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St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church / Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel Annual Report FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2015 — JUNE 30, 2016
From Our Pastor
Thank you for sharing the gift of yourself in this community.
invite you to read below the min-
Offertory Collections
Bequests & Donations
Religious Development
Fund Raising
Other Accessible Other Non-Accessible Special Local Collections
38,222 17,535 87,752
Total Revenues
istry that we attempt to accomplish at St. John’s.
Better yet,
Lord. To all of you, again, I wish
Professional Services Insurance & Risk Management Supplies & other Services
to say thank you, most sincerely,
Plant Operations & Maintenance
for your support, prayers, and
Diocesan Assessment Interest Expenses Furniture & Equipment Utilities
83,724 44,552 6,138 84,109
Payroll Expenses & Taxes
invite others to become a part of our sharing in the work of the
financial generosity to our community. In Christ’s peace,
Total Expenses
Reverend Victor Mayorga
73 New Families
16 Adult Altar Servers
215 Hours Devoted to Eucharistic Adoration
54 Altar Servers
114 Sick Calls
Adult Baptisms
678 Students enrolled in Religious Ed
First Communions
RCIC First Communions
RCIA First Communions
$ 862,138
325 Weekend Masses
Infant Baptisms
33,172 92,011
133 Funerals
$ 892,280
72 Catechists & Aids 2,000 — 2,500 people attending Mass each weekend 277 Weekday Masses
14 Leaders on Pastoral & Finance Councils
57 Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion 44 Lectors
Hundreds of Parishioners to make Jamaica & Fiesta successful
30 Involved in Choir
Thousands of Volunteer Hours from Parish Groups, Ministries & Organizations
20 Homebound Ministers
42 Ushers
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Year of Mercy ~Año de Misericordia From the Pastor’s Desk Del Escritorio Del Pastor
Please consider purchasing a poinsettia in memory of a loved one or in honor of a birthday, anniversary, or other special intention this holiday season. Only $8.00 per order. Our supply is limited, so stop by the parish office soon to purchase yours! These will decorate our altar for CHRISTMAS.
Por favor considere comprar una Poinsettia en memoria de un ser querido o en honor de un cumpleaños, aniversario u otra intención especial. Sólo $8,00 por orden. Nuestra orden es limitada, así que pase por la oficina de la parroquia pronto para comprar la suya! Estas van a decorar nuestro altar para la NAVIDAD.
Come join us December 17, 2016 From 6:00PM to 8:00PM in
St. John’s Claretian Hall to celebrate with
Las Posadas, Rosary, Food & Pinata for kids
{Please bring covered dish} For more information contact: Betty DeLeon at 512/353-8969, ext. 28
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FINANCIAL REPORT Total Weekly Collection For November 20, 2016:
St. John ..............................................$ 8,862.50 Our Lady of Guadalupe .................. 958.00 Children’s Collection ...................... 68.90 We Share (On-Line Giving)............. 490.00 Total ..................................... $ 10,379.40 Weekly Budget {Gasto Semanal} ..... $ 14,500.00 Variance {Over/Under} .................... $ - 4,120.60
Thank you for your generosity Gracias por su generosidad
Campaign for Human Development:…. .. $ 3,030.00
~~~REMINDER~~~ 2nd COLLECTION next week is for:
La segunda colecta la proxima semana es para
Retired Clergy & Religious Fund
Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos We appreciate your GENEROUS DONATION
Gracias por sus GENEROS DONACION
STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS Therefore, every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 3:10 Do you bear good fruit for Christ? Or, do you spend your time, talent, and treasure constantly acquiring more toys, clutter and junk. Our time, our talent and our treasure are gifts that God has given us. What we do with them is our gift back to God. What gifts are you planning to give to the Lord during this upcoming Christmas season?
Contact Emily Garcia, Liturgical Director, at 512-353-8969
Sunday, December 18 (8:30am—12:30pm) only $5.00 per plate After the 11:30am Mass, the ALTAR SERVERS will also have hamburger combos until after the 1:30pm Mass. COME JOIN US! And bring a hearty appetite!
