Archdiocese of New Orleans (Archidioecesis Novae Aureliae)
Most Reverend GREGORY M. AYMOND, D.D.
Most Reverend ALFRED C. HUGHES, S.T.D. Former Archbishop of New Orieans; ordained December 15, 1957; appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston July 21, 1981; ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Boston September 14, 1981; appointed Bishop of Baton Rouge September 7, 1993; installed Bishop of Baton Rouge November 4, 1993; appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of New Orleans February 16, 2001; appointed Ai·chbishop of New Orleans January 3, 2002; retired August 20, 2009. Office: 7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, LA 70125. Tel: 504861-9521.
Archbishop of New Orleans; ordained May 10, 1975; ordained Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans January 10, 1997; appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Austin June 2, 2000; installed Bishop of Austin August 3, 2000; appointed Archbishop of New Orleans June 12, 2009; Pallium conferred by Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican June 29, 2009; installed Archbishop of New Orleans August 20, 2009. Archdiocesan Administration B,dlding: 7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, LA 70125-3496. Tel: 504-86.1-9521.
Most Reverend 'DOMINIC CARMON, S.V.D ., D.D. Retired Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans; ordained February 2, 1960; appointed Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans and Titu.lar Bishop of Rusicade December 16, 1992; consecrated February 11, 1993; retired December 13, 2006. Res.: 337 Bertolino Dr., Kenne,; LA 70065-2532. Tel: 504-273-5863; Fax: 504-273-57 4 7. Square Miles 4,208. Established April 25, 1793; Archdiocese July 19, 1850.
Most Reverend
Comprises the following Parishes of Louisiana: Orleans, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. Tamma,,y and Washingtori.
FERNAND J. CHERI, III, O.F.M. Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans; ordained May 20, 1978; appointed Titular Bishop ofMembressa and Auxiliary Bishop of New Orleans January 12, 2015; ordained March 23, 2015. Office: 7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, LA 70125-3496.
For legal titles of parishes and archdiocesan institutions, consult the Chance,y Office.
Archdiocesan .Administration Building: 7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, LA 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-9521; Fax: 504-866-2906. Web: www.archdiocese-no.org
STATISTICAL OVERVIEW Personnel Archbishops. Retired Archbishops .. Auxiliary Bishops . ... Retired Bishops. . . . . Abbots. . . . . . . . . . . Priests: Diocesan Active in Diocese . . Priests: Diocesan Active Outside Diocese . Priests: Retired, Sick or Absent Number of Diocesan Priests. Religious Priests in Diocese. Total Priests in Diocese . . . Extern Priests in Diocese . . Ordinations: Diocesan Priests. . . . .. Transitional Deacons . . . Permanent Deacons. . . . . Permanent Deacons in Diocese. Total Brothers Total Sistern Parishes Pa.iishes ... . . . . With Resident Pastor: Resident Diocesan Priests . Resident Religious Priests . Without Resident Pastor: Administered by Priests . . Missions .. . . . . . . . . . . . Pastoral Centers . . . . . . . . Professional Ministry Personnel: Brothers . . . . ..... . Sisters. . . . . . . . . . . .. .
1 1 1 1 1 182 5 60 247 131 378 29 5 4 22 240 60 370 112 89 22 1 7 2 60 370
Former Bishops and Archbishops-Rt. Revs. LUIS PENALVER Y CARDENAS, D.D., cons. in 1793; transferred to Guatemala, in 1801; resigned in 1806; retired to Havana, Cuba; died in Havana, · July 17, 1810; Under the administration of the Archbishop of Baltimore from 1805-1815.; FRANcis PORRO, Bishop-elect; LOUIS WILLIAM DUBOURG, S.S., D.D., cons. Sept. 24, 1815; died Archbishop of Besancon, Dec. 1833; JOSEPH ROSATI, C.M., D.D., cons. March 25, 1824; Bishop of Tanagre and coadjutor; transferred to St. Louis, March 20, 1827; died Sept. 25, 1843; LEO DE NECKERE, C.M., D.D., cons. Aug. 4, 1829; died Sept. 4, 1833; Most Revs. ANTOINE BLANC, first Ai·chbishop; cons. Nov. 22, 1835; Ai·chbishop, July 19, 1850; died June 20, 1860; JEAN MARIE ODIN, C.M., D.D., cons. Bishop of Claudiopolis and Vicar-Apostolic of Texas,
Welfare Health Care Centers. Total Assisted . . . Homes for the Aged . Total Assisted . . . . Residential Care of Children . Total Assisted . . Day Care Centers . Total Assisted . . . . . . . . Specialized Homes . . . . . . . Total Assisted . . . . . . . . . . . Special Centers for Social Services. Total Assisted . . . . . . . . . Residential Care of Disabled .. Total Assisted . . Other Institutions . Total Assisted . . Educational Semina.iies, Diocesan . . . . . Students froai Thls Diocese Students from Other Diocese. . Seminaries, Religious . . . Students Re.ligious . . . . . . _. . Total Semina.iians . . . . . . . . .. . . . Colleges and Universities .. . . . . Total Students . . . . . . . . . . . High Schools, Diocesan and Parish Total Students . . . . . . . . . . . High Schools, Private . . . . . . . . Total Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elementary Schools, Diocesan and Pa.iish Total Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 166,564 25 3,176 1 27 8 768 3 952 415 365,852 6 63 2 96 2 41 227 1 11 52 3 9,304 9 4,308 13 9,084 48 18,622
Ma.i·ch 6, 1842; transfe.r red to Galveston, 1847; promoted to New Orleans in 1861; died at Ambierle, France, May 25, 1870; NAPOLEON J. PERCHE, cons. Bishop of Abdera and coadjutor, March 21, 1870; promoted to the See of New Orleans, May 25, 1870; died Dec. 1883; .F. X. LERAY, D.D., cons. Bishop of Natcltltoches, April 22, 1877; appt. coadjutor of New Orleans, and B.ishop of Janopolis, Oct. 23, 1879; promoted to the See of New Orleans, Dec., 1883; died at Chateaugiron, France, Sept. 23, 1887; FRANCIS J ANSSENS, D.D., cons. Bishop of Natchez, MS, May 1, 1881; promoted to the Archiepiscopal See of New Orleans, Aug. 7, 1888; died June 9, 1897; PLACIDE LOUIS CHAPELLE, D.D., Apostolic Delegate Extraordinary for Cuba and Puerto Rico; Archbishop of New Orleans; appt. Bishop of
Elementary Schools, Private . . . . . . . Total Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Non-residential Schools for the Disabled . Total Students. . . . . . . . . Catechesis/Religious Education: High School Students . . . . . . . . . . Elementa.i-y Students . . . . . . . . . . . Total Students under Catholic Instruction . . . . . . . . . . . Teachers in the Diocese: Priests .. . . Scholastics . . . Brothers . . . . Sisters. . . . .. Lay Teachers. . Vital Statistics Recetions into the Church: nfant Baptism Totals. . . . . . Minor Baptism Totals. . . . . . Adult Baptism Totals . . . . . . Received into Full Communion First Communions . Confirmations Marriages: Catholic . .. . Interfaith . . . Tota\ Marrii'ges Deaths . . . . . . . Total Catholic Population . . . . . Total Population . . . . . . . . . .
8 2,655 1 201 3,067 8,420 55,713 62 180 13' 25 3,555 3,541 303 168 602 3,511 3,003 976 294 · 1,270 3,205 518,989 1,297,473
Arabissus and Coadjutor of Santa Fe cum jure successionis, Aug. 2_1, 1891; cons. Nov. 1, 1891; promoted to the .Titular Archlepiscopal . See of Sebaste May 10, 1893; Archbishop of Santa ·F e, Jan. 9, 1894; appt. to New Orleans, Dec. 1, 1897; died Aug. 9, 1905; JAMES H. BLENK, S.M., D.D., appt. Bishop of Puerto Rico, June 12, 1899; cons. July 2, 1899; promoted to the See of New Orleans, April 20, 1906; died April 20, 1917; JOHN W. SHAW, D.D., a ppt. Coadjutor Bishop of San Antonio, Feb. 7, 1910; cons: . Titular Bishop of Castabala, April 14, 1910; succeeded to the See of San Antonio, March 11, 1911; made assistant at the Pontifical Throne, Sept., 1916; promoted to the See of New Orleans, Jan. 25,. 1918; died Nov. 2, 1934; JOSEPH FRANCIS R~IMEL, D.D., ord. May 24, 1902; appt. Bishop of Omaha, March 30, 1928; cons. May 29,
1928; appt. Archbishop of New Orleans, March 9, 1935; died Nov. 8, 1964; Ris Eminence JOl;IN CARDINAL CODY, D.D., S.T.D., cons. July 2, 1947; promoted to Coadjutor cum jure successionis of New Orleans, Aug. 10, 1961; acceded to the See, Nov. 8, 1964; transferred to Chicago, June 16, 1965; created Cardinal, June 26, 1967; died April 25, 1982; Most Revs. PHILIP M. HANNAN, D.D., J.C.D. , S.T.L., Archbishop of New Orleans; ord . Dec. 8, 1939; appt. Titular Bishop of Hieropolis and Auxiliary Bishop of Washington, June 16, 1956; cons . Aug. 28, 1956; promoted to Archbishop of New Orleans, Sept. 29, 1965; retired Feb. 14, 1989; died Sept. 29, 2011.; FRANCIS B. SCHULTE, D.D., Archbishop of New Orleans; ord. May 10, 1952; appt. Titular Bishop of Afufenia and Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia, June 27, 1981; appt. Sixth Bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, June 4, 1985; appt. Archbishop of New Orleans, Dec. 13, 1988; installed Feb. 14, 1989; Pallium conferred by Pope John Paul II at the Vatican, June 29, 1989; retired Jan. 3, 2002; died Jan . 17, 2016; ALFRED C. HUGHES, S.T.D., (Retired), ord. Dec. 15, 1957; appt. Auxiliary Bishop of Boston July 2~, 1981; ord. Auxiliary Bishop of Boston Sept. 14, 1981( appt. Bishop of Baton Rouge Sept. 7, 1993; installed Bishop of Baton Rouge Nov. 4, 1993; appt. Coadjutor Archbishop of New Orleans Feb. 16, 2001; appt. Archbishop of New Orleans Jan. 3, 2002; retired June 12, 2009. • Vicars General-Most Rev. FERNAND J. CHERI III, 0.F.M., V.G. ; Very Rev. PATRICK J. WILLIAMS, M .Div., M.S., V.G. Moderator of the Curia-VACANT.
Black Catholic Ministries-7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orlemis, 70125°3496. Tel: 504-861-6207; Tel: 504-
Cha11cellor and Special Delegate for Dispensations ond Permissions-Very Rev. PETER 0. AKPOGH!RAN,
Fax: 504-525-9583; Email:
[email protected]. Very Rev. PHILIP G. LANDRY, V.F., Dir.
J.C.D., J.C.L., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6256; Fax: 504-866-2906.
Vice Chancellor and Special Delegate for Dispensations a11d Permissions-Deacon A. DAVID WARRINER JR. Archdiocesan Administration Building-7887 Walm sley Aue., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-9521; Fax: 504-866-2906 . Office Hours : Mon.-Fri. 9-5. Archdiocesan Consultors-Most Rev. FERNAND J . CHERI IIJ, O.F.M., V.G.; Rev. Msgrs. L. EARL GAUTHREAUX, J.C.L. ; FRANK J . Grnom; Very Revs. PETER 0. AKPOGHIRAN, J .C.D., J.C.L.; PATRICK J . WILLIAMS, M.Div., M.S., V.G.; Revs. RONALD L. CALKINS; JAMES J . JEANFREAU JR.; GERALD L. SEILER JR., M.Div., J.C.L. Canonical Consultant to the Archbishop-Rev. VIEN THE NGUYEN, .J.C.L., M.Div. D eans-Very Revs. ANTHONY RIGOLI, O.M.I., V.F., Cathedral Deanery I; PAUL H . DESROSIERS, V.F., City Park-Gentilly Deanery II; Very Rev. Msgr. JOHN CrsEwsra, V.F., Uptown Deanery III; Rev. Msgr. HENRY J . BUGLER, V.F., East Jefferson Deanery IV; Very Revs. WALTER J. AUSTIN, V.F., St. John-St. Charles Deanery V; MICHAEL J. KETTENRING, V.F., West Bank Deanery VI; JOHN F . TALAMO, V.F., Algiers-Plaquemines Deanery VII; OSWALD PIERRE-JULES JR., S.S.J., V.F., St. Bernard Deanery VIII; RODNEY P. BOURG, V.F., West St. Tammany-Washington Deanei-y IX; GILMER J . MARTIN, V.F., East St .. TammanyWashington Deanery X. • Archdiocesan Admi11istratiue · Council-Most Rev. GREGORY M. AYMOND, Chm. Members of the Council: Most Rev. FERNAND J. CHERI Ill, O.F.M., V.G.; Very Rev. PATRICK J . WILLIAMS, M.Di,;,, M.S., V.G.; Deacon A. DAVID WARRINER JR.; MR .. JOHN SMESTAD JR. ; J EFFREY J. ENTWISLE; MRS. WENDY VITTER.
Presbyteral (:om,cil of the Archdiocese of New Orleans-Most Rev. GREGORY M. AYMOND, Pres. Archdiocesan Finance Council-Iifost Rev. GREGORY M. AYMOND, Chn1.
Ministerial CouncilArchbishop-Most Rev. GREGORY M. AYMOND, D.D. Vicars General-Most Rev. FERNAND J. CHERI III, 0.F.M., V.G.; Very Rev. PATRICK J. WILLIAMS, M.Div., M.S., V.G. Co Chairs-Very Rev. PATRICK J. WILLIAMS, M.Div., M.S., V.G.; MR. JOHN SMESTAD JR. Members-Directors of archdiocesan ministries. Censores Librorum-Very Rev. jOSE l. LAVASTIDA, S.T.D., S.T.L., N.D.S., J.C.D .; Revs. DENNIS J. HAYES IIJ; STANLEY. P. !{LORES, M.A., M.Div., S.T.L., S.T.D.; Very Rev. PATRICK J. WILLIAMS, M.Div., M.S., V.G., Coard.
of Catholic
ROBERT M . TASMAN, Exec. Dir., 2431 s. Acadian Thruway, Ste. 250, Baton Rouge, 70808-2365. Tel: 225-344-7120; Fax: 225-383-9591; Email: lccb@cox. net; Web: www.laccb.cirg. · Archdiocesan Offices Accounting Office-MR. KENNETH JAYROE, Chief
Administrative Officer, 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6236; Fax: 504861-6202; Email:
[email protected].
Archdiocese of New Orleans North Shore Pastoral Center-4465 Hwy. 290 E. Service Rd., Covington, 70433. Tel: 985-605-5840; Email:
[email protected]. Ms. STEPHANIE DUPEPE, CCA.NO Coard., Northshore Svcs. Archives and. Records (Archdiocesan)-DR. EMILIE G. LEUMAS, C.A., C.R:M., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6241; Fax: 504866-2906; Email:
[email protected].
The Bishop Perry Center-1941 Dauphine St., New Orleans, 70116-1609. Tel: 504-227-3272; Fax: 504227-3271; Web: bpc.arch-no.org. VACANT.
861-9521; Fax: 54-866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. Rev. DANIEL H. GREEN. Building Office-MR. ANDRE L. VILLERE JR., Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6210; F ax: 504-861-7652; Email: avillere@archdiocese·-no.org. Campus Ministry-MR. SAM PITRE, Archdiocesan Coard., Email:
[email protected].
Catholic Counseling Seruice-2814 S. Carrollton Aue., New Orleans, 70118. Tel: 504-861-6246; Fax: 504227-3750; Email: ccs@arch -no.org. MR. JOEY PISTORIUS, M.A., P.LC.P., N .C.C., Coqrd.
Catholic Cultural Heritage Centei·!Old Ursuline Convent-1100 Chartres St., New Orleans, 701162596. Mailin g Address: 615 Pere Antoine Alley, New Orleans, 70116. Tel: 504-525-9585, Ext. 135; Catholic Schools Office-7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-866-7916; Fax: 504861-6260; Email:
[email protected]. org. DR. RAENELL BILLIOT HOUSTON, Supt. Assoc. Superintendents: MRS. JANE BAKER; MR. MICHAEL BURAS II; MRS. CAROLE ELLIOT; Ms. INGRID R. FIELDS; MRS. MARTHA M. MUNDINE; MR. Jo. SEPH R. ROSOLINO; MRS. KATHERINE SHEA; MRS. KASEY WEBB, Dir. Blended Learning; Ms. HELEN BRANLEY, C.P.A., C.G.M.A., Dir. Finance; MR. KE°ITH HANSON, Dir. Finance, Elementru·y Schools. Administrative Assistants: Ms. MADELINE BORDELON; Ms. SHANITRA CORLEY; Ms. NICOLE JEFFERSON; Ms . SUSAN WOLF. Center of J esus the Lord-Rev. GEORGE ROY, O.M.I., Chap., 1301 Louisian a Ave., New Orleans, 70115. Tel: 504-529-1636; .Fax: 504-529-5003; Email:
[email protected]. Chancellor-Very Rev. PETER 0. AlG'OGHIRAN, J.C.D., J .C.L. Charismatic Renewal-Liaisons: MR. AL Mru'ISFJELD; MRS. PATTI MANSFIELD, 1901 Division St., Metairie, 70001-2716. Tel: 504-828-1368; F ax: 504-831-5810; Email:
[email protected]. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7515, Metairie, 70010-7515. Christian Formation-Very Rev. JOSE I. LAVASTIDA, S.T.D., S.T.L., N.D.S., J.C.D., Exec. Dir., 7887 Wa lmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6228; Fax: 504-866-2906. Cle,-gy- Very Rev. PATRICK J. WI LLIA.MS, M.Div., M.S., V.G., Exec. Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: _5 04-861-6268; Fax: 504866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. Communications-MRS. SARAH COJIHSKEY McDONALD, Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 400, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-596-3023; Fax: 504-596-3020; Email:
[email protected].
Continuing Formation for Priests Committee-Rev. MARK S. RAPHAEL, Ph.D., Dir., Tel: 504-861-6269; Fax: 504-866-2906 . Cultural Heritage Office-DR. EMILIE G. LEUMAS, C.A., C.R.M., Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-527-5781; Fax: 504-527-5797; Email:
[email protected].
CYO - Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office-2241 Mendez St., New Orleans, 70122. Tel: 504-8360551; Fax: 504-836-0552. MR. TIMMY MCCAFFERY, Dir.
Camp Abbey Retreat Center and Camp Abbey Summer Program-(conducted by the CYO/ Youth and Young Adult Ministry Office).
Deaf Apostolat~-MRS. ARTHINE VICKS POWERS, Dir., Tel: 504-943-2456; Tel: 504-338-8808 (Video Phone); ·Email:
[email protected]. Ecume11ical Officer-Rev. EMILE G. (BUDDY) NOEL, 146 Fourth St., Westwego, 70094-4297. Tel: 504-3419522; Fax: 504-341-5957; Email: frbuddy@olps. nocoxmail.cpin. Euangelization- Very Rev. DAVID G. CARON, O.P., D.Min., Vicar of Evangelization, Tel: 504-2679650; Fax: 504-566-9718; Email: dcaron@arch-no.
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. org. 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 913, New Orleans, 70113 . Fam.i/y Life Apostolate-(See Marriage ancl Family Life). Commission for Persons with Disabilities-MRS. JANET PESCE, 7887 Walmsley Ave. , New Orleans, 701253496. Tel: 504-861-6243; Fax: 504-866-2906; Email: familylife@archdioc~se-no.org. Filipino Catholic Minist,y- DR. ADLAI DEPANo, Coard.; Rev. ROBUSTJANO D. MORGIA, Spiritual Advisor, 2361 Hwy. 18, Edgard, 70049-9101. Tel: 504-280-7370. Financial and Administrative Seruices-.JEFFREY J. _ENTWISLE, CFO; Ms. KATHLEEN HEBERT, COO; MR. KENNETH J. JAYROE III, CAO, Healthcare Chaplaincy Coordinator-Deacon JEFFREY R. TuLLY, Archdiocesan Coard., 1000 Howa rd Ave., Ste. 909, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-227-3606; Email: jtully@arch-no:org. Hispanic Apostolate-Rev. SERGIO SERRANO, 0.P., 2525 Maine Ave., Met airie, 70003. Tel: 504;4672550; Fax: 504-467-2552. Hu;,.an Resources-Ms. KAREN H EJL, Dir ., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 1200, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-310-8792; Fax: 504-568-1699; Email :
[email protected]. Information Technology-MR. JUSTIN GIBSON, Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 700, New Orleans, 701131903. Tel: 504-596-3064; F ax: 504-566-9718; Email:
[email protected]. Insurance Office-Ms. CHERYL HARPER, Oper. Mgr., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 1202, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-527-5760; Tel: 877-527-5760 (Toll Free); Fax: 504-527-5799; Email: charpe'®catholicmutual.org; Ms . SUE FOSTER, Contracts/Risk Mgmt., Email: sfoste'®catholicmutual.org. Internal Audit I Special Assignments-MRS. ANGELA WILCOX, Sr. Internal Auditor, Tel: 504,861-6231; Ms . CORINNE MARsH BARNES, Fin. Re,1ew Officer, 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6203; Fax: 504-355-0077. Legal Services-MRS. WENDY . V!TTER, Archdiocesan Legal Counsel, 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-861-6277; CHARLES I. DENECHAUD III; OTTO SCHOENFELD; RICHARD BORDELON; TODD R. GENNARDO; RALPH J. AUCOIN, 1010 Common St., Ste. 3010, New Orleans, 70112. Tel: 504-522-4756; Fax: 504-568-0783.
Magnificat House-Vocation House of Discernment for \Vomen, 2729 Lowerline St., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-227-3203; Tel: 504-861-6281. Sr. GLORIA MURILLO, S.T.J., Mentor/Dir.
Marriage and Family Life-7887 Walm sley Aue., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6243; Fax: 504866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. 1',1R. DAVID C. DAWSON JR., Dir. Metropolitan Tribunal-Very Rev. PETER 0. AKPOGHIRAN, J.C.D., J.C.L., Judicial Vicar, All rogatorial commissions should be sen t to this add ress c/o:, 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6291; Fax: 504-861-9525; Email:
[email protected].
Court of First In stan ceCourt of Second Jn stanceJudges-Very Rev. PETER 0. AKPOGHIRAN, J.C.D., J .C.L.; Rev. Msgr. L. EARL GAUTHREAUX, J.C.L.; Revs. VINH DINH LUU, J .C.L.; GERALD L. SEILER JR., M.Div., J .C.L.; Rev. Msgr. ANDREW. C. TAORMINA, J.D ., (Retired). Defenders of the Bond-Deacon A. DAVID WARRINER JR.; Ms. GERI M. WOODWARD,
Defender of the Bond for Matrimonial Causes and Promoter of Justice for Penal Causes-Rev. GARRETT M. O'BRIEN, J.C.L.
Procurators and Aduocates-(Priests a nd Deacons of the Archdiocese).
Pastoral Planning and Ministries-MR. JOHN SMESTAD JR., Exec. Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6294; Fax: 504-866-2906; Email: planningandministries@archdiocese-no. org. Permanent Diaconate-Deacon RAPHAEL DUPLECHAIN JR., Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496 . Tel: 504-861-6329; Fax: 504-866-2906. Pontifical Mission Societies-Propagation of the Faith, Missionary Childhood Association, St. Peter the Apostle, Missionary Union, Mission Outreach Programs; Bridge Builders and Christ the Healer. Rev. JAMES J. JEANFREAU JR., Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 1213', New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-5275771; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. archn6mo.org. Priest Personnel ·Office-Very ·Rev. PATRICK J . WILLIAMS, M.Div., 11rs., V.G.
