NATURAL RESOURCES WATER WEBQUEST I. TYPES AND SOURCES OF POLLUTION: Infectious Agents in the Water: Use the following link to start your search for the following questions. 1. What does MCLs stand for?
2. What is Chryptosporidium?
3. What is the most effective way to control Chryptosporidium?
4. What are fecal coliforms?
5. How does fecal coliform get into the water?
Oxygen Demanding Wastes: (Google Search) 6. What are oxygen demanding wastes?
What is BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)?
8. How is BOD measured?
Inorganic Chemicals: 9. How can Arsenic get into a drinking water supply?
10. What health risks are associated with arsenic consumption in drinking water?
11. What health risks are associated with lead poisoning?
12. How can lead get into the drinking water supply?
BIOINDICATORS: (google search) 13. What is a Bioindicator?
14. List 3 examples of bioindicators. Sources of Pollution: NON-POINT SOURCE POLLUTION (NPS) 15. According to the National Water Inventory, what is the greatest source of NPS pollution?