The Hamilton-Catholic Pastoral Region
Volume 1 / Issue 31
September 17, 2017—Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Catechetical Sunday 2017 St. Joseph Church
171 Washington Street Hamilton, Ohio 45011 863-1424
St. Julie Billiart
224 Dayton Street Hamilton, Ohio 45011 863-1040
St. Peter in Chains
382 Liberty Avenue Hamilton, Ohio 45013 863-3938 Pastoral Region Pastor:
Rev. Robert K. Muhlenkamp:
[email protected] Sacramental Minister:
St. Joseph: Rev. Jim Elsbernd Sacraments for Adults: (RCIA):
Mary Richter:
[email protected] Religious Education PREP (K-12):
Mary Pat Austing:
[email protected] Schools:
St. Joseph:
(863-8758) J. William Hicks, Principal
[email protected] St. Peter in Chains:
(863-0685) Michael Collins, Principal
[email protected]
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM St. Julie Billiart 5:15 PM St. Joseph Sunday Mass: 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:45 AM
St. Peter St. Julie Billiart St Joseph St. Peter St. Julie Billiart (Spanish)
PREP: Sunday: 10:30-11:30 AM Reconciliation: Saturdays: 9:00-10:00 AM (St. Peter) 2:30- 3:30 PM (St. Julie) 7:00- 8:00 PM (St. Joseph) —on first Tuesday
7:00- 8:00 PM
(St. Julie)
—on third Tuesday
Baptism: If you have an infant to be baptized, please call one of the parish offices. Marriage: Schedule through one of the pastors or deacon at least nine months prior to the anticipated date. Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are in the hospital or expecting surgery, call the parish office. In an emergency, call 863-3938 ext. 305; then press 5. New to the parish?
Questions about the Catholic faith? Is God leading you to be Catholic? Schedule an appointment with Father Rob. New to the area? Recently out of college? Register with the parish near you.
Liturgical Calendar, Mass Intentions, and Readings Sunday, September 17: Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Sir 27:30—28:7; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12; Rom 14:7-9; Mt 18:21-35
8:00 AM 8:40 AM 9:15 AM
Mass Rosary Mass
10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:45
Mass St. Joseph PREP Fenmont RCIA Dot’s House Mass St. Peter Misa en Español
St. Peter St. Julie St. Julie
The Parish Family Mercy Hospital Nursing Graduates— 50th Anniversary
Leroy and Marie Maupin Brandi Smith St. Julie The Parish Family
Monday, September 18: 1 Tm 2:1-8; Ps 28:2, 7, 8-9; Lk 7:1-10 11:30 12:00
Rosary Mass
St. Julie
Robert Maher
Tuesday, September 19: Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr:1 Tm 3:1-13; Ps 101:1b2ab, 2cd-3ab, 5, 6; Lk 7:11-17
8:00 AM 5-8:00 PM
Mass St. Peter Fatima Statue Visit
Connie Mick St. Julie
Wednesday, September 20: Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gón, Priest, and Paul Chóng Hasang, and Companions, Martyrs: 1 Tm 3:14-16; Ps 111:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Lk 7:31-35
St. Julie
Rosary following Mass
Robert and Rosalie Goertemiller
Thursday, September 21: Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist: Eph 4:1-7, 11-13; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Mt 9:9-13
8:00 7:00
Mass St. Joseph RCIA Inquiry Session `
Sue and Richard Gardner Dot’s House
Friday, September 22: 1 Tm 6:2c-12; Ps 49:6-7, 8-10, 17-18, 19-20; Lk 8:1-3 8:00
St. Joseph
Joe Hazlett
Saturday, September 23: Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest: 1 Tm 6:13-16; Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5; Lk 8:4-15
8:30 9:00 2:30 3:25 4:00 5:15
Mass St. Pete r Reconciliation Reconciliation Rosary St. Julie Mass St. Julie Mass St. Joseph
Howard Hetterich St. Peter St. Julie Jack Weisenberger Bob Alston
Sunday, September 24: Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time:Is 55:6-9; Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18, 18a; Phil 1:20c-24, 27a; Mt 20:1-16a
8:00 8:40 9:15 10:30 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:45
Mass St. Peter Rosary St. Julie Mass St. Julie Mass St. Joseph PREP Fenmont RCIA Dot’s House Mass St. Peter Misa en Español
Florence and Leo Beer Kathryn Colvin Tom Meehan The Parish Family St. Julie The Parish Family
“Pray, hope and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer.”