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. Prisons Apostolate-MR. JOHN l\llESSENHEIMER, Archdiocesan Coord., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 1200, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-?67-9727; Email:
[email protected]. Property and Building Management-MRS. ELIZABETH F . LACOMBE, Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 107, New Orleans, 70113-1903. Tel: 504-596-3070; Fax: 504-596-3073; Email: llacombe@archdiocese-no. org. Property Records Office-MFIB. EMILY MORRIS, 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6323; Fax: 504-866-2906. Racial Harmony Liaison-Liaison to the Committee for Implementation of the Pastoral Letter on Racial Harmony.1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 109, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-861-6272; Fax: 504-2679759; Web: orh.arch-no.org. MR. WAYNE CASTILLO. Religious-Sr. ELIZABETH FITZPATRICK, O.Carm., M.A., Exec. Dir., Liaison between the Archbishop and all religious congregations of sis ters and brothers, with third orders and secular institutes, and with leadership conferences of women and men religious., 7887 · Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6281; Tel: 504-861-9521; Fax: · 504-866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. Religious Education Office~DR. ALICE HUGHES, M.R.E., Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-861-6270; Fax: 504-861-6276. R espect Life Office-Ms. DEBBIE SHINSKIE, Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., 9th Fl., New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-286-1119; Email:
[email protected]; Web: respectlife.arch-no.org. Safe E1wironmerzt Coordinator- Sr. MARY ELLEN WHEELAHA!'f, O.Carm., Coord., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-861-6278; Fax: 504-866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. Victims Assistance Coordinator- Bro. STEPHEN SYNAN, F .l\lI.S., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 701253496. Tel: 504-861-6253; Tel: 504-522-5019 (New Orleans Sex Abuse H·o tline); F ax: 504-866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. Vicars ·General- Most. Rev. FERNAND J . CHERI III, 0.F.M., V.G.; Very Rev. PATRICK J. WILLIAMS, !\II.Div., M.S., V.G., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-861-6262; Fax: 504-8616312. Vietna',,,ese Catholics OfficeLiaisons for the Vietnamese Community-Rev. NGHIEM VAN NGUYEN, 5069 Willowbrook Dr., P .O. Box 870607, Ne,v Orleal)s, 70187-0607. Tel: 504-254-5660; Fax: 504-254-9250; Very Rev. J O!UI-NHAN TRAN, V.F ., 1501 W. Causeway Approach, Mandeville, 70471-3047. Tel: 985-6266977; Fax: 985-626-6971. Vocation Office- Rev. KPRT R. YOUNG, Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6298; Fax: 504-866-2906. \Vorship Office-Rev. Msgr. KENNETH J. HEDRICK, Dir., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans; . 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6300; Fax: 504-866-2906; Email:
[email protected]. Liturgical Commission- Rev. Msgr. KENNETH J. HEDRICK, Coord., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6300; Fax: 504-866-2906; Email: worship@archdiocese-no. org. · Archdiocesan Agencies Apostleship of the Sea- Deacons PATRICK L. DEMPSEY, Dir. & Port Min.; WAYNE A. LOBELL, Asst. Dir. & Port ~Iin., Stella Maris Maritime Center, 14538 River Rd., Destrehan, 70047. Tel: 985-307' 0601; Cell: 504-669-5709; F ax: 985-307 -0967. Catholic Charities Archdiocese .of New Orleans- 1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-523-3755; , Fax: 504-523-2789; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.ccano ..org. Sr. MARJORIE A. HEBERT, M.S.C., Pres. & CEO; MRS. CHERYL D. LABORDE, CFO; MR. ORVILLE DUGGAN, Chief Admin. Officer; MR. THOMAS M. COSTANZA, Div. Dir.; Ms. CINDY DISTEFANO, Div. Dir.; MR. MARTIN GUTIERREZ, Div. Dir.; DR. ELMORE RIGAMER, Medical Dir . If additional information is needed, please contact the main office at 504-5233755. . Catholic Foundation / or th e Archdiocese of New Orleans, / nc.- MR. CORY J . HOWAT, Exec. Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 700, New Orleans, 701131903. Tel: 504-596-3045; Fax: 504-596-3068; Email: catholicfounda
[email protected]. Chateau de Notre Dame-Administrative Office: 1000 Howard Aue.; 10th Fl., N ew Orleans, 70113. Chief Executive Officer- MR. WAYNE P LAISANCE. Chateau de Notre Dame Apartments- 2820 Burdette St., New Orleans, 70125-2596. Tel: 504-866-2741; Fax: 504-866-2861. Ms . SHERRI GUIDRY, Admin. Chateau de Notre Dame Nursing Home- 2832
875 Burdette St., New Orleans, 70125-2596. Tel: 504866-2741; Fax: 504-866-2861; Web: www.cdnd. org. MR. RONNIE BARRERA, Admin.; Rev. ALBERTO BERMUDEZ, Chap. . Chateau de Notre Dame Facilities Corporation7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125. Christopher Homes, lnc.-Deacon DENNIS F. ADAMS, Dir., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, New Orlea ns, 70113-1903. Tel: 504-596-3460; Fax: 504-596-3466; Web: www.christopherhomes.'org; Email'
[email protected]. Clarion Herald Newspaper- Newspaper of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Published by Clarion Herald ·Publishing Co., Inc., "Clarion He rald" PETER P. FINNEY JR., Gen. Mgr. & Exec. Editor, iOOO Howai-d Ave., Ste. 400, New Orleans, 701131903. Tel: 504-596-3035; Fax: 504-596-3020; Email:
[email protected]. New Orleans Archdiocesan Cemeteries and N ew Orleans Cemeteries Trust- Ms. SHERRI PEPPO, Di.J·., 1000 Howa rd Ave., Ste. 500, New Orleans, 70113-1903. Tel: 504-596-3050; Fax: 504-596-3055; Email:
[email protected]. Notre Dame Hospice-MR. WAYNE PLAISANCE, CEO, 1000 Howard Ave., 10th FL, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-227-3600; Fax: 504-227-3601; Email:
[email protected]. Project Lazarus-Residential Program for Persons with HIV/A.IDSMailing Address: P.O. Box 3906, New Orleans, 70177-3906. Tel: 504-949-3609; Fax: 504-944-7944; Email:
[email protected] et; Web: www.projectlazarus.net. MR. STEVE R!VERA, Exec. Dir.; Ms. LILY HANNIGAN, Devel. Mgr. School Food and Nutrition Services of New Orleans lnc.-Ms. JANET SANDERSON, COO, 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 300, New Orleans, 70113-1925. Tel: 504596-3434; Fax: 504-596-3459; Fax: 504-596-6901; Email:
[email protected]. · *Second Harvest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana- 700 Edwards Aue., New Orleans, 70123-2236. Tel: 504-734-1322; F ax: 504-733-8336; Web: www.no-hunger.org. \Vynhouen Health Care Center- 1050 Meilical Center Blvd., Marrero, 70072-3170. Tel: 504-347-0777; Fax: 504-341-7240; Web: www.wynhoven.org. J ANE FOCKLER, Admin. Catholic Charities Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans-1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-523-3755; Fax: 504-523-2789; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.ccano.org. Sr. MAR, JORIE A. HEBERT, M.S.C., Pres. & CEO; MRS. CHERYL D. LABORDE, CFO; IVIR. ORVILLE DUGGAN, Chief Admin .' Officer; MRS. E RIN A. BOLLES, Dir. Institutional Advancement; MR. THOMAS M. COSTANZA, Div. Dir.; Ms. CINDY DISTEFANO, Div. Dir.; MR. MARTIN GUTIERREZ, Div. Dir.; DR. ELMORE RIGAMER, Medical Dir., If additional informa tion is needed, please contact the main office a t 504-5233755. Adult Day Health Ca~e CenterGreenwalt-MRs. RONNA (Nua) GARNER, Admin., Tel: 504-392-0502. Catholic Charities School-Based Counseling (CCSBC)- Ms. SUSAN. FENDLASON, Admin., Tel: 985-605-5882.:; Ciara Jndependent Living-Ms. BRITTANY SIMMONS, Prog. Coord., Tel: 504-524-8394. Ciara Permanent Housing-Ms . TROY YANCY, Case Mgi·., Tel: 504-861-0643. Community S taffing Services- Registered Office: 1000 .Howard Aue., Ste. 200, N ew Orleans, 70113. Cornerstone Builders- MR. RONNIE M OORE, Prog. Dir., Tel: 504-451-8351. Counseling Solutions- (Counseling Services by a ppointment for individuals & families of all faith s . in J efferson, Orleans, St. Charles; St. J ohn the Baptist and St. Tammany civil parishes. MR. MARK TALIANCICH, Ph.D., LPC-S, Clinical Dir., T el: 504-310-6933. DeafAction Center of Greater N ew Orleans- Ms . SHARI BERNJUS, Admin., Tel: 504-310-6869. Disaster R elief- 1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, N ew Orleans, 70113. Tel: 866-891-2210. ESL S ervices- MS. JULIE WARD, Dir. Immigration & Refugee Svcs., Tel: 504-457-3462. Food for Families I Food for Seniors-MR. T IMOTHY ROBERTSON, Exec. Dir., Tel: 504-245-7207. . Foster Grandparents~ T el: 504-310-6882. Head Start Centers-Covenant House E arly Head Start, Incarnate Word Head Star11Early Head Start, S t. John the Baptist Head Start, S t. Mary of the Angels Head Starl1Early Head Start , St. P a ul th e Apostle Head S tar11Early Head Start. MRS. RHONDA TAYLOR, Dir. Early Childhood Education,
NEW ORLEANS (NO) 8326 Apricot St., 2nd Fl., New Orleans, 70118. Tel: 504-310-6359. Health Guardians- MR. BEN WORTHAM, M.S.W., Prog. Dir., Tel: 504-310-6908. Homeless Seruices-(assists homeless individuals & families with case managem ent and supportive housing) MR. MARTIN GUTIERREZ, Div. Dir., Tel: 504-310-6914. Bridges to S elf-SufficiencyImmigration Seruices-(Provides free or low-cost legal immigi·ation counseling and representation to families a nd individuals who are eligible for i.Jnmigration benefits but ca nnot afford private attorneys. Specialized pro bono programs to provide legal representation and holistic case management support for survivors of domestic violence/abuse, unaccompanied children, survivors of traffickini; and other crimes and those detained in immigration facilities. Ms. J ULIE WARD, Dir. Immigration & Refugee S vcs., Tel: 504-457-3462. . . Isaiah 43-(Parenting and Mentoring Program) Ms . KRISTINA GIBSON, Prog. Dir., Tel: 504-310-8772. North Shore R egio11-Ms. STEPHANIE DUPEPE, Coore!. N.o rth Shore Svcs., 4465 Hwy. 190 E. Service Rd., Covington, 70433-4957. Tel: 985-905-5847. Office of In stitutional Advancement-MRS. ERIN A. BOLLES, Dir., Tel: 504-592-5688; Ms. A.sHLEY BELLANT, Grants Mgr., Tel: 504-592-5680. Archbishop Hannan Community Appeal (AHCA}1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, New Orleans, 701131903. Tel: 504-592-5688. Office of J ustice and Peace-MR. KEVIN F ITZPATRICK, Dir., Tel: 504-592-5692. Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD)Catholic R elief Services (CRS)PACE Greater N ew Orleans-(Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) (An Affiliated Ministry)4201 N. Rampart St., New Orleans, 70117. Tel: 504-9416050. ANTHONY DIAS, Exec. Dir. Padua Community Services-MRS. RONNA (NIKI) GARNER, Admin., 200 Beta St., Belle Chasse, 70037-1499. Tel: 504-392-0502. Padua Home & Community-Based ProgramPadua Community Homes- Ocean Avenue (West Bank-New Orleans), S ts. Mary & Elizabeth (N. Elm St., Metairie), St. Rosalie (Kass St., Gretna). Padua House-(formerly known as P adua Pediatric Program). Parish & Community Ministries-(Short-term Limited Case· Management Services offered by appointment in various areas of the Archdiocese of New Orleans).. Ms . VICKIE LELEU, Coord., Tel: 504451-1889. PHILMAT, lnc.-Sr. MARJORIE A. HEBERT, M.S.C., Pres., 1000 Howard Ave., Ste: 200, New Orleans; 70113. T el: 504-596-3099. Project SAVE-(Stopping Abuse through Victim Empowerment) MRS. ALLYSON TUTTLE, Admin., Tel: 504-310-6871. Pro-Life Services-MRS. MICHELLE BLACK, Dir., 921 Aris Ave., Metairie, 70002-4714. · Tel: 504-885llil. . . . ACCESS Pregnancy & Referral Centers- MRS. MICHELLE BLACK, Dir., Tel: 504-885-1141. Adoption S ervices- Ms . DANNA P . COUSINS, L.M.S.W., Prog. Dir., Tel: 504-885-1141. St. Vincent i\'1aternity Clinic- MARGARET MURPHY, R.N., Nurse Mgi·., Tel: 504-837-6346. Refugee Services-Services are oriented to cover the basic needs of newly-arrived eligible clients and promote self-sufficiency. Ms. JULIE WARD, Dir. Immigration & Refugee Svcs., T el: 504-457-3462. Spirit of Hope- Ms. SHAULA LOVERA, Prog. Dir., T~l: 504-310-8752. Therapeutic Family Services- Ms . SHACIDY HADLEYBUSH, Admin., Tel: 504-310-6939. Volunteer Department- Ms. SHANNON MURPHY, Dix., Tel: 504-310-6962. Voyage House-,: I o Catholic Charities, 1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, N ew Orleans, 70113-1942. Ms. ALECIA BLANCHARD, Admin. & Prog. Dir., Tel: 504-2693969. Independent permanent su pportive housing for single women 39+ years of age who experience substance a buse a nd/or mental h ealth issues. \Vorhforce Developm ent- Ms. JANNER WILSON, Workforce Devel. Dir., Tel: 504-523-3095. Archdiocesan Offices and Corporations 7887 Walmsley, lnc.- Mailing Address: Archdiocese of New Orleans, Dept. of Financial and Adm inistrative Sues., 7887 Walmsley Aue., N ew Orleans, 70125: Tel: 802-922-9457. J EFFREY J . ENTWISLE, Dir. & ·P res. Archdiocese of New Orleans Indemnity, lnc.- 1',foiling Address: Archdiocese of N ew Orleans, Dept. of Financial and Administrative Sues., 7887
NEW ORLEANS (NO) Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, .'10125 . Tel : 802-9229457. JEFFREY J. ENTWISLE, Dir. & Pres. Bernard A. Grehan Trust-7887 .Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-9521. Catholic Charities Children's Day Care Centers Inc.Registered Office, 1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, New Orleans, 70113-1903 . Christopher Inn-1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 100, New Orleans, 70113. Mental Health Association Development Corporation7887 \Valmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-9521.
Our Lady of \Visdom Facility Corporation-7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125. St. Mary's Catholic 01phan Boys' Asylum BoardRegistered Office: 1000 Howard Aue., Ste. 200, New Orleans, 70113-1903. St. Michael Special School-Registered Office: 7887 \Valmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-5247285; Fax: 504-524-5883 ; Web: www.archdioceseno.org/stmichael. 1522 Chippewa St., New Orlean s, 70130. Ms. TISHNA SAUERHOFF, Qir. & Prin. · , \ ·
St. Elizabeth's Guild-67 Mckinley St., Kenner, 70065. St. Vincent's Infant and Maternity Home Guild- 3805 Ridgeway Dr., Metairie, 70002. MRS. COLLEEN K. CLONINGER, Pres .
Hanmaum Korean Catholic Chapel-4812 W. Napoleon Aue., Metairie, 70001-2364. Tel: 504-8888772; Fax: 504-888-2366. Rev. JONGKWON CHOI, (Korea, South) Chap. Department of Religious
St. Gertrude 's Retirement CenterCatholic Organizations Archconfratemity of St . Ann-4920 Loveland St., Metairie, 70006. Beginning Experience-7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125. Ms. RENELL PRAVATA, Pres. Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima-Rev. DENZIL M. PERERA, Spiritual Dir., (Retired), 1307 Louisiana Ave ., New Orleans, 70115. Tel: 504-529-1636.
The Christ in Christmas Committee of New Orleans123 Iroquois Dr., Abita Springs, 70420. Tel: 985893-0169; Email:
[email protected].
Community of John the Evangelist- MS. VMEN MICHALS, Contact, 2639 DeSoto St., New Orleans, 70119. Tel: 504-944-4000.
Confratemity of the Holy Face-1050 Robert Blvd., Slidell, 70458. Cquncil of Catholic School Cooperative Clubs- MRS. FERN CARR, (2016-2018 . term), 1000 Beverly Garden Dr., Metairie, 70002. Email: flcan@cox . , net; Web: www.ccscc.catholicweb.com. The Cursillo Movement-MR. BILLY APP, Lay Dir., Mailing Address: P.O. Box 741745, New Orleans, 70174-1745. Tel: 504-464-0181, Ext. 111; Web: www .neworleanscursillo.org. Engaged Encounter-Executive Couple: DERRICK SALVAJ'
ANTHONY SMITH, Exec. Sec., Mailing Add.ress: P.O. Box 6644, Metairie, 70009-6644. Tel: 504-2825315.
Ladies of Charity of the Archdiocese-2028 Burdet.te St., Apt. 401, New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-8101733.
Lay Carmelites of Our Lady of Mount Carmel-1437 Aue. C, Marrero, 70072. Legatus of New Orleans-332 East Aue., Harahan, ·70123. Tel: 504-343-2478; Web: www.legatus.org; Email:
[email protected]. Legion of Mary-Rev. ROBERT T. COOPER, Spiritual Dir., New Orleans Regia, 1901 Division St., Metairie, 70001. Tel: 504-834-4980.
Magnificat, Ministry to Catholic Women-MRs.
MACINNIS, Coord. Central Svc. Team, 1629 Metairie Rd ., Ste. 3, Metairie, 70005-3926. Tel : 504-828-6279; Email: m
[email protected]; Web: www.magnificat-ministry.org.
Magnificat ChaptersMetairie Chapter-MRS. DONNA McNAMARA, Coord., 3416 Metairie Court, Metairie, 70002-1916. Tel: 504-833-3562. New Orleans Chapter-MRS. CLAUDIA MARSHALL, Coord., 2230 Soniat St., New Orleans, 701156426. Tel: 504-899-0390.
Slidell Chapter-35314 Camp Salmen Rd., Slidell, 70460-4108. Tel: 985-710-0412. MRS, LUGENIA DEVEZTN, Coord.
West Bank Chapter- 614 7th S., Apt. £401, Gretna, 70053-6100. Tel: 504-913-4903 . MRS. DIANE RIBANDO, Coord.
West St. Tamma.11y Chapter-BETH MoNTELEPRE, Coord., 83400 Pine Dr., Folsom, 70437-3260. Tel: 985-796-1274. Marians of New Orleans-MRS. SUE S. MEYER, Pres., 31 Tern St., New Orleans, 70124-4410. Tel: 504258-1990.
Maryknoll Mission Education Center (Promotion of Missionary \Vork)-MR. MATTHEW F. Rousso, Dir., 7730 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 70125. Tel: 504-866-8516. Mary's Children-MRS. NORA LMIBERT, Pres., 631 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, 70130-3411. Tel: 504218-8739. Mary's Helpers-MRS. · GAYLE PONSETI, Admin., Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1853, Marrero, 700731853. Tel: 504-348-7729; Tel: 800-573-4130. MIR Group-MR. ROBERT HALE, Pres., 1 Galleria Blvd., Ste. 744, Metairie, 70001-2081. Tel: 504849-2570; Email:
[email protected]. Missionaries of St. Therese-Rev. J MIES J. JEANFREAU JR., Spiritual Moderator, 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 1213, New Orleans, 70113. Tel: 504-527-5771. Naim Conference- Ms. JUNE CASTRO DERMODY, Pres., Tel: 504-283-3270; Email:
[email protected].
National Council of Catholic Men-7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125. National Council o(Catholic Women-VACANT. *National T.E.C. Conference-1007 Airline Park Blvd., Metairie, 70003. Pax Christi New Orleans-Chairpersons: MR. TOM
EGAN; MRS. JEANNIE EGAN, Mailing Address: P.O. Box 50304, New Orleans, 70150-0304. Tel: 504522-3751; Email:
[email protected]. People Program- (1974) 2240 Lakeshore Dr., New Orleans, 70122. Tel: 504-284-7678; Fax: 504-2847840; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. peopleprogram.org. LYNN CREAN, Exec. Dir., Email:
[email protected].
Westbank Program-6201 Stratford J>l., New Orleans, 70131. Tel: 504-394-5433 . Priests for Life-Rev. LANCE J . CMIPO, S.T.L., Coord. Retrouuaille/Rediscouery-7887 Walmsley Aue., New Orleans, 70125-3496. Tel: 504-861-6243; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.retrouvaille.org.
Rosary Congress Committee-Rev. JOHN G. RESTREPO, O.P., Spiritual Dir., 4640 Canal St., New Orleans, 70119. Tel: 504-488-2651; Web: WWW. rosarycongress.org.
St. Thomas More Catholic Lawyers Association-Rev.
JOSEPH s. PALERMO JR., J .D., 2901 s. Canollton Ave., New Orleans, 70118-4391. Tel: 504-8667426, Ext. 3335; Fax: 504-866-3119. St. Vincent de Paul Society-MR. ALAN DEMMA, Pres.; Deacon RUDOLPH J. RAYFIELD SR. , Exec. Dir., Mailing Address: P.O. Box 792880, New Orleans, 70179. Tel: 504-940-5031, Ext. 10; Email: svdped@bellsouth .net; Web: www.svdpneworleans. org.
St. Vincent's Infant and Maternity Home Guild-Ms. MARCY MAYEAUX, 4605 Henican Pl., Metairie, 70003.
ScoutingArchdiocesan Liaison-MR. JOEY PISTORIUS, M.A., P .LC.P., N.C.C., Dir. CYO/Youth & Young Adult Ministry Office, Email: jpistorius@ai-chdiocese. org.
on Boy Scouting-Deacon
DANIEL FLYNN, Pastoral Min.; SUSAN GUIDRY, Chm ., 251 Halsey Dr., Harahan, 70123-4401. Tel: 504-737-8370; Email:
[email protected].
Catholic Committee
Girl Scouting-Deacon
RICHARD BRADY, Pastoral Min., Tel: 504-8853780; Ms. JAIME MIXON, Chm., Email:
[email protected]. ·
Serra ClubsSerra Club of New Orleans-Rev. KURT R. YOUNG, Chap., 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans, 701253496. Tel: 504-861-6298; Fax: 504-866-2906. · Serra Club· of East Jefferson-Rev. Msgr. ROBERT D. MAssETT, Chap., 6425 W. Metairie Ave., Metairie, 70003-4327. Tel: 504-733-0922; MR. JOE DICHARRY, Dishict Governor, Tel: 504-888-3958. The · Theresians International-MRS. SALLY DUPLANTIER, Pres., Crescent City, 6311 · St. Bernard Ave., New Orleans, 70122. Tel: 504-2881897. Woman's New Life Center-MRS. ANGELA THOMAS, Esq., CEO, 3032 Ridgelake Dr., Ste. 101, Metairie, 70002. Tel: 504-496-0212; Fax: 504-831-3155; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. womansnewlife.com.
CLERGY, PARISHES, MISSIONS AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS CITY OF NEW ORLEANS (ORLEANS CML PARISH) ! - CATHEDRAL - BASILICA OF ST. Loms !{ING OF FRANCE (1720) (A Minor Basilica) Very Rev. Philip G. Landry, V.F., Rector; Deacons Ronald Guidry, Master of Ceremonies; Richard Brady; A. David Warriner Jr. In Res., Rev. Terence Hayden, (Ireland). Res.: 615 Pere Antoine Alley, 70116-3291. Tel: 504525-9585; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. stlouiscathedral.org.
Mission-St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1116 Chartres St., ·70116. Tel: 504-529-3040. 2-ALL SAJNTS (1919) (African American) Rev. '.Peter C. Weiss, S.S.J.; Deacon Larry L. Calvin. Res.: 1441 Teche St., 70114-5899. Tel: 504-361-8835; Email:
[email protected]; Web: allsaintschurchnola.org. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 34. 3-ST. ALPHONSUS (1847) (Irish) Revs. Richard Thibodeau, C.Ss.R.; Thomas T. Pham, C.Ss.R.; Allen Weinert, C.Ss.R., Parochial Vicar. Res.: 2030 Constance St., 70130-5004. Tel: 504-5226748; Email:
[email protected]. School- St . Alphonsus School , 2001 Constance St., 70130-5094. Tel: 504-523-6594. Sr. Monica Ellerbusch, R.S.M., Prin. Lay Teachers 12; Students 2~7. Catechesis Religious Program- Students 57. 4-ST. ANDREW THE APOSTLE (1952) 3101 Eton St., 70131-5399. Tel: 504-393-2334; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.
standrewparish.net. Very Rev. John F. Talamo, V.F.; Darlene Thomas, Coord. Ministries. School- St. Andrew the Apostle School, 3131 Eton St., 70131. Tel: 504-394-4171; Fax: 504-391-3627. Lay Teachers 68; Sisters 2; Students 640.
[email protected]. Mrs. Francis Harrison, D.R.E. Students 44. , 5- ANNUNCIATION (1844) Merged ,vith St. Cecilia, St. Gerard, SS. Peter & Paul & St. Vincent de Paul to form Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, New Orleans. 6-ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA (1915) Assumed parish territory of Sacred Heart of Jesus, New Orleans. Revs. John Dominic Sims, O.P.; Mariano D. Veliz, O.P., Parochial Vicar; Deacon Joseph M. Dardis. In Res ., Revs. Michael M. Burke, O.P .; Eduardo Gabriel, O.P.; Charles K. Johnson, O.P.; Bro. Herman D. Johnson, O.P.; Revs. Justin Kauchak, O.P.; Neal W. l\'1cDermott, O.P.; Charles L. Latour, O.P.; Thomas (Christopher) Schaefgen, O.P. Res.: 4640 Canal St., 70119-5808. Tel: 504-488-2651; Fax: 504-488-1842; Email:
[email protected]; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.sapparish.org. School-St. A11thony of Padua School, 4601 Cleveland Ave., 70119-5813 . Tel: 504-884-5109. Sr. Ruth Angelette, O.P., Prin. Catechesis Religious Program-Mary Kay Hartmann, D.R.E. Students 18. 7-ST. AUGUSTINE (1841) (African American) Rev. Emmanuel Mulenga, O.M.I. In Res., Rev . Laudy Merilent, O.M.L, (Haiti). Res.: 1210 Gov. Nicholls St., 70116-2324. Tel: 504-
525-5934; Email: staugustinenola@bellsouth .net; Web: staugchurch .org. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 10. 8-BLESSED FRANCIS XAVIER SEELOS (2001) [CEM] 3053 Dauphine St., 70117-6794. Tel: 504-943-5566; Email:
[email protected]. Very Rev. Jose I. Lavastida, S.T.D., S.T.L., N.D.S., J.C.D.; Deacon Jesse A. Watley. Res.: 3037 Dauphine St., 70117-6724 . Catechesis Religious Program-Ms. Arthine T. Vicks, D.R.E. & Deaf Ministry. Students 90. · 9-BLESSED SACRAMENT (1915) (African American), Merged See Blessed Sacrament-St. Joan of Arc, New Orleans. For inquiries about sacramental records, contact Blessed Sacrament-St. Joan of Arc parish. 10-BLESSED SACRAMENT-ST. JOAN OF ARC (2008) Merger of Blessed Sacrament & St. Joan of Al·c, New Orleans, worshipping at St. Joan of Arc Church, which was established in 1909. 8321 Burthe St., 70118-1195. Tel: 504-866-7330; Fax: 504-866-1319; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.josephite.com/parish/la/bssj . Rev. Charles Andrus, S.S.J. In Res., Rev. Etido Jerome, S.S.J. School-St. Joan of Arc School , 919 Cambronne St., 70118-1199. Tel: 504-861-2887; Fax: 504-866-9588; Email:
[email protected]. Ms. Dionne Frost, Pri.n. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 35. 11-BLESSED TRINITY (2008) Merger of St. Matthi as, Our Lady of Low·des and St. Monica, New Orleans, worshipping at St. Matthias Chw·ch, which was established in 1920.
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. 4230 S. Broad St., 70125-3699. Mailing Address : 8321 Burthe St., 70118-1198. Tel: 504-822-3394; Fax: 504-822-3397; Email:
[email protected]. Revs. Dennis J. Hayes III; Daniel H. Green, Parochial Vicar.
