Connect is the internal newsletter for Sumitomo Corporation Europe and its subsidiaries. It aims to connect everyone across Europe through our people and our business by building awareness.
Issue 2
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
o p r ff i c e o pr fi le ag – ue
wh w o o yo u rk wit h
Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
ge k n t to k i e ow – n sp le + ies s
Aro u n d E u ro pe
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ess s i n h ot u B s ap sn
und aro o pe eur
Business Focus HOME
We build on two articles highlighted in our last issue. Business Focus
We highlighted our Milan office and the team based there (SCIT), as well as the Ambatovy Nickel Mine. We now bring the two together to focus on the project that the SCIT Regional Business Department are currently working on – an important part of future growth for SCEU business.
The Ambatovy Project Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
SCIT working with The Ambatovy Project represents the central activity for Milan’s RBD during its first 4 months. It began when Mr Mizuno, in charge of nickel business in Europe, visited Milan and introduced the project to Ms Lauri and Mr Brunetti. Since then nickel promotion has taken most of the RBD focus, playing a strategic role within the department. We started by carrying out a study into how to approach the market in this sector as the Italian market is one of most attractive in Europe, with demand for nickel growing steadily. A list of approximately forty potential companies have been identified and Ms Lauri has been charged with promoting nickel sales.
Business S naps h ot
Acciaierie Venete
approx 1.4 mil Mt
Several potential customers have already shown their interest in our product. In particular, Acciaierie Venete, who were very interested in the quality of our product.
Operate two melting plants and 6 rolling mills
A first trial order of nickel briquette for 24mt was completed during July and from September they are expected to place orders on a regular basis.
Wh o yo u wo rk with
We expect growing interest during September and we are also looking to market two more types of nickel: Cathode from Sumitomo Metal Mining, and Ferro nickel from Brazil. At this stage we continue to analyse the Italian market and pursue interested companies.
Aro u n d E u ro pe
h lick
B last f ro m th e past
ors: ibut tti, r t n Co Brune , Luca na Lauri ti s o Cri Bortol tti ro Mau SCIT
e re t o co nt i n u e
Annual steel production
Nickel consumption av of 50-60mt per month, with peak of 100mt.
The primary uses for nickel are in the production of nickel-containing alloys, including stainless steel, alloy steels, non-ferrous alloys and foundry products. More than 80% of all nickel used in Italy is concentrated in one sector - stainless steel. This is where we have focused to date.
A messa ge our Chief from Executive
Marketing Communications What’s been released in the last few months for communication with your current, and prospective, customers. About Us Busin ess Unit Overv iew
Business Focus
Report 31 March
& Financ 2013
ial Statem
Office Locat s
ted Stre
Corporate Social Responsibil ity
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Corporate Brochure
Financial Statement
The new Corporate Brochure is now available with introduction by Mr Sunobe.
The SCEU Financial Statement for 2012 will be available shortly. Keep an eye on the intranet for its release. Copies will be made available to each office.
Corporate Communications also now have available some small ‘giveaways’ that can be used to publicise our name in the form of screen wipes for phones and ipads and small key ring torches. These are currently being used to raise visibility at exhibitions and to be given to visitors as relevant.
For those colleagues that follow us on LinkedIn you will also see that the Corporate pages have been updated with the latest information. Feel free to promote these to your business contacts to push our full range of products and services.
Download G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Download copies by clicking on the images or going to the intranet. Printed copies are available from Arlette.
Business S naps h ot
The details of exhibitions we are attending will also be listed on our updates page, as well as the release of relevant brochures.
Connect is the quarte and its rly newsl subsidiaries. etter for Sumitomo It aims our peopl to conne e and our Corporation ct everyo business Europe ne across by buildin Europe g aware through ness.