—St. Pius of Pietrekina (St. Padre Pio) 1887-1968
Shepherd’s Call This weekend we recognize Catechetical Sunday. Many people are involved in handing on the faith to children and adults alike. First and foremost are parents, who are the primary educators of their children in the ways of faith. Do not underestimate the influence you have —even when you have a teenager that is doing everything you told them not to do (I had a brother like that). They remember. Parents are the strongest influence in most cases. It may at times seem daunting. But if you have a heart toward God, His grace can show forth where our efforts fall short. Also, know that helps are available for you and for your family. One such help are the many movies, videos, and audios available through (parish code M3WGTR). Many teachers and catechists assist parents in our pastoral region in handing on the faith, though they can never replace the role of parents. Both of our schools, St. Joseph and St. Peter in Chains, are now in full swing. I am always encouraged when I call to mind the dedicated teachers in both schools. Our PREP (Pastoral region Religious Education Program) is in its second week. I am thankful for the catechists who give of their time on Sundays to help us. It takes many people willing to work for our Lord to make the program a success: catechists, co-catechists, classroom aids (sometimes high school students). Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes also meet on Sunday mornings. In addition to PREP catechists, we are always in need of catechists for RCIA. It can be very eye-opening for RCIA catechists to hear how others see the Catholic Church as they come in from the outside. In the future we may have a faith formation team of volunteers to assist. Helping others to know, love, and serve Christ Jesus is a big task. Thanks to the parents and catechists who share in that task! In Christ,
Our Catechetical Ministry On this Sunday, September 17, the women and men who serve in the Church’s catechetical ministry are commissioned in their role as catechists. Encircled by the parish community, they are given a special blessing and thanked for their commitment to sharing the Good News with others.. These dedicated teachers of our faith help individuals grow in his or her Christian life.
Why do we celebrate Catechetical Sunday? In 1935, the Vatican published On the Better Care and Promotion of Catechetical Education, a document that asks every country to acknowledge the importance of the Church’s teaching ministry and to honor those who serve the Christian community as catechists. For the first few years after Catechetical Sunday was established, national catechetical congresses were held in conjunction with the celebration. Beginning in 1971, the USCCB’s Department of Education began producing materials to help parishes celebrate the event at the local level. When the Committee on Catechesis, now named the Committee of Evangelization and Catechesis, was named by the Conference as a standing Committee, it continued to publish Catechetical Sunday materials each year. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has designated the third Sunday in September as Catechetical Sunday.
Why do we have a special day set aside to commission catechists? Catechesis is a distinct and special ministry in the Church. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church makes clear, “Catechesis is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church’s life . . . her inner growth and correspondence with God’s plan depend essentially on catechesis.” This ministry of teaching in the name of the Church has a profound dignity, which is why catechists are formally commissioned by the Church. It is only fitting that we set aside a day to highlight this ministry and invite the entire church community to think about our responsibility to share our faith with others.
How are parents, the primary catechists of their children, recognized on Catechetical Sunday?
Parents are truly the primary catechists of their children. They prepare the soil and plant the first seeds of faith. On Catechetical Sunday, we not only highlight the work of catechists in parishes and schools, but we also commend parents and guardians and encourage them to take seriously their role of making their Catholic households a place where faith is passed on to the next generation. This is why the rite of blessing of catechists used on Catechetical Sunday includes an optional blessing of parents and guardians.