Catechesis Religious Program-Sadie White, D.R.E. Students 17. 12-ST. BRIGID (1977) Closed. See Mary Queen of Vietnam, New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 13-ST. CECILIA (1897) Merged with Annunciation, St. Gerard, SS. Peter & Paul & St. Vincent de Paul to form Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, New Orleans. 14-CORPUS CHRISTI (1916) (African American), Merged See Corpus Christi'Epiphany. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Corpus Christi-Epiphany parish. 15-CORPUS CHRISTI-EPIPHANY (2008) Merger of Corpus Christi & Epiphany, New Orleans, worshipping at Corpus Christi Church, which was established in 1916. 2022 St. Bernard Ave., 70116-1388. Tel: 504-9458931; Fax: 504-947-5347; Email:
[email protected]. Revs. Henry J. Davis, S.S.J.; David P. Begany, S.S.J., Parochial Vicar. · Catechesis Religious Program-Students 46. 16-ST. DAVID (1937) (African American) Assumed territory of St. Maurice, New Orleans. Very Rev. Oswald Pierre-Jules Jr., S.S.J., V.F. Res.: 5617 St. Claude Ave., 70117-2533. Tel: 504947-2853; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. josephites.org/about-us/parishes-and-schools/ · louisiana/saint-david-catholic-church . 17-ST. Do~nNIC (1924) Revs. John G. Restrepo, O.P.; Peter D. Harris, Parochial Vicar; Dominic Colangelo; O.P., Parochial Vicar; Bro. Roger Shondel, O.P.; Deacons John Pippenger; Jody J . Fortunato. In Res., Very Rev. David G. Caron, O.P.; Revs. Philip Neri Powell, O.P., Ph.D.; Richard Archer, O.P.; Very Rev. Thomas M. Condon, O.P.; Revs. David K Seid, O.P., B.A., M.A., M.A.Th., M.A.Ph.; Victor Brown, O.P., (Retired); Daniel Shanahan, O.P., Prior. Res.: 775 H arrison Ave ., 70124-3192. Tel: 504-4824156, Ext. 202; Email:
[email protected]. School-St. Dominic S chool, 6326 Memphis St., 70124. Tel: 504-482-4123; Fax: 504-486-3870. Lay Teachers 51; Sisters 1; Students 447. Catechesis Religious Program- 6361 Memphis St., 70124. Students 103. 18-E PIPHANY (1948) (African American), Merged See Corpus Christi,Epiphany. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Corpus ChristiEpiphany parish. 19-ST. FRANCES XAVlER CABRINI (1952) Merged with St. Raphael the Archangel & St. Thomas the Apostle, New Orleans to form Trans figuration of the Lord, New Orleans. For inquiries regai·ding sacramental records, contact the archives office. 20-ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (1870) (African American), Merged with Holy Ghost, New Orleans· to form St. Katharine · Drexel. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact St. Katharine Drexel parish. 21-ST. FRANCIS OF AsSISI (1890) 611 State St., 70118-5899. Rev. Michael J. Schneller; Deacons Wilbur A. Toups; Thomas M. Ifra tochvil. Res.: 631 State St., 70118-5899. Tel: 504-891-4479; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. stfrancisuptown.com. Catechesis Religious Program-Email:
[email protected]. Christi Schott, D.R.E. Students 135. 22-ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL (1954) (African American) Rev. Rodney Anthony Ricard. Office: 4700 Pineda St., 70126-3599. Tel: 504-2820296; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.stgabe.net . . Catechesis Religious Program-Students 46. 23-ST. GERARD (1971) Merged with Annunciation, St. Cecilia, SS. Peter & Paul & St. Vincent de Paul to form Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, New Orleans. 24-GOOD SHEPHERD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA (2008) 1025 Napoleon Ave., 70115-2898. Tel: 504-899-1378; Fax: 504-899-0480; Email: ststephenpar@ai·chdiocese-no.org. Rev. Msgr. Christopher Nalty; Deacon Richard B. Eason. In Res., Rev. Douglas C. Brougher. School-St. Stephen Catholic School, 1027 Napoleon Ave., 70115-2899. Tel: 504-891-1927; Fax: 504-8911928; · Email: ststephen@ai·chdiocese-no.org. Ms. Rosie Kendrick, Prin. Catechesis Religious Program-Phillip Bellini, D.R.E . Students 180. 25-ST. HENRY (1856) Merged with Our Lady of Good Counsel & . St. Stephen, New Orleans to form Good Shepherd. For inquiries regai·ding sacramental records, contact Good Shepherd parish. 26-HOLY GHOST (1915) (African American), Merged See St. Katharine Drexel. For inquiries regarding
877 sacramental records contact St. Katharine Drexel parish. 27-HOLY NAME OF JESUS (1892) Assumed parish territory of St. Thomas More, New Orleans . 6220 LaSalle Pl., 70118-6236. Tel: 504-865-7430; Fax: 504-866-3391; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.hnjchurch.org. Revs. Edwin L. Gros, S.J.; Stephen C. Rowntree, S.J., B.A., M.A., M.Div., M.Th., Parochial Vicai·. · Church: 6367 St. Charles Ave., 70118. School- Holy Name of Jesus School, 6325 Cromwell Pl., 70118-6299. Tel: 504-861-1466; Fax: 504-8611480. Jessica Dwyer, Prin. Lay Teachers 48; Students 493. Catechesis Religious Program- Email:
[email protected]. Patirica Mathes, D.R.E. Students 203. 28-HOLY NAME OF MARY (ALGIERS) (1848) [CEM 2] 4QO Verret St., 70114-1098. Rev. Michael Roberson; Deacon Dean D. Herrick. Res.: 500 Eliza St., 70114-1098. Tel: 504-362-5511; Email:
[email protected]; Web: holynameofmarynola.org. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 34. 29-HOLY SPIRIT ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW ORLEANS, LoUIS!ANA (1972) Rev. James N. Bach; Deacon Daniel F . Reynolds; Pani K=phuis, Music Ministry Coord. . Res.: 6201 Stratford Pl., 70131-7397. Tel: 504-3945492; Web: www.holyspirit-no.org. · Catechesis Religious Program-Jane Mix, D.R.E. Students 16. 30-HOLY TRINITY, Closed. For inquiries for parish records contact the chancery. 31-IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (1851) Rev. Anthony F. McGinn, S.J., B.A., M.A. Res.: 130 Baronne St., 70112-2304. Tel: 504-5291477; Fax: 504-524-0155; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.jesuitchurch. net. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 17. 32-IMMACULATE HEART OF 1VIARY (1954) Closed. See St. Maria Goretti. For inqwnes regarding sacr81Ilental records, contact Archives. 33-INCARNATE WORD (1922) Closed. See Mater Dolorosa, New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Mater Dolorosa. Also known as St. Theresa of the.Little Flower. 34-ST. JAMES MAJOR (1920) Rev. Michael M. Labre; Deacon Glenn J . Wiltz. Res. : 3736 Gentilly Blvd., 70122-6128. Tel: 504-3046750; Fax: 504-304-6807; Email: stjamesmajor@cox. net; Web: www.saintjamesmajor.org. Catechesis Religious Program-Mrs. Evangeline Richard, D.R.E. Students 18. 35-ST. JOAN OF ARC (1909) Merged with Blessed Sacrainent, New Orleans to form · Blessed Sacrament-St. Joan of Arc parish . For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Blessed Sacr81Ilent-St. Joan of Arc parish. 36-ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST (1851) (Irish) Open for weddings, funerals and vigil mass only. Church under care of pastor of St. Patrick, New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 1139 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd., 70130-3757. Revs. Stanley P. )Gores; Ian M. Bozant, Parochial Vicar; Deacon Chris J. DiGrado. Res.: 72'4 Camp S;t., 70130 . 1137 Oretha Cast1e Haley Blvd., 70130 . Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 504-525-4413; Email:
[email protected]. Joseph Meisch, D.R.E . 37-ST. JOSEPH (1844) 1802 Tulane Ave., 70112-2246. Tel: 504-522-3186, Ext. 141; Fax: 504-522-3171. Rev. Thomas J. Stehlik, C.M. ' (Legal Title: St. Joseph Roman Catholic) Catechesis Religious Program-Students 15. 38-ST. JOSEPH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, ALGIERS, LOUISu\NA 6450 Kathy Ct., 70131-7515. Mailing Address: 4410 Fields St., 70131. Tel: 504-347-4725; Fax: 540-34024 76; Email:
[email protected]. Rev. Joseph Thang Dinh Tran. 39-ST. JULIAN EYMARD (1952) Closed. Parish territory assigned to Holy. N=e of Mary, New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Holy Name of Mary parish. 40-ST. KATHARINE DREXEL (2008) Merger of Holy Ghost and St. Francis de Sales, New. Orleans, worshipping at Holy Ghost Church, which was established in 1915. Mailing Address: 2015 Louisiana Ave.; 70115-5294. 3325 Danneel St., 70115. Tel: 504-891-3172; Email:
[email protected]. Very Rev. Msg,·. John Cise1\>ski, V.F. · Catechesis Religious Program-Grace Lemieux, D.R.E. Students 32. 41-ST. LEO THE GREAT (1920) (African American), Merged with St. Raymond, New Orleans to form St.
Rayn1ond-St. Leo the Great. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact St. Raymond-St. Leo the Great. 42-ST. 1VIARIA GORETTI (1965) Assumed . parish territory of Immaculate Heart of Mary & St. Simon Peter, New Orleans. For inquiries about sacramental records for Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Maria Goretti or St. Simon Peter, contact"Archives tel. 504861-6241'. . Mailing Address: 7300 Crowder Blvd., 70127-1599 . Tel: 504-242-7554; Fax: 504-242-0755 . Rev. Msg,·. L. Earl GauthreatL'<, J.C.L.; Rev. Cyril Buyeera, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Ildefonso R. DeLeon; Terrel J. Broussard. School-St. Maria Goretti School, Tel: 504-242-1313; Fax: 504-242-4126. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 89. 43-ST. MARY OF THE ANGELS (1925) (African American) Rev·. Dennis Bosse, O.F.M.; Bros. Andrew Stetiler, O.F.M.; David Crank, O.F.M.; Jeoffre Duplessis, Music Min. Res.: 3501 N . Miro St., 70117-5899. Tel: 504-9453186; Fax: 504-945-9115. Catechesis Religious Program-Vanessa Matthews, D.R.E. & Youth Min . Students 28. 44-lvlARY, QUEEN OF VIETNAM Rm·!AN CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA (1983) [JC] (Vietnamese) Assumed St. Nicholas of Myra & St. Brigid, New Orleans. · Mailing Address: P.O. Box 870607, 70187. Rev. Nghiem Van Nguyen; Deacon Vinh V. Tran. In Res., Rev. Joseph Nguyen Van Nguyen. Res.: 5069 Willowbrook Dr. , 70129-1047. Tel: 504254-5660. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 504-254-5247. Students 915. Mission- Our Lady of La Vang, 605'1 Vermillion Blvd., Orleans Civil Parish 70122-4296. Tel: 504283-0559; Fax: 504-286-1937. Rev. Anthony Hien Nguyen, Admin. Chapel-Vietnamese Martyrs, 14400 Peltier Dr., New Orleans East, 70129-1713: Tel: 504-254-5660. · Shrine-Vietnamese Martyrs Shrine of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. 45- MATER DOLOROSA (1848) Assumed Incarnate Word, New Orleans & St. Theresa of the Child Jesus, also known as St. Theresa of the Little Flower. Revs. Herbert J. Kiff Jr.; Francis Ferrie, In Res., (Retired); Ms. Linda Fischer, Sec. Res.: 8128 Plum St., 70118-2012. Tel: 504-866-3669; Email:
[email protected]; Web: mdolorosa. com .
Catechesis . Religious Program-Email:
[email protected]. Maria Oppliger, D.R.E. Students 67. 46-ST. MATTHIAS (1920) (African An,erican), Merged with Our Lady of Lourdes & St. Monica, New o,:leans to form Blessed Trinity. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Blessed Trinity parish. . . 47-ST. MAURICE (1852) Closed. Assumed by St. David, New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 48-ST. MONICA (1924) [CEM] Merged with Our Lady of Lourdes & St. Matthias to form Blessed Trinity. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Blessed Trinity parish. 49-ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA (1971) [CEM] Became a mission of Resurrection of Our Lord in 2014. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 50-0UR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL (1887) Merged with St. Henry & St. Stephen. See Good Shepherd. For inquiries regarding sacran1ental records, contact Good Shepherd. 51-0UR\ LADY OF GUADALUPE (1826) (African American) Very Rev. Anthony Rigoli, O.M.I., V.f.; Rev. Richard Sudlik, O.M.I., Parochial Vicar Legal Name: Our Lady of Guadalupe I International Shrine of St. Judein Res., Rev. Donald McMahon, O.M.I. Res.: 411 N. Rampait St., 70112. Tel: 504-525-1551; Fax: 504-525-1827. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 504-522-8546. Students 66. St. Jude Community Cmter-400 N. Rampart St., 70112-3594. Tel: 504-553-5790. 52-0UR LADY OF LOURDES (1905) (African American), Merged with St. Monica & St. Matthias, New Orleans to form Blessed Trinity worshipping at St. Ma tthias. For inqufries regarding sacramental records, contact Blessed Trinity parish. 53-0UR LADY OF THE ROSARY (1907) 1322 Moss St., 70119-3132. Tel: 504-488-2659; Fax: 504-488-6741; Email: office@ourladyoftherosary-no. com; Web: www.ourladyoftherosary-no.org. Rev. Jonathan P. Hemelt; Deacons James A. Bialas; Ronald J. Drez Jr. Church: 3368 Es planade Ave., 70119. Catechesis Religious Program- Contact Parish office.
NEW ORLEANS (NO) 54---0UR LADY STAR OF THE SEA .(1911) [CEMJ Rev. Anthony Ataamine Anala, S.V.D.; Deacon Brian A. Gabriel. Res.: 1835 St. Roch Ave., 70117-B199. Tel: 504-9440166; Email: olssno@arch-org; Web: www.olss-no. com.
Catechesis Religious Program-Students 4 7. . 55-ST. PATRICK (1833) (Irish) Assumed St. John the Baptist, New Orleans. Revs. Stanley P. !Gores, M.A., M.Div., S.T.L., S.T.D.; Ian M. Bozant, Parochial Vicar; Deacon Chris DiGrado. Res. : 724 Camp St., 70130-3757. Tel: 504-525-4413; Email:
[email protected]; Email:
[email protected]; Email: stpatricksnola.
[email protected]; Web: www.oldstpatricks.org. Catechesis Religious Program-Joseph Meisch, D.R.E. 56....,.ST. PAUL THE APOSTLE (1947) [CEM] (African American) Rev. Arockiam Arocldam, S.,V.D.; Deacon Graylin J . Miller. Res.: 6828 ChefMenteur Hwy., 70126-5297. Tel: 504242-8820; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www .stpaul theapostlech urch-nola.org. Catechesis Religious Programt-EmaiJ: charityjoy4725@attnet. Jacqueline E. Mayo, D.R.E. Students 23. 57-SS. PETER AND PAUL (1848) ~forged . with Annunciation, St. Cecilia, St. Gerard & St. Vincent de Paul to form Blessed Francis Xavier $eelos, New Orleans. 58-ST. PETER CLAVER (1920) (African American) Rev. John Asare-Dankwah, (Ghana); Deacons Allen Stevens; Lawrence C. Houston; Veronica DownsDorsey, Music Dir. 1923 St. Philip St., 70116-2199. Tel: 504-822-8059; Tel: 504-821-3146; Fax: 504-822-9251; Web: www. stpeterclaverneworleans.org. School-St. Peter Claver School, 1020 N. Prieur St., 70116-2194. Tel: 504-822-8191; Fax: 504-822-2692; Web: spclaver.edukl2.net. Deacon Lawrence C. Houston, Prin. Lay Teachers 23; Students 240. Catechesis Religious Program- Alena Boucree, D.R.E.; Marinda Lee-Houston, Youth Min. Students 170. 59-ST. PHILIP THE APOSTLE (1949) (African American), Closed . Assigned to St. Mary of the Angels, New Orleans, under the care of Franciscans. Buildings are under the car.e of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 60-ST. Prus X (1953) Very Rev. Patrick ;;. Williams, M.Div., M.S., V.G.; Rev. Jonathan P. Remelt, Parochial Vicar; Deacon Christopher A. Bertucci. Res.: 6666 Spanish Fort Blvd., 70124-4324. Tel: 504282-3332; Fax: 504-283-8984; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.stpiusxnola. org. School-St. Pius X School, 6600 Spanish Fort Blvd., 70124-4399. Tel: 504-282-2811; Fax: 504-282-3043; Email:
[email protected]. Lay Teachers 30; Students 504. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 120. 61-ST. RAPHAEL THE ARCHANGEL (1947) Merged with St. Frances Cabrini & St. Thomas the Apostle, New Orleans to form Transfiguration of the Lord New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 62-ST. RAYMOND (1927) (African American), Merged with St. Leo the Great, New Orleans to form St. Raymond-St. Leo the Great. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact St. Raymond-St. Leo the Great parish. 63-ST. RAYMOND-ST. LEO THE GREAT (2008) Merger of St. Leo the Great & St. Raymond, New Orleans, worshipping at St. Leo the Great Church, which was establish ed in 1920. 2916 Paris Ave., 70119. Tel: 504-945-8750; Fax: 504309-1691; Email:
[email protected]. Rev. Ai,thony M . Bozeman, S .S.J.; Deacons Royal C. Shelton, Pastoral Assoc.; Troy Anthony Smith; Dwight Alexander. In Res., Rev. Victor H. Cohea. School-St. Leo the Great School, 1501 Abundance St., 70119-2098. Te): 504-943-1482; Fax: 504~9445895; Email:
[email protected]. Mrs. Carmel Mire, Prin. Clergy 1; Lay Teachers 28; Students 266. Catechesis Religious Program- Marlene Wilson, D.R.E. Students 265. 64---RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD ROMAN· CATHOLIC CHURCH, NEW. ORLEANS, LomSIANA (1963) Revs. Geoffrey Omoncli Muga, F.M.H.; Raphael Mbotela Kasele, F.M.H., Parochial Vicar. Res.: 9701 Hammond St., 70127-3519. Tel: 504-2428669; Email:
[email protected]. School- Res11rrection of Our Lord School, 4861 Rosalia Dr., 70127-3598. Tel: 504-243-2257; Fax: 504-241-5532; Email: resurrection@archdiocese-no. org. Mrs. Vickie Helmstetter, Prin. Lay Teachers 50; Students 434. Catechesis Religious Program- Students 23 . Mission-St. Nichola,s of Myra, 21420 Chef Menteur Hwy., 70129.
878 65-ST. RITA CATHOLIC CHURCH (1921) Very Rev. James A. Wehner, S.T.D.; Rev. Peter P. Finney III, Admin. Admin. Res.: 2801 Pine St., 70125. Church: 2729 Lowerline St., 70125-3599. Tel: 504866-3621; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.stritanola.com. School-St. Rita. Catholic School, 65 Fontainebleau Dr., 70125-3495 . Tel: 504-866-1777; Fax: 504-8618512; Email:
[email protected]. Mrs. Karen Henderson, Prin. Lay Teachers 11; Sisters 2; Students 215. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 228. 66-ST. ROSE OF LIMA (1857) Closed. Assigned to Our Lady of the Rosary, New Orleans. Buildings are under the care of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. For inquiries regarcling sacramental records, contact Archives. 67-SACRED HEART OF JESUS (1879) [CEM] Closed. Parish territory assigned to St. Anthony of Padua, New Orleans. For inquiries for sacramental records, contact the archives office. 68-ST. SIMON PETER (1986) Closed. Assigned to St. Maria Goretti, New Orleans. For inquiries regarcling sacramental records, contact Archives. . 69-ST. STEPHEN (1849) Merged with Our Lady of Good Counsel & St. Henry, New Orleans to form Good Shepherd. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Good Shepherd parish. · 70-ST. THERESA OF AVILA (1848) Special care to the Hispanic Community. Revs. Roman Burgos, T.O.R.; Teodoro Agudo, O.F.M.Cap., (Spain) (Retired). ·. Res.: 1404 Erato St., 'i'.0130-4387. Tel: 504-525-4226; Email:
[email protected]. Catechesis Religious Program- Email:
[email protected]. Alma Cartagena, D.R.E. Students 35. 71-ST. THERESA OF THE CmLD JESUS (1929) Closed. Parish territory entrusted to Incarnate Word, New Orleans. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact the archives office. 72-ST. THOMAS MORE (1970) Closed. Became a campus ministry center (Tulane Catholic Center) serving Tulane University. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Holy Name of J esus parish. 73-ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE (1974) Merged Became a campus ministry center (UNO Newman Center) serving the University of New Orleans. For inquiries regarcling sacramental records, contact Archives. 74---TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD (2008) Merger of · St. Frances Cabrini, St. Raph ael the Archangel & St. Thomas the Apostle, New Orleans. 2212 Prentiss Ave., 70122. Tel: 504-302-793 1; Fax: 504-324-8102; Email:
[email protected]; Web: transfigurationnola.org. Very Rev. Paul H. Desrosiers, V.F.; Deacons Peter C. Rizzo; Lloyd E. Huck. 75-ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (1838) Me"rged with Annunciation, St. Cecilia, St. Gerard & SS. Peter & Paul to form Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, New Orleans. OUTSIDE THE CITY OF NEW ORLEANS ABITA SPRINGS, ST. TAlll!IIANY PARISH, ST. JANE DE CHANTAL (1887) [JC] 72040 Maple St., P.O. Box 1870, Abita Springs, 70420-1870. Tel: · 985-892-1439; Email:
[email protected]; Web: saintjanedechantal.com. Revs. Kenneth Allen; Charles W. Dussouy, Parochial Vicar; Angel Antonio Diaz-Perez, O.P., In Res.; Deacons Donald E. Bourgeois; Mark C. Coudrain; Michael J. Talbot. Res.: 22122 Main St., P.O. Box 1870, Abita Springs, 70420-1870. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 985-893-3914. Christina Uhlich, D.R.E. Students 222. · Missio1'~t. Michael the Archangel , 81349 Hwy. 41, Bush, St. Tammany Parish. Tel: 985-886-1015; Fax: 985-886-0302. MIA, ST. CHARLES PARISH, ST. MARK ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, MIA, LOIBSIANA (1974) Rev. Edward J . Lauden. Res.: 10773 · River Rd., Arna, 70031. Tel: 504-4318505; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. stmarkama .com. Cateclzesis Religious Program-Tel: 504-289-2900; Email:
[email protected]. Ms. Mary Loup, D.R.E. Students 39. ARABI, ST. BERNARD PARISH l'-ST. LOUISE DE MARILLAC (1954) Closed. Assigned to Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Chalmette. For inquiries regarding sacramental r ecords, contact Archives. 2-ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE (1964) Closed. Assigned to Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Chalmette. For inquiries regarcling sacramental records, contact Archives. Res. : 408 Cougar Dr., Arabi, 70032-2098. AVONDALE, JEFFERSON PARISH 1-AsSUMPTION OF MARY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, AVONDALE, LoUISIANA Tel: 504-347-4725; Fax: 504-340-2476; Email:
[email protected]. Rev. Peter Hoai T. Nguyen . Rectory-533 S. Jamie Blvd., Avondale, 70094. Tel: 504-304-6698; Fax: 504-304-6698; Email:
[email protected]. Church: 172 Anre Dung Lac Dr., Avondale, 70094. 2900. 2-ST. BONAVENTURE ROM~ CATHOLIC CHURCH, AVONDALE, LOUISIANA (1965) Rev. Joseph Dau Van Nguyen. Res.: 329 S. Jamie Blvd., Avondale, 70094-2821. Tel: 504-436-1279; Fax: 504-436-1300. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 504-436-0744. Tina Adams, D.R.E. Students 72. BELLE CHASSE, PLAQUEMINES PARISH, OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP (1928) [CEl\1] Rev. Kyle V. Dave; Deacon George E. Merritt Jr. Res .: 8968 Hwy. 23, Belle Chasse, 70037-2296. Tel: 504-394-0314; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.olphbc.org. School-Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, 8970 Hwy. 23. Tel: 504-394-0757; Fax: 504-394-1627. Mrs. Kirsch Wilberg, Prin. Lay Teachers 14; Students 171. Catechesis Religious Program-Email: cre@olphbc. org. Cecilia Merritt, C.R.E. Students 250. BOGALUSA, WASHINGTON PARISH, ANNuNCIATION CATHOLIC CHURCH (1906) [JC3] Rev. Daniel E. Brouillette. Res.: 517 Avenue B, Bogalusa, 70427-3711. Tel: 985732-4280; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. accbogalusa.org. School- Annunciatio1' Catholic Church School, 511 Avenue C, Bogalusa, 70427-3797. Tel: 985-735-6643; Fax: ' 985-735-6119; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www. acsbogalusa.org. Mrs. Veda Matthews, Prin. Lay Teachers 14; Students 135. Cateclzesis Religious Progrlzm-Students 47 . BRIDGE CITY, JEFFERSON PARISH, HOLY Gl!ARDIAN ANGELS (1963) Closed. Mission of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Westwego. BURAS, PLAQUEMINES PARISH, OUR LADY OF GOOD HARBOR (1864) [CEMJ Closed. Parish & mission territory assigned to St. Patrick, Port Sulphur. For inquiries regarcling sacramental records, contact Archives. CHALMETTE, ST. BERNARD PARISH 1-ST. MARK (1964) Closed. Assigned to Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Chalmette. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. 2-0UR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR (1951) Parish ass umed territory of Prince of Peace, Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish; St. Louise de Ma1illac, Arabi, St. Bernard Parish; St. Mark, Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish; & St. Robert Bellarmine, Arabi, St. Bernard Parish. Revs. Marlon Mangubat; Salvador Galvez, Parochial-Vicar; Deacon Lino G. Parulan. Res. : 2320 Paris Rd., Chalmette, 70043-5098. Tel: 504-271-3441; Email:
[email protected]; \Veb: www .olps-chalmette.org. School-Our Lady of Prompt Succor School, 2305 Fenelon St., Chalmette, 70043-4951. Tel: 504-271. 2953; Fax: 504-271-1490; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.olpsschool.org. Mrs. Annette Accomando, Prin. Lay Teachers 31; Students 370. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 504-271-1217. Terri Smith, C.R.E. Students 219. Mission-Chapel of St. Lawrence, St. Bernard Parish Prison, Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish 70043. Tel: 504-278-7645; Fax: 504-278-7785. 3- PRINCE OF PEACE (1977) Closed. See Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Chalmette. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Archives. COVINGTON, ST. TAMIIANY PARISH 1-ST. BENEDICT RO~IAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, COVINGTON, LOUISIANA (1970) Rev. Charles Benoit, O.S.B., M.A.Th.; Deacon Daniel P. Musso. Res.: 20370 Smith Rd., Covington, 70435 . Tel: 985892-5202; Fax:
[email protected]; Web: stbenedictchurchcovington.com. Catechesis Religious Program-Email:
[email protected]. Lisa Johnsen, D.R.E. Students 227. 2- MOST HOLY TRINITY RO~IAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LOUISIANA (2006) Very Rev. Rodney P. Bourg, V.F.; Deacons Thomas E. Caffery Jr.; Brian M. McKnight Sr.; Charles R. Swift; Kenneth J . Uhlich Jr. In Res., Rev. Dean L. Robins. Res.: 501 Holy Trinity Dr., Covington, 70433-6227. Tel: 985-892-0642; Email:
[email protected]; Email:
[email protected]. Catechesis Religious Program-Email:
[email protected]. Anna Maria Constant, D.R.E. Students 278. 3-ST. PE'.fER (1843) Rev. Otis W. Young Jr.; Colm Cahill; Deacons James Clyde Ai·doin; Dennis F . Adams; John A. Jung. Res .: 125 E. 19th St., Covington, 70433-3195. Tel: 985-892-2422; Email: r
[email protected]. School-St. Peter School, Tel: 985-892-1831; Fax:
985-898-2185; Email:
[email protected]. MiCatechesis Religio11s Program-Jacqueline Robert, chael Kraus, Prin. Lay Teachers 48; Students 772. D.R.E: Students 112. Catechesis Religio11s Program- T el: 985-893-2446; HARAHAN, JEFFERSON PARISH, ST. RITA (1950) Email:
[email protected]. Penny F lores, D.R.E. Mailing Address: 7100 Jefferson Hwy., Harahan, Students 223. 70123-4928. Fax: 504-737-2921; Email: CROWN POINT, JEFFERSON PARISH, ST. PIUS X (1971)
[email protected]. Revs. Steven V. Bruno; Closed. Mission of St. Anthony, Lafitte. Kenneth Smith, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Danny F lynn; Gary J. Borne; Nolen J. LeBlanc. DES ALLEMANDS, ST. CHARLES PARISH, ST. GERTRUDE Res.: 160 Imperial Woods Dr., Harahan, 70123-4998. (1955) [CEMJ Rev. Ray A. Hymel. School-St. Rita School, 194 Ravan Ave., Harahan, Res.: P.O. Box 767, Des Allemands, 70030-0767. Tel: 70123-4999. Tel: 504-737-0744; Fax: 504-738-2184. 985-758-7542; Fax: · · 985-758-7591; Email: Mrs. Miriam Daniel, Prin. Lay Teachers 42; Students
[email protected],unail.com. 421. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 985-758-1332. Catechesis Religious Program-Email: emaffe@archTina Montz, C.R.E. Students 88. no.org. Students 59. DESTREHAN, ST. CHARLES PARISH, ST. CHARLES HARVEY, JEFFERSON PARISH BORROMEO (1723) [CEMJ (German) Revs. Francis !-INFANT JESUS OF PRAGUE (1969) Closed. Mission of (Bo) Majors; Jude 0 . Emunemu, Parochial Vicar; St. Martha, Harvey. . Deacons Harry Schexnayder; Michael Stohlman; 2_:sT. JOHN Bosco RotlAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, J effrey R. Tully. · HARVEY, LOUISIANA (1983) Rev. Lawrence Urban, Res.: 13396 River Rd., P.O. Box 428, Destrehan, S .D.B.; Deacon Kevin M. Steel. 70047:0428. Tel: 985-764-6383; Email: Res.: 2114 Oakrnere Dr., Harvey, 70058-2275. Tel:
[email protected]. 504-340-0444; Email: office@saintjohnboscochurch. School-St. Charles Borromeo School, Tel: 985-764org; Web: www.archdiocese-no.org/sjbc. 9232; Fax: 985-764-3726. Lay Teachers 28; Preschool · Catechesis Religious Program-Paul G. Haddican 100; Students 328. Jr., Youth Min.; Caroline Vuong, Youth Min.; Sarah Catechesis Religious Program-Students 260. Bui, Youth Min. Students 30. DIAMOND, PLAQUEMINES PARISH, ST. JUDE (1981) 3-ST. MARTHA RO~IAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, HARVEY, Closed. Parish territory entrusted to St. Patrick, LOUISIANA (1973) Rev. Lich Van Nguyen; Deacons Port Sulphur. For inquiries regarding sacramental Tyrell Manieri; Larry Murphy; Brian P . Soileau Sr. records, contact Archives. Res.: 2555 Apollo Dr., Harvey, 70058-5813. Tel: 504EDGARD, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH, ST. JOHN THE 366-1604; Fax: 504-366-1100. BAPTIST (1770) [CEMJ (African American) Rev. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 504-366-4142. Robustiano D. Morgia; Deacon Warren R. Pierre. Students 88. Res.: 2361 Hwy. 18, Edgard, 70049-9101. Tel: 985MissionInfant Jesus of Prague, 700 Maple St., 497-3412; Tel: 985-497-8470; Fax: 985-497-3965. Harvey, Jefferson Parish 70058-4008. Tel: 504-368Catechesis Religious Program-Students 157. 1;197; Fax: 504-368-0662. FLORISSANT, . ST. BERNARD PARISH, SAN PEDRO 4-ST. ROSALIB (194!)) PESCADOR (1966) (Islenbs), Closed. Parish territory 601 2nd Ave., Harvey, 70058-2728. Revs. Lawrence assigned to St. Bernard, St. Bernard. For inquiries Urban, S.D.B.; George Hanna, S .D.B., Parochial regarding sacramental records, contact St. Bernard Vicar. parish. Parish Offices- 600 2nd Ave., Harvey, 70058-2728. FOLSOM, ST. TAMMANY PARISH, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Tel: . 504-340-1962; Fax: 504-340-1546; Email: (1921)
[email protected]; Web: www. 11345 St. John Church Rd., Folsom, 70437-7155. Tel: strosalieparish.com. 985-796-3806; Fax: 985-796-9554; Email: School-St. Rosalie S chool, 617 Second Ave.,
[email protected]; Web: Harvey, 70058-2798. Tel: 504-341-4342; Fax: 504stjohnbaptistfolsom.org. Rev. Robert C. Cavalier, 347-0271. Mary C. Wenzel, Prin. Lay Teachers 60; (Retired); Deacons Julius T. Zimmer; Jeffrey J. Stein. Students 800. Office:Tel: 985-796-3806; Fax: 985-796-9554. Catechesis R eligious Program-Email: Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 985-796-5507.
