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Marriage Banns Please keep the following couples in your prayers as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony:
Scrip Looking for a way to reduce your annual tuition bill and help the school at the same time? Look no further—Nativity is exited to announce the implementation of the Scrip Tuition Rebate Program! Information can be found on the School website under the Scrip Tuition Rebate link which is located under the News and Events tab. Please direct all questions to Molly Lee at
[email protected], or visit with us at Donut Sunday this weekend.
Saturday, December 30
Alison Schneeman & Adam Chard
Saturday, January 6
Margaret Thompson & Zachary McEachran
Wedding Planning To be married at Nativity, the bride, groom, or one of their parents must be an active, registered parishioner for at least six months prior to scheduling a wedding. Contact Leah for more information at
[email protected]. Please note that Nativity will not be celebrating weddings in the church from June 29, 2018 through September 1, 2018 due to anticipated church maintenance and refurbishing.
Holy Marriages Cana Dinner - January 27 Save the date for a Cana Dinner in support of faithful and holy marriages on January 27, 2017 beginning at 6pm in Steiner Hall. Author and professor Dr. John Buri will offer the featured presentation, “Five Keys to Keeping the Love Alive.” You won’t want to miss it! Marriage in Christ Enrichment Seminar Save the date! Nativity will be hosting the Archdiocesan Marriage in Christ Seminar on Monday evenings in Lent: February 12 and 26; and March 5, 12, and 19. Come learn how to develop daily habits of prayer, loving actions, and meaningful conversations to grow and enrich your relationship. The seminar is for all married couples, no matter how many years you have been married. Stay tuned for more details!
Baptisms Baptism Preparation Baptisms are typically held on first and third Sundays at 9:30am in the church. For first-time parents, required baptismal classes are typically held on the fourth Sunday of each month at 1:30pm in the church (though not in December). Call the parish office at (651) 696-5401 to register. The photos at right and above are by James Kyne and are courtesy of Stacy Cruz.
Kindergarten Family Tours We are in the exciting process of welcoming new Kindergarten families to Nativity School through formal tours. These individual tours introduce interested families to the life at Nativity School and provide an opportunity for parents to see the learning process grounded in our Catholic faith. We would love to partner with you as your child embarks on this educational journey. To schedule a tour, please call the school office and speak to Mary Jo at (651) 699-1311. We look forward to meeting you! Kate Wollan, Principal Sandy Kane, Assistant Principal
Online Resources Nativity News Have you signed up for Nativity News yet? Nativity’s weekly email newsletter is delivered every Thursday, highlights events of the upcoming weekend, and connects parishioners to helpful resources on the web. Visit to sign up. Social Media Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Like our Facebook page:
NativityStPaul @NativityStPaul
Images Cover Image Tree Lot by Dan Anderson / December 2016 Please note Therese Steinhoff’s name was misspelled last week. Mea culpa, Therese! Photos Wanted! Have any great photos that you took at Nativity? From weddings to Donut Sunday, we’d love to highlight the vibrancy, faith, and beauty of our parish in the bulletin and other print publications, on the website, and through our various social media outlets. Please send photos to
[email protected] and let us know who should get the credit. Thank you!
Reconciliation Service - Tuesday, December 19, 7pm At least ten priests will be on hand to hear Confessions. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare the way of the Lord!
Father Patrick Hipwell (pictured)
Mass & Prayer Times Lord’s Day Mass Saturday 5pm; Sunday 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am (Steiner Hall), 11am, 5pm Daily Mass Mon-Sat 8:15am, Mon-Fri 5pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:30pm, Monday-Friday 7:45-8:10am, 4:30-4:55pm Hearing aid devices are available in the sacristy.
