Holy Spirit ~ St. Nicholas Parishes Part of the Grouping of All Saints Parish (AS), Etna, St. Bonaventure (SB), Glenshaw Holy Spirit (HS), Millvale & St. Nicholas (SN), Millvale November 25, 2018 OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE
St. Nicholas Parish (SN) A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
24 Maryland Avenue, Millvale, PA 15209 412-821-3438 Email: office@holyspiritmillvale.org Sunday Mass Schedule: Sunday: 8:30 am Daily Mass: Wednesday & Saturday: 8:00 am
Holy Spirit Parish (HS)
Holy Days: See Bulletin Reconciliation: Saturdays 8:30-9:30 am
A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust
608 Farragut Street, Millvale, PA 15209 412-821-4424, Fax: 412-253-4732 Email: office@holyspiritmillvale.org Internet: holyspiritmillvale.org Sunday Mass Schedule: Saturday: 6:00 pm; Sunday: 11:00 am Daily Mass: Monday & Friday: 8:00 am Holy Hour after every First Friday 8 am Mass Holy Days: See Bulletin Reconciliation: Saturdays 5:00-5:45 pm
Father James Gretz, Administrator Father James Mazurek, Senior Parochial Vicar Father Miroslaw Stelmaszczyk, Parochial Vicar Deacon Stephen Byers Deacon Stephen Kisak Deacon Charles Rhoads Parish Staff listed inside Sacramental Life listed inside
AS – 8am-4pm Monday thru Friday SB – 8am-3:30pm Monday thru Friday HS – 8am-4pm Monday thru Friday SN – 8am-4pm Monday thru Friday (at HS) All Saints Parish 412-781-0530 St. Bonaventure Parish 412-486-2606
Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and ruler of the kings of the earth. - Revelation 1:5
MASS SCHEDULE WEEKLY LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS AS-All Saints SB-St. Bonaventure HS-Holy Spirit SN-St. Nicholas SUNDAY - Nov. 25 – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe 4:00 pm - SB (Sat.) Ron Kania (Wife & Family) 6:00 pm - HS (Sat.) Twila B. Schulli (Family) 7:30 am - SB Gregorio Pietropaolo (Wife, Concetta & Children) 8:30 am - SN Bernard & Anne Albrecht ( Mary Capan) 9:00 am - AS Mary Ann Yoest (Yoest Family) 10:00 am - SB For the People of the Parishes 11:00 am - HS Clara & Bill Hazel (Family) 11:30 am – AS In Thanksgiving for All Saints Holy Name Society MONDAY – Nov. 26 – Weekday 6:40 am - SB Theresa Modzelewski (Joan Corry) 8:00 am - HS Anna Mackiewicz (Richard Miksic & Family) TUESDAY – Nov. 27 - Weekday 6:40 am - SB Ray & Adeline Madia (Brian & Suzanne Evangelista) 8:00 am - AS Rudolph J Milcic, Jr (Rudy & Nancy Milcic) Novena after Mass WEDNESDAY – Nov. 28 - Weekday 8:00 am - SN Theresa Horvatich (Family) 7:00 pm - AS George Wagner & Edna Evers (Penny Wagner) 7:00 pm SB Our Lady of the Perpetual Help Novena THURSDAY – Nov. 29 – Weekday 6:40 am - SB Carl A Mann (Wife & Family) 8:00 am - AS Louise Kruth (Christian Mothers & Guild) FRIDAY – Nov. 30 - St. Andrew, Apostle 6:40 am - SB Tom Schrantz (Family) 8:00 am - HS Patricia Miksic (Perlinger Family) SATURDAY – Dec. 1 - Weekday 8:00 am - SN Anne Yagesh (Helen Yagesh) SUNDAY – Dec. 2 - First Sunday of Advent 4:00 pm - SB (Sat.) Vincent Sonson (Wife & Children) 6:00 pm - HS (Sat.) Anne Mackiewicz (Jack Rumin) 7:30 am - SB James Noe (BonAdventurers) 8:30 am - SN Mary Jane Stankovic (Family) 9:00 am - AS Ruth Schomer (Ladies of Charity) 10:00 am - SB Elisabetta & Antonio Costa (Rocco & Carmela & Family) 11:00 am - HS For the People of the Parishes 11:30 am – AS Melissa J Bailey (Aunt Judy K.)
