February, 2015 - April, 2015 s Spring Edition 151
t h g u o h T r o F s Paw
Quarterly Newsletter of the Humane Society of Ventura County
5k WALK-JOG a benefit for the
SIGN UP NOW AT www.ACTIVE.com Get a FREE event T-shirt if you sign up by FEBRUARY15th!
The first annual Dog Jog will be a fun event for people who love animals and want to support their LOCAL Humane Society. The idea started with three friends from Ojai who wanted to help make a difference in the lives of homeless animals in the area. Tera Pupa, Loree Pryce and Tonya Peralta wanted a fun way to bring people together and raise much needed funds for their local animal shelter. Hats off to these wonderful ladies. A great big thanks for all their hard work. The Dog Jog is a 5k Fun Run/Walk for people. We would LOVE to have dogs participate but it presents too many logistical issues for our first 5k.
this event and how it will benefit the animals at HSVC.” You can sign up to participate at www.Active.com. Just enter Dog Jog into the search box to be directed to our page. We’ll have a FREE Dog Jog T-shirt for everyone who signs up by February 15th. There are sponsorship opportunities available for those who may not be up to running but would like to support this event. Please contact the HSVC at 805 646-6505 for more information.
It will take place at Lake Casitas at the Special Events area on March 14, 2015. The run/walk will start at 10am, check in is from 8:30 to 9am. There will be live music by Main Street Band. Food trucks will join us and HSVC will have information and education booths. We hope you will come join the fun and support those who will be running for the animals. The Humane Society of Ventura County (HSVC) is a private, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that does not receive government funding or financial help from organizations such as the Humane Society of the United States or ASPCA. “We rely on donations from the public and fundraising efforts such as the ‘Dog Jog’ to keep our doors open” stated Shelter Director Jolene Hoffman. “We are all very excited about
Louie Larramendy Grateful Dog Rescue
THANK YOU TO OUR DOG JOG SPONSORS Peanut “Nut Nut”, Grateful Dog Rescue In Memory of Sasha Pupa, Grateful Dog Rescue Vicki Breen, Derby & Derby Adam Jones, Edward Jones Investments Robert Lloyd, Lahaina Computer Wanda Martin, Heritage Financial Tonya Peralta, Realtor Nathan Larramendy & Nick Safko The Capana Family The Ford Family The Fout Family The Wykoff Family
Paws For Thought Quarterly newsletter of the
Board of Directors Cyndy Treutelaar, President Don Buffon, Vice President, Treasurer Debby Mooney, Secretary Marianne Carl, Director Barbara Connelly, Director Joyce George, Director
Shelter and Adoption Center
402 Bryant Street • Ojai, CA 93023
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 297 • Ojai, CA 93024 805.646-6505 or 656-5031
As we approach a new year, we want to thank the many people who made 2014 such a success. As an animal welfare and rescue organazation, we have made great strides in improving animal’s lives. We also want to thank our dedicated staff. Thanks to their loving care and concern, we have placed hundreds of animals in good homes. We are proud of HSVC accomplishments this past year... wThanks to the addition of a second surgical room in 2012, our clinic staff was able to perform approximately 2,000 spay/neuter proceedures in 2014. wThe Humane Education Program has provided classes promoting humane care for all animals to thousands of children all over Ventura County. wThe HSVC Volunteer Program has continued to grow this year; 550 volunteers have donated 10,000 hours of their time. Wow! wThe Humane Officers have responded to hundreds of calls regarding animal neglect and abuse. wThe big news this year is that a new Humane Investigations van was recently purchased and designed to transport animals safely. We still have a major challenge ahead of us; the renovation of the dog kennels. Our existing kennels are over 30 years old. While they are safe and functional, they are in need of improvement and modernization. This is our huge goal for 2015. We are excited! We believe that 2015 will be an even better year because of the generosity of folks like you and the hard work and dedication of our Volunteers and Shelter Staff. A happy and healthy New Year to all of you. Onward and upward! Sincerely yours, Cyndy Treutelaar
Register now for Spring Camp for 9-14 year olds April 6th - 10th A great way for animal loving kids to spend spring break. Registration is on a first come first serve basis. To register your child and to receive camp information contact HSVC Humane Educator Dawn Reily at:
[email protected] To learn more about HSVC youth camps, email our Humane Educator to join the camp email list. You’ll receive camp dates, information and registration forms.
Oliver’s Report Happy New Year to all my special friends. It’s going to be a good one with lots of great activities this year. Check out our new web site, and sign up to get regular updates on my furry friends. Want to donate to our wish list online? You can, on Amazon.com. And, while you’re online, I am still hoping for more friends to connect with me on Facebook. Check me out. “Houndstooth” sounds kind of funky to me, but after that dog came up to me with dragon breath, now I get it. So please get your dog’s teeth cleaned. Glad I don’t have teeth. Just need a beak cleaning; I wonder if they do that. The Dog Jog in March sounds like a spectacular event for adults and kids. Sign up now to help all of our friends at The Shelter. Enjoy a 5k walk or run at Lake Casitas, along with music and food, or just kick back and enjoy the view. For those who do not know me, my name is Oliver Bird. I am the resident mascot at the Humane Society Shelter and I have a noise box that won’t stop. I have lived here for 23 years. I will be 28 years old on March 22. If your child has a birthday, bring him or her to The Shelter and I will sing them my favorite song. Thanks for all my peanut butter crackers, and keep ‘em coming! Until next time, your feathered friend, Oliver
GETS A NEW VAN Humane Society of Ventura County’s Board of Directors surprised its Humane Officers and staff with an early holiday gift that will help them protect animals throughout the County - a new, specially-equipped Investigations Vehicle. Director of Investigations, Jeff Hoffman, realized the Humane Society’s aging fleet needed to be upgraded and the Board of Directors agreed. Hoffman contacted Scott Luttenberger, Ojai resident and fleet manager at Paradise Chevrolet, who has adopted pets from the Humane Society. Luttenberger offered to provide very favorable pricing for the vehicle to help keep it affordable for HSVC. The van, newly purchased at Paradise Chevrolet in Ventura, was converted for investigations of animal abuse and neglect with the help of Ojai resident Bill Brothers, owner of Humane Services International (HSI). His company specializes in converting all types of vehicles for use by animal welfare agencies to benefit their animal protection work. HSI has been up-fitting vehicles for animal care and control agencies for over twenty-five years. The vehicle will be used by Humane Officers when they investigate possible
cases of cruelty as well as the rescue of animals during disasters. It is designed to provide maximum safety and comfort by providing individual housing units to protect animals and reduce disease transmission. The entire van is completely climate-controlled with individual air ducts into each kennel. It also features emergency safety lighting as well as “scene lights” to aid in night rescues. Hoffman and the HSVC Board wanted a new look to their vehicles to best represent the Humane Society. Heather Balaam, who worked at the HSVC for many years, and now specializes in graphic design, provided her services. Jolene Hoffman, longtime Shelter Director, was thrilled by the new vehicle. “We’re really excited about what this vehicle will do for our Investigations Division and for the animals our officers protect. It’s a huge step forward
for us.” Jeff Hoffman stressed that having the right equipment can reduce costs to the Humane Society as well as provide a more humane experience for the animals. “For example, the new vehicle can be completely disinfected quickly and easily after potentially sick animals are transported.” Funds for this vehicle have been raised in part by our vehicle donation program which is facilitated by Jeff Kroll, a long time volunteer at HSVC. Kroll has been instrumental in helping the Humane Society for approximately 10 years obtaining donations of used cars, trucks, RV’s, boats and motorcycles which are, in turn, sold to help fund needs such as the new Investigations van. If you would like to donate a vehicle please call Jeff Kroll at 805 640-8128 or 890-1486. Or visit our website at hsvc.org to learn more and to start the donation process.
