a ray that forms part of an angle part of a line with one endpoint and one end that extends forever formed by two noncollinear rays with a common endp...
New Vocabulary Write the correct term next to each definition. angle with measure of 90º where two rays meet to form an angle angle with measure greater than 90º
a ray that divides an angle into two congruent angles the region of a plane inside of an angle angle with measure less than 90º
part of a line with one endpoint and one end that extends forever formed by two noncollinear rays with a common endpoint units used to measure angles extend in two directions from a point on a line the region of a plane outside of an angle
Chapter 1
Glencoe Geometry
Lesson 1-4
a ray that forms part of an angle
Lesson 1-4 (continued)
Main Idea Measure and Classify Angles pp. 36–38
Congruent Angles pp. 39–40
Details Summarize information about angles in the graphic organizer below. 1.
Draw and label an obtuse, acute, and right angle.
Draw and label one angle that has these 3 names: ∠B, ∠ABC, and ∠3.
Model a pair of congruent angles. Use a compass and straightedge.