BuSin e foCu SS S
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Job Title Departm ent
A Sumitom
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offiC e m i lan pro f i le –
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Issue SS BuSine ot S napS h
B last f ro m th e past
te r 1 2013
BuSin eSS S nap S h ot
Škrétova 12, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech T: +420 Republic 221 412 011 F: M: numb +420 22 er 4 231 65 E: katsuh 5 aru.otake @s W: www.s umitomo umitomo corpeuro
wh o yo u wo rk wit
G k n et to S u ow G mm – S lo ro it ve u p n ia
aro u n e u ro d pe
B laS t f th e paS ro m t
yo u wh o wit h wo rk
w wo h o rk
Aro u n d E u ro pe
1 · Q uar
G et to S u m m kn ow – it G ro S lov up e n ia
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Example business card
Press cutting service
Connect – Issue 1
All SCEU staff should now have the new business card layout. As per direction from Tokyo no box logo should now be used on anything – internally or externally.
We also now have a press cutting service available to monitor press activity in any area of our business. Contact Arlette for further information.
In case you missed it!
offiCe – pro f i le m i lan
Corporate Communications still awaits the opportunity to help you to promote all of our products and services, not just via our supplier brochures, but to establish SCEU as the expert in the fields we deal in. Contact Arlette for assistance with all brochures, exhibitions, promotional material and presentations.
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Office Profile – Prague
Wenceslas Square
Where to find us Sumitomo Corporation Europe Limited, Prague Branch, has been based at Skretova 12, Praha 2 for almost 12 years. The office is located in the city centre, next to the building of the National Museum which is on the top of the main and the biggest Prague square – Wenceslas Square, the centre of business and cultural communities, as well as a traditional place for celebrations and public gatherings. The historical Old Town is 15 minutes walk from the office.
What we do G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe
We run 6 business departments / business lines for SCEU from the Prague office and we also have a Regional Corporate Department. Automotive
components for Magyar Suzuki Corporation (5 people)
Infrastructure & New Business Development:
environmental projects (1)
Rolled Steel:
components for Hitachi Construction Machinery Europe (1)
plastic resins for automotive and home appliances (4)
EMS business (3)
Regional Business:
development of business in the fields not covered by existing business departments (multi-assignments from other departments)
Regional Corporate (4)
>> Steel Centre Europe - service centre (98) >> Sumisho Global Logistics Europe logistics services (17)
C lick
>> Sumi Agro Czech - agrochemicals (12)
e re
Sumitomo Corporation have 3 subsidiaries based in the Czech Republic:
B last f ro m th e past
Sumitomo Corporation Europe Limited, Prague Branch
e nti n u o c to
Source: Google Maps
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
Our history
The Czech Republic is a stable and prosperous market economy closely integrated with the EU, especially since the country’s EU accession in 2004.
While the conservative, inward looking Czech financial system has remained relatively healthy, the small, open, export driven Czech economy remains sensitive to changes in the economic performance of its main export markets, especially Germany.
Establishment of the liaison office of Sumitomo Corporation Tokyo
Change of status from SC Tokyo liaison office to SCEU branch
Separation of agrochemical activities, establishment of Sumi Agro Czech
Establishment of Steel Centre Europe
Establishment of Sumisho Global Logistics Europe
When Western Europe and Germany fell into recession in late 2008, demand for Czech goods plunged, leading to double digit drops in industrial production and exports. As a result, real GDP fell 4.7 % in 2009, with most of the decline occurring during the first quarter. Real GDP, however, slowly recovered with positive quarter-onquarter growth starting in the second half of 2009 and continuing throughout 2011. The auto industry is the largest single industry and together with its upstream suppliers, accounts for nearly 24 % of Czech manufacturing. The Czech Republic produced more than a million cars for the first time in 2010, over 80 % of which were exported. GDP decreased by 1.3 % in 2012. Throughout 2012, the economy was in recession due to a slump in external demand, from which it may emerge in the first half of 2013. However, economic recovery is expected to be only gradual. In spite of that, GDP should, at best, stagnate during 2013. This year, the economy should be driven by net exports and, to a lesser extent, by gross capital formation. Their joint contribution to GDP growth should just compensate for the expected decline in household consumption. GDP may increase by 1.2 % in 2014, with positive contribution of both foreign trade and gross domestic expenditure. Despite the 1 % point hike in both VAT rates, effective from 1 January 2013, the average inflation rate should only reach 2.1 % this year; in 2014 consumer prices could increase by 1.7 %. Part of the Prague branch business is dependent on the market demand which has been influencing results in the past few years and such demand, particularly in the automotive and construction equipment sector, will also have an impact on 2013 results. Therefore, in addition to the current on-going core business all departments are trying to develop new fields of business, such as mineral resources, and seeking new business partners.