Balboa Middle School students for their “Get Inspired Project” collecting towels for HSVC animals and the students of their Humane Society Club for raising $445 with their “Pennies for Pets” program. Sunkist school in Port Hueneme for collecting blankets and towels and other pet products for the Shelter.
Some of our most dedicated supporters are students of several Ventura County Schools. We thank them, and their teachers, for all of their help.
Rio Lindo Elementary in Oxnard for collecting pet food and toys, as well as a big shout out to Annette Lorenzana and her class for collecting coins and doing a classroom wide research project on how to help pets in their local community. Juan Laguna Soria School for collecting toys and food for the Shelter. Teacher Mary McNamara and her 7th and 8th grade science classes at Rio Del Valle School in Oxnard for collecting coins for our shelter.
JEAN GREY 3 month old spayed female Shorthair
2 year old neutered male Chihuahua
3 year old neutered male Lab mix
PRESLEY MAE 9 month old spayed female Tabby
7 year old neutered male horse
OSCAR 2 yr old neutered American Bulldog mix
GIGI 2 year old spayed female Shorthair
2 year old neutered male Chihuahua
6 year old spayed female Boxer
Meet us at the Humane Society Shelter and Adoption Center at 402 Bryant St. in Ojai
Hi to my friends at HSVC! I know you are all busy taking care of all my furry brothers and sisters. I hope everyone is staying warm enough. My new clothes were too little, so I have to wear Valentine’s pink jacket until my new threads come. Gammy told me no one would see me and not to worry about looking like a girl. Of course you can use my story if you want to. It has always been my secret desire to be a published author. I didn't share that with anyone because it seemed an impossible dream for a boy with no thumbs. My mama told me to dream big and I WILL. Thank goodness for my friends and editors at HSVC who fixed my typos!
Benji (right) lounging with his new friend.
Lator-Gator. Love & Licks, Benji
The HSVC is pleased to announce that on January 1st we began offering FREE spay or neutering for Pit Bull and Pit Bull mixes for a limited time. The Humane Society of Ventura County began its first Free Spay and Neuter Program for Chihuahua and Chihuahua mixes in August of 2012. To date HSVC has spayed and neutered 1,039 Chihuahuas throughout Ventura County! This program has saved the lives of countless numbers of dogs.
Low cost spay and neuter appointments are available for all other breeds from 5-80 pounds and five years or less. *Dogs over five may qualify, call for more information
The single most important thing we can do to save cats and dogs from the suffering that overpopulation causes is to spay and neuter them. After over two years of FREE spay and neutering for Chihuahua and Chihuahua mixes, the program came to an end on Dec. 31st so that we could launch our Pit Bull program. The Pit Bull Spay and Neuter Program will run for as long as we are able to fund it. If you would like to make a donation directly to this program all you need to do is specify PITBULL on your check or online donation. A very special thank you to Dr. Thompson and Dr. Lewis, our Clinic staff, our Board of Directors, and, of course, all of our supporters who have made this program financially possible. YOU make a difference!
To The Humane Society Shelter and Adoption Center No more need to worry about cost or about having your pet put under anesthesia to have its teeth cleaned. The skilled and gentle folks from Houndstooth will offer their services at the Shelter on the third Saturday of each month beginning in March. Don’t wait for your pet to develop nasty breath, or worse yet, gingivitis or other infections. The fee is only $140 and 15% of the fee will be donated to the HSVC. Call Houndstooth Pet Dental to make your appointment.
CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE! The Humane Society of Ventura County proudly announces the launch of its new state of the art website. This new site will make it easy for our staff to send out critical information about our animals, events, and fundraisers to all of our friends. The site was built to work on desktop or laptop computers, cellphones, and tablets making it easy to use anytime, anywhere.
Our new website wouldn’t be possible without the support of David and Albert Gersh from Outreach-Nation, www. outreach-nation.com. The Gershs approached HSVC last spring to offer their services and expertise in creating nonprofit websites using the NationBuilder platform. They have worked tirelessly, donating countless hours of their time to ensure our new site is a success!
Please take a moment to visit our new site.You’ll find details on the animals we rescue, learn about our volunteers, interact with staff, find out about other services we offer, and discover the many ways you can help support the HSVC’s efforts to save the neediest animals of Ventura County. Sign up on our home page and receive all our latest news directly to your inbox.
MEMORY GARDEN PAVERS Give a gift of love to the animals of the Humane Society and to someone who loves animals as much as you do. A paver stone in the HSVC Memory Garden is a gift that will last a lifetime. Honor someone special by having an engraved paver stone laid in the garden for them. Or, show your support by naming a paver stone for your own family.
purchased a paver stone. We hope you agree that this is a wonderfully meaningful way to support Humane Society animals and to leave a lasting legacy.
PAVER STONE DONATIONS October 15, 2014 - January 15, 2015
Just fill out the form below and bring it in or mail it to us with your payment. We’ll send a card to the recipient acknowledging your gift. Thanks to everyone who has
David & Sharon Barker Gwendolyn Bell Stella Day Victor & Nancy Hrock Karen Phipps Ona Shiroyama Richard & Joy Watters Jackie Welsh George Vestal Samantha & Kate Zahringer
Donate it for the benefit of Humane Society animals. No DMV hassles. Free pick up. Call Jeff Kroll at 805 640-8128 or 805 890-1486 to learn more, or visit our website at hsvc.org. An easy way to help, just make the call TODAY!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to reserve a paver: q MY CHECK IS ENCLOSED To have your paver stone natural stone pavers may vary slightly in size PLEASE CHARGE MY engraved, please q Visa q Mastercard q Discover q Small (65 sq. inch) $200 complete and mail to: q Medium (95 sq. inch) $350 ____________________ _______
Humane Society of Ventura County PO Box 297 Ojai, CA 93024
q Large (120 sq. inch) $500 (*includes an extra line of text)
SMALL & MEDIUM PAVERS - you may use up to two lines
_____________________________ NAME (PLEASE PRINT)
_____________________________ SIGNATURE
*LARGE PAVERS - you may use a third line
_____________________________ ADDRESS
VOLUNTEERS MAKE IT HAPPEN! Thanks to our dedicated volunteers who are always there for us.
A big round of
for all who help so much!
Gerri Castron, Laura Gruenther, Pat Halverson, Janet Maynard, Donna Moore, Judy Ross, Marggie Valentine, Cookie Steve & Vicki Aguilera at Condor Storage Williams and Lucy Williams for their Pet and all our friends who for bring homemade goodies for HSVC staff. Therapy work. Jane Peterson for conducting yard checks. Ernest & Carolyn Siracusa, for helping to keep our memorial garden beautiful. Amy Yakel for help with dog licensing. Shawna Pennell & Animal Services for Mariah Hanline for helping in the office transporting neglected livestock to HSVC. and bathing the dogs. Kathleen Hurd, Sue Saraceno, and Ann Whitten for working with our shy dogs.
Dr. Steve Sallen for helping our animals Gabriel Linnehan for assisting the Ken- and for sponsoring the Pet of The Week ad nel staff. in the Ojai Valley News. Kathleen Hurd for teaching our dog man- David and Albert Gersh for helping with ners class. development of our new website. Roger & Sue Dickens, Mari Mortland Ellen & Richard Gilleland for donating and John & Nancy Talley for helping to walnuts, again, this year. keep our grounds maintained. Nancy Goldsen - Aunt Mary’s Pet Pillows. Debby Mooney, for promoting our “Pet and Kristina Rusnick for their donations of the Week” in local newspapers. of handcrafted pet pillows, and cat and Joyce George, board member for writing dog toys to sell in our store. personal thank you cards to those who Micki Rickard -Artful Aprons- for donatgive so generously to the animals. ing a handmade cat apron for our raffle. Sharon Ferro for bathing our dogs. Leslie Bennett of “Happenings Magazine” Kali Brooks and Greg and Claudia Coo- for advertising our events and programs. per, for their beautiful pictures and videos Everyone who brought gifts for the aniof the HSVC animals. mals to put under our Christmas tree. Teri Reid for writing press releases.