Catechetical Sunday We thank the men, women, and young adults below for their service and commitment to our children’s religious education Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers throughout the year. St Peter in Chains School
Principal Michael Collins Heather Adams Bridget Beatty Barbara Blasch Anne Gerdes Katie Gibboney Heather Hart Cheryl Kordes Liz Larson Amy O’Connell Michael Otte Emma Ramminger Mariarosa Reina Laura Warner Angie Wirtz Mary Zeller
Donna Accorinti Mary Pat Austing Jim Ariss Kathy Beatty Steve Bosse Marta Caceres Susan Cornwell Jessica Dania Lois Dugan June Fening Rachel Gentile Pilar Hernandez
RCIA Catechists Michael Grollmus Josh Richter Kelly Richter Mary Richter Pam Wilson Steve Wilson
St Peter in Chains CLOW Kim Cochran Amy Debbane Amanda Fischer Stefanie Lawson Heather Hart Amy Tischler Dana Wilson
St. Joseph School Principal Bill Hicks Rebecca Anderson Ellen Baden Missy Biddinger Tessa Crooke Jake Fields Maria Kime Sarah Martin Lisa Markley Kathy Prough Christy Schroeder Meredith Schroeder Rhonda Shepherd Connie Turner Bernie Zimmerman
St. Julie CLOW Mrs. Lynn Landers Mr. Ray Richter Mr. Gary Roberts Mrs. Stephanie Roberts Ms. Mary Swagler
Michelle Hinton Denise Lloyd Pam Long Sharon Meyer Maricel Morales-Santos Luz Natividad Jennifer Nichting Eileen Nocero Ben Paulus Karen Purves Josh Richter Lydia Richter Robert Richter Gabriella Rodriguez Maria Rodriguez Dianne Reist Josue Romero Victoria Ryan Cassie Saylor Chris Saylor Mary Seversen Carolyn Shumate Cindy Snyder Sarah Starkey Elaine Steed Verna Stockmal Mary Swagler Julee Uhrig Rita Woods Tresa Zianno
Pastoral Region News Family Promise Fundraiser On Tuesday, October 24, Family of Butler County will host a breakfast fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to learn about the wonderful work Family Promise of Butler County is doing to fight homelessness in our county! Come find out how you too can help fight homelessness through volunteering and donations. This free breakfast will be held at Butler Tech from 7:45-8:45 AM. Reservations are required to attend. Please contact Elaine Ohlinger at
[email protected] or call 513-856-9730/513-708-4364.
First Day of PREP—September 10, 2017 On our first day of PREP families made spiritual bouquets. Their pledges of prayers will be dedicated at the Fatima Prayer Evening on Sept. 19 at 5:30 PM at St. Julie Church. Our Pastoral Region Parish Religious Education Program has begun with over 150 children from the three parishes. We have over 50 catechists, teen aides, prayer coaches, substitute catechists and office aides helping families pass on the Catholic Faith. Please pray that the Holy Spirit works powerfully in them. Registrations are still being accepted. Please register now so that your child does not miss out! Sacrament preparation requires at least 2 years of PREP. Our next Confirmation is in 2019 and is for those who will be in grade 7 and older in 2019. The First Reconciliation/ Communion Parent Meeting is Sunday, Sept. 24 at 10:30 AM in the Fenmont. The Confirmation Parent Meeting is October 15 at 10:30 AM in the Fenmont for all those who will be in Grade7 on up in 2019.
Thanksgiving Help Needed Can you cook for many people? We are in need for a head cook for the Hamilton Community Thanksgiving Meal! We will supply you with volunteers to assist you. —Thanksgiving day from 8:003:00 PM. Please direct any questions to Marcy Tyree 513-258-6229
Share the Journey— September 27: On
Women’s Day of Reflection
Join us Saturday, October 7, 2017 at Sacred Heart Parish in Fairfield for our Annual Women's Day of Reflection hosted by Sacred Heart Fairfield and St. Ann Hamilton. Celebrating 100 Years of Fatima the day begins with Mass at 8:00 AM (optional) followed by our speakers who will include author and evangelizer Marie Wilson, author and speaker Jeanne Hunt, and Sr. Agnes Immaculae. We will also offer Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary and a Healing Service. Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. Our day will conclude at 3:30 PM. Pre-registration forms can be found on Sacred Heart's website or by e-mailing
[email protected]. We hope you can join us!
Public Square Rosary Rally In honor of our Lady and to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Fatima, we are again having a rosary rally in Hamilton. This year’s event will be on Saturday, October 14 at the Sutherland Park, located at the corner of Park Avenue and D Street. The rally will begin at noon and end at about 1:30 PM. Father Rob will be the celebrant. The service will include recitation of the rosary, adoration and benediction. Please consider joining us for this prayerful day. For more information, please contact Marilyn Vidourek: 894-5851 or
[email protected]
Wednesday, Sept. 27, the Holy Father will launch a two-year campaign at St. Peter’s Square and invite everyone around the world to “Share the Journey” with migrants and refugees. In Dayton we’ll gather that day at St. Mary Church, 310 Allen St., as we join with Pope Francis in his launch of the Share the Journey campaign. Mass will begin at 7 PM. Refugees and immigrants are invited to wear traditional dress and participate in a pre-Mass procession. Please let Pam Long know if you would like to be in the procession. Call 937-224-3026 or email
[email protected] The 9th Annual Walk-a-Thon for St. Peter in Chains is October 5. Contact Nancy Schwartz (967-4644) for more details.