Sunday, November 25, 2018 Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe FROM THE DESK OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Each year when we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, I think about two things. Let me share those thoughts with you. The first thing that comes to mind is wondering if we truly accept Jesus as our King. I always think about it in the context of American History. I think about our ancestors who fought against the King of England. They didn’t want a king telling them what to do. Yet, here in 2018, do we still fight against our King? When I see the violence and hate speech in our world, I am reminded that the fight against the King rages. Maybe it should remind all of us to work harder to be dedicated to the King of the Universe! The second thing that comes to mind is that Advent is around the corner. When we come next Sunday, our churches will have that advent wreath set before us. Its purpose is to mark time to prepare us for the coming of the Lord. The first part of the season readies us for the second coming of Christ in glory. Then, on December 17th, our eyes look back to that first coming in the lowly stable in Bethlehem. While there is much to do for Christmas, let’s not lose the reason for the season and prepare ourselves for His coming. During the season of Advent, many things will transpire. While the full schedule is not yet finalized, I can share a couple of clergy things with you. The first is the reminder that confessions happen each week. That’s the BEST way to prepare for Him! In particular, please note that on Tuesdays from 6-7:00 PM at SBP and Saturdays from 12:30-1:30 PM at ASP two Priests will be scheduled. Further, on Tuesday December 11th, it is the seasonal “The Light is On for You” confessions from 6-9 PM. We will have all FIVE (5) Priests available at St. Bonaventure. Of course, I know EVERYONE wants to know the Christmas Mass schedule! Your clergy team has created the following schedule: At 4:00 PM, ASP, SBP, and HSP will have Mass. SBP will have Masses at 4:05 PM and 7 PM. SNP will have its traditional 9:00 PM. Midnight Mass will be at Midnight at SBP. Christmas day finds Masses at 9, 10, 11, and Noon at ASP, HSP, SBP, and SNP respectively. See you in Church! Fr. Jim Gretz
SUNDAY MASS ATTENDANCE Last Week’s Mass Attendance: The Mass attendance for the weekend of Nov. 17/18 will appear in next week’s bulletin.
HOLY SPIRIT PARISH HSP CONTRIBUTIONS: Sunday, November 18, 2018 Due to an early bulletin deadline, the contributions for last weekend will appear in next week’s bulletin.
Thank you for your generosity! ALL AMERICAN RAFFLE TICKETS ON SALE Tickets for Holy Spirit’s All-American Raffle can be purchased after the Masses at Holy Spirit on weekends. They are $25.00 per ticket and the ticket is valid for the entire 2019 calendar year. With the holidays upon us, many people are finding these tickets as perfect gifts for family members, relatives, grandchildren and the like. Be sure to get your favorite numbers before they disappear. You also can purchase tickets Monday thru Friday at the parish office. You will have the opportunity to select your ticket(s) from those that are still available.
2019 HSP COLLECTION ENVELOPES Your box of envelopes is available at the main entrance of the church. Please take your envelopes—and those of your family members and neighbors. If you cannot find your box, please notify the parish office. ANGEL TREE Please take an angel from the tree. Purchase one (or more) of the suggestions listed, wrap the gift, attach the angel to the outside, and place it under the tree by Saturday, December 15th. Thank you for making someone’s Christmas a little brighter.
JOY PEACE HOPE LOVE FAMILY The Holy Spirit CCD children will present a morning of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, Dec. 9th, at 10:15 AM in the church. (The event precedes 11:00 AM Mass.) We invite students, parents and all parishioners to join in singing the Carols as a special way of preparing for the coming celebration of the Birth of Our Lord.