[email protected]. Guyann Murphy, Students 107. D.R.E. Students 12. FRANKLINTON, WASHINGTON PARISH, HOLY FA>\ULY JEFFERSON, JEFFERSON PARISH, ST. AGNES (1931) Rev. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, FRANKLINTON, LOUISIANA Bae-Hai Viet Tran; Deacons Piero Caserta; Frank G. (1982) DiFulco. In Res., Revs. Vinh Dinh Luu, J .C.L.; 1220 14th Ave., Franjtlinton, 70438. Tel: 985-839Thomas M. McCann III. 4040; Fax: 985-839-2429; Email: Res.: 3310 Jefferson Hwy., Jefferson, 70121-2699.
[email protected]; Web: Tel: 504-833-3366; Tel: 504-833-4118; Fax: 504-834www.holyfamilyfranklinton.org. Rev. Kyle J. Sand1532; Email:
[email protected]; Web: ers. www.stagnesjefferson.org. Catechesis Religio11s Program-Tel: 985-839-2428. Catechesis Religious Program- Email: Students 64.
[email protected]. Kelly Wilbert, D.R.E. Students GARYVJLLE, ST: JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH, ST. HUBERT 101. (1907) Rev. William H . Blank; Deacon Garland J. KENNER, JEFFERSON PARISH Roussel Jr. 1- DrvrNE l\llERCY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, KENNER, Res. & Office: 176 Anthony Monica St., Garyville, LOUISIANA (2009) Merger of Nativity of Our Lord and 70051-0851. Tel: 985-535-3312; Fax: 985-535-1849; . S t. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Kenner. Revs. David W. Email:
[email protected]. Dufour; Paul . Clark, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Catechesis Religious Program-Students 47. Andrea Capaci: Noel W. Martinsen; Brian M . GRETNA, JEFFERSON PARISH McKnight Sr.; Larry D. Oney. 1-ST. ANTHONY Parish Office: 4337 Sal Lentini Pkwy., Kenner, 924 Monroe St., Gretna, 70053-2299. Rev. Gary P. 70065. Tel: 504-466-5016; Email: Copping; Deacons Leonard E. Enger II; Gerard L.
[email protected]; Web: www. Labodot. divinemercyparish .org. · School-St. Anthoriy School, 900 Franklin Ave. , Schooi-St. Elizabeth An11 Seton, 4119 St. Elizabeth Gretna, 70053-2224. Tel: 504-367-0689; Fax: 504-. Dr., Kenner, 70065. Tel: 504-468-3524; Fax: 504-469361-9054. Miss Jo Anna Russo, Prin. 6014; Web: www.seasparish.com/school. Joan Kath2-ST. CLETUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, GRETNA, mann, Prin. Lay Teachers 29; Students 485. LOUISIANA (1965) Rev. Tuan Anh Pham; Deacon Catechesis Religious Program- Luke Arredondo, Patrick L. Dempsey. D.R.E. (Elementary); Mari Pablo, Youth Min. (High Res.: 3600 Claire Ave., Gretna, 70053-7699. Tel: 504School). Students 112. 367-7951; Email:
[email protected]; Web: 2-ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON (1981) Merged ,vith stcletuschurch.com. Nativity of Our Lord, Kenner to form a new parish, School-St. Clet11s School, Tel: 504-366-3538; Email: Divine Mercy. For inquiries regarding sacramental
[email protected]; Web: stcletus.com. Mrs. Jill r ecords, contact Divine Mercy parish office. Grabert, Prin. Lay Teachers 36; Students 360. 3-ST. JEROME ROblAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, KENNER, Catechesis Religious Program-Students 58. LOUISIANA (1963) Rev. Quentin E. Moody; Deacon 3-ST. JOSEPH CHURCH AND SHRINE ON THE WESTBANK Leo Tran. (1857) Rev. Gary P . Copping; Deacons Leonard E. Res.: 2400 33rd St., Kenner, 70065-3899. Tel: 504Enger II; Ge·rard L. Labadot. 443-317 4; Fax:
[email protected]; Res.: 610 Sixth St., Gretna, 70053-6098. Tel: 504Web: stjeromecatholic.org. 368-1313; Email:
[email protected]; Web: Catechesis Religious Program- Gail Bordelon, www.stjosephgretna.com. D.R.E . Students 144. · Catechesis Religious Program-Students 35. 4-NATMTY OF OUR LORD (1977) Merged with St. Missiori-St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Kenner to form Divine Mercy Gretna, Louisiana, 924 Moµroe St., Gretna, Jefferson paris h. For inquiries regarding sacramental records, contact Divine Mercy parish . Parish 70053-2299. Tel: 504-368-6161. 5- 0UR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP (1869) lIAHNvrLLE, ST. CHARLES PARISH, OUR .LADY OF THE Mailing Address: 1908 Short St., Kenner, 70062HOLY ROSARY (1877) [CEMJ Rev. Joel P . Cantones. 7599. Tel: 504-464-0361; Ema il: secretary@olphla. Res.: #1 Rectory Ln., Hahnville, 70057. Tel: 985-783org; Web: www.olphla.net. Revs. Richard M. Miles; 1199; Email:
[email protected].
NEW ORLEANS (NO) Edward Owusu-Ansah, Parochial Vicar; Deacon Greg A. Gross. Res.: 1912 Short St., Kenner; 70062-7599. School- Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Tel: 504-464-0531; Fax: 504-464-0725; Web: www.olphla. org. Mrs. Patti Waddell, Prin. Lay Teachers 18; Sisters 1; Students 205. Catechesis Religious Program-Web: www.olphla. net. Sr. Christella Emano, S.F.C.C., D.R.E. Students 64. LA PLACE, ST. JOHN THE )3APTIST PARISH 1-AsCENSION OF OUR LORD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LAPLACE, LOUISIANA (1979) Very Rev. Walter J . Austin, V.F.; Deacons Thomas J . St. Pierre; David W. Fa,inelli. Res.: 799 Fairway Dr., La Place, 70068-2007. Tel: 985-652-2615; Fax: 985-652-7291; Email:
[email protected]; Web: www.aolparish.org. Church: 1900 Greenwood Dr., La Place, 70068. School-Ascension of Our- Lord Roman Catholic Church, LaP/ace, Louisiana School, 1809 Greenwood Dr., La Place, 70068-2098. Tel: 985-652-4532; _Fax: 985-651-5151; Email:
[email protected]; Web: http://www.aolcrusaders.org/. Mrs. Toni Ruiz, Prin. Lay Teachers 23; Students 252. Catechesis Religious Program-Email:
[email protected]. Andree Gurdian, D.R:E. Students 58. 2-ST. JOAN OF ARC (1947) [JC] Revs. Patrick Collum, V.F.; Matthew D. Johnston, Parochial Vicar; Deacon Maurice V. Casadaban. Res.: 529 W. 5th St., La Place, 70068. Tel: 985-6529100; Email:
[email protected]; · Web: www; sjachurch.com. · School-St. Joa11 ofArc School, 412 Fir St., La Place, 70068-4310. Tel: 985-652-6310; Fax: 985-652-6390; Web: www.sja-school.com. Mr. Jeffrey Montz, Prin. Lay Teachers 30; Students 375. Catechesis Religious Program-Email:
[email protected] . . Bro. Benedict Kelley, D.R.E. Students 75. · · Conue11t-Daughters of Diuine Providence, 386 Fir St., La Place, 70068-3941. Tel: 985-359-3163. LACOMBE, ST. TMll,L<\NY PARISH . 1-ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, LACO~IBE, LOUISIA>'
NEW ORLEANS (NO) MANDEVILLE, ST. TAMMANY PARISH . 1-MARY, QUEEN OF PEACE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, MANDEVILLE, LoUISIANA (1988) Very Rev. John-Nhan Tran, V.F.; Rev. Jared Rodrigue, Parochial Vicar; Deacons John J. Finn; Edward Beckendorf; Timothy R. Jackson. Res.: 1501 W. Causeway Approach, Mandeville, 70471-3047. Tel: 985-626-6977; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. inaryqueenofpeace.org. S chool-Mary, Queen of Peace I/oman Catholic Church, Mandeville, Louisiana School , 1515 W. Causeway Approach, Mandeville, 70471 . Tel: 985674-2466; Fax:·· 985-674-1441; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.mqpcs. org. Mrs. Sybil Skansi, Prin. Lay Teachers 50; Students 485. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 985-674-9794. J ewell Bayhi, D.R.E. Students 214. 2-0UR LADY OF THE LAKE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (1850) [JC] Very Rev. Mark Lomax, V.F.; Revs. Christopher P. Zavackis, P a::rochial :Vicar; Charles L. Latour, O.P., In Res.; Deacons Jay C. Frantz; Steven R. Cohan; Andrew P. Raspino , Sr., \ Email: [email protected]. Res.: 312 Lafitte St., Mandeville, 70448-5827. Tel: 985-626-5671; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. oil parish.info. School.:_Our Lady of the Lalie Roman Catholic Church School, 316 La fitte St., Mandeville, 704485827. Tel: 985-626-5678; Fax: 985-626-4337; Email: [email protected]; Web: ww\v. ourladyofthelakesch ool.org. Frank Smith, Prin . Clergy 6; Lay Teachers 73 ; Students 697. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 985-626-5671, Ext. 114; Email: [email protected]. Andrea LaBranche, C.R.E. Students 404. l\'[ARRERO, JEFFERSON PAJUSH 1-ST. AGNES LE THI THANH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, MARRERO, LOUISIANA (1995) [JC] (Vietnamese) (Personal Parish for Southeast Asians) Rev. Peter Nam Van Tran . Mailing Address, Office & Rectory: 1000 Westwood Dr., Marrero, 70072-2415. Tel: 504-347-4725; Fax: 504-340-2476. Church: 6851 St. Le Thi Thanh St., Marrero, 700722556. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 921. 2-IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (1924) Rev. James J. J eanfreau Jr.; Deacon James H. Simmons; Janel Ockman, Music Dir. Res.: 4401 7th St., Marrero, 70072-2099. Tel: 504341-9516; Email: [email protected]. School- Immaculate Conception School, 4520 6th St., Marrero, 70072-2098. Tel: 504-347-4409; Fax: 504-340-2895; Email: iconception@archdiocese-no. erg; Web: icschargers.org. Mrs. Kim DiMarcp, Prin. Clergy 7; Lay Teachers 46; Salesian Sisters 2; Students 628 . Catechesis R eligious Program-Email: [email protected]. Rhoda Aucoin, D.R.E. Students 765 . 3-ST. JOACmM RmIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, MARRERO, LOUISIANA (1985) Rev. G. Amaldoss; Deacon Wilfred Robichaux Jr. Res.: 5505 Barataria Blvd., Marrero, 70072-6660. Tel: 504 -341-9226; Fax: 504-348-0093. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 75. 4-ST. JOSEPH T.HE WORKER (1955) Rev. Eugene F. J acques; Deacon Charles E. Allen. Res.: 455 Ames Blvd., Marrero, 70072-1599. Tel: 504347-8438; Fax: 504-340-9538. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 504-348-4784; Fax: 504-347-0852. Students 80. 5-THE VISITATION OF OUR LADY ROMAN CATHOLIC . CHURCH, MARRERO, LOUISIANA (1963) Very Rev. Michael J . Ketteming, V.F.; Rev. Francis Nguyen, Parochial Vicar; Deacons J ames P. Rooney Jr.; James A. Venturella. Res.: 3500 Ames Blvd., Marrero, 70072-5699. Tel: 504-347-2203; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. vol.erg._ School-The Visitation of Our Lady Roman Catholic Church, Marrero, Louisiana School, 3520 Ames Blvd., Marrero, 70072-5698. Tel: 504-347-3377; Fax: 504-341-5378; Email: [email protected]. Mrs. Carolyn Levet, Pri11. Lay Teachers 32; Students 532. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 504-341-8477. J enny Doskey, D.R.E. Students 212. J\'1ETAIRIE, J EFFERSON PARISH 1-ST. ANGELA MERICI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, METAIRIE, LoUISIANA (1964) Revs. Clayton J. Charbonnet III; Patrick Carr, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Gilbert R. Schmidt; Nicholas Chetta; Raymond E. Heap; David P. Aa1:on. Res.: 828 Melody Dr., Metairie, 70002. Parish Office: 901 Beverly Garden Dr. , Metairie, 70002-5085. Tel: 504-835-0324; Fax: [email protected]; Web: www.stangela.org. School- St. Angela Merici Roman Catholic Clw.rch, Metairie, Louisiana School, 835 Melody Dr.,
880 Metairie, 70002-5095. Tel: 504-835-8491; Fax: 504835-4463; Web: www.stangelaschool.org. Mrs. Paige Bennett, Prin. Lay Te11,chers 41; Students 370. Catechesis Religiou s Program- (Combined with St. Clement of Rome)Email: [email protected]. Candice Schmidt, Catechetical Coard. Students 60. 2-ST. AN!'{ ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SHRINE, METAIRIE, LOUISIANA (1971) 3601 Transcontinental, Metairie, 70006-4040. Tel: 505-455-7071; Email: [email protected]. 4940 Meadowdale Si:., Metairie, 70006-4040. Revs. William O'Riordan, V.F.; Vincent Nguyen, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Philip E . Doolen; Raymond J . Bertin; Thomas H. Fox. Res.: 4841 Meadowdale St., Metairie, 70006-4037. School-St . Ann Roman Catholic Church and Shrine, Metairie, Louisiana School, 4921 Meadowdale St., Metairie, 70006-4098. Tel: 504-4558383; Fax: 504-455-9572; Email: stann@stannschool. org; Web: www.stannschool.org. Mrs. Susan l{ropog, Prin. Lay Teachers 53; Students 860, Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 504-455-7071 , Ext. 225; Email: stan'[email protected]. Students 82. . 3-ST. BENILDE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, METAIRIE, LOUISIANA (1964) Rev. Robert T. Cooper; Deacons Clifford S. Wright; Biaggio DiGiovanni; Stephen J. Gordon. In Res., Rev. H. L. B1ignac, (Retired). Res.: 1901 Divis ion St.', Metairie, 70001-2798. Tel: 504-834-4980. , . School-St. Benilde Roman Catholic Church, Metairie, Louisiana School, 1801 Division St., Metairie, 70001-2799. Tel: 504:833-9894; Fax: 504834-4380; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.stbenilde.com. Mr. Thomas Huck, Prin. Clergy 11; Lay Teachers 23; Students 255. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 289. 4-ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA (1921) Revs. Timothy D. Hedrick; Garrett M. O'Brien, J.C.L.; Deacons Michael Coney; Don M. Richard; Paul G. Hauck. Res.: 105 Bonnabel Blvd., Metairie, 70005-3736. Tel: 504-835-9343; Email: info@stcatherinepru·ish.com. School-St. Catherine of Siena School, 400 Codifer Blvd., Metairie, 70005-3797 . Tel: 504-831-1166; Fax: 504-833-8982; Web: www.scsgators.org. Mrs. Kimberlie Haik Kilroy, P,in. Lay Teachers 88; Students 845. Catechesis Religious Program- Email: malley@stcatherineparish .com. Michelle Alley, D.R.E. Students 196. 5-ST. CHRISTOPHER THE MARTYR (1947) Revs. Frank Candalisa; Raymond lgbogicli, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Charles Duke; Gerald J . Martinez; Philip C. McManamon. Res.: 309 Manson Ave., Metairie, 70001-4898. Tel: 504-837-8214; Fax: 504-837-8303; Email: [email protected]. School-St. Christopher th e Martyr School, (Grades Toddler-8), 3900 Derbigny St., Metairie, 70001-4999. Tel: 504-837-6871; Fax: 504-834-0522; Tel: 504-837. 5929; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.stchristopherschool.org. Ruth Meche, Prin.; Brittany Gradwohl, Admin. Lay Teachers 33; Students (PreK) 157; Students (K-8) 417. Catechesis Religious Program- Students 159. 6-ST. CLEMENT OF ROME ROhIAN CA'rHOLIC CHURCH, METAIRIE, LOUISIANA (1965) Revs. Luis F. Rodriguez; David Ducote, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Carlo Maniglia; R.o bert E. Pendzimaz. Res.: 4317 Richland Ave., Metairie, 70002-3097. Tel: 504-887-7821; Email: [email protected]. School-St. Clement of Rome Roman Catholic Church, Metairie, Louisiana School, 3978 W. Esplanade Ave., Metairie, 70002-3099. Tel : 504-8880386; Fax: 504-885-8273; Email: pspeeg@scrschool. org. Patricia Speeg, Prin. Lay Teachers 33; Students 484. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 124. 7-ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR ROhIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, METAJRIE, LOUISIANA (1964) Revs . Gerald L. Seiler Jr., M.Div., J.C.L. ; Kevin T. DeLerno; Deacon Steven J . Koehler. Parish Of/ice-4921 W. Metairie Ave., Metairie, 70001-4466. . Tel: 504-888-0703; Email: [email protected]; .Web:www.steddy.org. School-St. Edward the Confessor School, Tel: 504888-6353; Email: [email protected]. Dr. Thomas Becker, Prin. Lay Teachers 28; Students 400. Catechesis Religious Program-Trevor D. Huster, D.R.E. Students 51. Chµpel-Han.maum Korean Catholic Chapel, 4812 W. Napoleon Ave. , Metairie, 70001-2364. Tel: 504888-8772; Fax: 504-888-2366. 8-ST. FRANCIS XAVIER (1924) 444 Metairie Rd., Metairie, 70005-4307. Tel: 504834-0340; Email: stfrancisxavier.com. Revs. Joseph S. Palermo Jr., J .D.; Thien Nguyen, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Robert D. Normand; Arthur G. Kingsmill; Kevin J. Dru-rah. Res.: 105 Vincent Ave., Metairie, 70005.
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S . School-St. Francis Xavier School, 215 Betz Pl., Metairie, 70005-4167. Tel: 504-833-1471; Fax: 504833-1498. Barbara Martin, Prin. Lay Teachers 37; Students 455 . Catechesis Religious Program- St. Francis Xavier Parish School of Religion Tel: 504-834-0348. Students 76. 9-ST. LAWRENCE THE MARTYR (1958) Closed. Parish territory assigned to Our Lady of Divine Providence, Metairie. For inqui,ies regarding sacramental records , contact Our Lady of Divine Providence parish . . 10-ST. LoUIS KING OF FRANCE (1947) Rev. Hoang Minh Tuong; Deacons Patrick Bresler; J . Glen Casanova.
Res.: 1609 Carroliton Ave., Metairie, 70005-1498. Tel: 504-834-9977; Fax: 504-834-9979; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.slkfchurch.com. School-St. Louis King of France School, 1600 Lake Ave., Metairie, 70005-1499. Tel: 504-833-8224; Fax: 504-838-9938; Email:. [email protected]; Web: www.slkfschool.com. Pamela Schott, Prin. Clergy 2; Lay Teachers 80; Students 400. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 35. 11-ST. MARY MAGDALEN (1955) Revs. Christian W. DeLerno Jr.; Vincent Phan, Parochial Vicar; Deacon James C. LeBlanc .. In Res., Rev. Bartholomew Chukwumru1. Res. : 6425 W. Metairie Ave., Metairie, 70003-4327. Tel: 504-733-0922; Fax: 504-733-0869; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. stmarymagdalenchurch.com. School-St. Mary Magdalen School, 6421 W. Metairie Ave., Metairie, 70003-4395. Tel: 504-7331433; Fax: 504-736-07.27; Email: stmarymag@archdioces~-no.org. M.s . Valerie Rodriguez, Prin. Lay Teachers 18; Students 250. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 504-733-8980. Linda Earle, D.R.E.; Susie Sullivan, RCIA Coord. Students 67. 12-0UR LADY OF DIVINE PROVIDENCE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, METAIRIE, LOUISIANA (1965) Assumed parish territory of St. Lawrence the Marty,·, Metairie. 1000 N. Starrett Rd., Metailie, 70003-5899. Tel: 504466-4511; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.oldp.org. Rev. Jonathan P. Remelt; Deacons Roberto Angeli; Daniel J . Cordes; J avier Olondo, · Music Min. Res. : 1029 N. Atlanta St., Metairie, 70003-5899. School- Our Lady of Divine Providence Roman Catholic Church, Metairie, Louisiana School, 917 N. Atlanta St., Metairie, 70003-5898. Tel: 504-4660591; Fax: 504-466-0671; Email: [email protected]; Web: www .oldpschool.org. Mrs . Elvina DiBartolo, Prin. Lay Teachers 21; Students 222. Catechesis Religiou s Program-Mrs. Mickie Morris, D.R.E. Students 167. 13-ST. PHILIP NERI (1960) Rev. Msgr. Hemy J. Bugler, V .F. ; Very Rev. Michael J. Kettenring, V.F.; Deacons John P. LeDoux; Thomas P. Lotz; Dennis J. Hickey; Mrs. Yvette F. Ecuyer, Business Mgr. Res.: 6500 Kawanee Ave., Metairie, 70003-3298. Tel: . 504-887-5535; Email: yecuyer@stphilipneriparish. erg. Child Care-St. Philip Neri Learning Center, (6 weeks to 2 yrs.)Tel: 504-887-2322; Email: [email protected]. Lori Robinette, Dir. St. Philip Neri CampTastic-(PreK3-7)Tel: 504-4219392; Email: [email protected]. Wendy Paladino, Dir. School-St. Philip Neri School, 6600 Kawanee Ave., Metairie, 70003-3199. Tel: 504-887-5600; Fax: 504456-6857; Web: www.stphilipneri.org. Dr. Carol Stack, Ph.D., Prin: Lay Teachers 50; Students 585; Nursery 125. Catechesis Religious Program-Email : [email protected]. Ruby Kirsch, Coord. Rel. Educ. · Students·81. NORCO, ST. CHARLES PARISH, SACRED HEART OF J ESUS (1959) Rev. Edmund Akordor; Deacon W. Gerard Gautrau . Res.: 401 Spruce St., Norco, 70079-2137. Tel: 985764-6503; Email: shn@archdiocese·-no.org; Web: www.sacredheartchurchnorco.org. School-Sacred Heart of Jesus School, 453 Spruce St., Norco, 70079. Tel: 985-764-9958; Fax: 985-7640041; Email: [email protected]; Web: sacredheartschoolnorco.org. Laura Delaneuville, Prin . Lay Teachers 14; Students 102. Catechesis Religious Program-Email: c.s. [email protected]. Cristina Larosa, D.R.E. Students 147. PARADIS, ST. CHARLES PARISH, ST. J OHN THE BAPTIST (1971) Rev . Joseph Due Dzien. Res. : P.O. Box 1498, Paradis, 70080-1498. Tel: 985758-2668; Email: [email protected]. Catechesis R eligious Program-Tel: 985-758-1593 . Students 80. PEARL RIVER, ST. · TAMMANY PARISH, SS. PETER AND PAUL ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, PEARL RIVER,
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. LOUISIANA (1970) Rev. Warren L. Cooper, Admi.n.; Deacons John Patrick Downey; Richard W. Calkins; Eugene P. Templet. Res .: 66192 St. Mary Dr., Pearl River, 70452-5705. Tel: 985-863-7935; Email: [email protected]; Web: www .sppcprla.com. Catechesis Religious.Program-Students 148. POINTE A LA HACHE, PLAQUEMINES PARISH, ST. THOMAS (1844) [CEM 2] Mailing Address: 6951 Hwy. 39, Braithwaite, 700400063. Rev. Michael M. Labre. Church: 17605 Hwy. 15, Pointe A La Hache, 70082. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 55. Mission-Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ma,y Roman Catholic Church, Braithwaite, Louisiana, Tel: 504-682-5607; Fax: 504-682-5617. PORT SULPHUR, PLAQUEMINES PARISH, ST. PATRICK (1870) [CE!VO Assumed St. Jude, Diamond and Our Lady of Good Harbor, Buras and its missions, St. Ann, Empire and St. Anthony, Boothville-Venice. Rev. Gerard P. Stapleton. Res.: 28698 Hwy. 23, Port Sulphur, 70083-9623. Tel: 504-564-6792; Email: [email protected]; Email: stpatrickportsulphur .com. . Catechesis Religious Program- Public School of Religion Students 98. Mission- St. Ann, Empire, 70050. RESERVE, ST. JOHN THE BAl'l'IST PARISH 1-0UR LADY OF GRACE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (1937) (African American) Rev. Christopher C. Amadi, S.S.J. Res.: 780 Hwy. 44, P.O. Box 464, Reserve, 700840464. Tel: 985-536-2613; Fax: 985-536-1819; Email: olgchw·[email protected]; Web: olgcommunity.com. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 985-536-2028. Myrtle Ann Lucas, D.R.E. Students 34. 2-ST. PETER (1864) [CEM] Rev. John J. Marse; Deacon Richard S. Abbondante. Res .: 1550 Hwy. 44, P .O. Box 435, Reserve, 700840435. Tel: 985-536-2887; Fax: 985-536-7078. School-St. Peter School, Tel: 985-536-4296; Fax: 985-536-4305. Mrs. Marie Comeaux, Prin. Lay Teachers 18; Students 202. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 985-536-2886. Students 159. RIVER RIDGE, JEFFERSON PARISH, ST. MATTHEW THE APOSTLE (1959) Revs. Joseph Man Tran; Sidney Speaks, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Wayne A. Lobell; Nathan F. Simoneaux Jr.; Jerry B. Clark Sr. Res. : 10021 Jefferson Hwy., River Ridge, 701232498. Tel: 504-737-4537; Fax: 504-737-2662; Email: [email protected]; Web: stmatthewtheapostle.net. School-St. Matthew the Apostle School, Tel: 504737-4604; Fax: 504-738-7985; Web: www·.smaschool. net. Lay Teachers 31; Students 337. · Catechesis Religious Program- Students 92. ST. BERNARD,' ST. BERNARD PARISH, ST. BERNARD (1787) [CEMJ Assumed parish territory of San Pedro Pescador, Florissant. Rev. Hoang Minh Tuong. Church: 2805 Bayou Rd., St. Bernard, 70085. Tel: 504-281-2267; Email: [email protected]. Catechesis Religious Program-Sr. Anne Marie Khuong, F.M.S.R., D.R.E. Students 43. SLIDELL, ST. TAMMANY PARISH 1-ST. GENEVIEVE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, SLIDELL, LOUISIANA (1968) 58203 Hwy. 433, Slidell, 70460. Mailing Address: 58025 St. Genevieve Ln., Slidell, 70460. Tel: 985643-3832; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.stgenevieve.us. Rev. Jose Roel G. Lungay; Deacons Daniel B. Haggerty; Daniel L. Dashner; Reginald J. Seymour, Email: [email protected]. Res. and Mailing Address : 58031 St. Genevieve Ln., Slidell, 70460. Catechesis Religious Program-Ona New, C.R.E. Students 54. 2-ST. LUKE THE EVANGELIST ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, SLIDELL, LOUISIANA (1982) Revs. Patrick B. Wattigny; Warren L. Cooper, Sacramental Asst.; Francis Offia, Parochial Vicar; Deacons Harold J. Burke; Ronald C. LeBlanc; Paul G. Augustin. Office: 910 Cross Gates Blvd., .Slidell, 70461-8414. Tel: 985-641-6429; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.stlukeslidell.org. Catechesis Religious Program-Tel: 985-641-2570; Fax: 985-641-6570. Students 465. 3-ST. MARGARET MARY Rm!AN CATHOLIC CHURCH, SLIDELL, LOUISIANA (1965) Revs. Edward M. Grice; Gary P. Copping, Parochial Vicar; Deacons John C. Weber; Carlos A. Ramirez; Louis F. Bauer; Christopher M. Schneide'r Sr.; Roberto L. Zambrano. Res.: 1050 Robert Blvd., Slidell, 70458-2098. Tel: 985-643-6124; Email: stmargaretmary@saintmm. org. School-St. Margaret Mary School, Tel: 985-6434612; Fax: 985-643-4659. Mr. Bobby Ohler, Prin. Lay Teachers 36; Students 646. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel: 985-649-3055. Students 397. 4-0UR LADY OF LOURDES (1890) [CEM]
881 400 Westchester Blvd., Slidell, 70458. Revs . Wayne C. Paysse; Cletus 01ji; Deacons Charles B. Faler Jr.; Robert Dunbar; Wa1Ten L. Berault; Peter J. Miranda. · Res.: 3924 Berkley St., Slidell,' 70458-5143. Tel: 985643-4137; Email: [email protected]. School-Our Lady of Lourdes School, 345 Westchester Pl., Slidell, 70458-5299. Tel: 985-6433230; Fax: 985-645-0648. Mr. Michael Buras II, Prin. Lay Teachers 25; Students 460. Catechesis Religious Program-Email: [email protected]. Janet Stains, D.R.E. Stud·e nts 267. TERRYTOWN, JEFFERSON PARISH, CHRIST THE KING (1963) Rev. Michael Nam Hoang Nguyen; Deacons William B. Jarrell; Walfredo Corral. Res.: 535 Deerfield Rd., Terrytown, 70056-2899. Tel: 504-361-1500; Email: [email protected]; Web: christkingterrytown.com. School-Christ the King School, 2106 Deerfield Rd., Terrytown, 70056-2899. Tel: 504-367-36Q,l; Fax: 504367-3679; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.archdiocese-no.org/ctk. Lay Teachers 22; Students 274. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 92. VIOLET, ST. BERNARD PARISH, OUR LADY OF LoURDES Roi1AN CATHOLIC CHURCH, VIOLET, LOUISIANA (1916) Mailing Address: 2621 Colonial Blvd., Violet, 70092. Tel: 504-682-7070; Fax: 504-282-2621. Rev. Bryan J. Howard. Catechesis Religious Program-Rhonda Serpas, D.R.E. Students 80. WAGGAMAN, JEFFERSON PARISH, OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS Rm!AN CATHOLIC CHURCH, WAGGA,~!AN, LOUISIANA (1978) [CEM] 6851 River Rd., Waggaman, 70094-2404. Tel: 504436-4459; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.oloacatholicchurch.org. Rev. John M. Perino. Catechesis Religious Program-Cheryl Carmouche, C.R.E. Students 52. WESTWEGO, JEFFERSON PARISH, OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR (1920) [CEMJ Rev. Emile G. (Buddy) Noel; Deacons Jose A. Sierra; Wilfred Robichaux Jr. In Res., Rev. Benjamin Sanchez, S.d.C. Res.: 146 Fourth St., Westwego, 70094-4297. Tel: 504-341-9522; Email: [email protected]. com.