h lick
Business in 2012 / 2013
e re t o co nt i n u e
Prague Fact File HOME
Prague Castle Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
The Guinness Book of Records lists Prague Castle as the largest ancient castle in the world. It occupies an area of almost 70 000 m², at approximately 570 metres in length and an average of 130 metres wide.
Tourist Oscar Český Krumlov, which has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1992 (one of 12 Czech monuments), belongs among the greatest attractions of the Czech Republic. Ten years later, in 2012, the city has experienced another success - the most significant award a tourist attraction can gain, so-called tourist Oscar, the Golden Apple awarded by the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET)
Robot Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
It is the word of the Czech origin, first time used in Karel Čapek science fiction play R.U.R. 1920. It premiered in 1921 and introduced the word robot to the English language and to science fiction as a whole.
Phonograph records A little village near Prague – Loděnice – is proud of its world record. It is the place where the biggest number of vinyl phonograph records has been manufactured. The factory manufacturing lines produce records of such stars as Lady Gaga and Radiohead.
Aro u n d E u ro pe
Beer Nation B last f ro m th e past
Czechs are a beer nation. They love to speak about beer, and they love to drink beer. The average beer consumption in 2011 was 145 litres per capita, which represents the highest in the world.
Co Mar ntribu tor: tin Prag Kram, R C ue o ffice D,
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Get to know our subsidiaries: Kienle + Spiess In April 2013 SC & SCEU took 100% shares in the Kienle + Spiess Group (K+S), with SC holding a 60% share and SCEU taking a 40% share. K+S are one of the largest manufacturers of motor cores in Europe. We take the opportunity to learn a bit more about them.
What we do G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Business S naps h ot
Kienle + Spiess (K+S) is the global technology leader in manufacturing components for electric motors and generators, such as stator and rotor cores. The quality of manufacturing in the fields of punching and die casting, which are the main processes in producing stator and rotors, are trusted by customers in diverse fields, including: >> Automotive >> Industrial Motors >> Generators
3 quick facts
>> Pumps >> Renewable Energy
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
>> Traction Motors. Stators and rotors are manufactured by punching laminations into a round shape, as segments or single teeth, by using high-speed presses, blank and notching units or laser cutting machines. The raw material is electrical steel in diverse grades, based on losses and thickness. From 0.10 mm up to 1.00 mm thickness we punch for almost every electrical application. The total electrical steel consumption runs up to 119.000 t. (as at 2012). Die casting, as a manufacturing process for rotor cores, is made of a variety of units, using material such as pure aluminium, alloy and copper. Due to the product diversity, we increased our production process by magnet insertion, shaft insertion and steel housing usage.
Wh o yo u wo rk with
co nt i n u e h e re t o
1 2 3
A motor core is the core part of the motor. It is produced by laminating dozens or hundreds of electrical steel sheets to enhance the performance of a motor. It consists of a rotor (which has an axis and rotates) and a stator (which generates torque by interacting with the rotor). The group is assigned to the Metal Products division of SC, which in turn is placed under the Rolled Steel business unit of SCEU. The target market for SCEU products will be wind power, transport, forklift, industrial and pump markets.
About Us HOME
Business Focus
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Business S naps h ot
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With nearly 1,200 employees in Europe, our companies head office, with attached tool manufacturing facilities, has been located in Sachsenheim since the company´s establishment in 1935. The facility in Sachsenheim covers all manufacturing processes, such as punching; laser cutting; power notching; blank and notching; and die-casting. With 19,000 sqm of facility we produce customerdesigned complete solutions for industries such as air movement, spindle drives for machine toolings, blinds, power tools; from volume to small projects and prototypes.