The National Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima Visits St. Julie On Tuesday, September 19, beginning at 5:00 PM, our pastoral region is honored to be one of the archdiocesan churches who will host the National Tour of Blessed Mother Pilgrim Statue. The National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima is a beautiful hand-carved image of Our Lady of Fatima given to the United States by the bishop of Fatima after being blessed by Pope Paul VI in 1967. She was crowned by Cardinal O’Boyle at the National Basilica in Washington, D.C. in 1971. This statue presently travels across the United States under the sponsorship of the WAF USA. She has proven time and again to be the catalyst for renewed interest in the message of Fatima and for exposing new generations of Catholics who are unaware of the important message of conversion and peace brought by Our Lady to the three shepherd children in 1917 at Fatima, Portugal. The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared six times to three shepherd children near the town of Fatima, Portugal between May 13 and October 13, 1917. Appearing to the children, the Blessed Virgin told them that she had been sent by God with a message for every man, woman and child living in that century. Coming at a time when civilization was torn asunder by war and bloody violence, She promised that Heaven would grant peace to all the world if Her requests for prayer, reparation and consecration were heard and obeyed. "If my requests are granted ... there will be peace." This year marks the 100th anniversary of Fatima with many celebrations around the globe. Here are the details of our celebration on September 19. We hope you and your family will be able to join us for this special event! National Pilgrim Statue of Fatima visits the Hamilton Catholic Pastoral Region
Peregrinación Nacional de la Virgen de Fátima Visita a la Región Pastoral de Hamilton
When: Tuesday, September 19 from 5-8pm Where: St. Julie Billiart Church
Fecha: martes, 19 de septiembre de 5-8pm Lugar: Iglesia St. Julie Billiart
5pm Exposition. Sing “O Salutaris” and “Hail Holy Queen” 5:30-6pm Presentation to Children —Kid-friendly telling of the story of Fatima —Prayers taught to the children at Fatima —Presentation of spiritual bouquets Sing: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
5:00pm Exposición. Canto “O Salutaris" y "Salve la Reina Santa" 5: 30 a 6pm Presentación para los niños —Historia de la Virgen de Fátima —Oraciones enseñadas a los niños en Fátima —Presentación de ramos espirituales Canto: Ave María, Mujer Apacible
(Coneys and hot dogs available for dinner)
(Coneys y hot dogs disponibles para la cena)
6:30pm Rosary
6:30 pm Rosario
7pm Renewal of 33 Days Consecration Caretaker for statue to speak
7:00 pm Renovación de 33 días Consagración Palabras del Cuidador de la Virgen
7:15pm Litany of BVM Silent prayer
7:15 pm Letanía de BVM Oración silenciosa
7:50pm Benediction
7:50 pm Bendición
8pm Close
8pm Cerrar
St Joseph Church St. Joseph Church : Celebrating 150 Years 1867—2017
Happy Anniversary St. Joseph Church!
This week we are celebrating the 150th Anniversary of St. Joseph Church. Welcome Archbishop Donald Schnurr, Celebrant, the clergy, and our families past and present who have been such an integral part of the history of our parish. Please see the next page for more information about St. Joseph and its important presence in the Hamilton area. Welcome New Teachers! Food Collection Next Weekend Your donation will help serve the needs of our St. Joseph parishioners and help support the local community. The following are examples of nonperishable goods that are needed: jars of baby food, canned fruit, canned vegetables, tuna, hand soap, toilet paper, paper towels and toothpaste. Please place your donation in the containers located at the back of church. Note: Paper products and personal hygiene products are of the greatest need at this time. Thank you for your support! Our space is limited – please do not put expired goods, clothing, blankets, books etc. in the food collection bins. Food Collections will take place on the 4th weekend of March, June, September and December.