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BLESSED VIRGIN MARY {Patron Saint of the United States}
is a Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule:
on Thursday, December 8, 2016, at
12:05 pm and 7:00 pm “…the Blessed Virgin Mary, … in the first instance of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved from all stain of original sin …” Pope Pius IX,
Ineffabilis Deus All Services begin at 7:00 pm Todos los servicios comienzan a las 7:00 pm December 5, Monday December 6, Tuesday December 9, Friday December 14, Wednesday December 15, Thursday December 16, Friday December 19, Monday December 21, Wednesday
St. Mary, Wimberley Our Lady of Wisdom, San Marcos St. Ferdinand, Blanco Santa Cruz, Buda St. Martin de Porres, Dripping Springs Good Shepherd, Johnson City St. Anthony Marie de Claret, Kyle St. John, San Marcos
Feast Day of OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Monday, December 12 4:00am – Mañanitas 4:30am – Rosary 5:00am – Mass (Bilingual) at St. John’s Church Reception in Claretian Hall following after mass
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FAITH FORMATION 2016 Religious Education Calendar
(also posted at www.sanmarcoscatholic.org and in our Sunday church bulletin) All classes meet unless it says “no classes” on the calendar below. DECEMBER
All Called to Protect for Children (Kinder—5thGrade) Classroom lessons should be completed Catechists Potluck Game Night Posada for all children and parents No classes (Christmas/New Year’s Break)
1 (Thurs.) Claretian Hall
9 (Fri.) 17(Sat.) 18-31
Claretian (6pm-7:30pm) Claretian (6pm-8:00pm) (Sunday-Saturday)
6:30pm—8:00pm, Claretian Hall, Area A Please remember to sign in each week on attendance sheets.
13 (Sunday) We meet tonight 27 (Sunday) No Youth Group (Thanksgiving Holiday)
11 (Sunday) We meet tonight 25 (Sunday) No Youth Group (Christmas Holiday)
12 (Sunday) 26 (Sunday)
We meet tonight We meet tonight
12 (Sunday) 26 (Sunday)
No Youth Group (Spring Break) We meet tonight
8 (Sunday) We meet tonight 22 (Sunday) We meet tonight
9 (Sunday) No Youth Group (Palm Sunday) 23 (Sunday) We meet tonight 7 (Sunday)
MAY Last meeting of Youth Group
Marriage Recognition Certificates for 2016 We are now accepting names of couples that have celebrated or will celebrate a notable anniversary in 2016. Marriage Recognition Certificates signed by Bishop Joe Vasquez are offered to couples married 10 years or more. The certificates will be available for anniversaries that fall in 5-year increments (i.e.: 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) and any year 60 and over. The anniversary date/year should reflect when the couple was married in the presence of a Catholic Priest or Deacon and the couple should regularly attend Sunday Mass. Please submit your full names, anniversary date, and phone number to the parish office no later that December 19th, 2016. The date of presentation of these certificates will be Janary 8, 2017. Marriage Recognition Certificates are also available upon individual request for a milestone anniversary any time during the year.
The deadline for submitting names for 2016 recognition is December 19th, 2016.
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Three (3) Classes set on Monday, December 5, December 12, & December 19 (7:00pm—9:00pm) in Claretian Hall—B Parents, what do you tell your children when they ask you about sex and why the Church has strict rules about sexual behavior? You don’t have to wonder what to say to teens. The Theology of the Body gives you the reasons for our beliefs and makes sense of how we live out our sexuality.
Freedom to Love addresses critical questions, including:
What is the Theology of the Body and how can it change my life? What does it mean to live a life of freedom? What does love look like & how do I live it? How can I tell the difference between love and lust? Does contraception make me free? Does God have a plan for my future? The class is free – workbooks are available … and much more. Call (830) 837-3964 for more information.
Meeting/Rehearsal for
St John’s Christmas Pageant is scheduled on
Sunday, December 4th December 11th, and December 18th inside the Church. The pageant will take place on Dec 24th at 4:00pm.
Please contact Connie Ramirez at 512-757-0157 for more information.
