CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITH US! Celebremos la Navidad con nos Dec 25: Christmas Day ‐ Navidad
Dec 24: Christmas Eve ‐ Noche Buena Olive Avenue 4:00 pm English 6:00 pm English 11:00 pm Bilingual
10:00 am English Olive Ave 10:00 am Español Columbia St
Columbia St 4:30 pm English 6:30 pm Español
Carols begin at 10:30pm
For the regular Mass and Confessions Schedule; and Sacrament preparation information, please see the back of this bulletin.
g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àç 909.793.2469
The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community, one Church of many peoples, exists to praise and honor God, to embrace the dignity of every person, to grow together spiritually, and to witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ in Redlands, California. We challenge ourselves to deepen our unity as we move forward toward the vision of a new place of worship.
La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas, existe para darle honor y gloria a Dios, alimentar la dignidad de cada persona, juntos crecer espiritualmente, y a ser testigo de La Buena Noticia de Jesucristo en Redlands, California. Los desafiamos a si mismos para mejorar nuestra unidad mientras tomamos pasos mas allá, hacia nuestra nueva casa de oración.
The Parish Office is closed until Tuesday, January 2, 2019. For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs, please call:
La Oficina Parroquial está cerrada hasta 2 de enero del 2019. Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias, por favor llame:
Coordinator’s Corner Esquina del Coordinador In the days before Christmas, we need to look to the example of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the story this week from Luke's Gospel. Though pregnant, Mary made a strenuous trip to the hill country of Judah to help her cousin Elizabeth, an older woman, who also was carrying a child. Two days before Christmas, people need us to imitate the self‐sacrificial love of Mary. With Mary and Elizabeth, we need to allow awe and reverence to grow in us as they did, and a end to the mysterious ac vity and movement of God in our lives. With Mary and Elizabeth, and with Jesus, spoken of in the Le er to the Hebrews, we ought to strive to discern God's will for us — and to do it. In these days before Christmas, we should make me and room for quiet and s llness, to connect with God's Spirit and presence. These days should especially be a me of prayer, faith, and spirituality. We should experience fully the meaning and messages of the fourth Sunday of Advent, and look forward to the celebra on of Christmas Mass — not an obliga on to be go en out of the way, but a profound, communal experience of what Christmas is most about.
En los días previos a la Navidad, debemos ver el ejemplo de María, la madre de Jesús, en la historia del evangelio de san Lucas esta semana. Aunque estaba embarazada, hizo un viaje agotador a la región montañosa de Judá para ayudar a su prima Isabel, una mujer ya entrada en años, que también estaba embarazada. Dos días antes de la Navidad, nuestros hermanos necesitan que imitemos el amor abnegado de María. Con María e Isabel, debemos permitir que el sobrecogimiento y la reverencia crezcan en nosotros al prestar atención a la misteriosa actividad y el movimiento de Dios en nuestras vidas, como lo hicieron ellas. Con María e Isabel, y con Jesús, mencionado en la Carta a los Hebreos, debemos esforzarnos por discernir la voluntad de Dios — y cumplirla. Estos días antes de la Navidad, debemos hacer tiempo para la calma y la quietud, para conectarnos con el Espíritu y la presencia de Dios. Estos días deberían ser un tiempo de oración, fe y espiritualidad. Deberíamos sentir plenamente el significado y los mensajes del cuarto domingo de Adviento, y esperar la celebración de la misa de Navidad — no una obligación que se debe eliminar, sino una experiencia comunitaria profunda de lo que realmente se trata la Navidad.
People need our pa ence, our presence (not just our presents) and our listening. People need to hear that we love them and how important they are to us. It is a great me to offer thanks and gra tude to people who have loved us, served us, or been kind and generous to us.
Nuestros hermanos necesitan nuestra paciencia, nuestra presencia (no sólo nuestros regalos) y que los escuchemos. Estos días son momentos oportunos para decirles a las personas que los amamos, lo importantes son para nosotros. Ellos lo necesitan. Es un buen momento para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento y gratitud a quienes nos han amado, nos han servido o han sido amables y generosos con nosotros.
In this busy me, we need to prac ce gentleness with each other and a end to the people around us who are in need, and share our resources with them in a spirit of charity and mercy. Now is a great me to focus on the issues of social jus ce that we ought to be involved in all year long. As we prepare for Christ’s coming, let us pray for peace and healing for our world. Let us strive to be one in consciousness with people around the world who are suffering or struggling, especially in situa ons of violence or war.
En este ajetreo, tenemos que practicar la gentileza los unos con los otros. Debemos atender a quienes nos rodean, que están en necesidad, y compartir nuestros recursos con ellos en un espíritu de caridad y misericordia. Es un buen momento para concentrarnos en los temas de justicia social en los que deberíamos estar involucrados todo el año. Mientras nos preparamos para la venida de Cristo, oremos pidiendo paz y sanación para nuestro mundo. Hagamos un esfuerzo por ser solidarios con personas en todo el mundo que sufren o enfrentan dificultades, especialmente en situaciones de violencia y guerra.
In a world of many choices, we need direc on, purpose and meaning. It is Christ, our Savior, who shows us God’s way for our lives. He asks us to welcome and embrace what is most important: the love and care of all people, having especially a deep concern for the needy of the world.