Calendar September 9/15 Grades K and 1 Grandparent event 9/16 150th Anniversary Mass 5:15 PM —Archbishop Schnurr 9/18 Eighth Grade Shadow Day at Badin High School 9/19 School Picture Day 9/21 Eighth Grade Spotlight Breakfast PTO Meeting at 7:00 PM October 10/14 SJCS 14th annual Drawdown at Badin PFAC 10/29 Memorial Mass 10:30 AM
Staff Jim Kowalski: Retired Deacon Janet Haubner: Business Manager:
[email protected] Theresa Williams: Liturgical Music:
[email protected] Theresa Stenger: School Secretary:
[email protected] Bob Zimmers and Kevin Grant: Maintenance School address: 925 South Second Street Hamilton, OH 45011 Phone: 513-863-8758 Fax: 513-863-5772 Web page:
Jake Fields, Music
Liturgical Roles for September 23 and 24
5:15 PM 10:30 AM 5:15 PM Connie Turner and Lisa Markley
365 Lotto Winners For the week of August 28, 2017: $40 winners: Gail and Edie Fisher, Angela Bown Justice, Samuel Cathcart, Kyle Gaston, Martha Tierney and Judy Fagel. The $100 winner was Tom ad Kathy Bobinger.
Collections Collections for September 3 Weekly Offerings: Offering Goal: Over/Under: Year to Date Offerings: Offering Goal: Over/Under:
$ 3,301.00 $ 5,000.00 $ (1,699.00) $ 41,199.00 $ 50,000.00 $ (8,801.00)
10:30 AM
Servers: Quentin Schutte, Liam Connaughton, Donovan Angst Luke Enderle, Jacob Stringer Lectors: Bobby Angst, Debbie Snellgrove Curt Schutte
Distributors: (H) Anniversary Mass (C) Anniversary Mass 10:30 AM (H) Jim Finnigan (C) Jenny Cooper, Liz Burley 5:15 PM
Collections Collections for September 10 Weekly Offerings: Offering Goal: Over/Under: Year to Date Offerings: Offering Goal: Over/Under:
$ 4,701.00 $ 5,000.00 $ (299.00) $ 45,900.00 $ 55,000.00 $ (9,100.00)
St Joseph Church Celebrates 150 Years
Christmas pre-1918
Pastor Francis Varelmann 1888-96
Christmas 1918
This weekend St. Joseph Parish celebrates its 150th anniversary. The Parish of St. Joseph, a German Catholic Church, was conceived in 1864. The present building was begun in 1865, built on land donated by William Beckett and Job E. Owens. They owned the Second Ward Lots, upon which future parishioners built their homes. Completed in 1867, the spire at 175 feet was the tallest building in the city. The steeple has set off the landscape of South Hamilton for 150 years. At night, with lights flooding its gothic pinnacle, it accents the city’s landscape. What we see today has changed little since the steeple was rebuilt in 1891 after a tornado toppled it, leaving it and the bells lying in the church yard. The interior of the church has been redone multiple times as Architect’s Rendition pastors, along with their tastes and budgets, have changed. The present rendition is only a sample of the murals, statuary, and lighting that have decorated this glorious house of God. The carved alters and stained glass windows appear as they did in 1900. Each window, designed and crafted by the G.C. Riordan & Co. of Cincinnati, tells a story with the use of symbolism and striking colors. Walking into the church for the first time, seeing the stunning beauty, leaves many with feelings of awe. St. Stephen was the first Catholic Church in Hamilton—the third church built in the current Archdiocese of Cincinnati. It was founded in 1834 to serve all Catholic’s among the growing German-speaking population. St. Mary Parish was founded in 1848 to accommodate the English-speaking Catholic population; St. Stephen being purchased outright by the German speakers. The German population expanded rapidly, creating a need for a second German parish at the southern edge of town: St Joseph Church. Hamilton continued to expand though the next years. St. Joseph Parish gave rise to the formation of three additional parishes: St. Veronica in East Hamilton (1894); St. Peter in Chains, on the west side (1895); and St. Ann in Lindenwald (1908). Over the next 80 years, theses six parishes supported six grade schools, two high schools—Notre Dame Academy and Hamilton Catholic (combining to form Badin H.S. in 1966)—several convents, a mission, and Mercy Hospital, now the largest healthcare company in the state of Ohio. In 1985, facing a shortage of Catholic priests, the Archdiocese sought a plan for the future. In 1988, St. Stephen, St. Mary, and St. Veronica parishes merged to form St. Julie Billiart Parish. This left St. Joseph as the oldest surviving parish of the City. The same plan made St. Joseph one of the first parishes in the Archdiocese to operate without a resident pastor. In 1995, Reverend Jim Elsbernd became the Sacramental Minister, working as Chaplain of Bethesda Hospital during the week, and celebrating Mass and the sacraments at St. Joseph. In 2016, The Hamilton Catholic Pastoral Region was formed to further accommodate fewer available priests. On July 1, 2017, Reverend Robert K. Muhlenkamp became the Pastoral Region’s first overall Pastor. The history of our inner city parishes is full of incidents and prosperity. Our future together, although unknown, is always hopeful and promising. —Pat Meehan
