students who met or exceeded growth and the number of students who increased in their phase-in level.
Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations
Page 39 of 44
? Actions Planned or Taken
? Timelines
Resources and Persons Responsible
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Accountability Monitoring State Targeted Reconstitution Plan (Supplement to the targeted Improvement Plan) Campus Redesign that Provides High Expectations for All Students A. LEP- All ELA teachers will be required to become ESL Certified. An ESL class will be provided for the teachers to attend. ESL Certification will be paid by the District once the teacher can demonstrate having passed the test. SIOP will be provided to all core content teachers. The district's ESL Supervisor will more closely monitor student progress and will work closely with the campus ESL teacher to ensure accommodations and modifications are being implemented. Student schedules will be reviewed, and student grades will be monitored every three-weeks Conferences wilth teachers whose data reflects failing ESL students will be held. Performance will be evaluated using the number of students who met or exceeded growth and the number of students who increased in their phase-in level.Teachers whose students do not meet the expected level of growth will be placed on TINAs.
A. ESL certification class has been planned for November for all core content. Certification test is scheduled.
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November-March training
October-May SIOP is in the planning grade reviews, PLCs, stages. It will be held two teacher conferences, data days a week after school for meetings two hours per session. District ESL Supervisor is currently reviewing end of 6weeks grades and common assessment scores. Conferences with teachers will be scheduled.
B. SPED-Special education teachers are attending core curriculum PLCs with general education teachers. B. PLCs have been held Special education teachers are also attending Special weekly. Data meetings will Education PLC's weekly with the District Special be held with special d i h i S i l Ed i d i h Comments
August-November - ESL classes and certification test.
Leadership Team, District ESL Supervisor, District Special Education Supervisor
LEA Name: Longview ISD Campus Name: Forest Park Magnet School
Accountability Monitoring State Targeted Reconstitution Plan (Supplement to the targeted Improvement Plan) Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations The campus will implement the STAAR4Ward "Leading the Learning" series' monthly webinars. Evidence of implementation will be monitored. Data analysis and student montoring will be sustained throughout the process.
Campus Redesign that Addresses Sustained Professional Development
? Actions Planned or Taken
? Timelines
Campus Leadership Team August-May attended the kickoff at Region 7 in August (STAAR3Di).
Resources and Persons Responsible
Leadership Team/Teachers
August-October - webinars are completed. Common assessements have been placed on Phase-in template. Teachers will be trained to use the Phase-in template. October- Quinterventions will be the focus. November- May sessions will be delivered as released from Lead4Ward.
Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations
Select One
? Actions Planned or Taken
? Timelines
Resources and Persons Responsible
Targeted Reconstitution 19 TAC §97.1051(7), §97.1064, and TEC §39.107
? Reconstitution Determinations
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? Actions Planned or Taken
Resources and Persons Responsible