En un mundo de muchas opciones, necesitamos una guía, un propósito y un significado. Es Cristo, el Señor, quien nos muestra el camino de Dios para nuestras vidas. Él nos pide que abramos nuestros corazones a las cosas que son más importantes: el amor de Dios, la familia y las amistades, y el cuidado de los necesitados en el mundo. En la alegría del nacimiento de Cristo nos reunimos como una familia parroquia. Es al compartir nuestras vidas y nuestros dones que sentimos el amor de Dios entre nosotros. Que nuestra oración recíproca sea que la celebración de la Navidad nos llene de alegría, y que nos traiga una gran paz de corazón. ¡Que Dios nos bendiga y que Cristo nos traiga vida! -Diácono Steve
In the joy of Christ’s birth, we come together as a parish family. It is in sharing our love and our gi s that we experience the Love of God in our midst. Our prayer for you and your loved ones is that this Christmas will fill you with joy, and peace of mind and heart. May God give you peace and may Christ bring you life! - Deacon Steve
December 23, 2018: Scriptures for the Week — Escrituras para la Semana Christmas Eve Scriptures by Mass setting: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14
Las Escritures de Noche Buena por hora de Misa: Vigilia: Is 62:1-5; Sal 89 (88):4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Hch 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 Noche: Is 9:1-6; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 11-13; Tit 2:11-14; Lc 2:1-14
Christmas Day Scriptures by Mass setting: Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
Las Escritures de Navidad por hora de Misa: Aurora: Is 62:11-12; Sal 97 (96):1, 6, 11-12; Tit 3:4-7; Lc 2:15-20 Día: Is 52:7-10; Sal 98 (97):1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
Wednesday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Thursday: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Friday: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10; Col 3:12-21 or 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24; Lk 2:41-52
Miércoles: Hch 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Sal 31 (30):3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Jueves: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Sal 97 (96):1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Viernes: 1 Jn 1:5 — 2:2; Sal 124 (123):2-5, 7b-8; Mt 2:13-18 Sábado: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Sal 96 (95):1-3, 5b-6; Lc 2:22-35 Domingo: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 o 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Sal 128:1-5 o Sal 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10; Col 3:12-21 o 1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24; Lc 2:41-52
Gathering in Small Faith Communi es Friday, January 11, 2019 6:30pm to 8:00pm — Olive Ave Parish Hall
Reunión de las Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe El viernes 11 de enero de 2019 6:30pm al 8:30pm—Salón Parroquial de Olive Ave
Small Faith Communi es are gathering for a NEW YEAR spiritual evening with a special guest speaker.
Las pequeñas comunidades de fe han invitado a un orador especial para compar r una noche espiritual de AÑO NUEVO. Vengan a ver... e inviten a su PCF. ¡Traigan un amigo!
Come and see… Bring a friend! Invite your SFC.
Estudio Bíblico de Adultos con Gregorio Gomez Parroquiano y graduado del Instituto Bíblico Católico de Loyola Marymount University
Adult Bible Forma on with Jesse Del Rio parishioner and graduate of LMU’s Catholic Bible Ins tute
Come and enrich your faith on Tuesday evenings in 2019! On January 8, we will begin an in-depth study into the Historical books of the Old Testament beginning with I Samuel thru II Kings. This study will include: the development and forma on of the Israelite monarchy star ng with King Saul; the geo-poli cal and social impact on biblical Israel; a theological understanding of the conquest of the Israelite kingdom and its future as a covenant people of God.
You will find the stories within these books fascina ng and spiritually upli ing. These stories s ll speak to us in our modern mes!
Class is FREE. Bring your Bible. See you on January 8th! Tuesdays weekly * 6:30—8:00pm * Olive Ave ‐ Academy Rm 7 Looking for good Catholic content you can listen to in your car, read on Kindle, or watch on TV? Get your FREE SUBSCRIPTION TODAY. Register at: t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . f o r m e d . o r g
Nuestro estudio no se reunirá en diciembre para que podamos asis r a las fes vidades de Las Posadas y el Servicio de Penitencia de Adviento.
Iniciaremos otra vez: el 8 de enero del 2019 Todos son bienvenidos el martes cada semana. La clase es GRATIS. Favor, trae su Biblia. 7:00 ‐ 9:00pm * Salón Oeste de Columbia St. Are you a bap zed Catholic who has not yet received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirma on? Consider a ending Adult Classes. The Adult Confirma on program consists of 12 classes, two of which are online.