School- Our Lady of Prompt Succor School, 531 Avenue A, Westwego, 70094-4294. Tel: 504-3419505; Fax: 504-341-9508. Sr. Anna Bui, Prin. Lay Teachers 17; Sisters 5; Students 283. Catechesis Religious Program-Email: smsyrri@aol. com . Greg Smith, D.R.E. Students 49. Mission-Holy Guardian Angels Mission, 1701 Bridge City Ave., Bridge City, Jefferson Parish 70094. Web: www.hgaparish.org. Non-Parochial Churches & Chapels NEW ORLEANS, ORLEANS PARISH ! - CATHOLIC CULTURAL HERITAGE CENTER ST. MARY CHAPEL (1845) (Shrine of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem) Mailing Address: 1100 Chartres St., 70116-2596. Church: 1116 Chartes St., 70116-2596. Tel: 504-5259585; Fax: 504-525-9583. 2- CHAPEL OF THE VIETNAMESE MARTYRS (1978) (Vietnamese) Mailing Address: P.O. Box 870607, 70187-0607. Rev. Nghiem Van Nguyen. In Res., Rev. Joseph Nguyen VanNguyen. · Church: 14400 Peltier Dr., 70129-1713. Tel: 504-2545660; Fax: 504-254-9250. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 545. 3-ST. JOSEPH CHAPEL (2000) . Mailing Address: do Archdiocesan Cemeteries Office, 1000 Howard Ave, Ste. 500, 70113-1903. Tel: 504-596-3050; Fax: 504-596-3055. St. Joseph Cemetery, 2220 Washington Ave., 70113-2647. Tel: 504-488-4989; Tel: 504-488-5200. 4-ST. !VIARY'S AsSUMPTION (1858) (German) 2030 Constance St., 70130-5004. Tel: 504-522-0748; Fax: 504-523-3734; Email: [email protected]. Revs. Richard Thibodeau, C.Ss.R.; Allen Weinert, C.Ss.R., Parochial Vicar. Catechesis Religious Program-Students 67. 5-ST. MARY'S CHAPEL 1516 Jackson Ave., 70130. Tel: 504-522-6748. Revs. Richard Thibodeau, C.Ss.R.; Eugene Harrison, C.Ss. R. . 6-NATIONAL SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR (1926) Mailing Address: 2734 Nashville Ave., 70115. Tel: 504-866-0216; Email: [email protected]. Sr. Carolyn Brockland, O.S.U., Dir. Church: 2701 State St., 70118-6399. 7-ST. ROCH CHAPEL St. Roch Cemetery, 1725 St. Roch Ave., 70117-8223. Tel: 504-304-0576; Tel: 504-482-5065. Mailing Address: do Archdiocesan Cemeteries Office, 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 500, 70113. Fax: 504-596-3055.
NEW ORLEANS (NO) 8-ST. TAMl'.!ANY CATHOLIC CEMETERY 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. MANDEVILLE, ST. TM.IMANY PARISH, ST. DYMPHNA CATHOLIC CENTER AND CHAPEL (1971) Northlake Behavioral H ealth System, 23515 Hwy. 190, Mandeville, 70470-3850. For information, please call the Healthcare Chaplaincy Office, Tel: 504-227-3606. . ·METAIRIE, JEFFERSON PARISH, . HANMAUM KOREMI CATHOLIC CHAPEL (1990) 4812 W. Napoleon Ave., Metairie, 70001-2364. Tel: 504-888-2366. Rev. Jongkwon Choi, (Korea, South) Chap. Pilgrimage Shrines NEW ORLEANS, ORLEANS PARISH !-NATIONAL SHRINE OF BLESSED FRANCIS XAVIER SEELOS (2000) 919 Josephine St., 70130-5071. Tel: 504-525-2495; Fax: 504-581-9181; Web: www.seelos.org. Rev. Harry Grile, C.Ss.R., Dir.; Bro. Leo Patin, C.Ss.R., Asst. Dir. 2- NATIONAL SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR (1926) Mailing Address: Ursuline Convent, 2734 Nashville Ave., 70115 . Tel: 504-866-0200; Web: www. shrineofourladyofprompt succor.com. 3-SHRINE OF ST. JUDE THADDEUS (1826) (African American) 411 N. Rampart St., 70112-3594. Tel: 504-525-1551; Fax: 504-525-1827; Email: [email protected]. Very Rev. Anthony Rigali, O.M.I., V.F. Catechesis Religious Program- Tel : 504-522-8546. Students 55. 4-SHRINE OF ST. LAZARUS OF JERUSALEM Mailing Address: 1100 Chartres St., 70116-2596. Tel: 504-529-3040. Church: 1116 Chartres St., 70116-2596. METAIRIE, JEFFERSON PARISH, ST. ANN NATIONAL SHRINE (1971) Rev. William O'Riordan, V.F. Church: 4940 Meadowdale St., Metairie, 70006-4040. Tel: 504-455-7071; Fax: 504-455-7076; Email: contact@sta nnchurchandshiine.org; Web: stannchurchandshrine.org. Catechesis Religious Program,-Students 82. Non-Parochial Community NEW ORLEANS, ORLEANS PARISH, ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA BYZANTINE CATHOLIC MISSION (1976) Ruthenian Rite Church Jurisdiction. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1359, Gray, 70359-1359. Revs. Phillip J. Linden Jr., S.S.J.; Etido Jerome, S.S.J.; Deacon Gregory Haddad, Mission Admin. Chw·ch: 2435 S. Can·ollton Ave., 70118. Tel: 504861-0806; Fax: 985-872-9123; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.archpitt.org/ place/neworleansla-2/. Chaplains of Public Institutions. Hospitals NEW ORLEANS. Chateau de Notre Dame Assisted Living, 2820 Burdette St., 70i25. Tel: 504-8662741. Rev. Alberto Bermudez. Chateau de Notre Dame Nursing Home, 2832 Bw·dette St., 70125. Tel: 504-866-2741. Rev. Alberto Bermudez. Children's Hospital, 200. Henry Clay Ave., 70118. Tel: 504-899-9511. Rev. Randy P. Roux, Chap., Dea~ons 'Jlhomas P. Lotz, Pastoral Min., Glenn Wiltz Sr., Pastoral Min. Kindred Hospital, 3601 Coliseum St., 70115-3687. Tel: 504-899-1555; Fax: 504-899-1509. Deacon Frank G. DiFulco, Pastoral Min. Lafon Nursing Facility of the Holy Family, 6900 Chef Menteur Hwy., 70126. Tel: 504'241-6285. Rev. Victor H. Cohea. New Orleans East Hospital, 5620 Read Blvd., 70127. Tel: 504-592-6600. Rev. Geoffrey Omondi Muga, F.M.H. Ochsner Baptist Medical Center, 2700 Napoleon Ave., 70115-6996. Tel: 504-899-9311. Rev. Msgr. Henry H. Engelbrecht, Chap .Baptist Campus. Our Lady of Wisdom Healthcare, 5600 General DeGaulle Dr., 70131. Tel: 504-394-5991. Touro lnfirma,y, 1401 Foucher St., 70115-3593. Tel : 504-897-7011; Tel: 504-899-1378. Rev. Douglas C. Brougher, Dir., Pastoral Care & Chap., Tel: 504897-7011; Tel: 504-899-1378. Tulane Medical Center, 1415 Tulane Ave., . 70112. Tel: 504-988-5263. Rev. Donald McMahon, O.M.I. University Medical Center, 2000 Canal St., 70112. Tel: 504-702-3000. Rev. ,i\nton Ba Phan, Chap.
BOGALUSA. Our Lady of the Angels Hospital, 433 Plaza St., Bogalusa, 70427. Tel: 985-730-6706. Attended by Annunciation Parish. . . CHALMEITE. St. Bernard Parish Hospital, 8050 W. judge Perez Dr., Chalmette, 70043. Tel: 504-8269500. Attended by Our Lady of Prompt Succor Parish (Chalmette). COVINGTON. Lakeview R egional Medical Center, 95 E. Fairway Dr., Covington, 70433. Tel: 504-867-3800. Rev. Dean L. Robins, .C hap., Deacon Edward F. Kelley, Pastorai Min . . St. Tammany Hospital, 1202 S. Tyler St., Covington, 70433. Tel: 504-898-4000. Rev. Dean L. Robins, Chap. GRETNA. Och sner Medical Center, West Bank, 2500 Belle Chasse Hwy. , Gretna, 70056-7127. Tel: 504392-3131. Rev. Terence Hayden, (Ireland), Deacon James P . Rooney Jr., Pastoral Min. JEFFERSON. Ochsner Foundation Hospital, 1516 S. Clearview Pkwy. , Jefferson, 70121-2484. Tel: 504842-3000. Rev. Thomas M . McCann KENNER. Och sner-Kenner, 180 W. Esplanade\ Ave., Kenner, 70065. Tel: 504·-464-8065. Rev. Eduardo Gabriel, O.P. LULING. Ashton Manor Assisted Living & Memory Care, 270 Ashton Plantation Blvd. , Luling, 70070. Tel: 985-785-8288. Rev. Edward J. Lauden, Deacon W. Gerard Gautrau. St. Charles Parish Hospital, 1057 P a ul Mallard Rd., Luling, 70070. Tel: 985-785-6242. Deacon Michael A. Fabre Sr. MANDEVILLE. Northlake 'Behavioral Health System, 123515 Hwy. 190, .Mandeville, 70470-3850. Tel: 504-626-6317; Fro(: 504-626-6658. Deacons Ronald C. LeBlanc, Dir. Pastoral Ministry, Ricky J. Suprean, Pastoral Min. . . MARRERO. West Jefferson General Hospital, 4500 11th St. , Marrero, 70072-3191. Tel: 504-347-5511. Revs. Francis Berner, Chap., Eduardo Gabriel, O.P., Deacons Robert Beaumont, Pastoral Min., Quinsiniano Ortega, Pastoral Min. Wynhoven Hea/tJ, ·Care Center, 1050 Medical Center Blvd., Marrero, 70072-3170. Tel: 504-347-0777. METAIR!E. East Jefferson General Hospital, 4200 Houma Blvd. , Metairie, 70002-2970. Tel: 504-4544000. Rev. Bartholomew Chukwuman, Chap., Deacons Gary J . Borne, Pastoral Min., Glen Casanova, Pastoral Min., Raymond E. Heap, Pastoral Min., Steven J. Koehler, Pastoral Min. ' RESERVE. South east Louisiana War . Veteran s Home, 4080 W. Airline Hwy., Reserve, 70084. Tel: 985-. 479-4080. Deacon Garland Joseph Roussel Jr. SLIDELL. _Ochsner·Slidell, 100 Medical Center Dr., Slidell, 70461. Tel: 985°649-7070. Attended by St. Luke the Evangelist Parish. Slidell Memorial Hospital, 1001 Gause Blvd., Slidell, 70458-2987 . Tel: 985-643-2200. Att~nded by St. Margaret Mary, Slidell.
Colleges and Universities NEW ORLEANS. Delgado College , 615 City Park Ave. , 70119. Email:[email protected]. Delgado Community College, School ofNursing, 1450 Claiborne Ave., 70112. Email:[email protected].
Father Val Mcinn es, OP, Cel(ter for Catholic Life, Tulane University, 1037 Audubon St., 70118-5294. Tel: 504-865-2304. Rev. Thomas (Christopher) Sch aefgen, O.P., Dir., Ministry. Louisiana State University Medical Center, 1542 Tulane Ave., 70112.Em·a il:[email protected]. Southern University in N ew Orleans, 6400 Press Dr., 7·0126. See UNO Newman Center. University of New Orleans, UNO Newman Center, 2000 Lakeshore Dr. , 70148·0001. Tel: 504-2886336. Rev. Dennis J . Hayes III, Chap., Mr. Chtistopher Lazarine, Dir.
Prisons NEW ORLEANS. Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriffs Office-Orleans Ju stice Center, 2800 Gravier St., 70119. Tel: 504-826-7050. Rev. Terence Hayden, (Ireland) Chap. ANGIE. Rayburn Correctional Center, 27268 Hwy. 21, Angie, 70426-3030. Tel: 985-848-5232. Deacon Michael J. Talbot, Pastoral Min .(Dedicated to Sen. Rayburn). ANGOLA: Louisiana State Penitentiary. 17544 Tunica Trace, Angola, 70712. Tel: 225-6554411 .
CHALMETTE. St. Bernard Parish Prison, St. Bernard Courthouse, Chalmette, 70043-4793 . Tel: 504-2798823 . Tony Fernandez, Chap. COVINGTON. St. Tammany Parish Prison, 10 Cherokee Ln., Covington, 70433-2222. Tel: 985-892-8324. Deacons Timothy R. Jackson, Pastoral Min., Charles R. Swift, Pastoral Min. EDGARD. Nelson Coleman Correctional Center, 2361 Hwy. 18, Edgard, 70049. Tel: 985-785-8189. Deacon Warren R. Pierre, Pastoral Min. GRETNA. Jefferson Parish Correctional Center, P.O. Box 388, Gretna, 70054-0388. Tel: 504-374-7700, Ext. 3109. Deacon William B. Jarrell, Pastoral Min. HARVEY. Rivarde Juvenile Detention Home, 1525 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey, 70058-3405. Tel: 504392-2097. Deacons Tyrell Manieii, Pastoral Min., John J. Walker IV. On Special Assignment: Revs.Bermudez, Alberta, Chateau de Notre Dame Nursing Home & Apartments, Ne,v Orleans Cooper, Warren L., St .. Luke the Evangelist Maestii, William F., M.Div., M.A. . Ricai·d, Rodney Anthony, St. Gahiiel the Arcl).angel. On Duty Outside the Archdiocese: Revs.Nguyen, Paul Van Tung . Nguyen, Vien The, J.C.L., M:Div. Gradua te Studies Not in Archdiocese of New Orleans: Rev ...:.... · O'Biien, Garrett M., J.C.L., The Catholic University of Ameiica, Washington, DC. On Medical Leave of Absence: Rev.Mongeon, Peter M. Retired: Most Revs .Hughes, Alfred C., S.T.D., (Retired), 2901 S. Carrollton Ave., 70125 Carmon, Domirµc, S.V.D., D.D., (Retired), Chateau de Notre Dame, 2820 Burdette St., 70125 Rt. Rev.Regan, Patiick, O.S.B., A.A. , B.A. , M.A., S.T.D., (Retired), St. Joseph Abbey, 75376 River Rd., St. Benedict, 70457-9900 Rev. Msgrs.Becnel, Terry B., V.F., (Retired), 705 Gassen, St., Luling, 70070 Bilinsky, William, (Retired), 84031 Pine Dr., Folsom, 70437 Doussan, Douglas A., (Retired), Archdiocese of New Orleans Retreat Center, 5500 St. Mary St., Metairie, 70006 Glasgow, T. Gaspard, (Retired), St. John Vianney Villa, 4701 Wichers Dr., Apt. B, Marrero, 70072 Hecker, Lawrence A., (Retired), 1419 Milan St., Apt. 101, 70115 Hill, Robert, (Retired), 3456 Cleary Ave., Apt. 305, Metaiiie, 70002 Lumioais, J. Anthony, (Retired), P.O. Box 344, Hanceville, AL 35077-0344 Massett; Robert D., 4929 York St., Apt. 1112, Metairie, 70001 Rareshide, Lanaux J., (Retired), St. Anthony Mission, 924 Monroe St., Gretna, 7005;3 Roy; Allen J ., (Retired), St. John Vianney Villa, 4701 Wichers Dr., Apt. H, Marrero, 70072 · Taormina, Andrew C., J.D., (Retired) Tomasovich, John A., (Retired), 69 Lake Lynn Dr., Harvey, 70058 Very Rev. Weber, George; C.M., (Retired), DePaul Residence, 812 Constantinople St., 70115-2726 Revs.Agµdo, Teodoro, O.F.M.Cap., (Spain) (Retired) Benson, Joseph A., (Retired), St. John Vianney Villa, 4701 Wichers Dr., Apt. A, Marrero, 70072 Blank, William A., (Retired), 148 Heitz St., Garyville, 70051 Braud, Ronald J ., (Retired), 2820 Burdette St., Apt. 604, 70125 Biignac, H . L., (Retired), 1400 Haring Rd., La Place, 70068 Brown, Victar, O.P., (Retired), Dominic Piiory, 775 Hamson Ave., 70124-3192 Caluda, Charles J ., (Retired), 3205 Bayou Rd., Saint Bernard, 70085 Carabello, Francis J ., (Retired), 840 Oakwood Dr., Terrytown, 70056 · Cavalier, Robert C., (Retired) Dabria, J erry J., (Retired), The Landing at Behrman Place, 3601 Behrman Pl., 70114
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. ·de Water, Joseph !11., (Retired), Riinsburgerweg 4W59A, Voorhut, The Netherlands 2215 RA Dixon, James R., (Retired), St. Anthony Rectory, 901 N .E . 2nd St., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-1621 Fernandez, Luis J ., (Retired), VA Medical Center, 6863 S.W. 16th St., Miaini, FL 33155-1709 Ferne, Francis, (Retired), 8128 Plum St., 701'182012 Finn, John P., (Retired), 2820 Burdette St., Apt. 515, 70125 ·. Francis, Bernard C., (Retired), P.O. Box 546, Hahnville, 70057 . Gannon, Patiick, (Retired), 614 7th St., Apt. L-101, Gretna, 70053-6143 Heflber, Carroll; (Retired), 3310 Jefferson Hwy., Jefferson, 70121 Highfill, Biian H., (Retired), 1271 Mound House St., Las Vegas, NV 89110-5900. (Retired .Military) · Kieltyka, Robert, (Retired), 423 Cedarwood Dr., Mandeville, 70471 · Lobo, Raul Venust, (Retired), St. John Vianney Villa, 4701 Wichers Dr., Apt. .F , Marrero, 70072 McGough, William J., (Retired), 309 W. 9th Ave., Covington, 70433 McGrath, Joseph, O.F.M. Meyer, Leo A., (Retired), 805 Rue Decatur, Metairie, 70005 Morgan, Brendan P., (Retired), P .O. Box 73128, Metaiiie, 70033 . Nguyen, Dominic Due Huyen, (Retired), 13434 Lourdes St., 70129 Nguyen, Viet Chau, S.S.S., (Retired) O'Ponnell, William J ., J.C.L., (Retired), 80335 Hollowhill Rd., Bush, 70431 O'Neill, Michael F ., (Retired); 629 Birkdale Cove, Niceville, FL 32578 Pentecost, Denver B.; (Retired), 2305 St. Chai·les Ave., 70130 Perera, Denzil M., (Retired), Center of J esus the Lord, 1307 Louisiana Ave., 70115 Pham, Bernardo Son, S.D.D., (Retired), 13401 N. Lemans St., 70129 Pham, Vincent Don, (Retired), ·1008 Candlelight Ct., Marrero, 70072 Qui, Vincent, (Retired), 21 Pat Dr., Avondale, -70094 Rabe, David L., (Retired), 2233 St. Chai·les Ave., . Apt. 105, 70130 Jlobinson, Jerome, (Retired), 600 Second Ave., Harvey, 70058 Schott, James E., (Retired), 501 Lake Ave., Apt. 3A, Metairie, 70005 Selia, Anthony, (Retired), 1713 Williambiidge Rd., Bronx, NY 10461 Terrebonne, Burnick J., (Retired), Wynhoven Apartments, 4600 10th St., Unit A, Marrero, 70072 Thomas, Curtis R., (Retired), 625 Olive St., Leavenworth , J{S 66048 Tranchina, Joseph, (Retired), 2820 Burdette St., Apt. 519, 70125 Trinchard, Paul, (Retired), 7117 Edgewater Dr., Mandeville, 704 71 Trutter, Carl B ., O.P., (Retired), Our Lady of Wisdom Healthcare Center, 5600 General De Gaulle Dr. , 70131 Vitte, Jules, (Retired), 62 Grande Rue, 25160 Malbuisson, France Vu, J .B. Han, (Retired), 10421 Orangewood Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840-1540. Permanent Deacons: Aaron, David P., St. Angela Meiici, !l{etaiiie Abbondante, Richard S., St. Peter, Reserve Adams, Denn.is F., Dir. Christopher Homes, Inc., St. Peter, Covington Alexander, Dwight, St. Raymond & St. Leo the Great, New Orleans Allen, Charles E., St. Joseph the Worker, Marrero Angeli, Santiago Roberta, Our Lady of Divine Providence, Metaiiie Ardoin, James Clyde, St. Peter, Covington Armshaw, Cornelius, (Retired) Attaway, Charles, (On Leave) Augustin, Paul G., St. Luke the Evangelist, Slidell; P astoral Min, Reconcile · New Orleans/Cafe Reconcile Balderas, Robert Sr., (Retired) Bauer, Louis F., · St. Margaret Mary, Slidell; Northlake Behavioral Health System Beaumont, Robert G. Sr., (Retired) Beckendorf, Edw'ard, Mary Queen of Peace, Mandeville Berault, Warren L., Our Lady of Lourdes, Slidell Bertin, Raymond J ., St. Ann Church and Shiine, Metairie Bertucci, Chiistopher A., St. Pius X, New Orleans Bialas, James A., Diaconate Advisory & Formation, Our Lady of the Rosary, New Orleans Billiot, Norbert P . Jr., St. Bernard Bin!'ey, Robert, (Retired)
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. Blanchard, John, (Retired) Boe, Kenneth, (Retired - Active) Borne, Gary J., St. Rita, Harahan Bourgeois, Donald E., St. Jane. de Chantal, Abita Springs Brady, Richard, Perm. Diaconate Adv. & Formation, St. Louis Cathedral; Master of Ceremonies Bresler,.Patrick Broussard, Terrel J., St. Maria Goretti; Diaconate Personnel Board Burke, Harold J., St. Luke the Evangelist; Pastoral Min., Pope John Paul II High School; Pastoral Min., Northshore Regional Medical Center; Slidell Caffery, Thomas E. Jr., (Retired-Active) Caldero, David, Divine Mercy, Kenner; Our Lady of the, Holy Rosary, Hahnville Calkins, Richai·d W., Chap., SS. -Peter & Paul, Pearl River; Perm. Diaconate Personnel Bd. Calvin, Larry Lee, Corpus Christi-Epiphany, New Orleans Campeaux, Ban-y G., (Retired-Active) Cainpuzano, Luis A., (Retired -Active) Capaci, Andrea, Divine Mercy, Kenner; Pastoral Min., Archbishop Chapelle High School · Carrillo, Cesar Cornelio, (Retired-Active) Casada.ban, Maurice V., St. Joan of Arc, La.Place Casanova, Joseph Glen, Pastoral Min., . East Jefferson Hospital; St. Louis King of France, Metairie Caserta, Piero, St. Agnes, Jefferson Chetta, Nicholas, St. Angela Merici, Metairie Cimino, Paul, (Retired-Active) Clai·k, Jerry B. Sr., St. Matthew the Apostle, River Ridge; Stella Maris Port l'llinistry; Diaconate Advisory & Formation Cohan, Steven R., Our Lady of the Lake, Mandeville Coney, Michael, St. Catherine of Siena, Metairie Cordes, Daniel J., Our Lady of Divine Providence; Diaconate Personnel Board Corral, Walfredo, Christ the King, Terrytown Coudrain, Mark C., St. Jane de Chantal, Abita Springs Crago, Jere L. Curry, Williain P. Jr., Sacred Heart, Lacombe Daigle, Irving J., (Retired) Dardis, Joseph M., St. Anthony of Padua, New Orleans Darrah, Kevin J., St. Francis Xavier, Metairie Dashner, Daniel L., St. Genevieve, Slidell Deichmann, Richard, (Retired) DeLeon, Ildefonso R., St. Maria Goretti, New Orleans Dempsey, Patrick L., St. Cletus, Gretna DiFulco, Frank G., St. Agnes, Jefferson; Pastoral Min., Kindred Hospital DiGiovanni, Biaggio, St. Benilde, Metairie; Admin., Ozanam Inn, New Orleans DiGrado, Chris, Master of Ceremonies, St. Patrick, New Orleans Donnaud, Paul J., (Retired) Doolen, Philip E., Pastoral Assoc., St. Ann Church & Shrine, Metairie Dorsey, Dan, (Retired-Active) Downey, John Patrick, SS Peter and Paul, Pearl River
Drake, Francis W., (Retired) Drez, Ronald J. Jr., Our Lady of the Rosai-y, New Orleans Duet, Ferris J. Jr., (Retired) Duffy, Peter E., J.D., (Retired) Duke, Charles, (Retired-Active) Dunbar, Robert, Our Lady of Lourdes, Slidell Duplechain, Raphael Jr., Dir., Permanent Diaconate Durr, Uriel Andrew, St. Gabriel the Archangel, New Orleans Eason, Richard B., Good Shepherd, New Orleans Enger, Leonai·d E. II, St. Joseph on the Westbank, Gretna; St. Anthony Mission, Gretna Fabre, Michael A. Sr., St. Anthony of Padua, Luling Faler, Charles B. Jr., (Retired) Farinelli, David W., Clinical Supvr. & Counselor, Catholic Counseling Service Fariss, Jeffrey, (Retired-Active) Fasullo, Gerard Sr., St. Edward the Confessor, Metairie Ferran, Steven L., Sacred Hearts, Lacombe; Asst. Dir., Permanent Diaconate; Diaconate Advisory & Formation; Diaconate Personnel Board Ferretti, Anthony J., (Retired) Finn, John Joseph, Mary Queen of Peace, Mandeville Flynn, Dan, St. Rita, Harahan; Catholic Committee on Boy Scouting Fonseca, Rodrigo Alonso, Center of Jesus the Lord, New Orleans Fortunato, Jody J ., St. Dominic, New Orleans Foster, Oscar G. III, (On Duty Outside the Diocese) Fox, Thomas H., St. Ann Church & Shrine; Pastoral Min., Holy Cross High School Frantz, Jay C., Our Lady of the Lake Roman