Emergency Anointing of the Sick (24 hours) (651) 696-5401 (press 1) Prayer Line 9am-7pm Bette Hoffman (651) 699-8249 Mary Kay O'Rourke (651) 698-5638
Staff Contacts
Pastor Father Patrick Hipwell (651) 696-5401 Parochial Vicar Father John Powers (651) 696-5440 Permanent Deacon Rev. Mr. Russ Kocemba (651) 696-5401 Business Administrator Laura Barr (651) 696-5423 Assistant to Pastor Leah Driscoll (651) 696-5401 Secretary Sarah Aamodt (651) 696-5401 School Principal Kate Wollan (651) 699-1311 Early Learning Center Director Nicole McGie (651) 696-5437 Faith Formation Director Randy Mueller (651) 696-5454 Director of Music & Liturgy Patrick Henning (651) 696-5430 Director of Nativity Choir Rob Pontious (651) 653-3655 Pastoral Care Coord. Nancy Shatek-Suek (651) 696-5444 Development/Comm. Director B.J. Kranz (651) 696-5441 Facilities Director Steve Boatman (651) 696-5434 Communications Manager Isaac Huss (651) 696-5425 Pastoral Council Chair Tom Kirchner
[email protected] Lannan Parish Center Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm, Fri 8am-Noon 1900 Wellesley Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 Fax: (651) 696-5458 Phone: (651) 696-5401 School Office 1900 Stanford Avenue Website @NativityStPaul
(651) 699-1311
[email protected]
Submissions Publishing Guidelines Content is typically required by Monday at noon for the following Sunday’s bulletin, while digital content requires at least two business days prior to desired publication (see early deadlines at right). Visit for more information or to submit copy for the parish bulletin, online calendar, social media, and email newsletter. Images must still be sent via email to
[email protected]. Publishing is not guaranteed, and is generally granted on a first-come, first-served basis, giving priority to official Nativity events and communications. Bulletin submissions can be sent to
[email protected]. –Isaac Huss, Communications Manager and Bulletin Editor
4th Sunday of Advent - Sunday, December 24 Given that Christmas falls on a Monday this year, please note: Catholics are obliged to attend Mass for the 4th Sunday of Advent (12/24 or the evening of 12/23) as well as for Christmas. Evening Masses at Nativity on 12/24 will count for Christmas, but not for the 4th Sunday of Advent. The church will not be locked between the 11am and 3pm Masses on 12/24. Masses for the 4th Sunday of Advent: 5pm (Saturday), 7am, 8:15am, 9:30am, 11am Christmas - December 25 The solemn feast of the Nativity of Our Lord, the patronal feast day of our parish, is a holy day of obligation. Catholics are obliged to attend mass on Monday, 12/25, or the evening of Sunday, 12/24. Please note there is no evening Mass on 12/25 and no Confessions. Masses for Christmas: Sunday, December 24: 3pm, 4:30pm (church and school auditorium), 6pm Monday, December 25: Midnight (with 11:30pm prelude), 7am, 8:15am, 11am
Heritage Room Relics *The following holy relics are on display for December: St. Francis Xavier 12/3 St. Nicholas 12/6 St. Ambrose 12/7 St. Lucy 12/13 St. John of the Cross 12/14 St. Peter Canisius 12/21 St. John the Evangelist 12/27
Deadlines Early Bulletin Deadlines The parish office at Nativity of Our Lord will be closed December 2526 and January 1, in observance of Christmas and New Year’s. As such, please note the following early deadlines for content submissions to our parish bulletin: Submissions for the December 31 bulletin are due by noon on Wednesday, December 20. Submissions for the January 7 bulletin are due by noon on Wednesday, December 27.
Men’s Club
Pastoral Care
Christmas Tree Lot - Open through Saturday, December 23 The Nativity Men's Club is again sponsoring its annual Christmas Tree Lot which is open now through Saturday, December 23. Peanuts, beverages, Christmas music, and the usual good cheer are now being served.
Prayer Shawl Ministry - Thursday, December 15, 8:45am Compassion and the love of knitting/ crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry which meets in Steiner Hall and reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace as well as celebration and joy. We will meet on the third Thursday of the month through May. If you like to knit or crochet and would like to become part of this special ministry, contact Sharon Altman at
[email protected] or (651) 690-2767.
Come see us for the best selection of the always popular Fraser fir, Balsam, spruce, and other quality Christmas trees. There is also a limited number of wreaths, garland, and spruce tips on sale at the lot. As always, free delivery and set up of any Christmas tree is provided for those in need. We’re located one block west of Fairview between Wellesley and Stanford. Contact Tree Lot Chairman Pat Bollom at (612) 599-8096 or
[email protected] with any questions. Hours of operation: Monday-Thursday 5:30-8pm / Friday 3-8pm Saturday 9am-8pm / Sunday 9am-7pm. Donut Sunday - Sunday, December 17, 7:30am-12:30pm Catch up with other parishioners and friends this Sunday! Donuts, coffee, and juice will be served after all Sunday morning masses in the school cafeteria. Also, representatives from the Nativity Respect Life Committee, as well as representatives for the School’s new Scrip tuition rebate program will be on hand to share information for those interested. 33rd Annual Fr. John W. Kelley Cribbage Open - January 5 Calling all cribbage players: The midwinter classic is back! Grab a partner, young or old, man or woman, and come to Steiner Hall on Friday, January 5 to play in the 33rd Annual Fr. Kelley Open. Registration starts at 6pm and play at 6:30. The event is free and food and beverage are provided. If you don't have a partner, stop by and we'll try and find you one. Call Stephen at (651) 470-9294 with questions.