FAVORITE FUNDRAISERS Thanks to those who help raise funds Richard Abbott, Silvia Basich, Carol Bishop, JJ Birkenshaw, Larry Bittleston, Beverly Bourne, Don & Kathy Buffon, Jeff Comstock, Michael & Natalie Furlong, Richard & Ellen Gilleland, Maria Halmai, Dale & Joanne Hawley, Victor & Nancy Hrock, Debrah Kotke & Leslie Urbanek, Edie Lambert, Nancy & Curtis Lewis, Richard & Sharon Miller, Karen Phipps, Michele Pierpoint, David & Tracy Platt, Harvey & Joan Prince, Gary & Dianne Seacord, Sanderson & Barbara Smith, Jerry Jones of So Hum Foundation, George Vestal, Linda Wilson, Sondra Wood and others for their continued and generous support in 2014. All of the businesses and volunteers who help with our Cash Box Program. Jeff Kroll for running a vehicle donation program benefitting the HSVC. Joanne Zivich of Lovebirds Jewelry and Pauline Hart of Javacat for donating a portion of their sales from our Holiday Boutique & Santa Paws Marketplace. All of the volunteers, vendors and customers who helped make our third annual “Purrs and Paws Marketplace” a success this year. The many volunteers who helped again this year at our Santa Paws photo event. Ojai Valley Athletic Club for donations from calendar sales.
Staff and volunteers enjoy a moment with Santa
Once again, this year’s Santa Paws fundraiser was a great success thanks to all of our devoted volunteers and staff. Special thanks to professional Photographer Greg Cooper and his vol-
unteer assitants, Claudia Cooper, Dougle Brownlie, Julia Grimsley, Shannon Hillygus, and Alissa Vankeuren. Chuck Bowman (Santa Paws) was incredible as always. For two long days he charmed children and animals; many who weren’t so sure of that man in the red suit. Memories that he helped create will be appreciated for years to come. Home baked goods made and donated by volunteers helped sweeten the day for participants and their pets. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with the bake
sale and many other tasks. Thanks to the Ventura Marriott for hosting us, and serving a complimentary lunch to staff and volunteers. Thanks go out to the “Purrs and Paws Market Place” vendors who, once again, joined us at the “Santa Paws” event at the Shelter in Ojai. The marketplace provided participants with a fun shopping experience and raised funds for HSVC. This year the event raised over $13,000 thanks to Santa and his friends.
THANK YOU TO OUR FRIENDS WHO MADE MONETARY DONATIONS General donations received from October 15, 2014 thru January 15, 2015 Sandra Abblett Jill Abele Jim Acosta Active Network, LLC Linda Acquisto Debra Adair David & Diane Adams Lillian Adams Shelby & Irene Adams Sharon & Frank Adams Murray & Lois Adler Gene & Diana Agdeppa Tony & Lynn Aguiar Ingrid Akerblom Reynold Akison Robin Albright Linda Aldous Beryl Alfino Wendell Allen Chet & Mari Allen Natalie Alvarez Brad & Antoinette Ames Melissa Anderson Lori Anderson Merry Anderson Jack & Laurie Anderson Monica Anderson Christopher Diel &Andrea Adams Jean Angle Gary & Elizabeth Arant Gerri Arce Justin Archer Jennifer & Richard Arellanes Kerri Arnold Linda Askew Maritta Aspen Brian Auerbach Susan Ault Joel & Marlyss Auster James Austin Holly Auten Maria Ayala Azizullah & Pamela Aziz Frankie Bailey Rose Bailey James Baker Art Balchen George & Amanda Ball Lupe Barajas Erin Barens Barbara Barley Kay Barmore Robert Barrier Judi Basso Richard & Mary Bauleke Tom Bayless Jason Beaver Trudy Beck Patti Beckman Pauline Bee Gael Belden Roxanne & Robert Bell Kathleen Bendot Harland & Catherine Bengs Kurt Benjamin
Catherine Bennett Arline Benzien George Berg Karen Bertin Gayle Bertsch Jeanne Beutler-Ellis Cheri Beverly Konstantin & Tati Bilibin Karen & Christoph Birbeck JJ Birkenshaw Sharon Bischel Carol Bishop Larry Bittleston Joan Blakemore Maria Blasco Carol Bley Bliss Yogurt Melvin & Andrea Bloom Julie Bloomer Carol Boatner Donna Boeck Ginny Boehnlein Glen & Sue Bolton Jonathan & Michelle Bolton Michelle & Doug Bolton Karen Bolyard Patricia Bonnell Margaret Booker Beverly Bourne Gordon & Virginia Bowers Gary & Nancy Bowman Bradford & Emily Boyes Randy Bozarth Toni Bradley Karen Branch W. B. & Charlene Brannan Cheryl Brant Kristin Brenner Susan Bricker Henry Brigham Ursula Britton Katherine & Shane Brock Susan Brom Stephen Brooks Anita Brooks Frances Brooks Susan Brown Marvin & Janet Brumbaugh Deanna Brummett Julia Bruns Lori Buchanan Betty Budfuloski Don & Kathy Buffon Norbert & Ellen Bugaj Mark & Marty Bullis Susan Bullock Wayne Burg Emily Burns Mary Burton Elsie Bustamante Michelle Buttigieg Katie Buzzelli Elizabeth Caldwell Lee Caldwell Gayle Caldwell
Joanne & Michael Caldwell California Pizza Kitchen, Inc Liz Calistro Camarosa Veterinary Clinic Elizabeth Cameron Franco & Alicia Campana Nancy Campbell Katie Cantrell Elaine Capps Delphine Caprais Richard & Ellen Carlson David Carlson Christine Carmody Adrianne Carr Renee Carrillo Lanae & Bert Carter Erin Carty Benjamin & Joan Castor Jennifer Cavenee Judy Centeno & Angelina Delgado Joe & Shelley Cerezo Michael & Teri Cerino Tami Chandler Channel Islands Vet Hospital Cathy Chapman America’s Charities C. Keith Chartier Glenwood & Jan Cheslock Jana Chinn Marisia Chou William & Patricia Clark Karen Clark Austin & Sharon Cline E. Roderick & Victoria Cline Aric Coady Ignacio Cobian Willi & Stefanie Coeler Catherine Coffey Nadine Colanchick Charles Cole Michael Collier Jack & Wendy Collings Chris Collins Melinda Comeau Jeff Comstock Peter & Lucille Conforti Barbara Connelly Dale & Joan Conover Lisa Contreas Janelle Contreras Kristen & Keith Coogan Judith Cooper Greg & Claudia Cooper Fred Cordia Lori Corradi Dean & Linda Courter Elaine & Craig Covey Steve Cowan Sheila & Steve Cox Ruth Crawford J W & P A Cross Darrel Crowder Joseph & Shirley Crowe Yvette Cruzalegui
Alvin & Betty Cuney Beverly & Louis Cunningham Katherine Curtin Charles & Rosemar Curtis John Darling Kandace Datema Heidi & Mike Dauwalter Peter Davidian Jacqueline Davis Herbert Davis Chris Davis John & Natalie Dawley Adolfo De La Parra Mary De Polter Judith Dearborn Maulina Debert Mike Deering Michelle Demaria Derby & Derby, Inc. Kathleen & Tom Dewitt Peter Dibble Roger & Susan Dickens Teresa Dickey Doug & Sharon Dill Susan Diller Matthew & Deborah Dimmitt Karum Din Richard & Linda Disney Diamond Ground Products, Inc. Janette Docherty Thomas & Trudy Dockus Lynn Doherty Liz & George Doonan Robin Douglas Susan Dow Annie Dransfeldt Jack & Nancy Draper John & Janis Dreiling Zina Drouhes Jayne Dryer Pamela Duarte Marguerite Duarte Irmgard Dubay Rita Dubois Frank & Pauline Duffy Robert & Glenda Dugan Katie Dunham Judith & Ed Dunn Victoria Duntley Vera Duss Paxton Duval Linda Duval Dyer Sheehan Group, Inc. Diane Edwards Kevin Edwards Jeff Elliot Barbara Elliot John & Lucille Elrod Katherine Embry Marjorie Emerson Sharon Emery Susan Engbrecht Klaudia Englund Kim Erickson Ali Ernst