Dec 2 Dec 7 Dec 8-9 Dec 9 Dec 9 Dec 11 Dec 15-16 Dec 15
SNP St. Nicholas Day Party First Friday Holy Hour HSP CM & WG Cookie Sale SNP HRS Christmas Party HSP Lessons & Carols The Light is On for You! (At St. Bonaventure) HSP CM & WG Cookie Sale HSP Family Movie Night
FIRST FRIDAY HOLY HOUR ON DECEMBER 7 Please note that Friday, Dec. 7th, is the First Friday of the month. The 8:00 AM Mass in Holy Spirit Church will be followed by a Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and conclude with Benediction. Please join us in prayer and Adoration. BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE AT HSP & SNP The month of November is dedicated to the remembrance of our Beloved Dead. As in past years, the Book of Remembrance will be near the sanctuary at HS and SN churches to allow you enter the names of your loved ones. All entries will be remembered collectively in the general intercessions throughout the month of November. LOOKING FOR MORE CHOIR MEMBERS If you would like to join the Holy Spirit Choir, rehearsals take place on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the school Music Room. New choir members are welcome! If you have any questions, please contact Terry Schiebel at 412-8212099 or music@holyspiritmillvale.org. MARK YOUR CALENDAR—NEXT FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT The next Free Family Movie Night will be held on Saturday, Dec. 15th. We’ll provide popcorn, drinks and a family-friendly atmosphere—in addition to the movie! PRAYER DURING TRANSITION Father of Mercy, during this period of transition help us to grow in unity with All Saints, St. Bonaventure, Holy Spirit and St. Nicholas Parishes. Grant us the wisdom and willingness to understand how our parishes will become stronger and more vibrant in fulfilling the mission of the Church. Assist us in opening our arms to welcome others as we continue to journey On Mission for The Church Alive! Help us, O Lord, to trust in the future you have planned for us. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
ST. NICHOLAS PARISH CONTRIBUTIONS: Sunday, 11/18/2018 Due to an early bulletin deadline, collections for last weekend will appear in next week’s bulletin. Puno vam hvala i Bog vas blagoslovio!
Come and join us for our annual St Nicholas party on Sunday December 2nd! We will have a meal, games and activities for all at 12 noon. Sign-up sheets will be in the back of church or please call Stephanie Sphar at 412-956-0797 with your name, total number in family, names of children, number of children as well as boy and/or girl. It is important that we have everyone signed up before December 1st! This will be a free-will offering event. SNP JANUARY 2019 LOTTERY Lottery raffle tickets for January 2019 are now available. If you would like to purchase a ticket, please contact Jean Ehrman at 412-821-4118.
SNP HOLY ROSARY SOCIETY NEWS! The St. Nicholas Holy Rosary Society’s next meeting will be our Christmas Party on Sunday, December 9th. The day begins with Mass at 8:30am. Following Mass, members will meet in the church hall and have a catered breakfast. Members are asked to bring a $5 gift for the gift exchange. If you plan on attending, please sign up in the bridal room so we can give the caterer an accurate count. Looking forward to celebrating the Holidays with you. If you have any questions about the meeting or would like more information about joining the HRS please give Sandy a call at 412-486-5983. Thank you!
Remember them in your prayers … HOLY SPIRIT PARISH
SANCTUARY & GROTTO CANDLES Request your St. Nicholas Church sanctuary and grotto candle intentions for 2019. See Bob Ehrman after Mass or call him at (412) 821-4118.