Prayer Prayer Line Did you know the Nativity Prayer Line is available daily to take your prayer requests? Any burden that is laying on your heart will be lifted up daily in prayer by nearly 30 faithful members. To submit your prayer request, please call Bette Hoffman at (651) 699-8249 or Mary Kay O’Rourke at (651) 698-5638 any time between 9am and 7pm. Do you have a few minutes several times a week to join our prayer team? Call Bette or Mary Kay for details.
Reception of Holy Communion If the weather, an illness, et al. prevents anyone from attending Mass and they would like to receive Communion sometime in the week that follows, contact Nancy at (651) 696-5444 or
[email protected]. Video or Audio Masses Mass is broadcast on AM 1330 from the Cathedral Sundays at 11am. Also, streams a mass live Sundays at 7am and replays it at 11am and 11pm (EWTN is also on cable TV; check local listings). Meals on Wheels This service is for anyone who needs help to ensure that they have healthy, regular meals in their homes. Keystone volunteers will deliver freshly-made cold, frozen, or hot meals daily. The cost is computed on a sliding fee scale. Call Keystone at 645-7424 to learn more or to make arrangements for Meals on Wheels delivery. Bulletin by Mail To request a bulletin in the mail, contact the parish office at 696-5401. The bulletin is also available online at Highland Leisure Age - Wednesdays at 8:30am Highland Leisure Age meets every Wednesday from September-June at 8:30am at Gloria Dei. Activities can include card games, sewing, crafts, quilt making, nursing home sewing, and walking. Lunch is served at noon for $8. Lunch tickets should be purchased by 11am. All seniors are invited to join in the fun and fellowship at this ecumenical senior group, co-sponsored by Nativity and seven other local Christian assemblies. For more information, call Aleda at (651) 699-4083.
Music Choir Anthems - December 17 - Third Sunday of Advent 1. Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, J. Gardner 2. Prepare the Way, Larkin
Christmas Giving Tree - December 3—January 6 Please consider supporting Keystone Community Services and the Franciscan Brothers of Peace in their efforts to provide assistance to families in need. There are two ways to give:
Memory Café - Wednesday, December 20, 1-3pm Monthly Memory Cafés for people with dementia and their loved ones are ongoing at Carondelet Village, hosted by Health Star Home Health! The next Memory Café is Wednesday in the Private Family Dining Room, Second Floor. Call (612) 871-3700 for more information or to RSVP.
1. Donate blankets (handmade or new) towards Keystone's new 2017 “Winter Warm Up” Christmas giving program. 2. Help support Keystone’s as well as the Franciscan Brothers of Peace's ongoing needs by purchasing baby diapers and formulas, soap bars, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet papers, laundry soap, or dishwashing soap. The Franciscan Brothers of Peace serve and defend the most vulnerable of our society including the pre-born children, the disabled, survivors of torture, the poor, and the homeless. Please drop off your new, unwrapped donation(s) and place them under the Giving Tree by January 6. For more information, please contact Elvina Richardson at (651) 468-1906.
Rosary Repair Do you or someone you know have a broken chain link rosary in need of repair? Nativity parishioner Dave Altman repairs and makes new rosaries to order. You can contact him at (651) 690-2767 or
[email protected], or just leave the rosary in an envelope addressed to him in the Adoration Chapel with your name and contact information. Queen of Snows Candidate Parishioner and Nativity Choir member Jilla Nadimi is a St. Paul Winter Carnival Queen of Snows candidate! She is fundraising by selling Winter Carnival buttons, which enter you to win Disney World tickets, $1000 cash, and Minnesota Wild tickets! Button sales support the Winter Carnival and double the Pioneer Press Treasure Hunt medallion prize. Contact Jilla at
[email protected] by January 20 for button details and to support her Winter Carnival Royalty candidacy.
Scouts Pasta Dinner - Monday, December 18, 5-6:30pm All are invited to support the Nativity Scouting programs by joining us for the annual all-you-can-eat Nativity Scout Pasta Dinner this Monday from 5-6:30pm (or until we run out of food!) Scouts will be serving pasta, red sauce, sausages, salad, bread, beverages, and dessert. Afterwards, you can head to the auditorium for the Nativity Band concert. Tickets will be sold at the door, and it’s a great deal at $5 for individuals, $25 for families. Nativity of Our Lord sponsors active Girl Scout and Boy Scout programs that teach leadership skills and help young men and women to become responsible citizens and community members through skills best learned outdoors. Thanks to the Nativity Men’s Club for its continued enthusiastic support of this event. Please come support the Scouts and have a great supper!