Classes begin in January. We are almost full. Register online: theholynameofjesus.org/confirmation
Prayer and Care - Oración y Cuidado
4 Mass Intentions—Intenciones de Misas C - Columbia
Ask Fr. Hau
O - Olive - Deceased
Saturday, December 22 8:00am (O) Butler Family 4:30pm (O) George & Ann Correia 6:00pm (C) Familia Kelly-Gonzalez
Sunday, December 23 7:30am (C) Ramon Becerra 8:00am (O) The Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners 9:00am (C) Lupe & Manuel Miranda Hello Friends, 10:00am (O) David Prather Thank you for apprecia ng last week’s ar cle about 10:30am (C) Ralph Armando Montijo the difference between celibacy and chas ty. Many of you shared that you 12:00pm (O) Ismael Anaya 5:30pm (O) Henry Widdicombe were thankful for the reminder, and, that it gave you some good ways to answer ques ons from your teenagers. I am glad that you found the Monday, December 24 4:00pm (O) George & Ann Correia Church teachings helpful. 4:30pm (C) Andrew Barboza If you missed this ar cle, you can read it on the parish website. Click on 6:00pm (O) Jean & George Cejka 6:30pm (C) Jose de Jesus Apodaca the bulle n bu on and read the December 16th issue. 11:00pm (O) Joe Ghidinelli Our Discernment Evening at St Adelaide’s last Monday was well attended, Tuesday, December 25 and I thank everyone who encouraged men and women considering the 10:00am (O) Laciste Family priesthood or religious life to attend. Until I publish the next gathering date, 10:00am (C) Hipolito Madrid please encourage those you know to contact me, Fr. Erik, or Fr. Yovanny. Wednesday, December 26 Discovering and ul mately following your voca on gives the greatest glory 7:30am (O) Maurice Crombez
[email protected]
and praise to our Creator. It is what we are meant to do! If you have a ques‐ Thursday, December 27 on about voca ons, please email me. I look forward to hearing from 7:30am (O) Olivia Bocanegra 6:30pm (C) Salvador Reyes you and answering your ques ons. Friday, December 28 May you have a Blessed and Holy Christmas, 7:30am (C) Steven Hernandez Father Hau Vu Saturday, December 29 En empos de duelo, con 8:00am (O) WanGyel Gurung In mes of grief, we 4:30pm (O) Richard Whiteman frecuencia necesitamos gente 6:00pm (C) Feligreses del Santo Nombre de Jesus o en need people to que nos acompañe – que journey with us — to nos escuchen compasiona- Sunday, December 30 listen compassionately 7:30am (C) William & Eric Cuatico damente y nos provean guía 8:00am (O) Maria & David Leon Guerrero and to provide gentle moderada en un etorno con- 9:00am (C) Nina Barbera guidance in a confidenfidencial y en grupo pequeño. Se 10:00am (O) John & Clara Roque al, small group se ng. siente dolido después de haber per‐ 10:30am (C) Dru Haller Are you hur ng a er losing a loved 12:00pm (O) Maria de Jesus Moreno dido a un ser querido? Usted NO 5:30pm (O) Monserrat & Natalie Garcia one? You are NOT alone. está solo. We invite you to a end a weekly Lo invitamos a que asista al Grief Support Group: Grupo de Apoyo de Duelo: Mondays, January 21 ‐ March 11 Cada Lunes, 6:00‐7:00pm 6 ‐ 7pm, Olive Ave Hall Newcomers are welcome at the first 21 de enero al 11 de marzo Salón Parroquial de Olive Ave week's session. A er that, we close Lord, graciously pour out upon these couples Nuevos parraquianos están the group for greater confiden ality joined in Holy Matrimony the Spirit of your bienvenidos a la sesión de la and pastoral care. love, to make them one heart and one soul. primera semana. Cerramos el Space is very limited. Please contact Jose Luis Maldonado & Yadira Cisneros grupo para mayor confidencialius to sign up. We look forward to dad y cuidado pastoral. El espacio Jonathan Gutierrez & Monique Martinez mee ng you! es muy limitado. Dominic Paramo & Ariana Arteaga Linda Hunt 909.793.7848 Favor, llamarnos por registrarse: Anthony Esparza & Mariana Rizo Yolanda Cuevas 909.910.8421 theholynameofjesus.org/grief‐support Jose Emmanuel Guerra & Livier Brallana Mora
What is your response? — ¿Cuál es su respuesta? “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” With those words our Blessed Mother Mary places her total trust in God. We are called to do the same, and this final Sunday of Advent is the time for us to do that, if we have not previously. Mary’s response to God is the same response we need to offer the Lord. This took more trust in the Lord than we might imagine. Although betrothed, Mary was a virgin. She agreed to receive this pregnancy that, in her culture, had a poten al death penalty for adultery. Mary saw her role as fulfilling the purpose of God. That reflects what we have heard in the first two readings: we are called, and that calling should be the basic purpose of our lives. Spiritually speaking, there are similari es between the Lord’s work in Mary and His work in all of us. Jesus lives within each of us spiritually. He lived in Mary not only spiritually but also physically. Jesus was made visible to the world through Mary physically, but He should be made visible to the world through us as well. Who we are and how we relate to and treat others is a sign to the world of Who Jesus is and what a Chris an is and should be. Are we showing the world what it means to be His disciple? Is there a be er me than this to do so? Bob Hope once said, “My idea of Christmas, whether oldfashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” Why, indeed? This year, give Jesus a gi : a year of focusing on His will and responding like Mary. Begin and end each day in gra tude to God for your life. Show up for Sunday Mass every week. Give the first hour of your earned income to the Offertory. Join a Small Faith Community or Bible Study. Choose one new way to love and serve others in His Name. Make every day Christmas Day, Sharon Callon-Schwartz Director of Mission Advancement