883 Catholic Church, Mandeville; Diaconate Personnel Board Fray, Ralph, (Retired) Gabriel, Brian A., Our Lady Star of the Sea, New Orleans Garon, Henry A., (Retired) Gautrau, W. Gerard, Sacred Heart of J esus, Norco Glapion, Lloyd St. Clair, (Retired) Glover, John A., St. Anselm, Madisonville Gordon, Stephen J., St. Benilde, Metairie Gross, Greg Andrew Nicholas, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Kenner; .Pastoral Min., Ozanam . Inn Gubert, Norbert Guich-y, Ronald, Master of Ceremonies, St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans Guillory, Abner J ., St. Anselm, Madisonville Guitterrez, Clayton J., (On Leave) Guntherberg, Thomas James, (On Leave) Haggerty, Daniel B., Dir. Pastoral Care, F.B.I. .& Slidell Police Dept.; St. Genevieve, Slidell Hamm, John David, (Retired -Active), (On Leave) Haitman, Charles, (Retired) Hauck, Paul G., St. Catherine of Siena, Mefairie; Pasto.r al Min., Ozanam Inn Heap, Raymond E., Pastoral Min., East Jefferson Hospital, Metairie; St. Angela Merici, Metairie Heine, Charles, (Retired-Active) Herrick, Dean D., Holy Name ofMai-y, Algiers Hickey, Dennis J., St. Philip Neri, Metairie Houston, Lawrence C., St. Peter Claver, New Orleans Howard, John, (Retired) Huck, Lloyd E., Transfiguration of the Lord, New Orleans Insley, J . Vernon, (Retired) Jackson, Timothy R., Mai-y Queen of Peace, Mandeville Jarrell, William B., Christ the King, Terrytown; Pastoral Minister, Jefferson Paiish Coqectional Center Johnson, David L., (On Duty Outside Diocese) Johnson, Dwight J., (Retired) Jung, John A., St. Peter, Covington Kelley, Edwai·d Francis, Annunciation, Bogalusa Kings.mill, Arthur George, St. Francis Xavier, Metairie Kia.use, Brian Joseph, (On Leave) .Koehler, Steven J., St. Edward the Confessor, Metairie; Pastoral Min., East Jefferson General Hospital; Diaconate Advisory & Formation Kratchovil, Thomas M., St. Francis of Assisi, New Orleans La!,adot, Gerard L., St. Joseph Church & Shrine on the West Bank Labranche, Frans Jr., J.D., (Retired-Active) Lanch-y, Coy, (Retired-Active) LeBlanc, Jaines C., St. Mai-y Magdalen, Metairie LeBlanc, Nolen J ., St. Rita, Harahan · LeBlanc, Ronald C., St. Luke the Evangelist, Slidell LeDolLx, John P., St. Phllip Neri, Metairie Lewis, Raymond, (Retired) Lobell, Wayne A., St. Matthew the Apostle, River Ridge; Stella Maris Port Ministry·; Diaconate Advisory & Formation Lorenz, Fallon Herbert, (Retired-Active) Lotz, Thomas P., St. Phllip Neri, Metairie; Pastoral Min., Chlldrep's Hospital Luke, Nelvin; (netired -Active) Madere, I{enneth P ., (Active-Retired) Manieri, Tyrell, St. Maitha, Harvey; Infant Jesus of Prague Mission; Pastoral Min., Rivarde Juvenile Detention Center, Gretna; Diaconate Advisory & Formation .Maniglia, Carlo, St. Clement of Rome, Metairie; Pastoral Min., Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff's Office I Community Correctional Center Maitinez, Gerald J., St. Chri~topher the Martyr Martinez, Wilbur, (Retired - Active) Martinsen, Noel W., Divine Mercy, Kenner Maughan, Richard McKnight, Brian M. Sr., Divine Mercy, Kenner · McManamon, Philip C., St. Christopher the Martyr, Me'tairie Mendel, August B., (Retired) Mendieta, Roberto, (Retired) Merritt, George E. Jr., Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Belle Chasse Miller, Grayliil J ., St. Paul the Apostle, New Orleans Minor, Francis M., (On Duty Outside the Archdiocese) Miranda, Peter J., Our Lady of Lourdes, Slidell Mumme, Paul Sr., St. Genevieve, Slidell Murphy, Larry, St. Martha, Harvey; Infant Jesus of Prague Mission, Harvey Musso, Daniel P., St. Benedict, Covington Normand, Robert D., St. Francis Xavier, Metairie Nuss, Henry, St. Mai-y Magdalen, Metairie Oney, Larry D., Divine Mercy, Kenner
NEW ORLEANS (NO) OI'tega, Quinsiniano, Immaculate Conception, Marrero Parulan, Lino G., Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Chalmette; Pastoral Min., Stella Maris Port Ministry Pendzimaz, Robert E., St. Clement of Rome, · Metairie Perez, Jose D., (On Duty Outside Archdiocese) Pierre, Warren R., St. John the Baptist, Edgard; Pastoral Min., Nelson Coleman Correctional Center, St. Charles Parish Pippenger, John, St. Dominic, New Orleans Rainirez, Carlos Alfredo, Hispanic ApostolateNorthshore Raspino, Andrew P. Sr., Our Lady of the Lake, Mandeville Rayfield, Rudolph J . Sr., Our Lady of Guadalupe, New Orleans, Exec. Dir., Society of St. Vincent de Paul Reynolds, Daniel F., Holy Spirit; Pastoral Min., Kindred Hospital, New Orleans Richard, Don Michael, .St. Catherine of Siena, Metairie Richardson, Ray, (Retired) Rivere, Raymond H., (Retired) Rizzo, Peter C., Transfiguration of the Lord, New Orleans Robicheaux, Wilfred Jr., St. Joachlm, Marrero; . Mgr., St. John Vianney Villa . Rooney, Jaines P. Jr., Visitation of Our Lady; Pastoral Min., Ochsner Medical Center, Westbank · · Rosato, Joseph R., Tulane Catholic Center; Pastoral Min., Christ the Healer Prog. Roussel, Garland Joseph Jr., St. Hubert, Garyville Roussel, Theodore J., (Retired) Scalise, Bertrand Jr., (On Duty Outside the Archdiocese) Schexnayder, Harry, St. Charles Borromeo, Destrehan Schmidt, Gilbert R., St. Angela Merici, Metairie; Master of Ceremonies Schneider, Christopher M. Sr., St. Margaret Mary, Slidell . Seymour, Reginald John, St. Genevieve, Slidell; · ·Master of Ceremonies Shartle, George (Butch), Mai-y Queen of Peace, Mandeville Shelton, Royal C., St. Raympnd-St. Leo the Great, New Orleans Sierra, Jose A., Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Weshvego; Master of Ceremonies Simmons, James H., Immaculate Conception, Marrero Simoneaux, Nathan F. Jr., St. Matthew the Apostle, River Ridge; Diaconate Advisory & Formation Smith, Charles J., (On Duty Outside Archdiocese) Smith, Troy Anthony, St. Raymond-St. Leo the · Great Soileau, Brian P. Sr., St. Maitha, H(ll'Vey; Infant Jesus of Prague Mission, Harvey , St. Pierre, Thomas Joseph, Ascension of Our Lord, La.Place· Stahl, Rudolph W., (On Duty Outside the Archdiocese) Steel, Kevin M., St. John Bosco, Harvey Stein, Jeffrey J., St. John the Baptist, Folsom Stevens, Allen, Pastoral Assoc., St. Peter Claver, New Orleans Stohlman, Michael H., St. Charles Borromeo, Destrehan Suprean, Ricky J., St. John of the Cross, Lacombe; Pastoral Min., Northlake Behavioral Health System Swift, Charles R., Most Holy Trinity, Covington TalbQt, Michael J., St. Jane de Chantal Abita Sp11ings; · Pastoral Min., Dir. Pastoral Care, Rayburn Co1Tecticinal Center, Angie; Diaconate Advisory & Formation Templet, Eugene P., SS. Peter & Paul, Pearl River; Diaconate Adv. & Formation Toups, Wilbur A., St. Francis of Assisi, New Orleans Tran, Leo, St. J erome, Kenner · Tran, Vihn V., Mai-y Queen of Vietnain, New Orleans; Ow· Lady of La.Vang Mission, New Orleans Tully, Jeffrey R., St. Charles Borromeo, Destrehan; Healthcare Chaplaincy Coord. Uhlich, Kenneth J. Jr., Most Holy Trinity, Covington · Venturella, Jaines A., Visitation of Our Lady; Diaconate Adviso1-y & Formation Vincent, Daniel P ., (On Duty Outside Archdiocese) Vincent, Harold A :, Dir. of Pastoral Care, Xavier University of Louisiana Vincent, Leslie D., (Retired) Walker, John J. IV; Christ the King, Ten·ytown; Pastoral Min., Rivarde Juvenile Detention· Ctr. Warriner, A. David.Jr., Master of -Ceremonies, St. Louis Cathech·al; Coord., Court of Second Instance, Metropolitan Tribunal; Vice Chancellor;
Delegate, Dispensations_&.Pe,missions; Defender of the Bond Watley, Jesse A., Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, New Orleans; Master of Ceremonies Weber, John C., St. Margarnt Mary, Slidell
Weil, Jay J . III, (On Leave) Wellmeyer, Henry P., St. Anselm, Madisonville Williams, Herman J., Pastoral Assoc., St. Joseph Church & Shrine, Gretna
Wiltz, Glenn J., St. James Major, New Orleans; Pastoral Min., Children's Hospital Wright, Clifford S., St. Benilde, Metairie Zambrano, Roberto L., St. Margaret Mary, Slidell Zimmer, Julius T., St. John the Baptist, Folsom.
INSTITUTIONS LOCATED IN DIOCESE [A) SEMINARIES, ARCHDIOCESAN NEW ORLEANS. Notre Dame Seminary Graduate School of Theology (1923) 2901 S. Carrollton Ave., 701184391. Tel: 504-866-7426; Fax: 504-866-3119; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.nds.edu. Administration: Revs. Joseph M. Krafft, M.A.D.M., M.Div., D.Min., Dir. Pastoral Field Education; Minh Phan, S .T.L., S.T.D., Dir. Pre-Theology & Theology; Very Rev. James A. Wehner, S.T.D., Pres. & Rector; Rev. Deogratias 0 . Ekisa, S.T.L., S.T.D., Vice Rector & Dir. Human Form~tion; Dr. Rebecca Maloney, Ph.D., Assoc. Academic Dean & Dir. Institutional Effectiveness; Ms: Cynthia Garrity, Registrar; Thomas Bender IV, M.L.I.S., Librarian; Travis Gehrkin; Dir. Facilities; Ms. Michelle W. IGein, Business Mgr.; Thomas~- Neal, M.A., M.Div., Ph.D., Academic Dean; James Jacobs, M.A., Ph.D., M.T.S., Assoc. Academic Dean & Chair of Phil. Faculty: Jennifer E . Miiler, S.T.D., Prof. Moral Theology; Rev. Msgr. Christopher Nalty, J.C.L., Prof. Canon Law; Michael J. Piazza, M.M., M.Ed., Dir. Sacred Music; Revs. Deogratias 0 .. Ekisa, S.T.L., S.T.D.; David Kelly, M.S., Lie., Ph.D.; Joseph M. Krafft, M.A.D.M., M.Div., D.Min.; Mark S. Raphael, Ph.D., Prof. Historical Theology; Joseph S. Palermo Jr., J.D.; Very Rev. James A. Wehner, S.T.D.; Revs. Jeffrey A. Montz, S.T.L., Prof. Spiritual Theology; Nile C. Gross, Prof. Sacred Liturgy; John C. Arnone, Formation Staff; Mark Barker, Ph.D.; Thomas Bender IV, M.L.I.S.; James Jacobs, M.A., Ph.D., M.T.S.; David Liberto, M.A., Ph.D.; Mr. Angelo Lupinetti, M.A.; Thomas J . Neal, M.A., M.Div., Ph.D.; Rev.' Minh Phan, S .T.L., S.T.D.; Mr. Kevin · Redmann, Ph.D. Candidate; Chris Baglow, Ph.D.; Brant Pitre, Ph. D.; Gregory Vall, Ph.D., Prof. Sacred Signature; Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Ph.D., , Pastoral Theology; Revs. Gerald L. Seiler Jr., M.Div., J.C.L., Canon Law; Philip Neri Powell, O.P., Ph. D., Homiletics. Priests 11; Seminarians 134; Laymen 13 ST. BENEDICT. Saint Joseph Seminary College (1890) 75376 River Rd., St. Benedict, 70457-9999. Tel: 985-867-2232; Fax: 504-867-2295; · Email: [email protected]; Web: www.sjasc.edu. Rev. Jonathan Wallis, M.Ed., M.Div., M.A., S.T.L., Dean; Very Rev. Gregory M. Boquet, O.S.B., M.A., Pres. & Rector; Rt. Rev. Justin Brown, O.S.B., Abbot; Rev. Matthew R. Clark, O.S.B., B.A., M.A., Vice Rector; Caroline Bizot, -Dir., Financial Aid; Daniel Burns, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Academic Dean;· Mrs. Jennifer Whitehouse, Dir. Finance; Cindy Markham. Benedictine Monks. Conducted by Provinces of New Orleans and Mobile and Monks of St. Joseph's Abbey. Faculty: Michael Barocco, B.A., M.Ed.; Daniel Burns, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Rev. Josh Rodrigue, B.A., B.S.T., S .T.L.; David Arbo, B.A., 111.S.; Revs. Matthew R. Clark, 0.S.B., B.A., M.A.; ·Jonathan DeFrange, O.S.B., B.A., M.T.S., M.A., Ph.D.; Wiiliam J. Farge, S.J., B.A., M.A., S.T.L., Ph.D.; Augustine E. Foley, O.S.B., B.A., M.T.S.; M.A., S.T.B.; Thomas L. Gwozdz, S.B.D., B.A., M.A., Ph. D.; Sr. Jeanne d'Arc Kernion, O.S.B., B.A., M.A.; Ms. Josette Beaulieu-Grace, B.A., M.A.; Dianna Laurent, B.A. , M.A., Ph.D.; Robert Penick, B.S., M.B.A., M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D.; Julie · StrongsonAldape, B.A., M.A., Ph .D.; Gregory Wiiliams, B.A., M.A.; Rev. Jona than Wallis, M.Ed., ·M.Div., M.A., S.T.L.; Casey Edler, B.A., M.A.; Robert C_a lmes, B.S., M.A.; Elizabeth P. Simmons, B.A., M.A.; Cory Hayes, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Revs. Ephrem Arcement, O.S.B., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Da,~d K. Seid, O.P., B.A., M.A., M.A.Th., M.A.Ph.; Watson Copeland, B.A., M.Mus.; Revs. Damian Hinojosa, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., M.Div.; Jude Israel, 0.S.B., B.S., M.Ed., M.A.; Ben Frederick, B.M.Ed., M.M.Ed.; Jude Lupinetti, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., M.Cert; Geoffrey Boun, B.A., M .A., Ph.D.; Jo Ann Montalbano, M.L.I.S. Professiona l Lay Staff: Chad Harvey, Asst. Dir. Information Technology; Todd Russell, Dir., Information Technology & Webmaster; Caroline Bizot, Academic Sec.; Janice Lewis, Sec. to Pres.Rector; Andrea Boudreaux, Accounting Supervisor; Beverly . Krieger, Asst. to Pres.Rector's Office & Inst . Effectiveness, Abbot Sec.; Bonnie Bess Wood, Librarian; Jo Ann Montalbano, M.L.I.S., Library Technical ·Asst.; Julie Schwarz, Library Cleric Lay Staff 26; Lay Teachers 18; Priests 14; Seminarians 151; Sisters l ; Total Enrollment 157
METAIRIE. Congregation of the Mother Coredemptrix Formation House (1991) 112 Lilac St., Metairie, 70005-1817. Tel: 504-835-9746; Fax: 504-835-9746. Brothers 5; Priests 1. [CJ DIOCESAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS NEW ORLEANS. Magnificat House Vocation House of Discernment for Women2729 Lowerline St., 70125. Tel: 504-227-3203; Tel: 504-861-6281. Sr. Gloria Muriilo, S.T.J., Dir. [DJ COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES NEW ORLEANS. Loyola University New Orleans (1912) 6363 St. Charles Ave,, 70118-6195. Tel: 504-8652011 (General); Tel, 504-865-3847 (Pres. Office); Fax: 504-865.-3851; Email:. [email protected]; Web: www.loyno.edu. Revs. Kevin Wildes, S.J., Pres.; Theodore A. Dziak, S.J., University Chap.; Mr. Marc Manganaro, Provost/Vice Pres. for Academic Affairs; Revs. James C. Qarter, S.J., Pres. Emeritus; Lawrence Moore, S.J.. , Interim Dean, College of Law, Dean, College of.Law; Peter S. Rogers, S .J., Assoc. Prof., Languages; Alfred C. Kammer, S.J., B.A., M.A., J.D., Exec. Dir. Jesuit Social Research Institute, (New Orleans Society of Jesus); (New Orleans Province of the Society of J esus); Robert S. Gerlich, S.J., Assoc. Prof., History; Maria Calzada, Dean, College of Humanities & Natural Sciences; Email: [email protected]; Anthony A. Decuir, Interim Dean College of Music & Fine Arts; William B. Locander, Dean College of Business; Deborah L. Poole, Interim Dean Univ. Library; Roger White, Interim Dean, College of Social Studies Sciences; Revs. Gregg Grovenburg, S.J., Assoc. Chap. for Faith; Edward Vacek, S.J., The Reverend Stephen J. Duffy Chair in Catholic Studies. Lay Teachers 485;· Priests 10; Sisters 2; Students 4,864. University of Holy.Cross, 4123 Woodland Dr., 701317399. Tel: 504-394-7744; Fax: 504-391-2421; Email: [email protected]; Web: .uhcno. edu. David M. "Buck" Landry, Pres.; Arleen Wehle, Vice Pres. Fin. Mgmt. & Admin.; Diana Sch aubhut, Librarian. Lay Teachers 49; Priests-2; Congregation of the Sisters Marianites of Holy Cross 1; Students 1,301; Total Staff 40. Xavier University of Louisiana (Coed)One Drexel Dr., 70125-1098_. Tel: 504-486-7411; Email: apply@xula .edu ; Web: www.xula.edu. Dr. C. Reynold Verret, Pres.; Dr. Gia Soublet, Interim Vice Pres., Institutional Advancement; Rev. Etido Jerome, S .S.J., Univ. Chap.; Mrs. Lisa Lewis McClain, Assoc. Dir., Campus Ministry. Brothers 1; Clergy 2; Lay Teachers 222; Priests 1; Sisters 5; Students 3,044.
[El HIGH SCHOOLS, ARCHDIOCESAN NEW ORLEANS. Holy Rosary High School (1996) 2437 Jena St., 70115. Tel: 504-482-7173; Fax: 504-4827229; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.holyrosarynola.org. Cheryl Orillion, Prin.; 'Jan Del Corral, Librarian. Lay Teachers 16; Students 80. COVINGTON. Archbishop Hannan High School, 71324 Hwy. 1077, Covington, 70433. Tel: 985-249-6363; F ax: 985-249-6370; Email: principal@hannanhigh. org; Web: http://www.hannanhigh.org. Rev. Charles L. Latour, O.P., Prin.; Donalyn Hassenboehler , Ph.D., Dir., Inst. Advancement; Nancy Baird, Ph.D., Asst. Prin.; Joe Hines, Athletic Dir.; Denis Schexnaydre, Admin.; Craig Fiedler, Dir., Inst. Advancement. Administrators 12; Lay Teach ers 54; Priests 1; Students 610; Staff 6. St. Scholastica Academy, 122 S. Massachusetts St., Covington, 70433. Tel: 985-892-2540; Fax: 985893:5256; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. ssacad.org. Dr. Cissy LaForge, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Prin. Lay Teachers 40; Students 537. LA PLACE. St. Charles Catholic High School, 100 Dominican Dr., La Place, 70068-3499. Tel: 985652-3809; Fax: 985-652-2609; Email: stchai·[email protected]; Web: www. stchai·Iescatholic.org. Mr. Andrew C. Cupit, Prin.; Angie Louque, Librarian. Lay Teachers 34; Students 430. MARRERO.Academy of Our Lady (2007) 5501 Westbank Expnvy., Marrero, 70072-2934. Tel: 504-341-6217; Fax: 504-341-6229; Email: ourlady@theacademyofourla dy.org; Web: www. theacademyofourlady.org. Sr . Michelle Geiger,
F.M.A., Prin.; Michelle Maher, Librai·ian. Girls 553; Lay Teachers 56; Sisters 2. Archbishop Shaw High School, 1000 Barataria Blvd., Marrero, 70072-3052. Tel: 504-340-6727; Fax: 504-347-9883; Email: arnoshaw@archdiocese. org; Web: ivww.archbishopshaw.org. Rev. Louis J . Molinelli, S.D.B., Dir. & Prin.; Mr. John Corb, Fin. Admin.; Bro. Gerald Meegan, S.D.B., Youth Min.; Rev. Thomas McGahee, S.D.B., Email: [email protected]; Mr..Bernard DeSantis III, Media Specialist; Mr. Mark Williams, Prin. Salesians of St..John Bosco. Boys 461; Brothers 3; Lay Teachers 34; Priests 2. METAIRIE. Archbishop Chapelle High School, 8800 Veterans Blvd., Metairie, 70003-5235. Tel: . 504467-3105; Fax: 504-466-3191; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. archbishopchapelle.org. Ms. Leila Benoit, Prin. Girls 600; Lay Teachers 50; Priests 1. Archbishop Rummel High School, 1901 Severn Ave., Metairie, 70001. Tel: 504-834-5592; Fax: 504-832. 4016; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. rummelraiders.com. Mr. Marc Milano, Prin.; Ms. Deborah Lobrano, Libraiian. Archbishop Rummel Alumni Association, Fax: 5.04834-5592; Web: www.rummelraiders.com. Douglas Tillman, Pres. Boys 635; Lay Teachers 48 SLIDELL. Pope John Paul II Catholic H igh School (1980) 1901 Jaguar Dr., Slidell, 70461-9098. Tel: 985-649-0914; Fax: 985-649-5494; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.pjp.org. Nicole Alvarez, Prin.; Michael Bourgeois, Campus Min.; Lise Bremond, Asst. Ptin.; Sherri Dutreix, Advancement Dir.; Andrea Estavan, Dean of Students; Kaitlin Short, Academic Counselor; Sal Vinterella, Guidance Counselor; Rev. Patrick B. Wattigny, Pres. _L ay Teachers 24; Students 321. [Fl HIGH SCHOOLS, RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SPONSORED NEW ORLEANS. Academy of the Sacred Heart "The Rosary' (1887) 4521 St. Charles Ave., 70115-9990. Tel: 504-891-1943; Fax: 504-891-9939; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.ashrosary.org. Sr. Melanie A. Guste, R.S.C.J., Ph.D., Headmistress; Julie Boyd, Prin.; Mrs. Josephine Schloegel, Librarian. Gir ls 220; Lay Teachers 29; Carmelites 1. St. Augustine High School (1951) (Grades 6-12), 2600 A.P. Tureaud Ave., 70119-1299. Tel: 504-944-2424; Fax: 504-947-7712; Email: staug@purpleknights. com; Web: www.StAugNola.org. Sean Good,vin, Prin.; Rev. H enry J. Davis, S.S.J., Dir. of Religious Education; Kenneth St. Charles, CEO. Josephite Community.(See Separate Listing for Residence.) Boys 649; Brothers 1; Lay Teachers 59; Priests 5; Sisters 1. · Brother Martin High School (1869) (Grades 8-12), 4401 Elysian Fields Ave., 70122-3898. Tel: 504283-1561; Fax: 504-286-8462; Email: [email protected]; Web: brothermartin.com. Mr. John J. Devlin III; Pres.; Ryan Gallagher, Prin.; Keiren Aucoin, Librarian. Boys 1,145; Brothers of the Sacred Heart 3; Lay Teachers 105. Cabrini High School (1959) (Grades 8-12), 1400 Moss St., 70119-2904. Tel: 504-482-1193; Fax: 504-4838671; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. cabrinihigh.com. Mr. Jack Truxillo, Pres.; Mrs. Yvonne L. Hrapmann, Prin.; Helene Tucker, Academic Asst . Prin.; Vivian Coutin, Academic Asst. Prin. Cabrini High S chool, Inc., Tel: 504-482-1193; Fax: 504-483-8673; Web: cabrinihigh.com. Mrs. Yvonne L. Hrapmann, Prin.; Sandra Granier, Librarian. Girls 419; Lay Teachers 44; Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart 1 De La Salle High School (1949) (Grades 10-12), (Coed)5300 St. Charles Ave., 70115-4999. Tel: 504895-5717; Fax: 504-895-1300; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. delasallenola .com. Mr. Michael A. Giambelluca, Pres.; Mr. Paul Kelly, Prin.; Mrs. J essica Atwood, Admissions Dir. Lay Teachers 39; Students 596. Holy Cross School (1879) (Grades 5-12), (Middle & High School Campus)5500 Paris Ave., 70122-2659. Tel: 504-942-3100; Email: [email protected]; · Web: www. holycrosstigers.com. Sean Martin, Headmaster; Dr. Joseph H. Murry Jr., High School Prin.; Teresa Biilings, Middle School Prin.; Rev. Jonathan P. Remelt, Chap., Email: [email protected]; Michelle Billings, Librarian. Boys 994; Brother s of the Congrega tion of Holy Cross, Moreau Province 1; Lay Teachers 86.