Sachsenheim Tokod Vaihingen
In addition, we manufacture at three other European sites: Vaihingen/Enz (Germany) – based on 8,000 sqm, this facility is highly automated and concentrates on customer-focused processes for the automotive industry and the renewable sector. Components for highefficiency electric drives such as HEV and EEV are running on state-ofthe-art, high-speed punching units in the range of 25 – 400 t. Tokod (Hungary) – Kienle + Spiess Hungary Kft is the largest lamination site in the EU at 20,000 sqm. At this facility we manufacture laminations and cores for industrial motors, generators, pumps, forklifts and ventilation. Bilston (Great Britain) – Kienle + Spiess UK is related to the brand of Sankey Lamination, a manufacturer with more than 100 years of tradition. The facility has developed and become recognised as an expert in the production of powerful electric machines, such as generators, traction motors and pumps in the range of up to 400 HP. Unique in this facility is the 1,000t punching press, in addition to 17 high-speed stamping units and 4 high pressure die-casting units.
Aro u n d E u ro pe
h lick
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e re t o co nt i n u e
Source: Google Maps
The Future HOME
Business Focus
Sumitomo is a strong partner for K+S. In this partnership we see a first-class environment in which to globalise our competences. Alongside our new partner we will strengthen our European production facilities, so that we continue to guarantee the highest delivery and quality requirements of our customers. At the same time, we will continue to use our recognised leadership in innovation to build up our global presence. For further information on Kienle + Spiess, please refer to
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
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Business S naps h ot
Established brand name
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe
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With almost 80 years of tradition, the name “Kienle + Spiess” stands for know-how, high quality performance, comprehensive support and an extensive product range.
tor: tribu ss, n o C Krau ting Silke Marke e orat , K+S Corp anager M
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Business Snapshot
What are filter units?
Sumisho-Kyowa Limited
Materials are mainly made of recycled polyester.
Sumisho-Kyowa Limited (SKL) has a team of 6 people based in the London office and unless you know where they are located, or have a meeting, they can be difficult to find. However, with their unique product they work quite extensively with SCEU and have taken part in a number of exhibitions we have attended in the areas of oil & gas and wind power.
Filter units are net bags to be filled with stones. These units are filled with stones and used to prevent subsea structures from scour. They are also used to protect subsea cables and pipelines.
SKL is a joint venture between Sumitomo Corporation and Kyowa Co., Ltd. Both companies own a 50% share in the venture. SKL was established 2011 in order to build the business of exporting Filter Units to European markets. Since its beginning it has achieved 120,000,000 yen (approx. GBP787,000) in fiscal year 2012, with a target of 370,000,000 yen (approx. GBP2,425,000) for the fiscal year 2013.
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Business S naps h ot
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Aro u n d E u ro pe
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Cont ri The S butor: K L te base d in L am ondo n
Weight per unit including stones ranges between 2t and 8t. The units are so flexible that they can firmly attach to the seabed. Because of this advantage, the units are hardly washed away by the water current.
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Who you work with
Kate Williams Receptionist SCEU London office
In this edition we interview two key people in the London office – the two lovely young ladies that greet our visitors on arrival. Kate and Kat on reception are the first people that people see when they walk through our doors. As well as having to be cheerful and professional, they also have to deal with some pretty weird phone calls, as well as often having to help us juggle meeting rooms.
What is your favourite place? Gilly islands... just off of Lombok island in Indonesia... absolutely stunning What is our favourite food?
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
I’m a big fan of most take away foods but would have to say dominos with lots of extra garlic and herb dips! How do you relax? Chilling with friends, art galleries and general social activities.
Kate adv enjoys e and ntures new trying thin gs
When did you join SCEU?
Business S naps h ot
I have been with Sumitomo since 2011. As the frontline of SCEU London for visitors and phone calls what are the daily challenges of your job? The excuses that callers use to try to get through to some people can be very funny but we have to remain professional.