Leopold & Rose Escalante Carlos Escamilla Kelle Evans Stephen & Janet Fair James Family Daphne & Kamile Fargher Gary & Brenda Farr Justin & Amy Faunt Hilary Feezor Sherrie & DanielFeger Robert & Mary Ann Fennern Leandro Fernandez David Fields & Alissa Van Keuren Jennifer Figueroa Janice & Jennifer Finch Michelle Finn Gloria Fiore Coby Fischer & Alex Micklethwaite Jim & Lynda Fisk Kirk & Angelica Fitzmorris Carol Flagg Sheri Flasch Denise Fleck Juan Flores June Flygare Frances Flynn Richard & Margaret Fogo Ramona Foiles Terrence Foley Ernest & Caroline Ford George Ford Agnes Formica Marie Forrest Connor & Darren Fotheringham Glen & Lorraine Fout Edris Fowkes Alexis Frangis William & Susan Frank Diana Franklin Rachel Frantz Nancy Frawley Teri Fredrickson Robert Fredrickson Janet Freedman Susan Jay Freeman Michele Friedman Carmita Frost Jan Fujikawa Michael & Natalie Furlong Pamela Gallick Al & Sandy Galluzzo Walter Gamboa Linda Garcia Claribell Garcia Carol Garcia-Segure Kristine Gardner Mike & Ellen Garner Del & Sharon Garst Ellison Gartner Deborah Gately Denise Gavazzi Joseph Gavenman Linda George David Gersh Albert Gersh
Barry Gilbert Pat Gilden Mary Giles Thomas & Gale Gill Richard & Ellen Gilleland Wendy Giroux Bill Girvetz Rachelle Giuliani Janet Glanville Cynthia Glass Barry & Kathy Glasser Richard & Joan Glenn Lorena Glidden Brian Godinez Alan & Mary Goldberg Nancy Goldsen Sara Gomez & Wanda Ballesteros David & Lisa Goodner Donald & Linda Gormley Lucy Grace Bill Grace Linda & Frank Granat John & Linda Grant Robin Gray Carol Greeby Raymond & Alma Lee Gregory Hans & Arline Grether Lisa Griffiths David Grossman Misty Groth Charles & Joan Grove Laura Gruenther Susanne Guerrero Merilee Gunn D.l. Gurke Tianna & Sean Gurwich Marvin & Sandra Guthrie Patricia Hackel Marguerite Hackett Chris & Shirley Hackleman Cheryl Hagen B.J. Hagenauer James & Mary Hahn Vanessa Hall Maria Halmai Patricia Halverson-Henas Geri Hamilton Sheryl Hamlin Jamie Hammer Lily & Robert Hamming Luke Hansen Ruth Hansen Dale Hanson Brent & Erika Harding Chris Hare Willam & Diane Harkins Myrna Harline Betty Harris Judith Harro Richard Hart Pauline Hart Terry Hartsuck Penny Harvey Alice Harvey Melva Hatchard Edilia Hathcock Nancine Hayden Marvin Hayes
Catherine Haywood Made By Heather Dee Heatherton George & Christine Heavican Steven Heckenlively Catherine Hedrich Todd Hein Lee & Margaret Heise Peggy Heisner Denise Helm Susan & Josh Henderson Donald & Virginia Henthorn Josefina Hernandez Ben Herring John Hill Shannon Hillygus Patricia Hilton Richard & Inge Hixon Holly Hoberg Robert & Gail Hobmann Deann Hobson Douglas & Barbara Hoff David Hoffenberg Jeff & Susan Hoffman Jeff & Jolene Hoffman Daniel Hoffman Nancy Hoffman Barbara Hoffman Christy Hoffman Ginny Hogue Donna Holland Edwin & Susan Holt Steve & Family Hongola Fatima Huaste Noreen Hughes Dewey & Linda Hull Linda Hunt Valerie Husbands Martha Ichikawa Lyn Ikoma George & Michele Imrie Thomas Ingman Deborah Iolati Willa Irwin Joanne Isaksen Ellen & Norman Israel Terry Izzard Belinda Jackson Diana James Nancy Jassak Nancy & Barry Jenkins Kathy Jenks Peggy Jennings Phil Jevanian Sandra Jewell Antonia Jirovsky Java & Joe Kerry Johnson Susan Johnson Katherine Johnston Charlene Jones Christopher Jones Susanne Jones Gai Jones Merle Lee Jones Christian Jordan Richard & Maria Jordan Linda Jorgenson Diane Kahdeman
David Kamlan Dareld & Lola Kane Sheila Kane Brian & Erin Kane Carolyn Karnauskas Susan & Bruce Karst David Karst Eileen Kassem James Kasser Peggy Katsuda Norm Katz Kevin Keehl Shannan Keenan Dolores Keith Marilyn Kellar Jane & Dan Kelly Ric & Mary Anne Kendall Riva Kestenbaum Joan Kieran Renee Kieselbach Yuri Kim Gilbert & Alice Kim Genie Klement Karin Klemm Kevin & Janice Koch Nancy Kochevar Jaclyn Kruger Cory Kuepper Sherry La Vallee Edward & Susan Lacey Linda Lagos April Lake Dale Lambert Edie Lambert Wendy Langsford John Lappen Brain & Cheri Larkowski Darrell & Deborah Larose Nathan Larramendy Lisa Larramendy Gail Larramendy Nylia & Kenneth Larson Mary Ann & Amber Laszlo Becky Layman Robert & Cheryl Laymon Ellen Leach Gerald Leavitt Howard & Phyllis Lee William Lee Raymond & Grace Lee American Legion Claudia Leidecker Arthur & Sally Lemire Tristen Lemp Lenovo Georgette Leon Debrah Kottke & Leslie Urbanek Saul Lessler Denise Lester Qun & Feng Lin Donna Lloyd Delaney Loes George Loffswold Maralisia Long Yeni Lopez Gerald & Lee Lord Anne Losito Julie Lovejoy Parthenia Lowthrop
Carolyn Lundgren Trust Alfred & Setsu Lutz Lyn Luxmore Susan Lyman Maria Macaluso Albert & MarilynMacDonald Carol Mackay V.M. Mackie Callum & Arlene MacSween Holly Madison Dietmar & Annalee Mages James & Linda Magglos Mark & Doris Mahan Debra Main Mark & Randie Maitland Bobbie Manahan Scott Mangers Yvonne Marin Clarice Mark Sandra Marks Brooke Marquez Maurine Marshall Sylvia & Werner Marten Wanda Martin J. & R. Martin L. & C. Martin Sarah Martin Estela & Luis Martinez Jennifer Mason Becky & Steve Matheson Richard & Toni Matthews Tamara Matzke Lillian Mayes-Smaby Ronald & Marilyn McArthur Jeanne McBride Leslie McCage Terry McCanless Rachel McCord Thomas & Janice McCormick Dwayne & Susan McCulloch Patricia McGovern Karen McInnis Patricia McKenna Terrence McMahon Byron McMichael Nancy McMillan Florence McNeill Jolie McNulty Betty McPeters Susan & Michael McWherter Scott Paul Medlar Jo Anna Mendoza Joe & Janice Mendoza Mike Mentzer Diane Mercado Dena Mercer Lori Mercer Kim & Jesse Metcalf Luke Metz Linda Meyer Alex & Mary Mikonowicz Charles Miller Joseph & Mariel Miller Richard & Sharon Miller Michael Miller Howard Miller Paul Miller Ruth Milner Ivan Milosavljevic
Susan Mirza Marlin & Lee Miser Carrie Misisco Doug Mitchell Mary Mitchell Debra Mjoen Debra Yescas & Molly Haas Frances Monroe Drew Moody Sandra Moore Alvin & Joan Moorehead Cheryl & Tony Morales Art & Susan Moreau Marsha Moreland Cecilia Moreno Shirley Morgan Helga Morgan Linda Morgan Jack & Lynn Morrison Bill & Maggie Mors Mari Mortland Ellyn Mosbarger Janice Mosher Mary Mulhall Karen Mullin Tomoko Murphy Edna Murphy Thomas & Bernadine Murray Lynne Nash Robyn Nason Yvonne Nassif Gowhari Nazarian Mark Neal Shannon Neilon Dorothy & Randall Nelson Nikki Nelson Marilyn Neuman Marian Newman Michael Newman Mark & Christina Newman Tracy Neyman John Nickel Rose Nickerson Patti Nickerson Peggy Nielsen Victoria Nightingale Ernest Niglio Denise & Sarah Noell Justin Noell Jane Nolan Charles & Nancy Nordstrom Jon & Pamela Nothwang Jean Nussman Rose-Lise Obetz Sean & Liz O’Brien Janine O’Connor Jack & Joy O’Dea Patricia Ogg Ojai Valley Bank Ojai Valley Athletic Club Sandra O’Leary Margaret & Bill Olson Colleen O’Neil Sylvia Ornelas Robert & Kathleen Oropeza Lori Ortega Johnny Ortez Robert Orvis Mark & Nicole O’Toole