Respect Life Volunteers Needed Nativity will be hosting Pro-Life Sunday again this year on Sunday, January 21 after all of the Sunday morning Masses during Donut Sunday in the cafeteria. We are looking for committee members, specifically for set-up, interactive outreach, and clean up coordinators as well as volunteers who would like to help us at our table in the cafeteria during Donut Sunday. For more information about this event, to sign up for a coordinator position, or if you want to volunteer, contact the committee chair Krista Pylkki at (651) 270-1006 (call/text) or at
[email protected].
NELC Help Wanted! The Nativity Early Learning Center (NELC) is an NAEYC Accredited center looking for energetic lead and assistant teachers who are motivated and inspired to work with preschoolers and school age children. The NELC is a partnership of children, parents, and staff dedicated to developing the whole child and preparing each child for a successful school experience. Positions needed: Lead Preschool Teacher: 1:30-6pm M-F (ASAP!) Lead First Grade Afterschool Teacher: 1:30-6pm, M-F. This includes two hours of curriculum planning and there is also an opportunity to sub if needed during the AM hours and work full days when Nativity School is closed. This position will start after Christmas. Aide or Assistant Second-Sixth Grade Afterschool Teacher: M-F 2:30-6pm. There is also an opportunity to sub if needed during the AM hours and work full days when Nativity School is closed. This position will start after Christmas. This would be great for a high school or college student! Candidates should be able to implement age-appropriate activities for the classroom, have good communication skills, and must be Rule 3 Teacher qualified. They must love children, be flexible, dependable, eager to learn, and willing to work hard and have fun. Come join the Nativity Early Learning Center for a fun working environment where the children come first. Contact Nicole McGie at (651) 6965437 or
[email protected] for more information.
Parish Calendar · December 18-24, 2017 Monday, 12/18 Tuesday, 12/19 Wednesday, 12/20 Thursday, 12/21 Friday, 12/22 Saturday, 12/23 Sunday, 12/24
No School
School Out at 11:30am Boy Scout Pasta Dinner Cafeteria 5-6:30pm
Prayer Shawl Ministry Steiner Hall 8:45-10:30am
Advent Reconciliation Service Church 7pm
4th Sunday of Advent**
No School
Adoration Chapel Closed at 7am
Children’s Adoration Adoration Chapel 9-10am
Children's Liturgy of the Word Gather & Bride Rooms 9:40am
Winter begins
Tree Lot Open East Parking Lot 5:30-8pm
RCIA Tree Lot Open Lannan Center East Parking Lot Conference Room 7pm 5:30-8pm
School Band Concert Auditorium 6:30-8:30pm
St. John of Kanty
St. Peter Canisius*
3nd Week of Advent
Tree Lot Open East Parking Lot 5:30-8pm
NELC Christmas Concert Auditorium 10-11:30am
Faith Formation School 6:45-8pm
**Please see Tree Lot Open Tree Lot Open Tree Lot Open page 2 for East Parking Lot East Parking Lot East Parking Lot adjusted liturgy 9am-8pm 3-8pm 5:30-8pm schedule
*Nativity Relic
Adorers Needed The following hours currently have no adorers scheduled: Sunday: 12am, 2am, 3am, 2pm, 10pm Tuesday: 3pm, 4pm Thursday: 10am, 6pm Friday: 2am, 4pm Saturday: 2am, 11am
Italian Splendor with Fr. Patrick - May 14-23, 2018 Join our pastor, Fr. Patrick Hipwell for the opportunity of a lifetime: a comprehensive tour of Rome, Italy and surrounding historical and cultural sites May 14-23, 2018.
Visit for more information, or head directly to to sign up online. If you would like to speak to someone about becoming a regular adorer or dedicated substitute, please contact Jim at
[email protected] or (763) 746-8244. Thank you for your prayerful consideration!
Registration starts at $3995/person (plus airfare), and includes accommodations in four star hotels; daily breakfast, five dinners, a cooking demonstration, and a wine tasting; sightseeing and admission fees to the Vatican Museums, the Colosseum, Florence’s Academia Gallery, et al.; a local tour guide; a deluxe motor coach; and last but not least, daily Mass! Space is limited, so don’t delay! Contact Magi Travel for more information or to register at (952) 949-0065 or
[email protected], or visit
Christmas The Adoration Chapel will be closed from 7am on Sunday, December 24 through noon on Monday, December 25.
Mass Readings Monday:
Mass Intentions M T W Th F Sa
8:15am Quint Perfect Gloria O’Connell + Jimmy Basta + Pat McGough + Marnie McGough + Maureen Krumm
5pm Karen Perfect Tom Pulver + Mother Rose Zaleski Emilia Godinez Bill Rivers -
Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Tuesday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25; Ps 71:3-6, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45 Friday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8; Lk 1:46-56 Saturday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38