Feb 18, 2019 - open stormwater channel, located with the easements ... weeks (weather dependant) in three quick successive stages, so local residents ...
Glass House Mountains, Springburn Drive – Open Channel Rectification Project summary
Traffic management
Council is committed to upgrading and maintaining storm water networks across the Sunshine Coast region.
Traffic management measures will be in place to ensure the safety of pedestrians and motorists.
Work will soon commence to construct an open stormwater channel, located with the easements identified in Figure 1 overleaf.
Your patience during construction is appreciated.
The works will be undertaken in three stages (commencing from the west) over four weeks.
Further information
This is one of many projects funded through council’s $370 million Capital Works Program this financial year.
Please contact council’s Senior Project Officer, Wayne Brockhurst on the details below.
Start date Works are scheduled to start the week beginning 18 February. Completion is expected within four weeks (weather dependent).
Construction and Pedestrian access Construction access to the site will be obtained from the road reserve/walk way at the eastern end of the works. Pedestrian access from Springburn Drive through to Fullertons Road will be restricted but open.
A note from your local councillor This substandard development design remains quite a task to sort out with the developer, but the important thing is that the capacity of this storm water channel is going to be upgraded to a 1/100 year major rainfall event. It’s a fairly big job over 4 weeks (weather dependant) in three quick successive stages, so local residents will see a fair bit of activity and truck movements; please bear with us during construction. Cr Rick Baberowski 1 of 2