Anonymous, Alma Anzelone, Florence Atkinson, Robert Bajus, Robert Beggan, Jr., Vince Cinski, Helen Crouse, William Dietrich, Timothy Donovan, Sr., Florence Dubis, Violet Dugan, Jean Duss, Erika Gray, Joan Hanselman, Bertha Hartung, Betty Hertweck, Tracie Hillard, Susan Huerbin, Tom Hollinger, Oliver Holtgraver, Frank Iozzo, Thomas Kane, Linda Kennedy, Ann Kisak, Justin Kist, Regina Kowalski, Charles Kress, Florenz Kress, Jr., Kathryn C. Kress, Lisa Kunkle, Carlee Majernik, Audrey McIntyre, Dorothy Mehrlich, Paul Mertz, Paul Moore, Sr., Rose Marie Morgan, Fr. Jack Nanz, Lois Nedimyer, Thomas Nedimyer, Barbara Oswald, Annalena Pearsons, James Perlinger, Gerry Piskurich, Lynn Richter, Jeffery Scheuring, Terry Schiebel, Loretta Sciulli, Diane Schmidt, Dorothy Schreiber, Lois Sippel, Elaine Staniszewski, Amy Steinmetz, Gertrude Szymanski, Vi Tourville, Joanne Victoria, Carla Wasielewski, Barbara Wassell, Ralph Wesolek, Mary Zellmer, Mary Ann Zmuda.
SNP ENJOY COUPON BOOKS The Enjoy Coupon Books are available for $30. THERE ARE JUST A FEW BOOKS LEFT! Please contact Jean Ehrman at 412-821-4118 for this unique birthday, anniversary, or thank-you gift for friends and relatives. Thank you!
Anonymous, Mae Capan, Dorothy Chutko, Anna Fabina, Coleman Horvath, Ann Kisak, Carol Kristoff, Mary Matkovic, Mary Petrich, Mary Poslusney, Danica Pupich, Nikola Radmanovic, Robert “Rocky” Rothmeyer, Terry Schiebel, Marshall Simonic, Edward Stankovic, Helen Tolley, Margaret Vogrin, Ryan Woodrow, Helen Yagesh.
WE HONOR Please pray for these and all men and women serving in our Armed Forces around the world. Matt Ciesinski, Army Specialist Mike Grundler, Sergeant First Class Damian Schmitt, Chief Warrant Officer 4 Ann Mary Walker, USMC Staff Sergeant Rebecca Hernandez, USMC Staff Sergeant Danielle Joestlein, Army Captain Joseph Panza, Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Matthew Hecker, Army Lieutenant Colonel Jack R. Herrick, USMC Lance Corporal Clay Cavlovic, Navy Seaman Ryan Long, Marine PFC Marisa Lynch, Airman E-3/AIC Air National Guard Eric Enslow, Navy EMN-2
PROPER ROLE Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant. P.T. Barnum
PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen
SCHEDULING OF MASS INTENTIONS Requests for all Mass intentions at Holy Spirit and St. Nicholas Parishes should be scheduled through the office at 608 Farragut. It is best to call the Parish Office (412-821-4424) on Mondays or Tuesdays between 8am and 4pm—or to stop by the office on those days and times. RELIGIOUS GIVE THANKS “This money is pure gift,” writes a religious sister of the support made possible by the Retirement Fund for Religious. “It enables us to continue providing care for our elderly sisters.” Your gift to last week’s THANK YOU collection helps hundreds of religious communities meet pressing retirement needs while continuing to serve the People of God. They are most grateful for your generosity!
LITTLE BLUE BOOKS FOR ADVENT Once again, we have a supply of the “Little Blue Books for Advent” available at the church doors. These have become quite popular for many of our people as a daily 5-minute reflection for each day during the Advent Season. They are $1.00 per book to cover our costs. And as many have said “it will be the best dollar you have ever spent.”
BISHOP DAVID ZUBIK TO HOST LISTENING SESSIONS Bishop David Zubik will host four listening sessions in late November and early December, and is asking parishioners and others to attend to express their thoughts and concerns, and to offer suggestions following the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report. The sessions will begin at 7:00 p.m. and will be held as follows: Thursday, November 29, 2018 Saint Paul Cathedral,
Oakland, 108 N. Dithridge Street, Pgh, PA 15213 Monday, December 3, 2018 Saint Thomas à Becket
Church, Jefferson Hills, 139 Gill Hall Road, Jefferson Hills, PA 15025
MY KINGDOM DOES NOT BELONG TO THIS WORLD As the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Christ the King this weekend, our hearts are fixed on heaven, from where our God reigns. For our King, born in the stable in Bethlehem, son of Mary and Joseph the carpenter, had no political power in the world. He did not command military troops nor consult with court official. Instead, he came as one like us that he might show us the way to love and reign in our hearts as he reigns in heaven. Our benevolent Lord and King, Jesus, has chosen to dwell with us and has promised to prepare a place for us to dwell with him in heaven. So, we must ask ourselves, what kingdom are we choosing to live for? Are we seeking to build up a kingdom for ourselves in this life that is bound to pass away? Or will we work hard now to store up for ourselves treasure in heaven and come to share in the glory of the kingdom to come. On Mission for The Church Alive! seeks to strengthen the Church and increase the opportunities for us and others to grow closer to God and share in the life of his kingdom here and now. Visit onmissionchurchalive.org to learn more and to stay informed.