“He aquí, yo soy la sierva del Señor. Hágase en mí según tu palabra ”. Con esas palabras, nuestra la Virgen María deposita su confianza total en Dios. Estamos llamados a hacer lo mismo, y este úl mo domingo de Adviento es el momento para nosotros haz eso, si no lo hemos hecho previamente. La respuesta de María a Dios es la misma respuesta que necesitamos ofrecer al Señor. Esto tomó más confianza en el Señor de lo que podemos imaginar. Aunque prome da, María era virgen. Aceptó recibir este embarazo que, en su cultura, tenía una posible pena de muerte por adulterio. María vio que su papel cumplía el propósito de Dios. Eso refleja lo que hemos escuchado en las primeras dos lecturas: somos llama‐ dos y ese llamado debe ser el propósito básico de nuestras vidas. Hablando espiritualmente, hay similitudes entre la obra del Señor en María y su obra en todos nosotros. Jesús vive espiritualmente en cada uno de nosotros. Vivió en María no solo espiritualmente sino también sicamente. Jesús se hizo visible para el mundo a través de María sicamente, pero también debe hacerse visible para el mundo a través de nosotros. Quienes somos y cómo nos relacionamos y tratamos a los demás es una señal para el mundo de Quién es Jesús y lo que un cris ano es y debe ser. ¿Estamos mostrando al mundo lo que significa ser su discípulo? ¿Hay un momento mejor que este para hacerlo? Bob Hope dijo una vez: “Mi idea de la Navidad, ya sea an cuada o moderna, es muy simple: amar a los demás. Ahora que lo pienso, ¿por qué tenemos que esperar a que Navidad haga eso? ”¿Por qué, efec vamente? Este año, dé a Jesús un regalo: un año de enfoque en su voluntad y de responder como María. Comienza y termina cada día en gra tud a Dios por tu vida. Preséntate a la misa del domingo cada semana. Da la primera hora de tus ingresos ganados al ofertorio. Únete a una comunidad de fe pequeña o estudio bíblico. Elige una nueva forma de amar y servir a los demás en Su Nombre. Hacer todos los días el día de Navidad, Sharon Callon-Schwartz, Directora del Desarollo de la Misión
Due to early bulletin deadlines, the financial report will be posted next week. Thank you for understanding. Dona ons received online, at Mass, or postmarked on or before December 31, 2018 will be applied to 2018 contribu ons. If you have any ques ons about Online Giving, OR, if you would like assistance, please contact: Sharon Callon‐Schwartz cell: 909-456-6991
Easily and Securely Plan your Weekly Offering in minutes Visit: t h e h o l y n a m e o e s u s . o r g click Online Giving OR use the App: Online Giving from Our Sunday Visitor
Community Life — Vida de Comunidad Moms, you are invited to gather and connect at Holy Name of Jesus! Licensed Childcare is offered onsite. This Ministry experienced ICONS with Francesca Cover, enjoyed Spiritual Yoga with Teresa Hoffman and created a Wild Rice Soup with Chef Kate Maiberger. Come get a ‘spiritual break’! Next date is: January 17, 2019 Catholic Mothers Loca on: Holy Name of Jesus Parish Hall: 1205 Columbia St, Redlands 92374 connec ng in friendship Days and Times: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month; 9:30am - 11:00am and mutual support Register Online: theholynameofjesus.org/catholic‐moms‐connect to grow together spiritually Or by calling 909-798-4167 to honor God in the family! Catholic Women come and rejuvenate your faith with other women. Single, married, mothers, young adults... 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 ‐ 8:00pm January 9, 23 * February 6, 20 Olive Ave – Teacher’s Lounge (Annex entrance near courtyard)
Contact Kate:
[email protected]
is... women coming together * connec ng about life * seeking wisdom in Scripture * sharing faith and inspira on * laughing about work and family * breathing air into our souls to rejuvenate our world.
Catholics of African Descent Ministry January 12th, 2019 10:30 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Holy Name of Jesus, 1205 Columbia St - East Parish Hall Some of our youngest parishioners (and adults not pictured) led the evening procession from Columbia to Olive and opened the evening Mass with traditional Aztec dance on Dec 12th. Thank you!
Friends and Families of Catholics of African Descent, come for spiritual enrichment as we explore opportuni es to evangelize, share cultural and religious experiences, and learn of the richness of our faith over food and fellowship. Will you begin your New Years by assessing your treasures from God? January’s mee ng will include a financial presenta on workshop. We will also explore and plan 2019 ac vi es and opportuni es such as: Share informa on from the Diocese’s Office of Catholics of African Descent Discussion of U.S. Conference of Catholic bishops Nov. 14 pastoral le er, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love Gospel Mass and Gospel Choir workshop! Everyday Holiness: Examples of how to live holy lives amid the ordinary circumstances of life. Life and stories of present-day African Descent candidates for Sainthood Causes. Explore Mission opportuni es and more! Catholics of African Descent mee ngs are held on the 2nd Saturday monthly. All are welcome.
Sacred Heart Academy honored veterans with a special Mass on Monday, Nov 12, 2018.
Parishioners donated 2 new chasubles to the parish in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe, worn on Dec 12th by Fr. Yovanny and Fr. Erik. Thank you!
Our students will kick off Catholic Schools Week by leading the 10AM Mass on Sunday, January 27. After Mass, come and visit our brand new STREAM Lab!
Young Catholics Growing in Faith - Jóvenes Católicos Creciendo en Fe Ministry with Young Catholics What a great year 2018 has been! As we reflect on the coming of our Lord at Christmas, we also reflect on what is to come with our Youth programs here at Holy Name. Our team has been working hard to prepare authen c and meaningful youth nights for both our Junior High and High School programs. Nights about important issues such as depression, anxiety, or bullying. Nights like our most recent #Blessed that help develop a deeper understanding of faith. Nights that promote a culture of worship through song and scripture. Nights that challenge our teens to Courageously live a life for Christ and Connect with both their God and their peers. We invite ALL Junior High and High School students to our nights. We also extend an invita on to any of you college students, young adults or young at heart who might be interested in volunteering as a Catalyst Team member. Please contact me. In Him, Mat Troy 70 teens a ended the Confirma on Weekend at Loch Levan Retreat Center in November. Fr. Erik and Fr. Hau blessed us with the Sacrament of Reconciliation and a profound encounter with our Lord through Adoration. Our prayer throughout the spiritual talks and ac vi es was that these young Catholics come to realize that through our Lord, they are fully loved and fully known.