with old rectory
Date unknown
older panoramic view of Hamilton
St. Peter in Chains Music Ministry News: We will be forming a Children’s Choir, grades 2 and up,
for Christmas again this year. Watch the bulletin and The Link school newsletter for details later in the year. The Handbell Choir plays for Christmas, Easter and other solemnities throughout the year. Adults and children, grades 5 and up (and parents!), are invited to join. The art of handbell ringing is recognized today as both an excellent tool for Music Education and a viable ensemble instrument in both the school and church. Rehearsals will begin soon and will usually be on Thursday evenings 6-7 PM. Watch the bulletin and The Link school newsletter for details. Prior experience or the ability to read music is not necessary, and you do not have to be professionally trained—we provide on-the-job training! Please contact our Music Direct, Michael Collins by email at
[email protected] or in the parish office at 863-3938, ext. 355 if interested in becoming a part of the music ministry. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt
Staff Deacon Jeff Merrell:
[email protected] Michael Collins: Principal and Pastoral Associate of Music and Liturgy
[email protected] Terry Jacobs: Business Manager
[email protected] Lisa Stricker: Parish Secretary:
[email protected] Michelle Luebbe: School Secretary:
[email protected] Don Austing: Maintenance
[email protected] School address: 451 Ridgelawn Avenue Hamilton, OH 45013 Phone: 513-863-0685 Fax: 513-863-1859 Web page: For assistance: call extension 311
Sunday Evening Prayer (Vespers) with Faith Formation and Fellowship-Sept. 24
Mr. and Mrs. Menzer
To request a Blessed Prayer Blanket please contact Marilyn Flum (868-1675), Jan Huffman (309-2674), or Marlene Pfeil (863-4822)
Calendar for the Week Monday, September 18 2:15-5:30 PM Volleyball practice 5:00 PM Janiking Cleaning 8:15 PM St. Vincent de Paul Tuesday, September 19 2:15-3:45 PM Volleyball practice Wednesday, September 20 2:10-4:00 PM Band 2:15-6:00 PM Volleyball practice 7:00 PM K of C Mtg. Thursday, September 21 2:15-5:30 PM Volleyball practice 7:00 PM Adult Choir practice Friday, September 22 7:00 PM Bingo Sunday, September 24 12:30 PM Baptism 6:00-8:00 PM Evening Prayer/FF
We will start with Evening Prayer in the Chapel. Of course we have to have a food theme. Bring your favorite food. No need to sign up; you are welcome to join us. Time: 6:00 PM in the Chapel, followed by Faith Formation to 8:00 PM. St. Vincent de Paul Society
The challenge in today’s Gospel, is to forget how others have behaved toward us and to look to God’s way of loving and forgiving. Our focus must be on God. Is there a neighbor or friend of yours who is in temporary need because of a loss of a job or an illness? Please leave a message for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul...we want to help!
Collections Collections for September 3, 2017: Weekly Offerings: $ 9,586.00 Offering Goal: $ 10,050.00 Over/Under: $ (464.00) Year to Date Offerings: $ 87,447.00 Offering Goal: $100,500.00 Over/Under: $ (13,053.00)
Liturgical Roles for Sept. 24
8:00 AM 11:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
Servers: Eli Schweinfest, Darcie Smith Sam & Sean Pendergest, Madelyn Rooney Lectors: Kelley Day David Strano Distributors: Deacon Jeff, Kelley Day, Shaun Higgins, Jay Wander Deacon Jeff, Nelly Cabacungan, Andy Cochran, Colin Crank, Sydney Rawlings, Herb Schmidt, Kathy Snyder
Collections Collections for September 10, 2017: Weekly Offerings: $ 14,566.00 Offering Goal: $ 10,050.00 Over/Under: $ 4,516.00 Year to Date Offerings: $102,013.00 Offering Goal: $110,550.00 Over/Under: $ (8,537.00)
St. Julie Billiart Save the Date: Our Heritage Dinner is Saturday, November 4
Please bring your family and invite your friends to celebrate our “American” heritage with a traditional Thanksgiving dinner, on Saturday, November the 4 at 5:15 PM (Please note the date change from November 11.) The menu will include: roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, rolls and butter and home made pie. Reservations are helpful as we plan our food preparations. We will be including a reservation form in upcoming newsletters and bulletins. Of course, we will need your help to prepare and serve the meal. And your home-made pies are always appreciated. Andy and Freddie Lampl are making a beautiful American-styled quilt for a raffle, with the winning ticket to be pulled the evening of the event. More information to follow, but mark your calendars now! The next newsletter mailing is Friday, September 29 at 9:00 AM in the parish office We’d love your help!