MONETARY DONATIONS - Continued Deborah Otto Donald & Joyce Overbaugh George & Nancy Owens Greg & Carolyn Pace Yvette Padilla Christine Page Emily Palko Samual & Virginia Panoissian Doug & Ann Marie Parent Jon & Maria Parisen Tambra Parks Diane Parson Amanda Patacsil Elyse Patierno Lisa Patson Cappi Patterson Abra Paudler Nancy & Edward Paul John Paulson Nancy Pavlowich Andrea Payne Patricia Payne Lillian Paynter Pamela Pecarich John Peck Madeline Peffer Katherine Peik Sara Pelaez Pemko Lucette & Ramon Pena Reid & Leora Pendleton John & Stephanie Pendleton Nancy Pepper Tonya Peralta Ben Perez Les Perez Nicholas & Nita Perkins Vivian Perrett Wes & Olivia Peters Nancy Peterson Irene Petroff Greg Pettit Ronald Phillips Rita Phillips Ron Picciotti Sandra Pichette Linda Pierce Michele Pierpoint Tracey Pirie Cynthia Pitassi Robert Plante David & Tracy Platt Claire Poissonniez Ronald & Elizabeth Polanski Jennifer Polito Lori & Frederick Ponce Lesl Poorman Ramon Porras Robert Porter Roland & Verna Post Janette Poston Joann Potts Claudia Prado Megan Prather Evelyn Prenot Marge & Lorri Prince Harvey & Joan Prince Jeanne Pruitt
Joanne & Nicholas Pucci Elmerina Pugh Matthew Purrell Lisa Ragone Martin Ramirez Eddie & Jackie Ramseyer High Winds Ranch Ellen Randolph Deanna Rantz B. Liza Rasmussen Michael & Karissa Reardon Sophie Reason Jan Reason Brigitta Reeves Judith Refsland Harold & Arlene Reich Susan Reich Chris Reiff Kathy Reilly Carol Reiman Jamie Rens Rona Resnick Kenneth & Rita Reuter Timothy Reynolds Adam Rhoades Margery Ricards Anna Rich Kathleen Richards Terry & Debralee Richardson Micki & Jon Rickard Patty Ritchie Jerry & Phyllis Rittenberg Elizabeth Rivas Patti Rivera Mia Rivera Judith Roberts Norman & Judy Robins Penny Robinson Rocky Rock Richard Rockefeller Wanda Lee Rodgers Charles & Sonia & Monet Rodriguez Jairo Rodriguez Vicki & Rich Rogers Lea Roman Beverly Rooney Judy Rosander Margie Roscoe Judy Ross Heather Rowe Janet Rowe Gary & Marilyn Rudolph Kevin & Asli Ruf Steve & Karen Rusch Pavana Saengaroon Robert & Margaret Salfi Suzie Salguero Melissa Saltis Brandi Samples John Sanders Dorothy Sanders Juan Santos Ploog Santa Paula Animal Clinics Susan Saraceno Nicole Sasek Elaine Sayer Janeva Scharf
Max & Karen Stearns Kirk Steele Carl Scheiperpeter Sai Sterling Hilda Schmidt Jeslyn Sternfeld Ronald & Charlotte Schnieber Judith Stever Randy Schornstein Kebra Stewart Dewey Schorre Richard & Diane Stone Carl & Anna Schorsch David & Susan Stone Jeff Schuh Holly & Marvin Stone Gary Schuman Cindy Stoner Ruth Schweitzer Ichiro Sugioka Jerry & Loretta Scott Christine Sullivan Mary Scott Barbara Sunderland Laurence Scott Bruce & Cynthia Sweningson Mary Scott Becky Swift Lane & Dan Scully David Swire Joi Searson Barbara Sword See Noah’S Ark, Inc. Lester & Kathy Szlykowicz Cassandra Seibel Gail Taback Franco Seif Tony Talamante Steve & Sandy Selwyn John & Nancy Talley Karen Senesac Dale Tarrant Michael Sessa Jane Taschereau Rose Marie Sforza Betty Taylor Robert Shakman, M.D. Patricia Taylor Joan Shampoe M. M. Tellou Patrick & Janet Shanley John & Paula Temme Helene Sheinin Ariane & Akamicky Thayer Maureen Sheldon The Segundo Agoura Beach Jo Ann Shimizu Leslie Theis Anne Shinder Lavonne Theriault Allen & Dawn Shook V. Irene Thomas Theodore& Joan Shugar Trisha Thomas Lizbeth Sichel Joyce Thompson Elaine & Glenn Siebers Caroline Thompson David & Elizabeth Silva Helen Thomson Stephen & Shirley Simms Alan Thornhill John & Cynthia Simpson Kent Tidmore J. F. Skoczylas Brent Tittlemier Amy Slade Brad & Patricia Tom Leslie Slade Carolyn Debrower & Tom Daniel Slider Hackworth Pete & Bernadette Slingerland TamimToms Gregory Smith Janet Tonks Laura & Danica Smith Marion Totheroh Howard & Dorothy Smith Ruth Tracy Kathy Smith Elisabeth Treadwell Yvonne Smith Cyndy & Douglas Treutelaar Melanie Smith Jennifer Triem Sanderson & Barbara Smith John C. Nickel Trucking, Inc. Raymond & Jade Smith Truist Truist Needra Sinetta Smith Mary Tugwell Joy Smith John Turner Richard Underhill Stanley Smylie James & Ruth Uphold Lisa & William Snider Sara Urutia Kathleen Snow James Usher Rosemary Snow Norma Valdez So Hum Foundation Elias Valdez Andrea Soriano Patricia Valenzuela Jon & Beth Sorich Nancy Vancott Barbara Spandrio James Vanmanen Brook Spangler Michael Vanstry Andrea Speers Diann Vasquez Leslie & Ellen Spiegel Karen & Michael Vaughn Steven Sprague Meredith Vazquez Marjorie Staley County Of Ventura Ingeborg Stamatovic Ventura County Corvette Club Lea Standish George Vestal Kelly & Susan Stater
Jorge Villasenor Amanda Vino Debbi Vino Jessica Volentine Eugene & Kathryn Volkerding Colleen Volkes Mary Vomund Diana Von Brake Nancy Voyer Marcia Walker Edwin & Pamela Wall Elsie Wall Terry Wall James & Kathleen Walle Melinda Walling Kama Warner Howard & Joline Warren Yvonne Wassell Judy Watson Susan Watson United Way Lois Weatherhead Steven Wegerbauer Doris Weinert Joan Welborn Wells Fargo Community Campaign Gerald & Galena White Randy, Jennifer & Emily White Vickie Whitford Alison & Thomas Wilcox Michael & Dianne Wilkerson Penelope Willens Franki Williams Debbi & Paul Williams Keller Williams Realty Margaret Williamson Peter & Debra Williamson Phil & Susan Williamson Darren Williamson Robin & Avery Willis Thomas Wilson Linda Wilson John & Barbara Wilson Wendy Wilson Gary & Debra Wilson Pamela Windsor Susan Winover John & Angela Winspear Katherine Winston Albert & Karen Wintringham Judy & Robert Wisma Edward & Melinda Wittwer Dita & William Wolanow Katie Wolf Linda Wolfe Sondra Wood Wooftracks, Inc. Tiffanie Wright Stan & Theresa Wyatt Francine Wyckoff Claire Wyers Tom Young David & Debbie Youngblood Norma Zakrajshek Kim & Angelo Zandona Joanne Zivich Diane Zusman
