11/1 – All Saints Day – Holy Day of Obligation – NO SCHOOL / HS Girls Volleyball Playoff Game @ Foresthill High School – 7:00 P.M. 11/2 – Parents Guild Meeting – 7:00 P.M. in the X-Room 11/3 – Exam Review Day #1 - Hot Lunch – Pizza Day - Flag Football Home Game vs. The Marin School @ 4:30 P.M. (School Grounds) 11/4 – Exam Review Day #2 - Half-Day Schedule – 11:40 Dismissal – School Mass @ St. Thomas Aquinas Parish at Noon – NO MASS @ School in the A.M. 11/5 – November Saturday Workday – 9:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. – 7/8 Girls Basketball vs. St. Eugene’s @ St. John’s Lutheran (Napa) at 12:45 P.M. 11/6 – 40 Days for Life Potluck – Fellowship Hall in Use from 2:30 – 6:00 P.M. 11/7 – Traditional Latin Mass @ 7:45 A.M. – FULL DAY – Exam Review Day #3 – Exams for 7/8 only 11/7-11/10 – First Trimester Exams – 11:40 Dismissal on All Days EXCEPT MONDAY, Nov. 7th – NO MASS on Wednesday, Nov. 9th 11/11 – Veterans Day (No School- Trimester Break) All Hallows Eve October 31, 2016 From the Desk of the Headmaster Greetings on this special early Monday edition of the Tuesday Memo. The celebration of Halloween and All Saints got underway early at Kolbe-Trinity as Miss Wilson and her 1-2 graders presented their annual saints reports in the chapel this past Friday afternoon. It was wonderful to see such a great turnout. Thank you to Miss Wilson, the 1-2 graders, and all the supportive parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends who packed the chapel to attend. From Christmas Wreath Fundraising Coordinator, Bob Quinn..................... This past Friday, the Christmas Wreath Fundraiser was kicked off to your students. Our goal is 100% participation in this easy way to provide a bit of Christmas
cheer and spread awareness of our school to people who are outside of our normal circles. The high school students have been given a special challenge that, if accomplished, should help act as a unified team. If each of the 25 students sells just 3 wreaths, I have agreed to given them all a pass to the local movie theater. Here’s the catch….. They must ALL participate (69 wreaths from the high school). If, as an aggregate, they sell 5 wreaths per person, I have agreed to provide the soda and candy (115 Wreaths from the high school). Last year only 6 high school students participated. Wreath orders must be to the school no later than close of business on Friday, November 18th . The wreaths will be delivered to the school and available for pick up no later than November 30th. Please encourage your students to participate in this fun fundraiser and spread the word about Kolbe Academy & Trinity Prep. Those who sold wreaths last year were given copies of those order forms so they can garner return sales. Hopefully it’s not too early to say Merry Christmas – Here’s to keeping Christ in Christmas !!!! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
[email protected]. Upcoming Events! Tuesday, Nov. 1st –Since the Solemnity of All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation, there will be no school. Don’t forget to get to Mass! EXTRA! EXTRA! – The Trinity Prep HS Girls volleyball playoff game will take place against Foresthill High School (23319 Foresthill Rd. Foresthill, CA 95631) @ 7:00 P.M.! If you can make the drive to support them, that would be great! If not, please keep them in your prayers as they make the 2-plus hour drive to the Sierra foothills. Thursday, Nov. 3rd – If you’ve been waiting for your chance to see your undefeated Trinity Prep Crusaders Flag Football team in action, here’s your chance! They will be playing a home game on the school grounds at 4:30 P.M. against The Marin School. This will be the final game of the season. Spread the word!
Friday, Nov. 4th – This coming Friday will be a half-day with an 11:40 dismissal. Please try to attend the school First Friday Mass which will be held at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish @ 12:00 P.M. in honor of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow. Sat, Nov. 5th – As of now, the weather looks decent for our November Saturday workday. If you recall, October’s workday was cancelled so we have a larger list of things to accomplish from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. I have included an updated maintenance list with the most urgent items highlighted. We are in need of a couple of sawzalls and a chain saw. As usual, coffee and donuts will be provided. Recall that every family must complete thirty service hours by the end of school year, so this is an excellent opportunity to gain some muchneeded (for some) service hours. After you have worked, don’t forget to submit your service hours online using the following website: http://www.kolbetrinity.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=532300&type=d&pREC_ID= 1045214
Monday Nov. 7 – Thursday, Nov. 10 – Our experiment with the new trimester system continues with exams for most students beginning on Tuesday, Nov. 8th and will conclude on Thursday, Nov. 10th. Final exams, in most cases, do not constitute an overwhelming portion of the student’s final grade, but they are an essential component of classical Ignatian education. To facilitate studying for finals, students will be given review days before the exams commence and will be dismissed at 11:40 A.M. (except on Monday, Nov. 7th). Be sure that your child(ren) get plenty of quiet time, good nutrition, and, most importantly, sleep. Wednesday, Nov. 9 ……………from Board President Walt Birdsall – Natural Family Planning (NFP) classes begin in Napa on November 9th. Whether your goal is to postpone a pregnancy or to get pregnant, NFP provides a safe, natural, and cost effective way to do so. Register at www.ccli.org or contact
[email protected]. Athletics Update – Check your e-mail soon for the Wednesday sports bulletin! Announcement – FREE Car Seat Inspection from AAA! Please see the attached flyer for an opportunity to schedule a FREE car seat inspection courtesy of the Napa AAA office. Thank you to Bob Quinn for letting us know about this great opportunity. Reminders
Fingerprinting for Volunteers Anybody who wishes to volunteer to earn requisite service hours and assist in whatever capacity next year (athletic coaching, field trips, driving for sporting events, lunch duty, etc.) MUST have been fingerprinted and needed to have this information submitted to the diocese ASAP. Please contact Emily in the office immediately to begin the process if you have not done so. Prayer Requests Please pray for Sabine Krygier, co-founder and teacher at Trinity Education Center who is battling late-stage cancer. Please continue to offer prayers for Audrey-Quinn (Andrego) family, particularly for Catherine Audrey-Quinn who is fighting cancer. Meal Train for the Mudge Family Lauri Kalinowski, has set up meals for the Mudge family through next year. Please consider assisting with this very important charitable activity for a family in need. For more information or to sign up, please visit: https://www.mealtrain.com/trains/y6961k. Ad majorem Dei gloriam! Mr. Bertolini