We Now Pray the Rosary at all St. Julie’s Masses!
The Rosary Altar Society is thrilled to report that we are now reciting the rosary either before or after every Mass at St. Julie, with volunteers who lead our prayers. The current schedule is as follows: Sunday at 8:40 AM—before the 9:15 AM Mass Monday at 11:30 AM—before the noon Mass Wednesday morning—following the 8:00 AM Mass Saturday at 3:25 PM—before the 4:00 Mass First Friday at 11:30 AM—before the noon Mass. Holy Day at 11:30 AM—before the noon Mass If you would like to lead the rosary, we are still in need of volunteers from anyone within our pastoral region who attends a Mass a St. Julie. For more information about the Altar Rosary Society or if you’d like to become a member, please call the parish office or Marilyn Vidourek at (513) 894-5851.
Join Our Choir
This is the perfect time to join as we are starting all new music to sing God’s praise. The members of the choir sing at both the 4:00 PM and 9:15 AM Masses, so you are free to still attend whichever Mass you like. Our greatest area of need is male voices. Practices are Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM. This is open to anyone – adults or youth (grade 7 and up). There is no audition. All you need to be able to do is match pitch (“carry a tune”) and we will find a place for you. Please contact Jonathan if you have any questions or wish to join us.
Calendar for the Week Monday, September 18: 7:00 PM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting—office Wednesday, September 20: 7:00 PM Bingo—Fenmont Friday, September 22: 7:00 PM ESL class—Fenmont Sunday, September 24: 1:00 PM Secular Franciscans— Dot’s House
Collections Collections for September 3, 2017: Weekly Offerings: $ 8,305.01 Offering Goal: $ 10,800.00 Over/Under: $ (2,494.00) Year to Date Offerings: $ 92,033.23 Offering Goal: $108,000.00 Over/Under: $ (15,966.77)
Staff Business Manager: Betty Meiner
[email protected] ext. 811 Jonathan Alexander: Liturgical Music
[email protected] ext. 832 Karla Eysolt: Hispanic Ministry
[email protected] (5130448-8994 Pilar Hernandez: Bautismo de ninos
[email protected] (513) 8929041 (deje mensaje) Lisa Massa: Receptionist
[email protected] ext. 810 Bonnie Whittlesey: Clerical support
[email protected] ext. 812 Dennis Briggs: Maintenance ext 819 September “Make a Change” Archdiocesan Respect Life Fund In 1973, on the recommendation of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, an annual collection was established to provide financial support to over 100 lifegiving and life-sustaining organizations located within 19 counties of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The collection is held in October in our Catholic parishes. All monies collected are forwarded to the Chancery Office and designated for the Respect-Life Collection. A portion of these funds assist in sustaining the Respect Life programs of the archdiocese. The balance is designated for Respect-Life Grants. Applications are evaluated by the RespectLife Grant Committee, facilitated by the Director of the Family and Respect Life Office. Recommendations are provided to the Archbishop for his final approval. Funds are disbursed in January of the following year.