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 Our Lady of Fatima
Church, Hopewell Township, 2270 Brodhead Road, Aliquippa, PA 15001 Thursday, December 6, 2018 Saint Ferdinand Church,
Cranberry Township, 2535 Rochester Road, Cranberry Township, PA 16066 “Child sexual abuse by clergy has caused great suffering in the lives of survivors of abuse and concern among the faithful,” Bishop Zubik said. “These listening sessions are intended to be another way that we can support their continued healing.” THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! “The Light is On for You!” is an initiative of the Diocese of Pittsburgh to encourage Catholics to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession is a wonderful opportunity to set aside our sinful ways and to draw closer to our Lord. Confession will be available on Tuesday, December 11 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in every Catholic parish in the Diocese. In our Grouping, confessions will be heard at St. Bonaventure Church on Tues. Dec. 11th from 6-9 PM. There will be five priests present.
Around the Diocese and Community ADVENT GOODS AT ST. BONAVENTURE The St. Bonaventure Liturgical Planning Committee is selling Advent wreaths, candles, calendars, and other devotionals at cost to help families prepare to celebrate this special season at home. Items will be available in the gathering space before and after weekend Masses Nov. 24-25 and Dec. 1-2, the First Sunday of Advent. OAKLAND CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Oakland Catholic is offering the Scholarship Entrance Exam on Saturday, December 1, 2018. Merit Based Scholarships are awarded to incoming ninth grade students receiving the top scores on the exam. Register on line today at oaklandcatholic.org/admissions. SENIOR HOLIDAY LUNCH The Mayor and Millvale Borough Council cordially invite our senior citizens to the Annual Senior Holiday Lunch. It takes place next Sunday, December 2nd from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at the Millvale Community Center (416 Lincoln Ave.). Please RSVP by calling 412-821-2777 or stop in at the Borough Building. CANDLELIGHT MASS Join your friends and neighbors for the monthly Candlelight Mass at Saint Stanislaus Church in the Strip District. The next Mass will be on the vigil of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Friday, December 7th at 8:00pm. Confessions and music start at 7:00pm and fellowship follows the Mass. For more information, visit facebook.com/beholdpittsburgh. COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE A community blood drive will take place on Fri., Nov. 30th, from 9am to 3pm at the Millvale Community Center (416 Lincoln Ave., 15209). All participating donors will receive one Kennywood Park Holiday Lights ticket.
ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Our advertisers make this bulletin possible. Think of them first for your needs and services. To advertise, call 1-800-945-6629.
RIVERS CASINO TRIP Takes place on Thursday, December 6th. Price of the trip is $20 and you get back $20 in free play and $5 in food. Bus leaves St. Aloysius on Mt. Troy Road at 10:00 AM and leaves casino to return at 3:30 PM. Also pickup at WesBanco Bank in Troy Hill. For information, call Carol Fulton at 412-931-8469. Sponsored by St. Aloysius Christian Mothers Association. FESTIVAL OF CAROLS AND PRAISE An overture to the Advent & Christmas seasons St. Paul Cathedral/Sunday, December 9/2:30 – 4:30 PM Bring your family and friends to join the choirs of the Diocese, under the direction of Kevin Maurer, in joyful song. Bishop David Zubik, Presider, and Father Levi Hartle, Praise & Worship Leader (along with the Holy Apostles Praise Band), welcome you to this festive celebration. The program includes adoration, a Eucharistic procession, Christmas carols, hymns, contemporary music and a reflection. A light reception will follow the celebration. Questions: contact Jim Zern, 412-818-3226, jim.zern@yahoo.com.