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. Jesuit High School (1847) (Boys)4133 Banks St., 70119-6883. Tel: 504-486-6631; Fax: 504-483-3816; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. jesuitnola.org. Mr. Peter S. Kernion, Prin.; Revs. Cluistopher Fronk, Pres.; Kevin B. Dyer, S.J., Chap.; John Brown, S.J., Rector. Boys 1,362; Brothers 3; Lay Teachers 113; Priests 6. St. Mary's Academy of the Holy Family, Mailing Address: 6905 Chef Menteur Blvd., 70126-5215. Tel: 504-245-0318; Fax: 504-245-0422; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. smaneworleans .com. Sisters Cl~re of Assisi Pierre, S.S.F., Pres.; Jennie Jones, S.S.F., Prin.; Michelle Ochillo. Lay Teachers 44; Sisters 8; Teachers 52. St. Mary's Dominican High School (1860) 7701 Walmsley Ave., 70125-3494. Tel: 504-865-9401; Fax: 504-866-5958; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. stmarysdominican.org. Dr. Cynthia A. Thomas, Ed.D., Pres.; Susan Finney, Librarian; Mrs. Carolyn Favre, Prin. Brothers 1; Lay Teachers 68; Sisters 4; Students 878; Personnel Total 107. Mount Carmel Academy (1833) 7027 Milne Blvd., 70124-2395. Tel: 504-288-7626; Fax: 5.04-288-7629; Email: mca@mcacubs .oi·g; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.mcacubs. com. Rev. John Dominic Sims, O.P., Chap.; Sr. Camille Anne. Campbell, O.Carm., M.A., Pres.; Ms. Beth Ann Simno, Prin.; Mrs. Terri Rousey, Librarian. Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Girls 1,240; Lay Teachers 138; Sisters 3. Ursuline Academy, (Grades 8-12), Secondary Dept. Day School College Prep.2635 State St., 701186399. Tel: 504-861-9150; Fax: 504-861-7392; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.uanola. org. Mrs. Karen McNay, Pres.; Mrs. Alice Bairnsfather, Prin. Girls 408; Lay Teachers 40. COVINGTON. The St. Paul's School (1911) (Grades 812), Mailing Address: P.O . Box 928, Covington, 70434-0928. Tel: 985-892-3200; Fax: 985-892-4048; ]':mail: [email protected]; Web: www.stpauls. com. 917 S. Jahncke Ave., Covington, 70433. Bro. Raymond Bulliard, F.S.C., Pres.; Mr. Trevor Watkins, A.F.S.C., Prin. Day School for Young Men Boys 850; Brothers of the Christian Schools of the San Francisco-New Orleans Province 5; Lay Teachers 60. [G] ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, ARCHDIOCESAN NEW ORLEANS. Holy Rosary Academy, 2437 Jena St., 70115. Tel: 504-482-7173; Fax: 504-482-7229; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. holyrosarynola.org. Cheryl Orillion, Prin.; Jan Del Corral, Librarian . Lay Teachers 16; Students 80.
[HJ ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS - CATHOLIC, OTHER . NEW ORLEANS. St. Benedict the Moor School (1998) (Grades PreK-4), 5010 Piety Dr., 70126. Tel: 504288-2745; Fax: 504-282-9386; Email: [email protected]. Drue Dumas, Ptin. Lay Teachers 8; Students 84. Good Shepherd Nativity School (2001) 353 Baronne St., 70112-1628. Tel: 504-598-9399; Fax: 504-5989346; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.thegoodshepherdschool.org. t.fr. Thomas G. Moran, Pres.; Mr. Don Boucree, Dean; Luellen Howard, Librarian. Lay Teachers 12; Students 106; Total Staff 24. Stuart Hall School for Boys, 2032 S. Carrollton Ave., 70118. Tel: 504-861-1954; Fax: 504-861-5389; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. stuarthall.org. Mr. Kevin Avin, Head.master; Dr. Bridget Hagan, Asst. Head of School; Nancy Dunphy, Librarian. Lay Teachers 42.
[IJ ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS, RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY SPONSORED NEW ORLEANS. Academy of the Sacred Heart (1887) (Grades Toddler-12), 4521 St. Charles Ave., 701154831. Tel: 504-891-1943; Fax: 504-891-9939; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.ashrosary.org. Sr. Melanie A. Guste, R.S.C.J., Ph.D., Headmistress; Maria Schneider, Early Childhood Div. Head; Laurie Friedrichs, M.S. Div. Head; Julie Boyd, Upper School Division Head; Shara Hammet, Preschool&Lower School Division Head. Clergy 4; Lay Teachers 131; Students 764. Christian Brothers School, St. Anthony Campus, (Grades 5-7), 4600 Canal St., 70119-5893. Tel: 504488-4426; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. cbs-no.org. Mr. Joey M. Scaffidi, Pres.; Mr. Richard Neider, Prin.; Mr. Michael Prat, Prin.; Bro. Michael Livaudais, Dir. Christian Brothers School, #8 Friedrichs Ave., City Park, 70119-5893. Tel: 504-486-6770; Email: [email protected]. Mr. l.'llichael Prat, Prin.; Mr. Joey M. Scaffidi, Pres. Boys 595; Brothers 6; Clergy 2; Girls 225; Lay Teachers 20; Students 820 Holy Cross School, (Grades PreK-4), (Primary
885 Campus)5601 Elysian Fields Ave., 70122. Tei: 504942-1850; Email: eyounis@holycrosstigers .com; Web: www.holycrosstigers.com. Sean Martin, Headmaster; Dr. Joseph H. Murry Jr., High School Prin.; Teresa Billings, Middle School Prin.; Michelle Billings, Librarian; Rev. Jonathan_ P. Remelt, Chap. Students 133. St. Mary's Academy, (Grades PreK-12), 6905 Chef Menteur Blvd., 70126. Tel: 504-245-0200; Fax: 504-245-0422; Email: smaoffice@archdiocese-no. org; Web: www.smaneworleans.com. Sisters Clare of Assisi Pierre, S.S .F., Pres.; Jennie Jones, S.S.F., Prin.; Michelle Ochillo, Librarian. Clergy 9; Lay Teachers 38; Sisters 8; Teachers 602. Ursuline Academy, (Grades Toddler-7), 2635 State St., 70118-6399. Tel: 504-861-9150; Fax: 504-8665293; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. uanola.org. Mrs. Karen McNay, Pres.; Shanna Gosey, Prin. Lay Teachers 41; Students 315. [JJ SPECIAL EDUCATION . NEW ORLEANS. St. Michael Special School, 1522 Chippewa St., 70130. Tel: 504-524-7285; Fax: 504524-5883; Email: stmichspecial@archdiocese-no. org; Web: www.stmichaelspecialschool.com. Ms. Tishna Sauerhoff, Pres. & P,·in. Lay Teachers 43; Students 205.
[Kl DAY CARE CENTERS, CAMPS AND PRESCHOOLS NEW ORLEANS. Carmelite Ministries, Inc. Cub Corner Preschool (1975) 420 Robt E. Lee Blvd., 70124. Tel: 504-286-8673; Fax: 504-286-8676; Web: www. home.bellsouth.net/p/pwp-mountcarmel. Elizabeth Coe, Child Care Dir.; Sr. Gwen Grillot, O.Carm., Exec. Dir. Pre-School; (A Ministry of the Sisters of Mount Carmel). Lay Staff 29; Religious 3. Covenant House Early Head Start, 611 N. Rampart St., 70112. Incarnate Word Head Start/Early Head Start, 8326 Apricot St., 70115. Tel: 504-861-6358. St. John Berchmans Child Development Center, 2710 Gentilly Blvd., 70122-3098. Tel: 504-309-8125; Fax: 504-267-4718; Email: [email protected]. Sr. Andria Donald, S.S.F., Prin. Lafon Child Development Center (1965) (Not open at this time. Contact the Sisters of the Holy Family for information.)7024 Chef Menteur Hwy., 701265295. Tel: 504-241-3088; Email: [email protected] . Mailing Address: 6901 Chef Menteur Hwy., 701265215. Sr. Greta Jupiter, S.S.F., Contact Person. St. Mary of the Angels Head Star·/ I Early Head Start, 2225 Congress St., 70117. Tel: 504-529-2557. St. Paul the Apostle Early Head Start, 8828 Chef Manteur Hwy., 70126. Rosary Child Development Center (2000) 5100 Willowbrook Dr., 70129-1047. Tel: 504-254-1528; Fax: 504-254-1531; Email: [email protected]. Sr. Thu-Ha Nguyen, F.M.S.R., Dir. Total Staff 17; Children (Daily Average) 90. St. John the Baptist Head Start, 1920 Clio St., 70113,1214. Tel: 504-529-2557. [LJ HOMES FOR CIITLDREN AND YOUTH NEW ORLEANS. Boys Hope Girls Hope (1980) Group Homes for Boys and Girls.4128 Baudin St., 70119. Tel: 504-484-7744; Fax: 504-484-6120; Web: www. bhghnola.org.:, P.O. Box 19307, 70179. Chuck Roth, Exec. Dir. Be'd Capacity 16; Boys 8; Girls 8; Tot Asst. Annually 29; Total Staff 12; College Students 9; Total Assisted 25. · *Covenant House New Orleans (1987) Home for Runaway, Abused & Homeless Youth aged 1621.611 N. Rampart St., 70112-3540. Tel: 504-5841102; Fax: 504-584-1171; Email: [email protected]; 'Web: covenanthouseno. org. Mr. James R. Kelly, Exec. Dir. Total Staff 60; Total Assisted 1,300. BELLE CHASSE. Padua House An Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled (ICF/ DD): A residential program for individuals (birth to 99 yrs) who have been diagnosed as severely/ profoundly mentally retarded and nonambulatory.200 Beta St., B"elle Chasse, 700371499. Tel: 504-392-0502. Mrs . Ronna (Niki) Garner; Admin. · [Ml RESIDENCES, ADULT NEW ORLEANS. Ocean Avenue, do 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 200, 70113. Community Home for Developmentally Disabled Adults. Ozanam Im, Multi-purpose shelter for men, women and children843 Camp St., 70130-3751. Tel: 504523-1184; Fax: 504-523-1187; Web: www. ozanaminn.org. Deacon Biaggio DiGiovanni, Exec. Dir. Sponsored by Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Bed Capacity 96; Total Staff 15; Total Assisted 36,420. Project Lazarus (1986) Residential · Program for Persons with HIV/AIDSP.O. Box· 3906, 70177-
NEW ORLEANS (NO) 3906. Tel: 504-949-3609; Fax: 504-944-7944; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. piojectlazarus.net. Mr. Steve Rivera, Exec. Bed Capacity 23; Tot Asst. Annually 65; Total in Residence 23; Total Staff 24. GRETNA. St. Rosalie, do Catholic Charities, 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 200, 70113. Community Home for Developmentally Disabled Adults. MARRERO. Hope Haven·Adult Day Health Care Ce11ter, 1131 Barataria Blvd., Marrero, 70072 . Tel: 504945-1531. Michelle Robinson, Adrnin·. METAIRIE. Sts. Mary & Elizabeth, do 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 200, 70113. Community Home for Developmentally Disabled Adults. [N] DAY CARE CENTERS (ADULT) l{ENNER. The Greenwalt Adult Day Health Care Ce11ter, · 1926 18th St., Kenner, 70062-6208. Tel: 504-4615889.
[OJ HOMES AND RESIDENCES FOR FAMILIES AND SENIOR CITIZENS NEW ORLEANS. A11rumciation Inn, Inc., Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504-944-0512; Fax: 504-9440575; Fax: 504-596-3466; Email: dhicks@chi-ano. org. 1220 Spain St., 70117. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Dechaun Hicks, Community Mgr.; Fr. Louis Arceneaux, C.M., Chap. Elderly Affordable Housing Units 106. St. Anthony's Gardens, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Tel: 504-861-6252; Fax: 504-866-2906. John L. Eckholdt, Sec. & Treas. The Apartments at Mater Dolorosa, Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113 . Tel: 504-5963460; Tel: 504-865-7222; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax: 504-861-9225; Email: [email protected]. 1226 S. Carrollton Ave., 70118. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Dagianna Pertuit, Community Mgr.; Rev. Anton Ba Phan, Chap. Elderly Affordable Housing Total Staff 3; Residential Units 68. Chateau de Notre Dame Residence and Nursing Home2832 Burdette St., 70125-2596. Tel: 504-8662741; Fax: 504-866-2861; . Email: [email protected]; Web: cdnd.org. Mr. Wayne Plaisance, CEO. Lay Staff 210; Priests 1; Sisters 2; Residential Units 100; Nursing Beds 171. Christopher Inn dba Christopher Inn Apts. Elderly Affordable HousingMailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504949-0312; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax: 504-227-3349; Email: [email protected]. 2110 Royal St., 70116. Deacons Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Graylin Miller, Community Mgr. Residents 144; Total Staff 8. DeLille Inn (1987) Mailing Address: 1000 Ho,vard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113 . Tel: 504-245-8660; Fax: 504245-8677; Tel: 504-596-3460; Fax: 504-596-3466; Email: [email protected]. 6924 Chef Menteur Hwy., 70126. Deacon Dennis F . Adams, Exec. Dir.; Sr. Agnes Sampia, Community Mgr.; Fr. Am brose Udeze, Chap. Elderly Affordable Housing Total in Residence 51. St. John Berchman 's ivlanor, Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504-943-9331; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax: 504943-9380; Email: [email protected]. St. John Berchman's Man·or, 3400 St. Anthony Ave., 70122. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Julie Vaucresson, Community Mgr. Elderly Affot'dable Housing Total Staff5; Units 149. Lafon Nursing Facility of the Holy Family, 6900 Chef Menteur Blvd., 70126. Tel: 504-241-6285. Beverly Greenwood, Admin. Sisters of the Holy Family. Bed Cap11city 155; Residents 75; Sisters 5; Total Staff 130. St. Martin's Manor Elderly Affordable Housing1501 N. Johnson St., 70116. Tel: 504-227-3390; Tel: 504596-3460; Fax: 504-227-3389; Fax: 504-596-3466; Email: [email protected]. Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Malicia Bums-Gamble, Community Mgr. Residential Units 140. The Mental Health Association Development Corporation dba St. Martin House, Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave:, Ste. 100, 70113 . Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Malicia BurnsGamble,' Dir. Community Mgrs. Affordable Housing for the Mentally Ill Residential Units 12. Nazareth II, Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504-2469640; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax: 504-245-4273; Email: [email protected]. 9460 Hayne Blvd., 70127. Rev. Anton Ba Phan, Chap. in Res.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams: Exec. Dir.; Teresa Poche, Community Mgr. Elderly Affordable Housing Total in Residence 120. Nazareth Manor dba Nazareth Inn, Mailing Address: 1000 Howru·d Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 504-5963460; Tel: 504-246-9630; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax:
NEW ORLEANS (NO) 504-241-3069; Email: .... [email protected]. Nazareth Manor, 9630 Hayne Blvd., 70_127. Rev. Anton Ba Phan, Chap. in Res.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Teresa Poche, Community Mgr. Elderly" Affordable Housing Total Staff 12; Apartments 150. Our. Lady of Wisdom Healthcare Center . (InterCommunity Health Care, Inc.)5600 Gen. de Gaulle Dr.; 70131. Tel: 504-394-5991; Fax: 504-304-5421; Web: www.olwhealth.org. Ms. Lisa Heisser, Admin. Inter-community healthcare facility for Archdiocesan clergy and Religious Men: Order of Preachers, Society of Jesus, Society of Mary (Marists), Vincentian, Dominican Brothers, Christian Brothers and Brothers of the Sacred Heart; Religious Women: Sisters of St. Joseph ofMedaille, Sisters of Mercy, Sisters' of the Living Word, Dominican Sisters of Peace, Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Marianites of the Holy Cross, Sisters of Mount Carmel, Order of Saint Clare (Poor Glares) and Daughters of Charity. Bed Capacity 138; Tot Asst. Annually 210; -Total Staff 170. Villa St. Maurice, Inc., 500 St. Maurice Ave., 70117. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504-267-9640; Fall; 504596-3466; Fax: 504-267-9649; :B:mail: [email protected]. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Tanisha Goodman, Community Mgr. Elderly Affordable Housing Residential Units 77. LA PLACE. Dubourg Home dba Place DuBol!l"g (1981) Elderly Affordable Housing.201 Rue Dubourg, La Place, 70068. Tel: 985-652-1981; Tel: 504-5963460; Fax: 985-651-6147; Fax: 504-596-3466; Email: [email protected]. D_e acon Dennis F. Adams, Exec.; Mrs. Lynn Williams, Community Mgr. Total-Staff 6; Units ll5 . MANDEVILLE. Rouquette III (1998) 4300 Hwy. 22, Mandeville, 704 71. Tel: 985-635-0305; Tel: 504596-3460; Fax: 985-626-5833; Fax: 504-596-3466; Email : [email protected]. Rev. Warren L. Cooper, Chap.; Deacon Dennis F. A\lams, Exec.; Elizabeth Doran, Community Mgr. Elderly Affordable Housing Total Staff 3; Residential Units 67. St. Bernard III dba Rouquette IV, Mailing Address: 1000 Hoivard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 985-6350305; Tel: 504-596-3460; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax: 985-635-0306; Email: [email protected]. 4310 Hwy. 22, Mandeville, 70471. Rev. Warren L. Cooper, Chap.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Elizabeth Doran, Community Mgr. Elderly Affordable Housing. St. Tammany Manor dba Rouquette Lodge (1979) St. Tammany Manor Elderly Affordable Housing4300 Hwy. 22, Mandeville, 70471. Tel: 985-626-5217; Tel: 504-596-3460; Fax: 985-605-5930; Fax: 504596-3466; Email: [email protected]. Rev. Warren L. Cooper, Chap.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Brenda Schouest, Community Mgr. Total in Residence 170; Total Staff 21. ~HERO. Monsignor Wynhouen Apartments, Inc. dba Wynhoven Apts. Elderly Affordable Housing460010th St., Marrero, 70072. Tel: 504-347-8442; Tel: 504-596-3460; Fax: 504-340-6076; Fax: 504-5963466; Email: [email protected]. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Nicholas Phillips, Community Mgr.; Fr. Albert Bergeron, Chap. Residents 351; Total Staff 15. 1-Vynhoven Health Care Center, 1050 Medical Center Blvd., Marrero, 70072-3170. Tel: 504-347-0777; Fax: 504-341-7240; Web: www.wynhoven.org. Michelle Matthew, Admin.; Mr. Wayne Plaisance, CEO. Bed Capacity 188; Tot Asst. Annually 255; Total Staff 207. MERAUX. St. Bernard Manor Elderly Affordable Housing2400 Archbishop Hannan Blvd., Meraux, 70075. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504-227-3380; Fax: 504-596-3466; Fax: 504-278-8982; Email: [email protected]. Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Wanda Robertson, Community Mgr. Total Staff 3; Residential Units 82 . METAIRIE. St . Bernard II dba Metairie IV Elderly Affordable Housing4937 Yori\ St., Metairie, 70001. Tel : 504-267-9067; Tel: 504-596-3460; Fax: 504596-3466; Fax: 504-267•9068"; Email: [email protected]. Mailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70ll3. Rev. Msgr. Robert D. -Massett, Chap.; Fr. Harry J. Adams, Chap.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Marie Letellier, Community Mgr. Metairie Manor Elderly Affordable HousingMailing Address: 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113. Tel: 504-596-3460; Tel: 504-456-1467; Fax: 504-5963466; Fax: 504-456-3181; Email: [email protected]. 4929 York St., Metairie, 70001. Rev. Msgr. Robert D. Massett, Chap.; Fr. Harry J. Adams, Chap.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Marie Letellier, Community Mgr. Residential Units 2~7. Metairie III Elderly Affordable Housing4929 York St., Metairie, 70001. Tel: 504-456-1467; Tel: 504596-3460; Fax: 504-456-3181; Fax: 504-596-3466; Email: [email protected]. Mailing Address:
886 1000 Howard Ave., Ste. 100, 70113 . Rev. Msgr. Robert D. Massett, Chap.; Fr. Harry J. Adams, Chap.; Deacon Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Marie Letellier, Community Mgr. Number of Units 82. SLIDELL. Villa Additions dba St. Teresa's Villa Elderly Affordable Housing1938 Gause Blvd. W., Slidell, 70460. Deacons Dennis F. Adams, Exec. Dir.; Norbert P. Billiot Jr., Community Mgr. Total Staff 2; Residential Units 75. · [Pl CATHOLIC HEALTH SERVICES NEW ORLEANS." Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans, 3201 S. Carrollton Ave., 70118-4307. Tel: 504-207-3060; Fax: 504-483-6016. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4148, 70178-4148. Michael G. Griffin, Pres. & CEO. Daughters of Charity Health Center - Gentilly, 100 Wanington Dr., 70122. Daughters of Charity Neighborhood Health Partnership, 3201 S. Carrollton Ave., 70118. Tel: 504-482-2080; Fax: 504-483-6016; Email: [email protected]. Ms. Aziza Landrum, Dir. Community Care. Daughters of Charity Foundation of New Orleans, P.O. Box 850258, 70185-0528. Tel: 504-212-9568; Fax: 504-483-6016. Michael G. Griffin, Pres. & CEO. Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans Foundation, 3201 S. Carrollton Ave., ·70ll8. Tel: 504-482-2080; Fax: 504-482-2080. Michael G. Griffin, Pres. & CEO. Total Staff 168 \ Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans East, 3201 S. Carrollton Ave., 70112. *Mari/lac Community Health Centers, 3201 S. Carrollton Ave., 70118-4307. Tel: 504-207-3060, Ext. 2205; Fax: 504-483-6016. Michael G. Griffin, Pres.&CEO. Daughters of Charity Health Cen"ter - Metairie, lll N. Causeway Blvd., Metairie, 70001. Tel: 504-4820084. Daughters of Charity Health Center - Carrollton, 3201 S. Carrollton Ave., 70118. Tel: 504-207-3060. Daughters of Charity Health Center - Bywater/St. Cecilia, 1030 Lesseps St., 70117. Tel: 504-9416041. Daughters of Charity Health Center - New Orleans East, 5630 Read Blvd., 70127. Tel: 504-248-5357. Tot Asst. Annually 64,086; Total Staff 98 BOGALUSA. Our Lady of the Angels Hospital, Inc., 433 Plaza St., Bogalusa, 70427. Tel: 225-647-5071; Fax: 225-64 7-9806. Rene Ragas, Pres. META!RIE. Mercy, 110 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Ste. 425, Metairie, 70005. Tel: 504-838-8283; Fax: 877472-2158; Email: [email protected]. Philip Wheeler, Sr. Vice Pres.-Gen. Counsel. FKA Mercy Family Center; Psychological and psychiatric evaluation, counseling and tutorial services. 1445 W. Causeway Approach, Mandeville, 70471. Tel: 985-727-7993; Fax: 985-727-7016; Email: [email protected]. Elaine Moore, Pres.; Rex Menasco, Exec. Dir. Total Staff 34; Total Assisted 2,800. Bed Capacity 1 [QJ MONASTERIES AND RESIDENCES OF PRIESTS AND BROTHERS NEW ORLEANS. Brothers of the Sacred Heart of New Orleans, Inc. (1821) Mailing Address: New Orleans Regional Office, New Orleans, 4600 Elysian Fields Ave.", 70122-3826. Bro. Ivy LeBlanc, S.C., Treas., 1156 Park Ave., 70119. Tel: 504-488-1353. New. Orleans Residences: Bros. Carl Bouchereau, S.C., 4671 Painters St., 70122. Tel: 504-324-4508; Louis Couvillon, S.C., 4671 Painters St., 70122. Tel: 504-3_24-4508; Neal Golden, S.C., 4671 Painters St., 70122. Tel: 504-324-4508; William Boyles, S.C., 4671 Painter!' St., 70122. Tel: 504324"-4508; Neri Falgout, S.C.; Leo Labbe, S.C. Brothers of the Sacred Heart Foundation, Inc., 4600 Elysian Fields Ave., 70122. Tel: 504-3014758; ·Fax: 504-301-4843; Email: · [email protected]; Email: [email protected] . Bro. Ivy LeBlanc, S.C., Exec. Dir. Congregation of the Mission Western Province (Vincentians), DePaul Residence, 812 Constantinople St., 70115-2726. Tel: 504-453-4744; Fax: 504-897-3976. Very Rev. George Weber, C.M., (Retired); Fr. Louis Arceneaux, C.M.; Revs . Louis Franz, C.M.; Thomas J. Stehlik, C.M. Congregation of the Mission Western Province, Louisiana. · Dominican Friars, Southern Dominican. Province of St. Martin de Porres (1979) Provincial Headquarters, 1421 N. Causeway Blvd.", Ste. 200, Metairie, 70001-4144. Tel: 504-837-2129; Fax: 504837-6604; E1fiai]: · [email protected]; Web: www.opsouth.org. Very ,Rev. Thomas M. Condon, O.P., Prov.; Revs. John Dominic Sims, O.P., Syndic; Marcos Ramos, O.P., Promoter for Permanent Formation; Charles K. Johnson, 0.P., Promoter of
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. Vocations & Promoter, Devel.; Scott O'Brien, O.P., Vicar Prov. and Socius. Working Abroad: Revs. James ·Linus Dolan, O.P., (Peru), Provincia Dominicana de San Juan Bautista de] Peru, Apartado 4169, Lima 1, Peru. Tel : 427-7426 (011-51-1); Fax: 427, 6791 (011-511); Marcelo Solorzano, O.P., (Italy); Bros. Angel Mendez, (Mexico); Minlib Dallh, O.P., England. Dominican Vocation Sponsors, 1421 N. Causeway Blvd., Ste. 200, Metairie, 70001-4144. Tel : 504837-2129; Fax: 504-837-6604; Email: [email protected]. Very Rev. Thomas M. Condon, O.P., Prov. Southern Dominican Foundation, 1421 N. Causeway Blvd., Ste. 200, Metairie, 70001-4144. Tel: 504-837-212'9; Fax: 504-8376604; Email: [email protected]. Very Rev. Thomas M. Condon, O.P., Pi·es.; Revs. John D"ominic Sims, O.P., Treas.; Juan Torres, O.P., Promoter of Devel.; Scott O'Brien, O.P., Vicar Prov. and Socius. Southern Dominican Global Missions, 4640 Canal St., 70119. Tel: 504-488-2652. Bro. Herman D. Johnson, O.P., Dir. Priests in the Archdiocese 25; Brothers in the Archdiocese 2 Jesuit Provincial Office (1907) U.S. Central and Southern Province, Society of JesuslOlO Common St., Ste. 3010, 70112. Tel: 800-925-8894; Fax: 314758-7164; Email: ucspro~esuits.org. Very Rev. Ronald A. Mercier, S.J., M.Div., S .T .L., M.A., Th. D., Prov.; Revs. J. Daniel Daly, M.Div., M.S., Ph. D., Treas.; John F . Armstrong, S.J., B.A., M.A., M.Div., Socius to the Prov. Catholic Society of Religious and Literary Education Priests of the Province Abroad: Revs . Charles B. Thibodeaux, S.J., M.Div., Casa Parroquial, Santa Rosa (Misiones), Paraguay. Tel: 595-858-221; Fax: 595-858-221; Edward G. Benya, S,. J., B.S., S.T.L., Residencia Nossa Senhora de Fatima, Trac. Carlos Portes 171, Russas CE, Brazil 62-900-000; David H. Romero, S.J., B.A., M.A., Residencia Sa_o Jose de Anchieta, Rua Eneida Batista; 940 B, Cascata, Assis, Brazil; Patrick S. Madigan, S .J., B.A., M.A., S.T.L., Mount Street Jesuit Residence, 114 Mount St., London, United Kingdom WlK 3AH; John R. Stacer, S.J., M.A., Ph.D ., S.T.L. , Arrupe College, POB MP 320, Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 2634-745-411; Fax: 2634-745-904; Joseph A. Carola, S.J., B.A., M.Div., S.T.L., S.T.D. , Pontifical Gregorian Univ., Piazza della Pilotta 4, Rome, .Italy 00187. Tel: 39-06-6701-5226; Fax: 39-066701-5419; Michael S. Gallagher, S.J., B.A., M.A., J -.D., M.Div., S.T.M., St. Peter Faber Residence, Rue Jacques-Dalphin 18 1227, Carouge, Switzerland; David A. Brown, S.J., B.S., M.A., M.Div., Ph.D., Castel Gandolfo Specola Vaticana, Vatican City. Tel: 39-06-698-63-242; Anthony J . Corcoran, S.J.; B.A., M.A., S.T.L., Kyrgyztan Office of the Apostolic Admin. ul. Mayakovskogo 25, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 720040; James N. Caime, S.J., B.A., M.B .A., M.A., M.Div.; Jesus Rodriguez, S.J., B.A., M.A., M.Div., Ph.D., Curia of the Society of Jesus, Bargo Santo Spirito 4, Roma, Italy 00193; David L. Andrus, S.J., B.S., M.Div.; Brian M. Reedy, S.J., B.S., M.A., M.S., M.Div., S.T.L.; Very Rev. Mark Le,vis, S.J., B.A., M.A., Ph. L., M.Div., Th.M., Ph.D., Pontifical Gregorian University, Piazza della Pilotta, 4, Rome, Italy 00187. Josephite Fathers and Brothers, 2600 A.P. Tureaud, 70119. Tel: 504-944-2424. (See Separate Listing for School)The Josephite Faculty House of St. Augustine High School, 2600 A.P. Tureaud, 70119. Tel: 504-944-2424. Bro. Laurence E. Price, S.S.J.; Revs. Joseph M. Doyle, S.S.J.; Howard W. Byrd, S.S.J.; Eura Aloysius Koroba, S.S.J .; Anthony Okum, S.S .J. . Loyola Jesuit Community, 1575 Calhoun St., 701186153 . Tel: 504-865-3866; Fax: 504-899-1355; Email: fhuete@tj esuits.org. Revs. Francis W. Huete, S.J., Pres. & Rector; Robert S. Gerlich, S.J., Vice Rector & Min.; James C. Carter, S.J.; Theodore A. Dziak, S.J.; Gregg Grovenburg, S.J.; Alfred C. Kammer, S.J., B.A., M.A., J.D.; Donald Martin, S.J., M.A., Ph.D.; Lawrence Moore, S.J.; Leo A. Nicoll, S.J.; Peter S. Rogers, S.J.; Edward Vacek, S.J.; Gregory S. Waldrop, S.J., B.A., M.S. , S.T.B. , M.A.; Kevin Wildes, S.J. COVINGTON. De La. Salle Christian Brothers (NOSF, Inc.) , 104 W. 11th Ave., Covington, 70433. Tel: 985892-2004; Fax: 985-893-2673; Email: [email protected]. Bros. Donald Johanson, F.S.C., Prov.; James Joost, F.S.C., Auxiliary Prov. Brothers of the Christian Schools of Lafayette Retirement Tru st (1988) 104W. 11th Ave., Covington, 70433. Tel: 985-892-2004; Fax: 985893-2673; Email: [email protected]; Email: [email protected]; Email: [email protected]; Email: [email protected]. Joseph Taranto, Chm. St. La Salle -Auxilia,y (1921) 104 W. 11th Ave., Covington, 70501. Tel: 337-234-1973; Fax: 337261-1014; Email: [email protected]. Bro. Dol)ald
CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE U.S. -Johanson, F·.S.C., Prov. The St. LaSalle Auxiliary is a development project of "Pe La Salle Christian Brothers," a nonprofit organization.