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
What do you like most about working here? I like dealing with the hotel contracts and organising the summer and Christmas parties. Although there is a lot of work involved it’s great to visit some of the best well known hotels in London and see people enjoying themselves at the events. We know you love your job at SCEU but what would be your dream job? If I won the lottery I would very much like not to work! However, probably to be a ski instructor in the winter and some sort of work abroad in the sun in the summer... like working on a yacht... a job with lots of fun travel.
he ick
Wh o yo u wo rk with
re t o co nt i n u e
1 2
I grew up in south London and took part in a few events at Kew Gardens which involved the Queen of England.
I enjoy adventures and trying new things... recently I have climbed Snowdonia in Wales and the Yorkshire 3 peaks in northern England... next year Ben Nevis in Scotland...
I went travelling for 8 months when I was 18. The trip consisted of tours in the Amazon rainforest, motor bike tours in Vietnam, sleeping under the stars in India... ever since I have had itchy feet.
Business Focus
What is our favourite food?
Kat Gibbons
My favourite food is Mexican - I love the different spices and textures. I have yet to go to Mexico and experience traditional foods but it is on my to-do list.
Receptionist SCEU London office
How do you relax?
I relax by spending time with friends and going to the gym. When did you join SCEU?
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
I joined SCEU on 12 June 2012 as a temp for a maternity cover. I was then made a permanent member of staff on 13 June 2013 and have enjoyed every minute of it so far. As the frontline of SCEU London for visitors and phone calls what are the daily challenges of your job? I have received many funny callers here at Sumitomo. Mainly the pronunciation of names is the difficult thing. Also having a ‘No Names’ policy we have callers trying to get round us by giving fake names which can also be quite amusing. What do you like most about working here? I like the people, everyone is very friendly.
Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
We know you love your job at SCEU but what would be your dream job?
I would like to be a chef or a Personal Trainer, something that is more hands on would be great.
Kat awa was in dan rd win an n ce t ro ing 4 ye op for ars
1 2 3
I am an outgoing person with a bubbly personality I have swum with dolphins while holidaying I was in an award winning dance troop for 4 years
Around Europe HOME
Business Focus
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Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
SCEU Germany
SC President visits Europe Sumitomo Corporation President and CEO, Kuniharu Nakamura, came to Europe from 26 June to 4 July. His visit was focused on meetings for investor relations, and with business partners and group companies. He was also able to visit a few of the SCEU offices and meet some of the employees, including London, Madrid, Paris and Dusseldorf. He also travelled to see some of our subsidiaries and partners: Sutton & East Surrey Water; Komatsu Spain; CEPSA; Vallourec, and Kienle + Spiess.
SCEU London
SCEU Paris
SCEU Spain
Sutton & East Surrey Water
Welcome Reception London On Friday 7 June SCEU held a drinks reception at the Four Seasons Hotel in Park Lane, London. The event was organised by the Treasury Department with the purpose of introducing Mr Hamada, Mr Sunobe and Mr Tamefusa to our main contacts in the banking and insurance industry. The evening was very well attended by approximately 150 people, including His Excellency Keiichi Hayashi, Ambassador of Japan to the UK. Mr Hamada and Mr Sunobe opened the reception by giving short speeches to introduce themselves and their roles, and the evening then continued with plenty of opportunity for networking.
ONS Exhibition The Tubular team based in Stavanger exhibited at the ONS Norway exhibition during August, sharing the stand with Sumisho-Kyowa Limited. The stand was very well attended, with over 15,000 people visiting the exhibition overall. The team also held a drinks party on one of the evenings for our customers. We chose to exhibit at this event in order to build our name and visibility in the industry in Stavanger and the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and local counsellors chose to visit the stand as part of a delegation.
Welcome Reception London
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
re t o co nt i n u e e h k ONS Exhibition
Sporting Events HOME
Some offices have been very active lately and we focus on some of our offices and individuals who have taken part in sporting events.