DONATION BOXES The Humane Society depends entirely on donations from the community to operate. When it comes to the care of animals in need, every penny counts! Even a few dollars can help feed an animal for days. In one month a donation box can make a substantial difference in the life of a homeless animal. Every time you drop your change into one of our donation boxes, located at local businesses throughout the county, it will help animals in need! You can be confident that each penny is helping to provide food, medical attention and spaying/neutering for animals housed at the Shelter until they find their forever homes. We would like to thank our Donation Route Volunteers who, each month, collect and transport these funds to the shelter. These volunteers go above and beyond to create relationships with businesses and promote the mission of the Humane Society. DONATION ROUTE VOLUNTEERS Shirley Defazio Barbara Berns Melanie Grey Linda Bissig Lynette Malone Carol Bley Celeste Warr Alix Byrd
Of course none of this would be possible without the multitude of businesses throughout the county who host one of our donation boxes! Thank you for your support!
Adobe Animal Hospital Channel Islands Veterinary Hospital Cottage Animal Hospital Gift of Taste Marina Animal Hospital Precious Paws
Arboles Animal Clinic The Boutique Camino Animal Clinic Caring Hands Veterinary Hospital Country Harvest Debbie’s Pet Grooming For Pet’s Sake Healthy Pet Indiana Bones and the Temple of Groom Newbury Park Veterinary Clinic Wagging Tails Pet Groomer
American Veterinary Hospital Big Al’s Pet Food The Boutique The Carriage House Restaurant Fur Grooming Salon Michael’s Flowers Simi 4 Deli Simi Valley Library Wagging Tails Pet Groomer
American Plastics Bark’em Pet Supplies Baron Bros Nursery Camarillo Veterinary Hospital Camarossa Veterinary Hospital CC & Ida’s Dorothy’s Chuckwagon Café Dos Caminos Pharmacy Green Meadow Nursery Happy Dog Hay’s Automotve Las Posas Car Wash
All Pets: Ventura Veterinary Hospital The Animal Doctor Bark Avenue Grooming The Cat Doctor East Ventura Animal Hospital Eroika Pet Green Thumb Moore Veterinary Care Naturally For Paws The Wharf
Balance Health Center Bonnie Lu’s Café Casa de Lago Don Lalo’s Eggs & Potatoes Jim & Rob’s Fresh Grill Medicine Shoppe Ojai Valley Card and Gift Spring Car Wash True Value Hardware Ventura Hay Wise Tails Pet Boutique
If you know of a business that would be interested in helping raise funds for the Humane Society, by placing a donation box at their business, please contact our volunteer coordinator at 805-646-6505.
MANY THANKS FOR YOUR YEAR END GIFTS! A heartfelt thanks goes to all of you who made end of year donations and brought gifts to help the animals at the Humane Society Shelter and Adoption Center. The warmth of your generosity will make a world of difference!
We Wish You a Happy and Prosperous NewYear May it be filled with the love of the animals who will share it with you. 11
Special Thanks to Those Who Made Donations From October15, 2014 thru January 15, 2015
IN HONOR OF... Abbie, Lucy, & Suzie, from Connie Breedlove Alexis Hardy, from Louise Christener All animals, from Nancy Kramer All the animals, Happy Holidays from Sheldon, Dusty & the Bergman crew All the awesome volunteers, from Sherry & Alan Kirsch All the pets who have been abused over the years, from Vickey McArthur All the volunteers at the HSVC, from Terry & Holly Tatroe Batman & friends, from Patricia Nielsen Beloved Ali and beautiful Holly, from Lanell & Kenneth Thompson Benji, from Johanna Ulibarri
Frisky & Rex, beloved pets of the Lewis Family, from Dennis & Mariateresa Lewis Gail Hedgcock, from Ron & Doris Miller Gay Hendricks, from Amare, Inc. Georgie, from Gracie Rickard Heather Rowe, for all your hard work at the HSVC boutique, from Beverly Flothmeier Helen Cooper, from Susan Shaver Helen Farmer, from Michael Farmer Holly, from Kenneth & Lanell Thompson Holly Humphrey, for her birthday, Linda & Richard Powell for Christmas, and Sharon & Stewart Sampson for Christmas. Love, Pam & Pepper
Benji, Porter and Jasper, our Shelter pets, from an anonymous donor Jack & Gayle Bertsch, we wish you the happiest of holidays and a Happy New Year, from Mark & Nancy Miller Beth Sichel for Christmas, from Karin James Jack & Suzie O’ Grady, paying forward their gift to me, from Molly Boomer, adopted from HSVC 15 yrs ago, what a blessing, from Kerwin Janice & Alfred Zaske Jackpot, our Ojai gift, from Ron & Barbara McClain Carly, from Bain & Evelyn Dayman Carol Aron, for the horses at HSVC, from Jennifer Sierra Casey, from Lillian Kroell Cathy Maulhardt, from Pam Jenks Charles, from Donna MacDonald Charlie Brown Srery, from Laureli Srery Cherie & Puffy, love always, from Lewis Booth Chesterfield, Gretchen and Lexi, from Deborah Derzy
Jamie, Xander & Tristin Breton, Merry Christmas, from Maureen & Bret Breton Jeff Lowe and his loyal companions, Oreo, Rocky, Ginger & ToTo, from Floyd & Marlene Lowe Jazzie, the best Pug ever, from Judy Van Dyke Jenny, from Cynthia Hulsebus Jerry Leavitt, from Joni Todd
Christa Stiernelof & Helga Weber, from Patti Robinson
Joey, (aka Snoopy) we appreciate God for sending us this sweet angel, from Delores & Jose Vigil
Christine George, Happy Birthday, from Lynne Steensma
John & Susan Herrick for Christmas, from Holly Humphrey
Cindy Swan, from Kay Hill
Joyce & Leland George, George Vestal, Ron & Rolline Vestal, from Patricia & B. Clarke Vestal
Clifford Koger, fun fun dog to have! Thank you for saving him! From Trish Koger
Kai, loving Golden of Dee & Marianne, from Elizabeth Bachman
Cookie & Goldie, from Marion Lapan
Karen & Warren for Christmas, from Karen Carmona
Dandy, from Lori & Fredrick Ponce
Karen Fore, from Richard Fore
David Balaban & Huawen Li, from Sue Perrin
Katherine Hillinger, from Kellie Swigger
DeeAnne Alles-Heatherton, from Rita Farmer
Kathy Browning, from Jody Auldridge
Diana Crothers, from Anne Grupp
Kim & Angelo Zandona, from Kristie Warner
Don & Sheila Cluff, Merry Christmas, from Judy Robertson
Lethe Lyman, from Carolline Stubbs
Dr. Jill of Ohana Pet Hospital, best Vet ever, from Valerie M. Flores Linda Ochoa, from Linda Ochoa Dr. Curt & Nancy Lewis, thanks for all you do, from Lori & Fred Ponce
Liyo, from Linda Goetzinger
Ella, from Rose Katherine Stone
Lucy and Denver, from Norm & Karen Fort
Emmy, a big and sweet Mastiff, from Dick Otterson Eric Bjorge, from Deborah Cornils
Lucille Caruna, for Christmas, from Christine George Maggie, from Sam & Joyce Thompson Mandarin, from Tom & Jane Ivey
Mango and Whimpers, from Fred Dennis
Penny Brown, from all of her Simi Valley Bunco friends
Manicurist at Salon Panache, from Lisa Ross
Peter & Lucy Conforti, Merry Christmas, from Kathy Conforti
Marbles, from Mary May
Peter Smart, from Christine H. Connor
Mary Braitman’s birthday, love, Bob Braitman
Peter Smart, from K & L Herrmann
Maximillian, from Carol Greeby
Roberta Tray, from Betty Siegfried
Maxx Payne Gersh, from Albert Gersh
Ron Skinner, from Cindy Monica
Maybelle Wolfe & Don & Lorna Smith, from Robb Mackay