Louisiana Lasal/ian Education Corporation, 104 W. 11th Ave., Covington, 70433. Tel: 337-234-1973; Fax: 337-261-1014; Email: [email protected]. Bro. Donald Johanson, F.S.C., Prov. _ ST. BENEDICT. St. Joseph Abbey (1890) 75376 River Rd., St. Benedict, 70457. Te.I: 985-892-1800; Fax: 985-867-2270; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.sjasc.edu. Rt. Rev. Justin Brown, O.S.B., Abbot; Revs. Ephrem Arcement, O.S.B., B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Raphael Barousse, O.S.B.; Charles J. Benoit, O.S.B., M.A.Th., J.C.L.; Very Rev . .Gregory M. Boquet, O.S.B ., M.A.; Revs. Timothy J . Burnett, 0.8.B.; Matthew R. Clark, O.S.B., B.A., M.A.; Jonathan M. DeFrange, O.S.B.; Sean B. Duggan, O.S.B., B.Mus., M.A.Th., M.F.A.; Augustine E. Foley, O.S.B., B.A., M.T.S., M.A., S.T.B.; Peter E. Hammett, O.S.B.; Jude Israel, O.S.B., B.S., M.Ed., M.A.; Michael Jung, O.S.B.; Aelred Kavanagh, O.S.B., M.T.S., S.T.M., S.T.D.; IG11ian Tolg, B.A., M.A.; Lawrence J . Phelps, O.S.B.; Scott J. Underwood, O.S.B., M.T.S., M.Ed. Brothers 12; Novices 1; Priests 17. [RJ CONVENTS AND RESIDENCES FOR SISTERS NEW ORLEANS. Congregation of St. Joseph, C.S.J., 4030 Delgado Dr., 70119-3807. Tel: 504-486-7682; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.csjoseph. org. Barbara Hughes, Contact Person. Congregation of St. Joseph 1"\!linistry Against the Death Penalty, 3009 Grand Rte. St. John, #6, 70119. Tel: 504-948-6557; Fax: 504-948-6558; Email: [email protected]; · Web: www. prejean.org. Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan, Dir. Sisters 500. Sisters 2; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 10 Congregation of the Marianites of Holy Cross (1841) 21388 Smith Rd., Covington, 70435-6349. Tel: 985893-5201; Fax: 985-893-5190; Email: · [email protected]; Web: www.marianites. org. Sr. Ann Lacour, M.S.C., M.S.C., Congregational Leader. Sisters 98. Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Faith, C.H.F., 1063 Moss St:, 70119. Web: www.holyfaithsisters. net. Total Sisters in Archdiocese 4. Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, D.C., Sisters' Residence, 7817 S . Claiborne Ave., 70125 . Tel: 504-861-4516; Email: [email protected]. Mailing Address: 2820 Burdette St., Apt. 314, 70125. Sr. Anthony Barczykowski, D.C., Sister Servant. Total Sisters in Archdiocese 37. Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Queer, of Peace Prouince (1967) 1492 Moss St., 70119-2904. Tel: 504-486-0039; Fax: 504-298-0566; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. dongmancoi.org. Sr. M. John Vianney Vi Huyen Tran, F.M.S.R., Prov. Supr. Sisters 62; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 25. Dominican Sisters (Cabra, Ireland) O.P., 3524 DeSaix Blvd., 70119 . Tel: 504-267-7867; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. dominicansisters.com. Therese Lenehan, Treas.; Sisters Elizabeth Ferguson, 6.P.; Lilianne Flavin, O.P. Sisters 3; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 3. Dominican Sisters of Peace, 5660 Bancroft Dr., 70122. Tel: 504-283-1122; Fax: 504-283-1217; Email: [email protected]. Total Sisters in House 4. Domi11ican Sisters of Peace, 580 Broadway, 701183664. Tel: 504-865-7302; Tel: 604-861-9587; Fax: 504-865-8079; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.oppeace.org. Sr. Theresa Fox, O.P., Mission Group Coord. Total Sisters in Archdiocese 24. Franciscan Poor Glares (1885) 720 Henry Clay Ave., 70118-5891. Tel: 504-895-2019; Fax: 604-899-6218; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. poorclarenuns.com. Sr. Elizabeth Mortell, O.S.C., Abbess. Nuns of the Order of St. Clare. Solemn Professed Nuns 7. Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Cabri11i) M.S.C., 3443 Esplanade Ave., Apt. 314, 70119. Tel: 504-377-7561. Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgil! Mary (1968) 1706 S. Saratoga St., 70113. Tel: 504-7159798; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.dubuquepresentations.org. Julie Marsh; Mary Lou Specha UniOI! of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (United States Prou.). Society of the Sacred Heart (1800) 2545 Bayou Rd., 70119. Tel: 504-309-2828; Email: bkearney@rscj. org; Web: www.rscj.org. Sr. Bonnie K, Dir. Duchesne House, Bayou Rd Community, 2545 Bayou Rd., 70H9. Tel: 504-309-2828; Email: [email protected]; Email: llieux@rscj .org. Sisters 2; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 14. Duchesne House, Bayo1t Rd. Com., 2545 Bayou Rd., 70119. Tel: 504-309-2828; Email : bkearney@rscj. org; Email: llieux@rscj .org. Coro11delet Community, 4600 Carondelet St., 70115.
887 Tel: 504-891-0412; Tel: 504-382-0782; Email: [email protected]. Shannon House, 1500 State St., 70118. Tel: 504510-4543; Email: mguste@rscj ,org; Email: [email protected]; Email : llieux@rscj .org. Sophie Barat House, 1719 Napoleon Ave., 70115. Tel: 504-899-6027; Email: jnickinlay@rscj .org; Email: [email protected]; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.rscj.org. Sr. Jane McKinlay, R.S .C.J., Dir. Sisters 11 Seruants of Mary, Mi11isters to the Sick, 5001 Perlita St., 70122-1999. Tel: 504-282-5549; Fax: 504-2825550; Email: [email protected]; Web: sisterservantsofmary.com. Sr. Rosa Valadez, S.de. M., Supr. Total Hoine Nursing Sisters in Archdiocese 10. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, R.S.M., 6024 Freret St., 70118. Web: www.mercysc.org. . Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, South Central Community, Inc. Total Sisters in Archdiocese 20. Sisters of the B_lessed Sacrament, S.B.S., 4921 Dixon St., 70125. Tel: 504-218-7372. Raphael Conuent. Trinity House. UmojaTotal Sisters in the Archdiocese 8. Sisters of the Holy Family Motherhouse, S.S.F. (1842) 6901 Chef Menteur Hwy., 70126-5215. Tel: 504-241-3088; Fax: 504-244-0454; Email: g48j@aol. com; Web: www.sistersoftheholyfamily.org. Sr. Greta Jupiter, S.S.F., Congregational Leader. Sisters 79; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 70. Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Unio'n, O.S. U. (1727) 2734 Nashville Ave ., 70115. Tel: 504-891-3665; Tel: 504-861-4686; Email: annb@os ucentral.org. Sr. Ann Barrett, O.S.U., Prioress. Sisters 13; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 13. ABITA SPRINGS. Sisters of Benedict of Colorado, Inc., 102 Maria Ave., Abita Springs, 70420. Tel: 303916-1991; Email: [email protected] . Sr. Shawn Conrad, O.S.B., Pres. COVINGTON. Carme/ite Nu11s, Discalced, 0.C.D., Mollastery of St. Joseph and St. Teresa (1877) 73530 River Rd., Covington, 70435-2206. Tel: 985898-0923; Fax: 985-871-9333; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. covingtoncarmel.org. Professed Nuns 7. Daughters of Diuine Prouidence, F.D.P. (1832) 74684 Airport Rd., Covington, 70435-5621. Tel: 985-8098854; Fax: 985-809-8854; Email: [email protected]. Total Sisters in Archdiocese 3. Teresian Sisters (Society of St. Teresa of Jesus), S.T.J., Provincial Office, 18080 St. Joseph's Way, Covington, 70435-5623. Tel: 985-893-1470; Fax: 985-893-2476; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.teresians.us. Sr. Marina Aranzabal, Prov. Sisters 26. HARVEY. Salesian Sisters (Daughters of Mary Help of Christians) F.M.A., 608 1st Ave., Harvey, 700585980. Tel: 504-325-5980; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. salesiansisters.org. Sisters in Archdiocese 5. LACOMBE. Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, O.Carm. (1833) Generalate, 62284 Fish Hatchery Rd., P.O . Box 476, Lacombe, 70445-0476. Tel: 985882-7577; Tel: 504-524-2398; Fax: 504-524-5011; Email: [email protected]; Email: [email protected]. Sr. Lawrence Habetz, O.Carm ., M.T.S., Pres. Mount Carmel Deuelopment Office, 62284 Fish Hatchery Rd., P.O. Box 1160, Lacombe, 70445-1160. Tel: 985-8827577; Tel: 504-524-2398; Fax: 504-524-5011; Email: [email protected]. Sr. Lawrence Habetz, O.Carm., M.T.S., Pres. Carmelite Ministries, Inc.I Cub Corner Preschool, Tel: 504-286-8673; Fax: 504-286-8676. Sr. Gwen Grillot, O.Carm., Exec. Dir. Total Enrollment 120; Total Staff 27. Carmelite Spirituality Center (2004) 62292 Fish Hatchery Rd., P.O. Box 130, Lacombe, 70445-0130. Tel: 985-882-7579; Fax: 985-882-6563; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. carmelitespirituality.org. Carmelite NGO, 1725 General Taylor St., 70115. Tel: 504-458-3029; Fax: 504-864-7438; Email: [email protected]; Web: carmelitengo.org. Sisters 80 METAIRIE. Daughters of St. Paul Conuent, F.S.P., Pauline I!ook & Media Center, 4403 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Metairie, 70006-5321. Tel: 504887-7631; Email: [email protected]. Total Sisters in Archdiocese 5. Sisters of the Liuing Word, S.L. W., 4900 Park Dr., Metairie, 70001-3237. Tel: 504-455-5905; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.slw.org. Sr. Julia Stump, Contact Person. Sisters 1; Total Sisters in Archdiocese 4.
[SJ RETREAT HOUSES NEW ORLEANS. Center of Jesus the Lord, 1307 Louisiana Ave, 70115. Tel: 504-529-1636; Fax: 504529-5003; Email : [email protected];
NEW ORLEANS (NO) Web: www.centerofjesusthelord.org. Rev. George Roy, O.M.I. Total in Residence 3; Total Staff 5; Total Assisted 326. Sophie Barat House, 1719 Napoleon Ave., 701154809. Tel: 504-899-6027; Fax: 504-899-6210; Email: j [email protected]. Sisters Jane McIGnlay, R.S.C.J .; Annice Callahan; Anne Stu1·ges; 'Judith Vollbrecht; Carol Burk, R.S .C.J. Total in Residence 5; Total Staff 8. COVINGTON. Camp Abbey Retreat Ce11ter, 77002 KC Camp Rd., Covington, 70435 . Tel: 985-327-7240; Fax: 985-809-3590; Email: campabbey@arch-no. org. William O'Regan IV, Contact Person; Denise Emmons, Contact Person. LACOMBE. Carmelite Spirituality Center, 62292 Fish Hatchery Rd., P.O. Box 130, Lacombe, 70445-0130. Tel: 985-882-7579; Tel: 985-264-0314; Fax: 985882-6563; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.carmelitespirituality.org. Sisters Barbara Breaud, 0 .Carm., Exec. Dir.; Terry .Falco, R.S.M., Program Dir.; Lena Collins, O.Carm., House Dir. · METAIR!E. Archdiocesan Spirituality Cellter, 2501 Maine Ave., Metairie, 70003-5446. Tel: 504-8613254; Fax: 504-861-0584; Email: [email protected]. Sr. Dorothy Trosclair, O.P., Exec. Dir. Archdiocese of Neiu Orlea11s Retreat Center (Dedicated to Our Lady of the Cenacle)5500 St. Mary St., Metairie, 70006. Tel: 504-887-1420; F,ax: 504-887-6624; Email: [email protected]. Dr. Paul Ceasar, Exec. Dir. ST. BENEDICT. Christian Life Center at St. ·Joseph Abbey, 75376 River Rd., St. Benedict, 70457-9900. Tel: 985,892-3473; Fax: 985-892-3448. Deacon Mark C. Coudrain, Dir. Conducted by Benedictine Monks.
[Tl MISCELLANEOUS NEW ORLEANS. Archbishop Francis B. Schulte Testamentary Trust, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Choteau de Notre Dame Facilities Corporatio11, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Tel: 504-861-2906. Christian Brothers Foulldation, 8 Friederichs Ave. , 70124-4602. Tel: 504-488-2802; Fax: 504-486-1053; Email: [email protected]. Domus Dei Clerical Society of Apostolic Life, U.S.A., Inc., 13401 Lemans St., 70129. Tel: 504-254-9429 ; ;'el: 360-909-8516; Email: domusdeiusa@gmail. com; Web: www.nhachua.net. Revs. Francis Bui Quyet, S.D.D., Supr.; Dominic Tran Diem, S .D.D., Local Supr.; David !Gm, S.D.D., Treas.; Ansgar Pham, S .D.D., Sec.; Son Pham; John Tran. Holy Trinity Driue Land Corporation, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Jeff Entwisle, Contact Person. #iGIVECATHOLIC, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Jesuit Semi11ary and Mission Fund, 1010 Common St., Ste. 3010, 70112. Tel: 800-925-8894; Fax: 314758-7164; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. jesuitscentralsouthern.org. Rev. J. Daniel Daly, M.Div., M.S., Ph.D., Treas. *Lord, Teach 1vie To Pray, Inc., 11 Warbler St., 70124-4401. Tel: 504-439-5933 (l\1Irs. Carol Weiler); 'l'el: 504-717-8770 (Fr. Martin Gleeson, O.P.); Email: [email protected]; Web: www. lordteachmetopray.com. l\1Irs. Carol Weiler, Dir. MCA Fo,mdation, 7027 Milne Blvd., 70124. Tel: 504288-7626, Ext. 137; Fax: 504-288-7629; Email: mca@mcacubs .org; Web: www.mcacubs.com. Sr. Camille Anne Campbell, O.Carm., M.A., Pres. Our Lady of Wisdom Facility Corporation, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Tel: 504-861-2906; Email: [email protected]. *Pan A{rica11 Roman ·Catholic Clergy Conference (1999) 9701 Hammond St., 70127. Tel: 504-2428669. Revs. Geoffrey Omondi Muga, F.M.H.; Raphael Mbotela Kasele, F .M.H. The Patrons of the Vatican Museums in the South, Inc. (1985) 1137 Jefferson Ave., 70115. Tel: 504895-6822; Email: [email protected]. Dr. Frank Schmidt, Pres. Peace Center, 2837 Broadway St., 70125-2655. Tel: 504-267-3342. Pierre Toussaint Foundation of New Orleans, Inc. (1995) 2600 A.P. Tureaud Ave., 70119-1299. Tel: 944-2424. Kenneth St. Charles. *Second Haruest Food Bank of Greater New Orleans and Acadiana (1982) 700 Edwards Ave., 701232236. Tel: 504-734-1322; Fax: 504-733-8336; Web: www.no-hunger.org. Total Staff 86. Sou/hem Dominican Global Missiolls, 4640 Canal St., 70119. Tel: 504-488-2652. Bro. Herman D. Johnson, O.P., Dir. . Stella Roman Foundation, Inc., 1010 Common St., Ste. 3010, 70112. Tel: 504-522-4756; Fax: 504-5680783; Email: [email protected]. Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond, D.D. St. Tammany Catholic Cemetery, 7887 Walmsley Ave., 70125. Jeff Entwisle, Contact Person. *Wit/woods Community (1978) 3900 Howru·d Ave.,
NEW ORLEANS (NO) 70125. Tel: 504-830-3700;··· Fax: 504-840-9838; Email: [email protected]; Web: www. willwoods.org. Ron Yager, COO. ABITA SPRINGS. Th e Christ in Christmas Committee of New Orleans, 123 Iroquois Dr., Abita Springs, 70420. Tel: 985-893-0169; Email: [email protected]. Stephen F. Hart, Chm. COVINGTON. Magnolia Lafayette, Inc., 104 W. 11th Ave., Covington, 70433. Tel: 985-892-2004; Email: [email protected]. Bros. Donald Johanson, F.S.C., Visitor; James Joost, F.S.C., Auxiliary Visitor. META!RIE. Congar Institute for Ministry Developme11t, 1421 N. Causeway Blvd., Ste. 200, Metairie, 70001. Rev. Wayne A. Cavalier, O.P., Dir. Equestrian Order ·o f the Holy S epulchre (of J erusalem, Southeastern Lieutenancy of the U.S.) 2955 Ridgelake Dr., Ste. 205, Metairie, 70002. Tel: 504-832-0892; Fax: 504-832-1929; Email: [email protected]. Raymond J . Garrity, Lieutenant. · International Dominican Foundation, U.S.A. (2002) One Galleria Blvd., Ste. 710-B, Metairie, 70001. Tel: 504-836-8180; Fax: 504-836-1}180; ,Email: · [email protected]; Web: \ www. internationaldominicanfoundation.org. Rev. Allen B. Moran, O.P., Pres. 124 Airline Drive, Inc., 4133 Banks St., 70119-6883 . Tel: 504-486-6631; Fax: 504-483-3816. Rev. Anthony F. McGi_n n, S.J., B.A., M.A., Pres. ' National T.E.C. Conferen ce, 1007 Airline Park Blvd., Metairie, 70003. *\VLAE-T\1, Education.al Broadcasting Foundation, Inc., Box 792497, 70179-2497. Tel: 504-830-3700; Fax: 504-840-9838; Email: [email protected]; Web: www.wlae.com. 1500 River Oaks Dr. W., Jefferson, 70123. . MON1'Z. *Lyhe Founda tion , 102 Ann Ct., Montz, 700688980. Te!: 985-287-0161; Web: www. lykefoundation.org. Richard Cheri, Exec. Dir.; Kathleen Kennedy, Pres.; Andrew Lyke, Sec.; Most Rev. Fernand Cheri, O.F.M., Treas.
SECULAR INSTITUTES ABITA SPRINGS. Caritas (1950) Administration Center, P.O. Box 308, Abita Springs, 70420-0308. Tel: 985892-4345; Email : [email protected]. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES OF MEN REPRESENTED IN THE ARCHDIOCESE For further details refer to the corresponding
888 bracketed number in the Religious Institutes of Men or Women section. (0200]-Benedictine Monks-0 .S.B. (0330]- Brothers of the Christian. Schools (New Orleans Prov.)-F.S.C. (1100]-Broth ers of the Sacred Heart (Pascoag, RI)S.C. (0470]-The Capuchin Friars-0.F.M.Cap. 0-Congregation of Christian Brothers (Edmund Rice)- C.F.C. (1330]-Congregation of the Mission of Si. Vi11cent-.de Paul Fath ers & Brothers (Southern Prov.)-C.M .. 0-Congregation of the Mother Coredemptri.~-C.M.C. (0260]-Discalced Carm elite Friars-0.C.D. (0520]-Franciscan Friars-0 .F.M. [0690]--Jesu it Fathe1'S and Brothers (New Orleans)S .J . (0780]-Marist Fathers. and Brothers (USA Prov.)S.M. (0910]-0blates of Mary Immaculate (Southern American Prov.)-0.M.I. (0430]- 0rder of Preacher-Dominicans (St Martin de Porres/Southern Prov.)-0.P. [0610]-Priests of the · Congregation of Holy Cross (Southern Prov.; Indiana Prov.)-C.S.C. (1070] - Redemptorist Fathers and Brothers (New Orleans)-C.Ss .R. [1190]-Sa/esia11s of Don Bosco-S.D.B. (0440]-Society of St. Edm.und-S.S.E. (0420]-Society of the Divine Word (St. Augustine Prov.)-8.V.D. \ (0700]- St. Joseph's Society of the Sacred Hea rt (Baltimore, MD)-8.S.J. RELIGIOUS INSTITUTES OF WOMEN REPRESENTED IN THE ARCHDIOCESE (0230]-Benedictine Sisters of Pontifical Jurisdiction (Colorado)-0.S.B. (0400] -Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel0.Carm. (1 940]-Congregation of Sisters of the Hoiy FaithC.H.F. (2410]-Congregation of the Maria11ites of Holy Cross-M .S.C. (3832]-Congregation. of the Sisters of St. JosephC.S.J. [1950]-Congregation of the Sisters . of the Holy Family-S.S.F. 0-Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus-S.S.H. (0800]- Daugh ters of Divine Providence-'Jf'..D.P.
[0850]-Daughters ofMaT)• Help ofChristians-F.M.A. [0895]-Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy RosaryF.M.S.R. (0760]-Daughters of St. Vincent de Paul-D.C. (0420]- Discalced Carmelite Nuns-0.C.D. (1110]-Dominican. Sisters of Ou~ Lady of the Rosary and of Saint Catherine of Siena, Cabra, Ireland0 .P. , . (1115]-Dom.inican Sisters of Peace-0 .P. 0,-Lovers of the Holy Cross Sisters at Cho QuanL.H.C. (2860]-MissionaT)' Sisters of the Sacred HeartM.S.C. . [0950F-Pious Society Daughters of St. Paul-F.S.P. [3760],-'Poor Clare Nuns, Order of St. Clare-0.S.C. (2970]-School Sisters of Notre Da;me (Dallas & Mankato)-8.S.N.D. (0660]-Sisters of Christian Charity (Wilmette, IL)S.C.C. [2575J.-Sisters of Mercy of the Americas (Brooklyn; St. Louis)-R.S.M. (2630]-Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross-S.C.S.C. (1530]-Sisters of St. Francis of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sylvania, Ohio-0.S.F. (0260]-Sisters of the Blessed Sacram ent for Indians and Colored People-S.B.S. (2120]-Sisters of the Immaculate Conception-C.l.C. (2350]-Sisters of the Living \Vora'.-S.L.W. [3600F-Sisters Servants of Mary,.,-S.de.M. (4020]-Society of St. Teresa of J ~sus-S.T.J . (4070]-Society of the $acred Heart-R.S.C.J. (3330]-Union of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Bl~ssed Virgin Mary-P .B.V .M. (4110]-Ursuline Nuns-0.S.U. 0
Atwood, Wilbur J., S.S.J., New Orleans, LA St. Augustine Faculty House, Died Mar. 19, 2018 t Cazenavette, Joseph E. Esq., Washington, D.C. USCCB Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family & Youth, Died Dec. 3, 2017 t Chambers, Thomas E ., C.S.C., South Bend, IN University of Notre Dame, Died Jan. 2, 2018 t Kennedy, Patrick J. R., (Retired), Died Apr. 1, 2017 t Mfranne, Paul, O.S.B., (Retired), Died-Mar. 29, 2017 t Pericone, Nicholas P., New Orleans, LA Mater Dolorosa, Died Mar. 10, 2018 t Smith, Stephen, O.P., (Retired), Died Apr, 4, 2018 t Tei,ada, David Ker, (Retired), Died Apr. 9, 2018
An asterisk(*) denotes an organization that has established tax-exempt status directly with the IRS and is not covered by the USCCB Group Ruling.