Holmenkollen Relay - 11 May 2013 (Olso & Stavanger offices) Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
The driving force behind joining the race came very first minute from Jens Ishihara, GM of the Oslo office. I (Espen Kringlen) was assigned with the task of organising the run on my first day in Sumitomo back in May 2012, and barely a week passed without him keeping track of progress and checking that everything was getting organised. To this day, “Do you run?” is a question that is asked to anyone who attends a job interview! The race itself is said to be the biggest of its kind in Norway; this year, the 90th anniversary of this event, more than 2,500 teams – a whopping total of 40,000 runners – participated. The run is a 20 km relay, circling the town of Oslo, with 15 legs between 400 and 2,800 metres in length. All kinds of groups take part; friends, societies, sport clubs and, of course, the corporate teams. In addition to effectively being a tour around Oslo, it gives normal people a chance to run in famous arena, the Bislett Stadion, which has been visited by world-renowned athletes, including Usain Bolt.
Business S naps h ot
In addition to the running itself, we wanted to make it very clear that this was a team effort and would require many of the same elements we use in our daily business; team effort, working towards a goal and also doing something constructive ourselves through physical exercise.
Wh o yo u wo rk with
We marked the team building by ordering matching t-shirts and it was an important point to not be exclusive but inclusive, and get as many people on board as possible, either as runners or in the support crew. Over time, the race became something much bigger and involved a copious amount of people; Corporate Communications in London helped design and order t-shirts, we got to know more about our sister company Oshima and bring the Oslo/Stavanger offices closer, people even started discussing running over lunch!
fo uple weeks be rk in Oslo a co Pa l ya Ro e th n. pe Training run in Naomi and Es left; Ina, Eva, race day. From
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
If you would like to know more about next year’s race then contact Espen on +47 484 08 157 or Espen.
[email protected]
re t o co nt i n u e
Another training se ssion. From left; Espen, Ev a and Ina.
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Sumitomo have three offices in Norway; Stavanger, Florø and Oslo. Part of the rationale behind participating was of course the element of team building, so it was important for us to get members from all three offices. In addition, we invited two participants from our sister company in Oslo, Oshima Shipbuilding. (Unfortunately, the Fast Ones from Florø had to cancel at the last minute due to an airline strike, but a friend of the coach was able to help us out.) About two months before the race itself, we started organising training runs so that those involved could perfect their shape so that come race day, we would be honed and ready to give it our all. Whether or not this ambition materialised is of course up for debate, but at least we felt like we were ready to face the challenge at hand. (Apart from, perhaps, the coach himself who had taken the ‘Tananger Tigers’ on a guided tour of Oslo the day before and was not exactly firing on all cylinders). It is difficult to say who participated and who didn’t, as everyone at least in Oslo were involved in some way or another. In addition to the runners listed below, Eileen Schlanbusch, Jens and Ingrid (Izumi) Ishihara made a huge effort in coordinating the logistics and preparing the party.
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
Time had come. Saturday, 11 May. The big day was finally here. The team gathered a couple of hours before the start for a last strategic meeting and pep-talk before embarking on the task at hand. The runners had shown impressive initiative and all were well aware of where they had to be, when, the length and, not least, the character of their lap. After issuing team t-shirts and starting numbers, the runners dispersed to get to their respective starting points.
Sumitomo sprinter
Uphill, downhill
Kaja Kaas (Oslo)
Flat, uphill
Takashi Ichikawa (Oslo)
Mostly flat
Ina Lindseth (Oslo)
Lots of up and down
Espen “Extreme Espen” Kringlen (Oslo, self proclaimed coach)
Mostly downhill
Jan Erik Årdal (external runner as Rune from Florø had to cancel)
Mostly uphill
Kazutaka Murayama (Oslo/Oshima)
Magnus ”MegaMagnus” Vadla (Tananger)
Chiyumi Sauthon (Oslo)
Naomi Berg (Oslo)
Lars Aarsland (Tananger)
Flat, in the Frogner park
Kenneth ”KillerKenneth” Horpestad (Tananger)
Flat, some downhill
Eva Keeler (Oslo)
Some downhill, flat
Shinnosuke Funayama (Oslo/Oshima)
Frank Økland (Tananger)
Flat, inside stadium
Tina Fuglestad (Tananger)
Everyone gave all they had, and several of the runners broke barriers and went way beyond expectations. Magnus had been given the toughest leg and had to deal with a long, continuous uphill stretch, but his style was described as that of a “bull” and “cannonball” as he raced up the hill. Takashi showed what can be done with enough determination and was one of the absolute fastest runners on his lap – resulting in what he described as “a great opportunity to see the inside of an ambulance”. The perhaps most impressive thing is that after this ordeal, he was able to attend the party and seemed to be up and running again. In total, the race took about 1 hr 20 min.