Sadie, from Danny McMullen
Milo & Zoe, from Ruth Watson
Sasha, Dyson and Leila Erickson, from Maria Virgina Deliz
Miss Busy Bee, from Melinda J Brown
Scott & Sue Ellen Atkinson and Lucy the dog, from Eileen & Drew Atkinson
Mocha, 3 1/2 yrs old now! We love our rescue girl..Thank you, Jerry & Lorretta Scott
Scuba, from Robert & June Bryden
Morgan, we will never forget, Brian & Sharron Connors
Shadow, from Marilyn Vahradian
Mr. Royce, with my wish for you to heal, from Michelle Friend
Shannon, from Gayle Brewer
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Conforti, from Christine Polansky
Spice, a cuddly cat, from Teri Reid
Nancy Estrella, thank you for keeping us so beautiful, from Abbie, Lucy and Suzie Nash
Steven Reigelman, from Auntie Joyce Bench
National Veterinary Association, from IDEXX Laboratories Nelson Chase & Cindy Strawbridge, from Margaret Chase Nicholas Malinowski, from Danny McMullen Norm & Helen Coulson’s 60th wedding anniversary, from Mike Coulson Our clients, with gracious thanks for taking such remarkable care of their pets, from Channel Islands Veterinary Hospital Our clients, with gracious thanks for taking such remarkable care of their pets, from the Las Posas Veterinary Medical Center Pat E. Lakin, from L.M. Pinizzotto Patti Robinson, wishing you and Craig a wonderful Christmas, from Christa Stiernelof Peggy Whalen, from Danny McMullin
Sunny, adopted from HSVC, from Leslie Bick Tawny, the best rescued Husky ever! From Christine Sanborn Taylor, my daughter, thanks for all you do at the Humane Society and Merry Christmas!! The Baldwin Family, Sybil Baldwin, Sarah Baldwin & Joey Fuller and Gail Tirana, and Kyra Barry, from Linda Guethe The Gables, from Charlie & Barbara Snyder The Gables, from Yvonne Ellias Trent & Jessica Ziebart and Sadie, from Lena Ziebart Tristen Lemp’s birhday, from Vinson Martin Jae & Lynn Frances Wimpy, adopted from HSVC 9 years ago, best dog ever, from John & Clare Perry Woodrow, my dog, from Karen Courington
Special thanks to pet sponsors Don & Kathy Buffon Steve Buffon Marianne Carl Jack Chatenever Sally Childs Katrina, Josh & Boyze Cohen Linda Cohen Annie & John Cox Corinne Derry Jack & Nancy Draper Miriam Gottlieb Cathy, Tony & Katie Grieco Patricia Johnson Kevin & Peggy Keens Leon & Pat Keens Heather & Robert Seaton Ernest & Carolyn Siracusa Patricia Sprague
Stretch, from Robert & June Bryden
PET SPONSORSHIP Here’s my/our gift to sponsor an animal for adoption qPet Friend - $30 for 3 months qPet Caretaker - $55 for 6 months qPet Guardian - $100 for up to 1 year
Name(s) ___________________________
Address ________________________
Email _____________________________
Phone _____________________________
qWe would like to sponsor_________
qThis is a gift for: ________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________
q Enclosed is my/our check OR Please charge my qVisa qMastercard q Discover In the amount of $_______ Card # _________________________ Exp. ____________ Name on card _______________________ Signature____________________________
Sincere Thanks to All Who Made Donations From October 15, 2014 thru January 15, 2015
IN FOND MEMORY OF... Alan Woodson, the best brother I could ever hope for, Nancy & Ella Sieland, who passed away at the age of 102 in December, 2014, from Phillip & Maria Hoffman John Talley Frances LoPatin, from Rosalyn Tuttle Alice Carter, she loved all animals, from Alan Carter Alice MacDonald, she loved all animals with all her heart, from Gale Mitchell, from Camarossa Veterinary Clinic Dudly & Mareen Zoll George Bevans, he loved Bettie and all animals, he loved the horses, from Kimo & Nick Greco Anne Eberly, from your sister, Betty Shaw Anne Eberly, sister to Betty Shaw, from Lorraine Douglas
Guy Cooper, from Irene Cooper
Annette Seelos, from Kevin Seelos
Harry Nortan, a good friend for 40 years, from Natalie Shaw
Annette Seelos, my neighbor, from Lisa Jo Lauterbach
Helen Cooper, from Susan Shaver
B.J. Bennis, from Karen Anderson
Hilda, loved by Dave, Sandy & Andrea, from Pat & Gary Higgins
Bernard Dietz, beloved husband, from M.E. Carroll (Dietz)
Jane Wedin, from Bobbie & Bob Boschan
Betty Crosby and her grand dogs, Maggie, Abby, & Baby, from Jane Wedin, from Sandra & Charles Sledd Ren & Victoria Adam Jean Cook, from Brian Cook Bill & Sheryl Hammond, from Terri Caldwell Janet & Gerald Heffler, from Susan Heffler Bruce Baker, from Jesse & Dani Vandiver Cindy Holland, from Karen Anderson Dave, from Karen Papcke Dave Papcke, from the Wolfe family David Papcke, from Pamela Hutchcraft Wilke David Petrotta, from Joe & Rosemary Petrotta Diana Einhorn, miss you, from Leonard Dryer Doris Brands, from Johanne D. Berg Doug George and his profound caring for the welfare of animals, from Rolline & Ron Vestal Doug George, you loved life, the outdoors and animals. I miss you and love you, Uncle George Uncle Dougie, thanks for teaching me sports. I want to be like you when I grow up. Love, Erik E.C. Lawrence, my Dad, long time dog lover, from Randy Lawrence Edna Miranda & Vetrans, from Lillian Gomes & Wanda Ballesteros Ella Clara Sieland, from Ella Clare Sieland. Ella Sieland, from Jean & Jeanie Poole Ella Sieland, from the Snively family Ella Sieland, my mother, from Ann Woody Ella, from Rose Katherine Stone
Jeff Lowe and his loyal companions, Oreo, Rocky, Ginger & ToTo, from Floyd and Marlene Lowe Josie & Citation, happy together again, from Karen & Bruce Sharp Kathy Dodds, from Tom Dodds Laura Laschi, from Pat Casey Linda, from Jennifer Stonecipher Marie L. Cinatl, from John Cinatl Marion McCallum, from Sanderson & Barbara Smith Michael Haase, he had many four legged companions, from Jo Marsh & Nancy Dorfman Nancy Hamilton, from Patti Robinson Polly Duntley, from Gerry Williams Polly Duntley, from Mary Lee Spencer Ralph Walroth, from Dave & Betty Jo MacCaughtry Rich McCombs and his beloved pets, Shylo & Oaklee, from the Lake Casitas Mobile Home Park neighbors Richard C. Koch, from George Koch Robert Marple, my husband, from Lois Marple Sandra Schmidt, from Bill & Anita Downey Scott Stone, from Shannon & Peter Brillhart Shelley Lee, Beverly & Don Thinnes, from Laurie & Tome McKnett
OUR STORE HAS WHAT YOUR ADOPTED PET NEEDS When you adopt an animal from HSVC and need supplies for your new friend, our pet supply store is here for you. We have a great assortment of pet toys, and all the necessities that come with being pet parents.We carry the foods that your adopted pet ate here at the Shelter. These have been selected for great nutrition and because the animals all like them. All profits benefit the animals at the Shelter.