HS/SN PARISH STAFF/CONTACT INFORMATION Elaine Magill, Pastoral Associate/DRE pa@holyspiritmillvale.org
Mr. Terry Schiebel, Music Director music@holyspiritmillvale.org
Pamela Ebner Simard, Business Manager businessmanager@holyspiritmillvale.org
Cathy Celender, Protecting God’s Children 412-821-4424 pgc@holyspiritmillvale.org St. Nicholas Church Vanka Mural Tours: Saturdays at 11am & 12:30pm
Group Tours/Other Tour Times: Call
St. Nicholas Parish Holy Rosary Society Sandy Koch
Residing at St. Nicholas Church Rectory Fr. Moses Drammeh, Graduate Student-Duquesne University
Diocesan Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-808-1235 PARISH & SACRAMENTAL LIFE Please contact the Parish Office concerning the sacraments. BAPTISM: Prior registration is necessary. A formation session for parents is also required. RECONCILIATION: See front cover page. Other times are available by appointment. FIRST COMMUNION: First Holy Communion is usually celebrated in the Spring. Children candidates are expected to be enrolled in the parish CCD program. CONFIRMATION: Children preparing for confirmation are expected to be enrolled in the parish CCD program. Any adult (over 18) should contact the CCD Office for their formation preparation. MARRIAGE: Potential couples wishing to be married in our Catholic Church must contact the priest at least six months before the desired date. No date can be guaranteed until the couple has met with one of the parish priests. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick can be administered by a priest at anytime as long as the priest is available. Communal Anointing of the Sick Masses are offered during the year—in the fall and in the spring. RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is open to any adult interested in becoming a Roman Catholic Christian through a program of formation and prayer. Call the DRE (Director of Religious Education) for more information.
MINISTRIES SCHEDULE: DECEMBER 1ST & 2ND 6:00pm-HSP: Lector: T. Donovan; EM’S – E. Magill; J. Davis, Volunteer; Volunteer; Volunteer. 8:30am-SNP: Lector: MA Librich; EM’s – D. Bursic 11:00am-HSP: Lector: D. Brown; EM’s – A. Roman; K. Simard; P. Simard; K. Seiler; P. Schaefer
WEEK AT A GLANCE AS-All Saints SB-St. Bonaventure HS-Holy Spirit SN-St. Nicholas SUNDAY 11/25/18 No CCD Classes
MONDAY 11/26/18 Men’s Bible Study Bell Choir Practice
AS School HS
6:30-8:00 PM 7:00-8:30 PM
TUESDAY 11/27/18 Novena Church Cleaning CCD Confessions Choir Practice
After Mass 9:00-10:00 AM 6:30-8:00 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 7:00-8:30 PM
WEDNESDAY 11/28/18 Craft Class SB Prayer Group AS Novena SB
10:00 am 1:30-3:30 PM 7:00PM
THURSDAY 11/29/18 Choir Practice
7:30-9:00 PM
FRIDAY 11/30/18 Ladies Bible Study
1:30 pm
SATURDAY 12/1/18 Confessions CCD Classes Pizza with St Nick Confessions Confessions
8:30-9:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:30-1:30 PM 5:00-5:45 PM
NEW CHURCH MEMBERS AT HSP & SNP New members are always welcome. Registration forms are available from the Parish Office and are also located at the church entrances and on our website.
2018 PARISH SHARE HSP Goal: $67,068 Received to Date: $44,268 SNP Goal: $27,023 Received to Date: $37,961
SANCTUARY CANDLES LIT THIS WEEK HSP Sanctuary: William & Anna Scott Family By: Shirley Scott SNP Sanctuary: Mirko Stankovic By: Family SNP Grotto: Mary Chetoka By: Helen Yagesh
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