Collections Collections for September 10, 2017: Weekly Offerings: $ 7,750.75 Offering Goal: $ 10,800.00 Over/Under: $ (3,049.25) Year to Date Offerings: $ 99,783.98 Offering Goal: $118,800.00 Over/Under: $ (19,016.02)
St. Julie Billiart XXVI Domingo Ordinario Ec (Sir) 27:33, 28:9; Salmo 102; Rom 14:7-9; Mt. 18:21-35 Miembros de St. Julie Billiart! Si han cambiado dirección o número de teléfono, por favor informe a la Oficina de la Iglesia para tener su información correcta. Gracias! PREP Clases iniciaron el 10 de Septiembre. No es muy tarde para inscribir a sus hijos en clases de religión los Domingos de 10:30am a 11:30am. Las hojas de inscripción están disponibles en y en la entrada principal de la Iglesia de St. Julie. Los niños deben asistir durante un año completo de PREP antes del año en que reciban un sacramento. La próxima fecha para Confirmación tendrá lugar en el año escolar 2018 2019. ¡Ayudenos a a pasar los tesoros de la fe católica! Reunión de Padres de Primera Comunión/Reconciliación es el Domingo, 24 de Septiembre de 10:30am a11:30am en el Fenmont.
Grupo de Apoyo para Sobrevivientes de Violencia Doméstica. Todos los Martes de 5:30-7pm Llame al (513) 381-5610 para mas información y lugares. Hay cuidado de niños. Hora Santa de Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento! Hora Santa Bilingüe 19 de Septiembre con celebración especial, 26 de Octubre. Los esperamos de 7-8pm en la Iglesia. SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva dirección es: Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45237. Tel 513-761-1588. Para Servicios Legales de Inmigración: (513) 672-3746
EVENTOS ESPECIALES DE CELEBRACIÓN EN ST. JULIE BILLIART DURANTE LA MISA EN ESPAÑOL Primer Domingo del mes: Presentaciones de 3 años. Tercer Domingo del mes: Quinceañeras, Aniversarios. Cuarto Domingo del mes: Bautizos. PLATICAS PRE-BAUTISMALES: Las próximas clases para Padres y Padrinos serán el 21 de Octubre de 9am-12pm en el Fenmont, adultos solamente. Por favor registrese con Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994. ¿QUIERE BAUTIZAR? St. Julie Billiart los recibe con los brazos abiertos! Si está interesado en más información o quiere saber que requisitos necesita por favor contacte a Janet del Pilar Hernandez al (513) 863-1040 ext. 52 ó
[email protected] o (513) 892-9041
2. 3. 4. 5.
Para ayuda con solicitudes de renovar DACA u otras preguntas, llamar al departamento de Servicios Legales de Inmigración al (513) 672-3746. 1. DACA y permisos de trabajo serán validos hasta su fecha de vencimiento. No se aceptarán nuevas solicitudes de DACA después del 5 de Septiembre del 2017. DACA y permisos de trabajo que expiren entre ahora y 5 de Marzo 2018 pueden ser presentados para renovar hasta el 5 de Octubre 2017. No más permisos de viajar al extranjero. Seguiremos sirviendo y luchando por todos los inmigrantes.
Del 1 de Septiembre al 8 de Diciembre ¿Quieres aprender Inglés? Las clases iniciaron el Viernes 1º. De Septiembre de 7:00 - 8:00pm en el Fenmont. Todavia pueden asistir.
FERIA DE SALUD Y SERVICIO A LA COMUNIDAD Sábado 21 de Octubre de 12:00-4:00pm Donde: Escuela Woodward 7005 Reading Rd Cincinnati, Ohio 45237 Para Mamografía– haga cita llamando al (513) 672-3731 Pueden hacerle preguntas al Doctor, hay servicios de papanicolau, pruebas de glucosa y presión arterial, control de peso, pruebas para detectar enfermedades de transmisión sexual, información visual, información dental, control de diabetes, pruebas para depresión y estrés, talleres, vacunas, etc. Corte de pelo Gratuito y carnival Mexicano para todos los niños. Para más información llame a Maria Messer al (513) 672-3727
Los invitamos a participar en: ACADEMIA DE PADRES Las clases comienzan el Domingo 24 de Septiembre, todos los Domingos por 7 semanas. Lunch: 1:00-1:30pm Clase 1:30pm-3:15pm La clase empodera a los padres y tutores para poder ayudar a sus hijos a tener éxito en la escuela y que puedan ir a la Universidad! Aprenda sobre ayuda financiera, becas y estrategias para ayudar en el éxito académico. ES UN PROGRAMA GRATIS! Incluye comida, transporte (si lo necesitas) y cuidado de niños GRATIS. Para registrarse y mas información llamar a: Myrna Gomez al (513) 704-2078