Wangara: The Secret Source of Gold. Wangara had lots of gold. Wangarans kept the location of their gold mines secret. Captured gold miners would rathe...
Dispatch (11/8/11) Do you think that salt is worth its weight in gold? Why?
Gold-Salt Trade Notebook pgs. 50-51
Gold-Salt Trade... North Africans wanted gold, which came from the forests south of Ghana. The people from the forests wanted salt, which came from the Sahara. Ghana was located between, and made money from taxes it charged on the trading that took place through its lands.
Wangara: The Secret Source of Gold Wangara had lots of gold. Wangarans kept the location of their gold mines secret. Captured gold miners would rather die than reveal the locations.
Taghaza: A Village Built with Salt To West Africans, SALT WAS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOLD! Salt is important for a person’s diet. Taghaza had the salt, but other than that it was a terrible place to live.
Ghana’s System of Taxes
Traders paid taxes to Ghana on all the goods they carried through the empire. These taxes paid for armies that allowed Ghana to conquer other territories.
ArabSalt merchants came from then salt took mines the gold in north the toSahara trade with Desert Europe . and Asia. Traders brought their salt to Wangara to trade it for gold.
Ghana taxed traders who brought salt into their capital city, Kumbi.
Copy This on pg. 51 Taghaza S G A Empire O City of Kumbi L TAX of L T Ghana D Wangara