Business S naps h ot
Length Type
t o co nt i n u e h e re
T minus 1 da y. The runner s from outsid of Oslo have e arrived and are carb load before the bi ing g day.
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Business S naps h ot
We rented a “party room” on Tjuvholmen for the evening, and arranged for Japanese food and an international selection of drinks. The party afterwards was a great success – unfortunately I don’t have too many shareable pictures. We had ordered Japanese food to kickstart the recovery process, we had speeches and all, of course, made an effort to stay well hydrated after such a taxing day. The support team had been on the move all day, preparing the party room, buying food and drinks and getting everything ready for the party. No small feat, considering that the group consisting of runners, support crew and partners was near to 40 people. As mentioned, over 2,600 teams participated, approximately 2,000 of these were corporate teams. As we had never done this before, we were not sure what to expect in terms of results, but we had all agreed that we could not under any circumstances accept being the slowest team. The moods were therefore high when the team captain and self declared coach announced that we had achieved the top thousand with a ranking of (drum roll…) 997!
More posing. From left; Tina , Kaja, Ina, Espen and Nao mi.
So, we completed a run. It was fun, sure, but did it make any lasting impression? I think so. We are already discussing the participation in next year’s race, with the possibility of signing up two teams. Now we also know what to expect and how to improve; the goal is to be amongst the top 500 teams. In order to get there, we would need to improve our total time by just over 5 minutes, and the aiming time for next year is already agreed; under 1 hour 15 minutes. The team, all in matching t-shirts. Go go Sumitomo!
tor: tribu glen, n o C in n Kr Espe lo office Os
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe nneth, m left; Lars, KillerKe TanangerTigers. Fro s and Frank. Tina, MegaMagnu
her e
ti n u co n
C lick
B last f ro m th e past
Chiyumy representing Osl
crossing iger Tina TanangerT line in style. ing the finish
The definitive price for best effort goes to Taka shi Ichikawa, who was one of the to p 10% of runn er on his leg an d was awarde s d with seeing the in side of an am bulance for the first ti me. (Takashi gave us full permissi on to use th is story and picture)
Dusseldorf Metro-Marathon - 28 April (Dusseldorf office) HOME
Business Focus
For the first time Sumitomo Deutschland had a team participating in the Dusseldorf Metro-Marathon. This running event is one of the largest and most popular in Germany with around 14,000 participants and 400,000 spectators. On Sunday, 28 April in excellent weather conditions our relay-team and our marathon runners fought to the finish line with fantastic running time.
Marathon? No problem… we’ll dance to the finish line!
Here I come (Miyata)
Participants for relay: Melanie Schrader Ellie Kaletta
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Javier Moreno Pei Tsang Full marathon (42 km) Ryuji Miyata Akihiro Mori
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Hidetoshi Niinuma Tomoyuki Otsuki We are already looking forward to next year´s race, hopefully with more participants. We are simply the best! Our relay team “Sumitomo Runners”
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Moreno, Tsang, Truong, Schrader
or: ibut ng, r t n Co ei-she e gP ffic Tsan ldorf o e Duss
We even had supporters among the family! Son shows father the finish line (Otsuki)
Time: 03:54:22
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
re t o co nt i n u e e h k
er start uma shortly aft
Mr Niin Mr Mori and
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British 10k run - Sunday 14 July (Louise Dunsford & Andrea Manzini, London office) It was the hottest day of the year to date, with the temperature around 30C. A 10k run seemed a good idea at the time as it would have done for the 25,000 people taking part. We started our race at Piccadilly and ran around the streets of London, much of it on the route the marathon runners used for the 2012 Olympics and we finished at Whitehall. Andrea and I started together, but he soon went ahead to try and reach his target time of 47 minutes. He actually finished in a great time of 50 mins, me a slightly slower 1h3m. The atmosphere was amazing, with the streets lined with people cheering us on. The weather was pretty unbearable and the drink stations were mainly used for cooling us down with the water as well as hydrating ourselves! After the race, we headed to the Trafalgar hotel, where Centrepoint had laid on a post race event with some refreshments and food, on their rooftop.