Teen Confirmation Program * Award winning Catechesis Programs through Ascension Press * One‐on‐One Spiritual Direc on * Service Opportuni es based on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy * Inspiring Retreats
Teenagers should begin the journey to Confirma on in the 9th or 10th Grade of High School. The catechesis por on of the Confirma on program is comprised of three excellent courses: Altara on: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed (5 sessions) Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirma on (10 sessions) YOU!: The Theology of the Body for Teens (10 sessions)
Class Sessions are offered three mes per year: Fall, Winter, or Summer. Please register for the class session that works best for your schedule. Monica Aguilar Director of R.C.I.A., Adult and Teen Pre‐registration is REQUIRED. Please register in the parish office OR online: Confirma on t h e h o l yn a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / hi g h - s c h o o l - g r a d e s - 9 - 1 2 909.793.2469, ext 129 *Please note: Confirma on students also par cipate in at least eight of our youth Connect nights. 909.534.6772 Text A er you begin classes, you will meet with Mrs. Aguilar to map out a plan
[email protected] to complete the requirements over the course of approximately two years.
Forming Our Children’s Faith — La Formación de Fe de los Niños Karen Grozak Director of Faith Forma on 909.793.2469, ext 135
[email protected]
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd con nues to bring about joy, wonder, and a deep love for Christ, the Good Shepherd. Children ages 3-6 years, and our adult “sharers of faith” (catechists and assistants) experience this and grow in faith, too.. What is so special about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)?
Martha Plumb Faith Forma on Assistant 909.793.2469, ext 136
[email protected] Se habla español
How can we best serve you, your family and your child(‐ren)? We offer: Payment plans; discounts for families with mul ple children Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (ages 3-9, including Sacrament Prep) Tradi onal Forma on (Grades 5 & 6, incl. Sacrament Prep) Programs for older Elementary Children and Teens for Bap sm or First Eucharist Options for Special Needs or Homeschool
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a different approach to the religious forma on of children that is based in the convic on that God and the Child are already in rela onship. The Good Shepherd sessions use an experien al style based in the Montessori method of teaching in a room called the Atrium, which is designed specifically for the child’s needs. Catechists and Parent Volunteers put the child in touch with the "sources" through which God reveals and communicates Himself; namely, the Bible and the Liturgy, in balanced proportion. We present age-appropriate themes with manipula ve materials the children use to internalize and ponder the great mysteries of our faith. For further informa on check out our website; watch the videos on the CGS tab.
Dates - Fechas Dec 24 and 25: Christmas‐Navidad January 6, 2019: Epiphany‐Epifanía JANUARY 6,7,8,9,10: CGS Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) Catequesis del Buen Pastor (CGS)
We are in need of servant hearts who will assist with CGS. Do you love children? Do you feel called by the Good Shepherd to lead children to Him?
FREE RESOURCE: FORMED Share the faith with your children in the car or at home via computer, pone, or Apple TV (a er registra on): Stories, Movies, Cartoons
To Register, visit: theholynameofjesus.formed.org
WHY become a Catechist this new year? You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church, and deepen your rela onship with Jesus. Your Bap sm calls you to share in Jesus’ ministry. Please prayerfully consider our parish needs and contact Karen.
Catechist, Dorothy Calderon
Please consider being a catechist. We will guide you and prepare you. If you can’t serve every week — please do not worry! We will accept and appreciate whatever me you offer.
Did you know???? Sacrament Prepara on begins in 2nd Grade: Year 1 - the Sacrament of Reconcilia on; Year 2 - the Sacrament of Eucharist
Please visit our web page for detailed informa on about ALL programs: www.theholynameofjesus.org/faith‐formation
Ways to help… Maneras de Ayudar Do you want to help the homeless and working poor in our community? Come to the next Social Concerns Committee Meeting: Monday, January 7th 7:00pm Columbia St Hall in the Library
SHARE—FEED THE HUNGRY: Blessings come from above to be shared Several churches collaborate to serve dinner to hungry individuals and families every Saturday at University Methodist’s Fellowship Hall. The team from Holy Name of Jesus serves on the 1st Saturday every month. Dhat Island Restaurant provides a main dish 45 out of 52 weeks per year. Our SHARE Ministry teams provide all of the sides, desserts, drinks, and serving supplies. Dhat Island’s support for those who hunger is a true blessing! Please stop in, enjoy their delicious food, and thank them for helping others. This is a beau ful ministry that helps so many. Combined, the churches have served over 2,000 meals since July. Would you like to join our parish team? Contact Ashley Bean 951‐313‐7468
Redlands Cold Weather Shelter Hosted by the Set Free Church (on High and 6th, behind Trader Joe’s.) Members of several congrega ons staff the shelter in teams on nights when the temperature is 30 or less or when rain is forecast from December through March. Come and help! Choose the night of the week you wish to serve on a team. For details or to sign up, call Rick Ferguson 909-362-2819
Calling all Married Couples! We are in need of help preparing couples for the Sacrament of Matrimony. Couples who serve need not have perfect marriages, as there is no such thing as a perfect marriage! Both of you don’t have to be Catholic either. You must be married in the Church and willing to share your joys, sorrows, failures and successes with a couple who is preparing for marriage. We will train you! We use an easy-to-learn curriculum. Please contact us! Joey & Laura Jacobson 909.770.4071
Discover the Joys of Serving with Children’s Liturgy Children in grades 1st-6th are invited to par cipate in the Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W) during most English and Spanish Masses at both sites. Offering this is dependent on our volunteer catechists. How does it work? Children begin Mass with their families, staying with them through the Opening Rites. A er the Opening Prayer, the children and catechists are called forward for a blessing; then the children are led out of the church to the Parish Hall. Older siblings should always accompany the younger siblings. The Sunday readings are proclaimed using texts suited to children’s ability to comprehend. Psalms are sung and a short homily reflec on leads into the cateche cal teaching. The CLOW prayer concludes with the Creed and child-friendly Prayers of the Faithful. Children then rejoin their families and the larger faith community in the Church for the prepara on of the gi s and for the dura on of Mass.