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Please send your Holy Spirit Lord upon the following who need healing: Henry Ygnacio, Jr. Jose Vasquez Lillie Ruiz Nelda Hernandez Miquela Ureste Sammy Tovar Clara Grace Bragg Clementina Rocha Castro Filiberto Guerrero Ruth Chagoya Janie Gomez Sisto Gonzalez Margaret Hurtado
Jose Angel Rosales Sisto Gonzalez Moreno Victor Monter Juan Vasquez Miguel Telles, Sr. Andrew Jaimes Grace Martinez Diana Guajardo RubenGuajardo Judy Persise Mary Alice Garcia Eva Anguiano Alma Hughes
Amie Hughes Frances Alonzo, O.S.F. Maria & Jose Yepez Alvin LeDoux Guadalupe Aguilar Henry & Rejina Guerrero Erica Patlan Isabel Trinidad Garcia Lucia Isela Moreno Freddy Ybarra Kenneth Vasquez Victor Briceño Nicole Elizabeth Watts
Due to circumstances beyond our control, masses are subject to change at any moment. Intentions can be reset. † Fidel y Hilaria Delgado
Saturday, December 3
8:00 am † Robert Gomez, Sr. 5:00 pm † Crystal Castañeda † Frances Cruz † Cristobal Luna † Tony Luna † Norma McClellan † Lydia Soto
5:00 pm OLG Chapel All Parishioners (Pro Popolo)
Sunday, December 4
7:30 am † Angie G. Hernandez † Delia Hernandez † Richard A. Natal † Oscar Silva † Olivia Torrez
9:30 am Birthday Blessings for: Clemente Davila Edward Davila Jordan Davila Kristopher Davila Dolores Rodriguez 10:00 am Family Mass (Claretian Hall) 11:30 am Gloria Gonzalez —For Healing † Frances Contreras † Guadalupe H. Delgado † John Anthony Delgado † Richard Jones 1:30pm All Living Guadalupanas Abraham Barcenas, Jr.— Birthday Blessings † Graciela Caro
Monday, December 5
May the souls of the Faithful Departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Especially, Herlinda Hernandez Phillip Medellin Irma Mojica Rosa Rosales Matilde Samaro
Daily Readings Sanctuary Light
12:05 pm † Inez Alonzo † Felisa Martinez
Tuesday, December 6
12:05 pm † Rev. Richard A. Houlahan † Carlos Sanchez
For All Living Guadalupanas
Wednesday, December 7
12:05 pm † Mary May
Thursday, December 8 Feastday of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12:05 pm Elda Selvera—Birthday Blessings † Graciela Caro † Robert Gomez, Sr.
7:00 pm Ava Cervantez — For Healing † Tirso & Josefina Davila † Armando Ruiz, Sr. † Armando Ruiz Mata, Jr. † Teodomira Mayorga
Friday, December 9 No Mass/No Communion
St. John Church Sanctuary Light In Thanksgiving, Emily S. Garcia Requested by Family
PRIEST’S CHAPEL Sanctuary Light
S e c on d S u n d a y of A d v en t MASSES
WEEKEND SATURDAY (SÁBADO) 8:00 a.m. (Bilingual) 5:00 p.m. (English) 5:00 p.m. Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel (Spanish)
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SUNDAY (DOMINGO) 7:30 a.m. (English) 9:30 a.m. (Spanish) 10:00 a.m. (English) Claretian Hall (only during Religious Education Classes) 11:30 a.m. (English) 1:30 p.m. (Spanish)
Pastor, Rev. Victor Mayorga Ext. 24
[email protected] Associate Pastor, Rev. John Boiko Ext. 24
[email protected]
12:05 p.m. (English) THURSDAY (JUEVES) 12:05 p.m. (English) 6:30 p.m. (Bilingual)
1ST FRIDAY (1MER VIERNES) 6:30 p.m. W/Anointing of the Sick
Catholic Church
Associate Pastor, Rev. Brion Zarsky Ext. 24
[email protected] Deacon Rev. Mr. Jesus Vasquez 512-353-8969 Deacon Rev. Mr. Jessie Mojica 512-353-1237 Deacon Rev. Mr. Luis Francisco Silguero 512-214-1701 Business Administrator Anna M. Ramirez, Ext. 38
[email protected] Secretary Carmen M. Sanchez Ext. 24
[email protected] Liturgical Director Emily Garcia Ext. 32,
[email protected]
[email protected]
St. John Catholic Church: Every Thursday 7:15 pm — 8:00 pm and following the 1st Thursday of the month Mass at 6:30pm until Friday at 6:30pm Confessions: First Friday at 4:30pm and on Saturdays at 9:00am & 6:00pm.
DRE, Betty DeLeon, Ext. 28
[email protected]
Receptionist Maria Elena Urrutia, Ext. 20
[email protected] Marriage Annulments Shelby Theriot AnnulmentsOfficeSM @yahoo.com
RCIA, Juanita Vargas, Ext. 33,
[email protected]
512-353-8969 FAX 512-396-7522
St. Vincent de Paul Society President, Tiny Kindred 512-353-7394 Pastoral Council, President Warner Davis 512-353-8066
9:00 am - 6:00 pm OPEN DURING LUNCH HOUR
Financial Council, President Olivia Juarez-Reid
Liturgical Committee, President Cynthia Wissmann 512-353-8969
WEBSITE saintjohnsm.org
Sacristan, OLG Chapel, Isabel Garcia,
ESL & Facilities Coordinator Angela Maregenté, Ext. 42
Grupo de Jóvenes Guadalupe Soto 512-644-4411
Maintenance, Ext. 20 Tony Morin, and
Maintenance, Ext. 20 Primitivo Moreno