Located inside our Ojai Shelter and Adoption Center. Open during business hours, Monday through Saturday. 14
Heartfelt Thanks for Donations Made From October 15, 2014 thru January 15, 2015
IN LOVING MEMORY OF PETS Ali,and our beautiful Holly, from Lanell & Kenneth Thompson Cosmo, from Camille Schaetzel Macgregor & Benny, from Lynn Weitzel Motley, a dear long-time friend, from Bobbie Pittman Rincon & Princess, from Patricia & Scott Johnson Aimee Lynn Nash, always on our minds and in our hearts, we miss you, from Marilyn, Dale, Abbie, Lucy & Suzie Nash All creations great and small, from Julie Campos All of my wonderful pets, from Rhea Williams Ashley, from Richard & Kathleen Yuss Athena, from Tamara L. Napier Babeeto my chihuahua, a short life lived but the biggest joy in my life, from Marina Crome Bandit, see ya in heaven big guy, miss you, from Janis & Steve Hendricks Beatrice, my very special Humane Society dog who gave me unconditional love for over 17 years. She is missed so much, from Jessie MacLeod Brandy and Soxy from Dr. P.R & Joni Snow Brandy, Sean, Cora, Holly & Hilo, from Silvia Basich Buddy and Ranger, from Carol Kucera Buster Griggs, smartest dog in the world, from David Griggs Charles Wolz, loved by Gary & Allison Wolz, from Marilyn, Dale, Abbie, Lucy & Suzie Nash Chauncey, our Poodle, died 12/7/14, from the Hankinson family Cleo, adoped from HSVC in 2002, she's deeply missed, from Elise Kelley & Seth Riusy Cooper Chase, loved by the Chase family, from Allan & Janis Parkhurst D.C.cat, Bootie cat and Sassy dog, from Michael & Karen Houston Daisy, loved by The Herre Family, from Sarah Brown Daisy, sweet lab, with love and happy memories, from Cathy Moon Dodger Maille, Merry Christmas, we miss you, love Uncle RQ & Auntie Dusty, Bun, from Cynthia Sugimura Figero and Freddie, two gentle souls, from Carol Lamb Frankie, from John & Sue Manion Frisky & Rex beloved pets of the Lewis Family, from Dennis & Mariateresa Lewis Frissy, Sheba and Missy, from Russell and Barbara Hayes Gabby Marie Breedlove, loved by Lynn & Connie Breedlove, from Dale, Marilyn, Abbie, Lucy & Suzie Nash Gertie Girl, from Cathleen Burton Goldie, beloved dog of the Wilson Family, from Linda Hadlen Gus, loved by Cathy Estill Indy from, Ginny Siegfried Kalli, we miss you, from Gail & Gilbert De Ande Kiki, my sweet love, I miss you so, from Anita L. Banke Kiko, from Robert Hoffman Kitty Blue Eyes, an orphan who came to live with us & brought us much joy, from Rhea Williams Kobe, we miss you, from Carolyn Huntsinger Kola, from Carl "Tip" Young Lefty, loved by the Becker family
Leo Demolwai and friend Lee, from Shiloh Sojourner, Little & Lexi, from Gail & Terry Deschamps Lola and Peanut, best cats ever, love Karen Hankins Louise, our wonderful German Shepherd, 1997--2012, from Robert & Lupe Piros Lucki, from Dianne Selbrede Lucy & Denver, from Norm Fort Luke, from Patricia Rohrbach Max and Emma, our sweet angels, from Sheila Zutavern Max Seaton, loved by Heather & Robert Seaton Max, from Emma Mayer Mickey Girl, loved by Mindi & Yolanda Mendez Molly, Bella & Lex, from Darcie & Nick Thille Oscar & Goldie, two 4 legged family members who will be greatly missed by all who knew them, from Grace Brandt Paco Berg, from Johanne Berg Pico, daddy loves you and misses you daily, from Mark Esteron Precious, from Dennis & Dale Morris Princess and all the Higgins’ pets, from Peter & Heather Higgins Raylan Givens Edwards, dear dog, from Sarah & Ron Edwards Reina Friedeborn, we miss our precious little girl so much, thanks for all your love, from Paul & Adelina Friedeborn Rincon & Princess, from Patricia & Scott Johnson Rizzo, from Jean Nickel Ronnie, Twinkie & Tedd, all waiting at the rainbow bridge, from Carol Avery Rudy, Buddy, Oreo, Maggie, and Pepper, from Louis Combs Sage, the best cat ever, from Barbara Winkler Sam, Cinnamon, Sandy, Nutmeg, Angel, Boots, Bear, Scooby Doo, Jake, Kitty, Thor, Charlie &Fritz, from Ron & Bunnie Servant Scruffy Howe, from Jesse & Ellen Howe Scuba, from Robert & June Bryden Shila, Dorothy Carmack's "grand-dog", from Judith Ward Skeet, from Dick James Snuggles, from Jim & Helen Osborn Soleil, Schatzi, and Wellington, from Melva Hatchard Sophie, loved by Patti Graul, from Jessie MacLeod Sophie, we love you, from Steven & Holly Exler Stretch, from Robert & June Bryden Summer, Pepper, and Suzy, from John & Wanda Gauthier The 3 Pugs, from Lois Bloom Torgie, sweet loving Norwegian Elkhound & Tucker, sweet loving cat, loved & missed, always and forever, Joann Benson Trixie, she left to be a doggie angel, from Roger Buford and Jane Haile Troy, beloved lab, from Delores Lopez Tux, a tuxedo cat, we miss you, from Theo, Jean & George Wendy, loved by the Athertons, from Pat & Gary Higgins Woody, my own HSVC kitty for 18 years, from Scott Kopald Woody, the orange cat that kept dogs in line and was a good friend, from Grace Brandt
402 Bryant Street in Ojai Phone (805) 646-6505
at Lake Casitas Event area More information inside. Sign up now Active.com
Monday through Saturday - 10am to 5pm
Tuesday through Friday, by appointment Call (805) 656-5043 or 646-7849
1st & 3rd SATURDAYS from10am to 1pm at the Humane Society Shelter and Adoption Center. Call Dr. Lewis for more information - (805) 646-2442
SPRING HUMANE EDUCATION CAMP - SIGN UP NOW! April 6th - 10th More information inside Contact Humane Educator Dawn Reily at
[email protected]
to see all of our adoptable critters and to learn all about us
Thousand Oaks Pet Emergency Veterinary Medical & Surgical Group Westlake Village Animal Hospital
(805) 492-2436 (805) 339-2290 (805) 497-4900
PO Box 297 Ojai, CA 93024