We are in need of faithful Catholics to serve as Catechists and teens or adults to assist the lead Catechist with crowd control and par cipa on. Grow in your Faith through the lessons, student responses and the forma on offered! Serve once or twice a month. Easy online reminder and scheduling system. Are you interested in volunteering? Please contact MARTHA PLUMB (see page 8). Hospitality Ministry: Catholics connec ng over coffee in a comfortable se ng We serve in teams a er all Masses on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at Olive Ave. We need more members to offer hospitality at BOTH parish loca ons. Will you help others connect? Come join the fun! Call Bertha 909-838-3430
Our Parish ‐ Nuestra Parroquia: June 30, 2018
3,433 Registered Families ‐ Familias Registradas 10,106 Registered Members ‐ Miembros Registrados Our Parish ‐ Nuestra Parroquia: Year ‐ Año 2029
5,188 Es
mated Families- Familias Es madas
JEANS Collec on: God's "Special" Small Faith Community is collec ng jeans that will be donated to the Refresh & Renew Showers for the Homeless. We need ONLY Adults sizes for Men and Women. Jeans should be clean and wearable. Please place your dona ons in the boxes in the churches. We will collect dona ons through February. Thank you!
Share Your Time and Talents in Ministry — Compartir Su Tiempo y Talentos en Ministerio Adora on of the Eucharist Mary Ann Smith 909-793-6191 AJ’s Kitchen
Knights of Columbus Lectors
Annulments / Anulaciones Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 Altar Servers / Monaguillos English: Mike Grothem
[email protected] Español: Rafael Or z 909-521-6173 Arab Community Dcn Ayed “Eddie” Khader 909-521-4186 Baile Folklórico
Cynthia Ventura 909-232-7395
Boy Scout Troop 11, Venture Crew 11 Youth doing good turns daily Ed Bonadiman 909-771-6430 Catholic Aesthetic Mich Vasquez 909-380-4136 Crea vely expressing faith as apostles of beauty Catholic Moms Connect
Mollie Hibbard 909-798-4167
Catholics of African Descent
Donia Brooks 909-647-7101
Catholics Returning Home
Tim Corcoran, Dan Miulli 909-654-3193
Centering Prayer
Jeanne e Burkhart 909-792-2308
Children’s Liturgy (CLOW)
Martha Plumb, ext 136
Cinema for the Soul Brandie Morrison
[email protected] Movies can be our Modern Day Parables
Ci zenship Classes / Clases de ciudadanía Rogelio Garcia 909-557-6579 Consecra on to Jesus through Mary Jose e Letson 909-557-4150 Cub Scouts Pack 8
Jose Barr 619-961-8229 (Bilingüe)
Cursillos in Chris anity
Johnnie Walker 909-798-1191
Daily A.M. Mass Coordinator Sally Padilla 909-855-6789 Danzas de Guadalupe
Irma Perez 909-801-9320
Eucharistic Ministers (Mass) / Ministros de la Eucaristía (misa) English: Web Prather 951-662-9064 Español: Jorge Mares 909-446-9611 E.S.L. Classes / Clases de ingles Carmen Hernandez 909-389-1595
A.J. Holmon III 909-633-9967
A band of brothers humbly serving
Ken & Alice Jolly 909-709-1233
Nourishing the hungry with lunch and dignity on Mondays
English: Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942 Español: Carlo Argo , ext 140
Marriage Prepara on Couples Deacon Steve, ext 112 Matrimonios Renovados en Cristo Jesús y Engracia Sanchez 909-633-8097 Parejas Católicas fortaleciendo matrimonios en las buenas y las malas a través de la unidad en Cristo Mensajeros en Jesús (adultos jóvenes) Patricia González 909-528-4846 Patricia de Mares 909-446-9627 Music and Choirs / Música y Coros
Carlo Argo , ext 140
Nueva Evangelización Alejandro y Marcela Sierra 909-408-0239 Obras de Teatro
Lorena Barcena 909-345-0515
Pastoral Council
Hunter Hodges 909-557-8210
Powerhouse of Prayer Quilters for Life
Parish Secretaries, ext 110
Charlene Hall 909-553-5929
Quinceañera Ministry Refresh & Renew
Esther Ruvalcaba, ext 126
Rick & Kellie Ferguson 909-362-2819
Refreshing the body to renew the spirit (showers for homeless)
Renewal Weekends / Re ros de Renovación Parroquiales Dcn Antonio & Emma Mejico 909-856-4340
Re ros Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos 909-838-8924 RISE Catholic Men’s Group Fr. Hau Vu, ext 113 Scripture Studies / Estudia de la Biblia Tues evenings: Jesse Del Rio 908-910-7600
[email protected] Español (martes): Gregorio Gomez
[email protected] Wed evenings: Charlene Hall 909-553-5929 Thurs mornings: Georgia Jennings 909-784-6144 “SHARE”‐ Feed the Hungry (1st Saturday/month offsite) Ashley Bean 951-313-7468
Filipino Ministry
Margie Alejandro 909-336-8496
Finance Council
John Nolan 909-798-4185
Funeral Team Ministry
Dcn Jesse Robles, ext 110
Small Faith Communities / Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe Karen Grozak