Cont Louis ributor: eD Lond unsford, on offi ce
We were both running for Centrepoint, a charity that gives homeless young people a brighter future. Sumitomo matched our fundraising efforts and between us we raised over £300, which Centrepoint have informed us will provide a room for a young person for a year and a hot nutritious meal.
Paris: Spring Department lunch We have included a picture of the Spring Department lunch as it includes most of the people based in that office, apart from Anita Desnos. In case you don’t know our colleagues based there the following people are shown in the picture.
Co Jean ntribut or: -Pie Pari rre Ar s offi m, ce
We will catch up with Anita in another issue.
Madrid: Japanese - Spanish Relations Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
ord, Louise Dunsf zini an M Andrea
Between June 2013 and July 2014 Spain and Japan are doubly celebrating the year of Spain in Japan and the year of Japan in Spain. The celebrations are intended as a commemoration of 400 years of exchanges between Spain and Japan. Hamada san visited the Madrid office in June and attended the opening ceremony to mark the start of these events, together with Nakaido san from Corporate Planning (London office) and Domingo Cervantes, Corporate Manager (Madrid office). The visit was part of a Japanese business delegation visiting Madrid on 11 and 12 June.
Contrib uto Doming r: o Cervan tes, Madrid office
L-R, Osamu Tsuruya, Tak ashi Ogawa, Keiko Nishid a, Gaetan Marheux, Ayako Okuda, Jean Pierre Arm, Itaru Fukazawa.
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
Blast from the past Another milestone from the past. We have stayed away from Andrew Darby’s legs in this issue and gone for something far more sensible. Having re-designed the Executive area at Vintners’ Place, as well as changing some of the general office space, we also unearthed the news from when we first moved in.
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Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
re t o co nt i n u e e h k
The Prince of Wales officially opened the building on 22 March 1993 following its refurbishment of which SC was one of the developers. SCEU, or SC (UK) as it was known then, moved in during August 1993.
Additional offices HOME
Business Focus
At the same time you may be aware that, due to space requirement, we have taken over additional office space at Senator House, located at 85 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4AB. Based in this building are SAE, SGLE and the SCEU Internal Auditing team.
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
SCEU Internal Audit
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s Office Overview
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Kitchen Area
re t o co nt i n u e e h k SAE
Business Focus
Off i c e Pro f i l e – pr ag u e
We want your feedback Do you have an interesting idea, suggestion, news or happening that you would like to share with us? Please let us know through any of the SCEU communications network. Arlette Minnock
Corporate Communications
[email protected]
G et to kn ow – ki e n le + s pi e s s
Business S naps h ot
Wh o yo u wo rk with
Aro u n d E u ro pe
B last f ro m th e past
David Eburn
[email protected]
Domingo Cervantes
[email protected]
Eileen Schlanbusch
[email protected]
Hildegard Lenzen
[email protected]
Jean Pierre Arm
[email protected]
Kelly Lucas
[email protected]
Luca Brunetti
[email protected]
Marilyn Gomes
[email protected]
Martin Kram
[email protected]
Masahito Otera
[email protected]
Melanie Schrader
[email protected]
Milena Rojek
[email protected]
Naoki Sato
[email protected]
Sabrina Colle
[email protected]
Thierry Schlogel
[email protected]