[email protected]
Get On The Bus
Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190
Social Concerns Committee
Girl Scouts
Sarah Bonadiman 909-645-5807
Grief Support Ministry
Linda Hunt 909-793-7848
Surviving Divorce Group Francesca Nolan 909-798-4185
Grupo de Oración
Sonia Mejia 909-735-9157 Josefa Colima 909-682-3198
Hospitality Ministry
Bertha Shotwell 909-838-3430
Catholics connec ng over coffee in a comfortable se ng Católicos conectando con el café en un ambiente cómodo
ICF: Italian Catholic Federa on John Guerin 909-222-3372 Celebra ng Italian heritage through faith, family, friendship, philanthropy and FOOD
Esther Gamez 909-435-7063
Guadalupe Romero 951-242-4498 Ushers / Ujieres English:
Dominick Rosse
José Muñoz 909-557-8436
Visitors to the Sick / Visitadores a los Enfermos Parish Office, ext 110 Wedding Coordinator Ministry / Coordinadoras de Bodas Suzie Reeves 909-792-7523
“If Catholic Charities was not here, I would still be living in my car. I’m stronger and more sufficient to where I can get around a little better from what I used to do, to now go out there and seek employment. I don’t know what else I would do… I have hope with Catholic Charities because I know they’re a good organization and they reach out to people that need help. It’s a good thing.”
2018 Weekly DDF Report Noticia Semanal del DDF de 2018 Parish Goal: $ 172,200.00 Meta Parroquial: Diocesan Goal: $ 124,200.00 Meta Diocesana: Pledges Made: Las Promesas Hechas: Dona ons Received: Donaciones Hechas:
Our gi s to the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) support Catholic Chari es and assist the poor throughout San Bernardino and Riverside coun es. Our support also funds diocesan adult forma on classes, training and more for 92 parishes; as well as seminarian educa on and Catholic schools. To learn more about the DDF or to donate online, please visit: www.theholynameofjesus.org/community
139,551.97 * A friendly reminder: Dona ons for the DDF received on or before Dec 31, 2018 will be applied to this year’s goal. Please kindly fulfill your pledge. We are coun ng on your support and so are those in need. Thank you! 15,351.97 * Favor nota: Las donaciones para el DDF recibidas antes del 31 de diciembre del
Our Refund to‐date: $ Nuestro reembolso actual: Number of Donors: Núm de Donantes:
-Bob, grateful client
643 = 19 % of parish families
2018 se aplicarán a la meta de este año. Favor, amablamente cumpla con su promesa. Estamos contando con su apoyo y también lo son las personas necesitadas. Gracias!
(PMFP) El Programa del Formación para Ministros Parroquiales es la formación de los católicos adultos en el nivel básico, especialmente en las áreas de visión común, el discernimiento de los dones y la vocación al ministerio en nuestra iglesia local. Los par cipantes deben ser: Católicos adultos enen que ser bau zados, confirmados y haber recibido la Primera Comunión; y, ser en buen estado y recibir regularmente los sacramentos.
The Parish Minister Forma on Program (PMFP) is a basic formation program for adult Catholics who wish to discern their personal gi s, serve in ministry, or even broaden their faith understanding of Jesus and the Church. PMFP is open to all fully-ini ated Catholic adults who are in good standing with the Church (receiving sacraments).
St. Mel, Norco: 3 Saturdays Monthly - 3 Sábados cada mes: January - Enero 12, 2019 — June 1, 2019 Registration Deadline ‐Fecha Limite para Registrarse: January — Enero 5 TO REPORT THE SEXUAL ABUSE OF A CHILD
Our Lady of Hope ‐ Nuestra Señora de Esperanza, San Bernardino:
by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer, please complete and mail the form available in the ves bule of the church or from the parish office. You may also call the toll-free
2 Saturdays-Sábados: January 19, 2019 and June 22, 2019; AND Thursdays weekly - Y Jueves cada semana: 9:30am - 12:00pm; January - Enero 24, 2019 — June 20, 2019 Registra on Deadline ‐Fecha Limite para Registrarse: January — Enero 13
Sexual Misconduct Hotline: 1‐888‐206‐9090 PARA REPORT EL ABUSO SEXUAL DE UN MENOR por parte de un sacerdote, diácono, empleado o voluntario, complete y envíe por correo el formulario que está disponible en el ves bulo de la parroquia o en la oficina parroquial, o llame a la
Línea Directa para reportar Conducta Sexual Inapropiada al 1‐888‐206‐9090
For details and registra on form, please visit: Para los detalles y el formulario de registración, favor visite:
www.theholynameofjesus.org/diocesan‐classes *Parish Recommenda on is Required. Recomendación parroquial es requerido.
Please call the Parish for an appointment and bring the completed form with you. Por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita y traiga el formulario completo con usted.
Mark your Calendars… Marque su Calendario
12 8
Bishop Gerald Barnes will visit our parish February 9 and 10, 2019. Bishop will lead a Town Hall Mee ng: Sunday, February 10th, at 1:30pm in the Olive Ave Hall. Please a end.
Parish Lenten Mission Misión Parroquial de Cuaresma March 18, 19, 20, 2019 SAVE THE DATE: October 25th – 27th, 2019 21st Annual Holy Name of Jesus Women’s Retreat Miracle Spring Resort in Desert Hot Springs We invite you to begin your prayerful prepara ons for this spiritually ‘fun’ weekend.
Get on the Bus with us!
Get on the Bus is a non-profit organiza on that provides children with assistance and transporta on to visit their incarcerated mothers or fathers. Our Parish is sponsoring a bus to San Luis Obispo on May 18, 2019 so children can visit their fathers in the men’s correc onal ins tu on. For more informa on, or to donate funding, please visit: theholynameofjesus.org/get-on-the-bus
Does your Faith life feel like a rou ne? A endees say: “The talks have reinforced my faith and hope in the Church.” “This was a transformative weekend that all Catholics need.”
Attend a FREE Renewal Weekend Retreat at Holy Name’s Olive Ave loca on. All Adults are Welcome. Spend me with our priests and make new parish friends. Learn about the early Church. Dive into the Gospels. Encounter Christ in a more profound way. Be renewed in Him. Included: All meals, materials, and a special Mass. You will go home each night.
Next weekend in English: March 1‐3, 2019… right before Lent begins! Space is limited. Please call the office OR register online today: t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / r e n e w a l - w e e k e n d
OFFICE HOURS / Horas de la Oficina: 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday‐Friday (lunes‐Viernes) O A L (O /O ) 115 W. O A R , CA 92373 C
) 1205 C
Mass Schedule - Horario de las Misas OLIVE LOCATION
The Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass. Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Coronilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria.
, CA 92374
909.793.2469 www.theholynameofjesus.org Pastoral Staff / Personel Pastoral: Pastoral Coordinator Dcn. Steve Serembe, ext 112 Priest Moderator Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127 (se habla español) Priest Ministers
Rev. Hau Vu, ext 113 Rev. Yovanny Acosta, ext 114 (se habla español)
Deacons Mike Bellinder, ext 122, Ayed “Eddie” Khader, ext 110 Antonio Mejico, ext 110 , Steve Serembe, ext 112 Business Manager Sherry Harder, ext 115 Director of Mission Advancement Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (se habla español) Director of Liturgy and Music Carlo Argo , ext 140 (se habla español) Coordinadora de los Ministerios Hispanos Esther Ruvalcaba, ext 126 (bilingual) Parish Secretaries Maggie Rodriguez, ext 110 (se habla español) Maria Butler, ext 118 Development Data Clerk Lucya Amezcua, ext 138 (se habla español) Custodial Staff José & Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110
Faith Forma on ‐ Formación de Fe Director of Faith Formation (Baptism-6th Grade) Karen Grozak, ext 135 Faith Forma on Assistant
Martha Plumb, ext 136 (se habla español)
Director of R.C.I.A., Adult and Teen Confirmation Monica Aguilar, ext 129 Confirma on Assistant Carlos Uribe, ext 134 (se habla español)
Baptisms ‐ Bautizos: 1st Saturday/mo; 1֯ Sábado de mes Pre-registration, county birth certificate & 1 class for parents & godparents is required. Pre‐registración, cer ficado de naci‐ miento; los padres y padrinos deben asis r a una clase.
Youth and Young Adults ‐ Ministerios de Juventud: www.holynameym.org Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Mat Troy, ext 131 Youth Ministry Assistant
Erick Marquez, ext 134 (se habla español)
Marriage ‐ Matrimonio: Call the Office; Llame la Oficina We require a minimum of 6 months prepara on (we recommend 1 year). Se requiere un mínimo de 6 meses de prepara‐ ción (recomendamos 1 año).
For Detailed Informa on and Request Forms, visit: Para Más Información y Formas Requeridos, visite: www.theholynameofjesus.org/sacraments
Sacrament Classes for Children ‐ Clases de Sacramento para Niños: We offer programs for PreK (age 3) through High School on Sundays and throughout the week; and 1 week of Vaca on Bible School in the Summer. Our High School program offers classes by semester - including Summer classes. Please visit our website for program details and videos: www.theholynameofjesus.org/faith‐formation
Sacred Heart Academy — Academia del Sagrado Corazón Fully Accredited * Innova ve, Award‐Winning Teaching K‐8 Arts, Spanish, Music, Physical Educa on Programs for gi ed students * Jr High Elec ves Partnering with Parents to Educate the Whole Child
K ‐ 8th Grades: 909.792.3958 Preschool: 909.792.1020 www.sacredheartredlands.com Principal / Directora: Angela Williams Vice Principal / Subdirectora: Maria Downey (se habla español) School Business Manager: Ana Moreno (se habla español) School Secretary: Ruby Barr (se habla español) A Ministry of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community